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namespace dk {
namespace implem {
///Only enabled if Device::MapDimensions is defined and is the same
///as D. The function's name is set to give a hint to the user as to
///why the error has occurred (they are trying to construct a
///TileMapData with a set dimension that is different from the one
///hardcoded in the device being passed in). The actual name could be
///something like get_device_dimensions().
template <std::size_t D, typename Device>
typename std::enable_if<Device::MapDimensions == D, std::size_t>::type err_mismatching_dimension (const Device*) noexcept {
return Device::MapDimensions;
///Only enabled if Device::MapDimensions is not defined. The function's
///name is set to give a hint to the user as to why the error has
///occurred (they are trying to construct a TileMapData with a set
///dimension that is different from the one hardcoded in the device
///being passed in). The actual name could be something like
template <std::size_t D, typename Device>
typename std::enable_if<HasMapDimensions<Device>::result == false, std::size_t>::type err_mismatching_dimension (const Device*) noexcept {
return 0;
template <std::size_t D, typename Device>
typename std::enable_if<Device::MapDimensions == D, Vector<CoordinateScalarType, D>>::type retrieve_map_size_from_device (Device* parDevice) {
return parDevice->mapSize();
template <std::size_t D, typename Device>
typename std::enable_if<HasMapDimensions<Device>::result == false, Vector<CoordinateScalarType, D>>::type retrieve_map_size_from_device (Device* parDevice) {
return get_map_size_from_device<D>(parDevice);
} //namespace implem
template <typename T, std::size_t D>
template <typename Device>
MapStreamRaw<T, D>::MapStreamRaw (Device& parDevice) :
m_deviceHasDim(D == implem::err_mismatching_dimension<D>(&parDevice))
template <typename T, std::size_t D>
std::size_t MapStreamRaw<T, D>::dataBlockRequested (char* parOut, std::size_t parOutSize, const coords& parFrom, const coords& parTo) {
const std::size_t totalBlocks = implem::area(parTo - parFrom);
const std::size_t storableBlocks = parOutSize / sizeof(T);
const std::size_t readMem = sizeof(T) * std::min(storableBlocks, totalBlocks);
const std::streamoff readPos = static_cast<std::streamoff>(implem::area(parFrom));
m_istream.seekg(readPos, std::ios_base::beg);, readMem);
return readMem;
} //namespace dk