/* Copyright 2015, Michele Santullo * This file is part of DoorKeeper. * * DoorKeeper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DoorKeeper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DoorKeeper. If not, see . */ namespace dkh { template dk::Tyler map_load (C& parFileOpener, const std::string& parOpen, const PushLayerMapType& parPusher) { dk::BaseMapSource* reader = parFileOpener(parOpen); dk::Tyler tyler; for (int z = 0; z < reader->layersCount(); ++z) { implem::call_push_layer(tyler, parPusher, reader, z); } std::vector submaps; reader->chainedMaps(submaps); for (const auto& name : submaps) { map_load(tyler, parFileOpener, name, parPusher); } return std::move(tyler); } template dk::Tyler& map_load (dk::Tyler& parTyler, C& parFileOpener, const std::string& parOpen, const PushLayerMapType& parPusher) { std::stack> name_stack; std::vector submaps; name_stack.push(parOpen); do { dk::BaseMapSource* reader = parFileOpener(name_stack.top()); name_stack.pop(); submaps.clear(); reader->chainedMaps(submaps); for (auto&& curr_name : submaps) { name_stack.emplace(std::move(curr_name)); } for (int z = 0; z < reader->layersCount(); ++z) { implem::call_push_layer(parTyler, parPusher, reader, z); } } while (not name_stack.empty()); return parTyler; } template dk::BaseMapSource* MapLoaderPool::operator() (const std::string& parName) { auto it_found = pool.find(parName); if (pool.end() != it_found) { return it_found->second.get(); } else { std::pair new_item = pool.insert(std::make_pair(parName, BaseMapSourceUPtr(nullptr))); DK_ASSERT(new_item.second); new_item.first->second.reset(opener(parName)); return new_item.first->second.get(); } } template dk::Tyler call_map_load (M& parFileOpener, const std::string& parOpen, const PushLayerMapType& parPusher) { return map_load(parFileOpener, parOpen, parPusher); } template dk::Tyler call_map_load (dk::Tyler& parTyler, M& parFileOpener, const std::string& parOpen, const PushLayerMapType& parPusher) { return map_load(parTyler, parFileOpener, parOpen, parPusher); } namespace implem { template void call_push_layer (dk::Tyler& parTyler, const PushLayerMapType& parPusher, dk::BaseMapSource* parReader, int parLayerIndex) { auto it_found = parPusher.find(parReader->layerTypeHash(parLayerIndex)); if (parPusher.end() == it_found) throw UnknownLayerTemplateException(); (parTyler.*(it_found->second))(parReader, parLayerIndex); } } //namespace implem } //namespace dkh