Don't use surfaces, SDL2_image lets you create a texture directly. This is missing the graphic files that the code seeks to load so it will not run.
201 lines
6 KiB
201 lines
6 KiB
#include "doorkeeper/doorkeeper.hpp"
#include "doorkeepertestConfig.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "platformstrings.h"
#include "doorkeeper/helpers/asciimapsource.hpp"
#include "doorkeeper/mapreaders/mapstreamraw.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <ciso646>
#include <utility>
#include <cstring>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
template <typename Device, typename Tile>
struct LayerWithData {
std::unique_ptr<dk::TileMapData<Tile, 2>> tilemap;
std::unique_ptr<Device> device;
dk::Layer<Tile, 2>* layer;
std::string path;
namespace {
typedef std::unique_ptr<SDL_Renderer, void(*)(SDL_Renderer*)> SDLRendererUPtr;
typedef std::unique_ptr<SDL_Window, void(*)(SDL_Window*)> SDLWindowUPtr;
typedef std::unique_ptr<SDL_Texture, void(*)(SDL_Texture*)> SDLTextureUPtr;
struct SDLSimple {
SDLSimple ( void );
~SDLSimple ( void ) noexcept;
bool initialized;
template <typename Device, typename Tile>
void createLayer ( dk::Tyler<2>& parTiler, LayerWithData<Device, Tile>& parOut );
void printWelcome ( void );
void addLayer ( dk::Tyler<2>& parTiler, LayerWithData<dkh::AsciiMapSource, int>& parLayerInfo, const char* parPath );
void printViewport ( const dk::Viewport<2>& parView, const dk::Layer<int, 2>& parLayer );
std::pair<int, std::string> GetRenderingDriver ( void );
} //unnamed namespace
int main() {
typedef dk::Tyler<2>::coords coords2;
using dk::TileMapData;
using dkh::AsciiMapSource;
SDLSimple sdl_init;
if (not sdl_init.initialized)
return 1;
SDLWindowUPtr sdl_window(
SDL_CreateWindow("DoorKeeper test", 100, 100, 320, 240, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE),
const auto rendererDriver = GetRenderingDriver();
SDLRendererUPtr sdl_renderer(
SDL_CreateRenderer(sdl_window.get(), rendererDriver.first, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC),
dk::Tyler<2> tiler(coords2(10, 6), coords2(64));
LayerWithData<AsciiMapSource, int> bottomLayer;
addLayer(tiler, bottomLayer, DATA_PATH"/");
LayerWithData<AsciiMapSource, int> topLayer;
addLayer(tiler, topLayer, DATA_PATH"/");
printViewport(dk::Viewport<2>(tiler, coords2(10, 6), coords2(0)), *bottomLayer.layer);
printViewport(dk::Viewport<2>(tiler, coords2(4, 4), coords2(0)), *bottomLayer.layer);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
std::cout << "Map size: " << tiler.map_size() << '\n';
std::cout << "Total tiles: " << tiler.tiles_count() << '\n';
//Load resources
SDLTextureUPtr tile_0(nullptr, &SDL_DestroyTexture), tile_1(nullptr, &SDL_DestroyTexture);
tile_0 = SDLTextureUPtr(IMG_LoadTexture(sdl_renderer.get(), "tile_0.png"), &SDL_DestroyTexture);
tile_1 = SDLTextureUPtr(IMG_LoadTexture(sdl_renderer.get(), "tile_1.png"), &SDL_DestroyTexture);
//Main loop
bool running = true;
do {
SDL_Event eve;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&eve)) {
switch (eve.type) {
//parInput.NotifyKeyAction(InputDevice_Keyboard, eve.key.keysym.scancode, true);
//parInput.NotifyKeyAction(InputDevice_Keyboard, eve.key.keysym.scancode, false);
case SDL_QUIT:
running = false;
if (SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED == eve.window.event) {
//parSdlMain->SetResolution(ushort2(static_cast<uint16_t>(eve.window.data1), static_cast<uint16_t>(eve.window.data2)));
else if (SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE == eve.window.event) {
running = false;
} while(running);
return 0;
namespace {
template <typename Device, typename Tile>
void createLayer (dk::Tyler<2>& parTiler, LayerWithData<Device, Tile>& parOut) {
void printWelcome() {
std::cout << "Welcome to " << APP_NAME << ' ' << DK_DEVICE_STRING << " version for " << DK_OS_STRING << ' ' << DK_ARCH_STRING << ' ' << DK_BIT_STRING;
#if defined(DK_ARM)
std::cout << ' ' << DK_ARM_FAMILY_STRING << ' ' << DK_ARM_ARCH_STRING;
std::cout << '\n';
void addLayer (dk::Tyler<2>& parTiler, LayerWithData<dkh::AsciiMapSource, int>& parLayerInfo, const char* parPath) {
parLayerInfo.path = parPath;
parLayerInfo.device = std::unique_ptr<dkh::AsciiMapSource>(new dkh::AsciiMapSource(parLayerInfo.path, dkh::AsciiMapSource::coords(10, 6)));
std::unique_ptr<dk::MapStreamRaw<int, 2>> stream(new dk::MapStreamRaw<int, 2>(*parLayerInfo.device));
parLayerInfo.tilemap = std::unique_ptr<dk::TileMapData<int, 2>>(new dk::TileMapData<int, 2>(std::move(stream)));
parLayerInfo.layer = &parTiler.push_layer(*parLayerInfo.tilemap);
void printViewport (const dk::Viewport<2>& parView, const dk::Layer<int, 2>& parLayer) {
int col = 0;
const auto tilecount = parView.count();
for (auto itTile = parView.begin(parLayer), itTileEND = parView.end(parLayer); itTile != itTileEND; ++itTile) {
std::cout << *itTile;
if (col == tilecount.x()) {
col = 0;
std::cout << '\n';
SDLSimple::SDLSimple() {
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == -1) {
std::cerr << "Error initializing SDL" << std::endl;
initialized = false;
else {
initialized = true;
SDLSimple::~SDLSimple() {
if (initialized) {
initialized = false;
std::pair<int, std::string> GetRenderingDriver() {
typedef std::pair<int, std::string> RetPairType;
const int count = SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers();
int opengles = -1;
int opengles2 = -1;
int opengl = -1;
SDL_RendererInfo info;
for (int z = 0; z < count; ++z) {
const int ret = SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo(z, &info);
if (0 == ret) {
if (std::strcmp("opengles", == 0)
opengles = z;
else if (std::strcmp("opengles2", == 0)
opengles2 = z;
else if (std::strcmp("opengl", == 0)
opengl = z;
if (opengl > -1)
return RetPairType(opengl, "opengl");
if (opengles2 > -1)
return RetPairType(opengles2, "opengles2");
if (opengles > -1)
return RetPairType(opengles, "opengles");
return RetPairType(-1, "default");
} //unnamed namespace