
333 lines
13 KiB

/* Copyright 2015, Michele Santullo
* This file is part of DoorKeeper.
* DoorKeeper is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DoorKeeper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with DoorKeeper. If not, see <>.
#include "doorkeeper/helpers/tylermapsource.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ciso646>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/string_ref.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# include <endian.h>
# error "Unsupported compiler"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
//Vorbis comment specification:
//The comment header logically is a list of eight-bit-clean vectors; the number
//of vectors is bounded to 2^32-1 and the length of each vector is limited to
//2^32-1 bytes. The vector length is encoded; the vector contents themselves
//are not null terminated. In addition to the vector list, there is a single
//vector for vendor name (also 8 bit clean, length encoded in 32 bits). For
//example, the 1.0 release of libvorbis set the vendor string to "Xiph.Org
//libVorbis I 20020717".
//The comment header is decoded as follows:
// 1) [vendor_length] = read an unsigned integer of 32 bits
// 2) [vendor_string] = read a UTF-8 vector as [vendor_length] octets
// 3) [user_comment_list_length] = read an unsigned integer of 32 bits
// 4) iterate [user_comment_list_length] times {
// 5) [length] = read an unsigned integer of 32 bits
// 6) this iteration's user comment = read a UTF-8 vector as [length] octets
// }
namespace dkh {
namespace {
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> CommentMap;
const uint32_t g_signature = 0x52504B44; //DKPR
template <typename T> T lil_endian_to_machine ( T parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint64_t lil_endian_to_machine ( uint64_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint32_t lil_endian_to_machine ( uint32_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint16_t lil_endian_to_machine ( uint16_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint8_t lil_endian_to_machine ( uint8_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> implem::TylerMapHeader lil_endian_to_machine ( implem::TylerMapHeader parIn ) a_pure;
template<> implem::TylerMapLayerHeader lil_endian_to_machine ( implem::TylerMapLayerHeader parIn ) a_pure;
template <typename T> T machine_to_lil_endian ( T parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint64_t machine_to_lil_endian ( uint64_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint32_t machine_to_lil_endian ( uint32_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint16_t machine_to_lil_endian ( uint16_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint8_t machine_to_lil_endian ( uint8_t parIn ) a_pure;
template<> implem::TylerMapHeader machine_to_lil_endian ( implem::TylerMapHeader parIn ) a_pure;
template<> implem::TylerMapLayerHeader machine_to_lil_endian ( implem::TylerMapLayerHeader parIn ) a_pure;
template<> uint64_t lil_endian_to_machine (uint64_t parIn) { return le64toh(parIn); }
template<> uint32_t lil_endian_to_machine (uint32_t parIn) { return le32toh(parIn); }
template<> uint16_t lil_endian_to_machine (uint16_t parIn) { return le16toh(parIn); }
template<> uint8_t lil_endian_to_machine (uint8_t parIn) { return parIn; }
bool isdigit (char parChar) a_pure a_flatten;
template<> implem::TylerMapHeader lil_endian_to_machine (implem::TylerMapHeader parIn) {
parIn.signature = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.signature);
parIn.file_size = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.file_size);
parIn.version_major = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.version_major);
parIn.version_minor = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.version_minor);
parIn.layer_count = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.layer_count);
parIn.map_type = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.map_type);
parIn.hashing_algorithm = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.hashing_algorithm);
parIn.dimensions = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.dimensions);
parIn.dimensions_start = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.dimensions_start);
parIn.comment_start = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.comment_start);
parIn.layer_start = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.layer_start);
return parIn;
template<> implem::TylerMapLayerHeader lil_endian_to_machine (implem::TylerMapLayerHeader parIn) {
parIn.layer_length = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.layer_length);
parIn.layer_format = lil_endian_to_machine(parIn.layer_format);
return parIn;
template<> uint64_t machine_to_lil_endian (uint64_t parIn) { return htole64(parIn); }
template<> uint32_t machine_to_lil_endian (uint32_t parIn) { return htole32(parIn); }
template<> uint16_t machine_to_lil_endian (uint16_t parIn) { return htole16(parIn); }
template<> uint8_t machine_to_lil_endian (uint8_t parIn) { return parIn; }
template<> implem::TylerMapHeader machine_to_lil_endian (implem::TylerMapHeader parIn) {
parIn.signature = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.signature);
parIn.file_size = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.file_size);
parIn.version_major = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.version_major);
parIn.version_minor = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.version_minor);
parIn.layer_count = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.layer_count);
parIn.map_type = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.map_type);
parIn.hashing_algorithm = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.hashing_algorithm);
parIn.dimensions = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.dimensions);
parIn.dimensions_start = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.dimensions_start);
parIn.comment_start = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.comment_start);
parIn.layer_start = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.layer_start);
return parIn;
template<> implem::TylerMapLayerHeader machine_to_lil_endian (implem::TylerMapLayerHeader parIn) {
parIn.layer_length = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.layer_length);
parIn.layer_format = machine_to_lil_endian(parIn.layer_format);
return parIn;
template <typename T>
T read_int (std::istream& parStream, T parMax=std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
T retval;<char*>(&retval), sizeof(T));
retval = lil_endian_to_machine(retval);
if (retval > parMax)
throw InvalidMapFileException();
return retval;
std::string& read_string (std::istream& parStream, std::string& parString) {
const uint32_t max_string_length = 1024 * 2;
const uint32_t len = std::min(read_int<uint32_t>(parStream), max_string_length);
std::istream_iterator<char> itstream(parStream);
std::copy_n(itstream, len, std::insert_iterator<std::string>(parString, parString.begin()));
return parString;
template <typename T>
void write_int (std::ostream& parStream, T parValue) {
parValue = machine_to_lil_endian(parValue);
parStream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&parValue), sizeof(T));
void write_string (std::ostream& parStream, const std::string& parString) {
const uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(parString.size());
write_int<uint32_t>(parStream, len);
parStream.write(parString.c_str(), parString.size());
bool isdigit (char parChar) {
return std::isdigit(parChar);
void read_comments (std::istream& parStream, std::string& parVendor, CommentMap& parComments) {
//Technically there is no limit on strings other than the uint32
//max value, but wth
const uint32_t max_entries = 200;
read_string(parStream, parVendor);
const uint32_t list_length = read_int<uint32_t>(parStream, max_entries);
std::string full_string;
for (uint32_t z = 0; z < list_length; ++z) {
read_string(parStream, full_string);
auto equal_pos = full_string.find('=');
if (std::string::npos == equal_pos)
throw InvalidMapFileException();
parComments[full_string.substr(0, equal_pos)] = full_string.substr(equal_pos + 1);
void extract_array_from_comments (std::vector<std::string>& parOut, const std::string& parPrefix, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& parMap) {
typedef decltype(std::distance(parPrefix.begin(), parPrefix.end())) diff_type;
using std::size_t;
using boost::lexical_cast;
for (const auto& itcurr : parMap) {
const std::string& key = itcurr.first;
if (parPrefix.size() + 3 > key.size())
if (not std::equal(parPrefix.begin(), parPrefix.end(), key.begin()))
if (key[parPrefix.size()] != '[')
auto it_past_index = std::find_if_not(key.begin() + parPrefix.size() + 1, key.end(), &isdigit);
if (it_past_index == key.end())
if (*it_past_index != ']')
if (std::distance(key.begin(), it_past_index) + 1 != static_cast<diff_type>(key.size()))
boost::string_ref index_part(key);
const auto dist = std::distance(key.begin(), it_past_index);
DK_ASSERT(dist > static_cast<diff_type>(parPrefix.size() + 1));
index_part = index_part.substr(parPrefix.size() + 1, dist - parPrefix.size() - 1);
const size_t index = lexical_cast<size_t>(index_part);
if (index >= parMap.size())
if (parOut.size() <= index)
parOut.resize(index + 1);
parOut[index] = itcurr.second;
} //unnamed namespace
namespace implem {
struct TylerMapSourceBase::LayerInfo {
dk::HashType hash;
uint32_t data_start;
uint32_t data_length;
TylerMapSourceBase::TylerMapSourceBase (std::istream* parStream) :
TylerMapSourceBase::~TylerMapSourceBase() {
dk::HashType TylerMapSourceBase::layerTypeHash (int parIndex) const {
DK_ASSERT(parIndex >= 0);
DK_ASSERT(static_cast<std::size_t>(parIndex) < m_layers_info.size());
return m_layers_info[parIndex].hash;
void TylerMapSourceBase::chainedMaps (std::vector<std::string>& parOut) const {
extract_array_from_comments(parOut, "chained_map", m_comments);
dk::MapTypes TylerMapSourceBase::mapType() const {
return m_map_type;
void TylerMapSourceBase::parseMapHeaders (uint32_t parDim, std::vector<uint32_t>& parMapDims, std::vector<uint16_t>& parTileDims) {
//Read file header
implem::TylerMapHeader header;
implem::read_header(*m_stream, header);
if (header.dimensions != parDim) {
throw InvalidMapDimensionsException();
switch (header.map_type) {
case dk::MapType_IsometricStaggered:
m_map_type = dk::MapType_IsometricStaggered;
case dk::MapType_Isometric:
m_map_type = dk::MapType_Isometric;
case dk::MapType_Orthogonal:
m_map_type = dk::MapType_Orthogonal;
case dk::MapType_Hex:
m_map_type = dk::MapType_Hex;
throw InvalidMapFileException();
//Read map and tile dimensions
std::vector<uint32_t> map_dims;
std::vector<uint16_t> tile_dims;
const auto read_start = (header.dimensions_start > sizeof(header) ? header.dimensions_start - sizeof(header) : sizeof(header));
m_stream->seekg(read_start, std::ios_base::cur);
implem::read_dimensions(*m_stream, parDim, map_dims, tile_dims);
//Read vorbis comments
m_stream->seekg(header.comment_start + m_stream_start, std::ios_base::beg);
read_comments(*m_stream, m_file_vendor, m_comments);
void read_header (std::istream& parStream, TylerMapHeader& parHeader) {<char*>(&parHeader), sizeof(TylerMapHeader));
parHeader = lil_endian_to_machine(parHeader);
if (g_signature != parHeader.signature)
throw InvalidMapFileException();
void read_layer_header (std::istream& parStream, TylerMapLayerHeader& parHeader) {<char*>(&parHeader), sizeof(TylerMapLayerHeader));
parHeader = lil_endian_to_machine(parHeader);
void read_dimensions (std::istream& parStream, uint32_t parDimensions, std::vector<uint32_t>& parMap, std::vector<uint16_t>& parTile) {
parMap.reserve(parMap.size() + parDimensions);
for (uint32_t z = 0; z < parDimensions; ++z) {
const auto dim = read_int<uint32_t>(parStream);
parTile.reserve(parTile.size() + parDimensions);
for (uint32_t z = 0; z < parDimensions; ++z) {
const auto dim = read_int<uint16_t>(parStream);
} //namespace implem
} //namespace dkh