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// The Loki Library
// Copyright (c) 2001 by Andrei Alexandrescu
// This code accompanies the book:
// Alexandrescu, Andrei. "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design
// Patterns Applied". Copyright (c) 2001. Addison-Wesley.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any
// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
// notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
// permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
// The author or Addison-Wesley Longman make no representations about the
// suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
// without express or implied warranty.
// $Header$
#include "LokiExport.h"
#include "Threads.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <new>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/// \defgroup SingletonGroup Singleton
/// \defgroup CreationGroup Creation policies
/// \ingroup SingletonGroup
/// \defgroup LifetimeGroup Lifetime policies
/// \ingroup SingletonGroup
/// The lifetimes of the singleton.
/// \par Special lifetime for SmallObjects
/// When the holded object is a Small(Value)Object or the holded object
/// uses objects which are or inherit from Small(Value)Object
/// then you can't use the default lifetime: you must use the lifetime
/// \code Loki::LongevityLifetime::DieAsSmallObjectChild \endcode
/// Be aware of this when you use Loki::Factory, Loki::Functor, or Loki::Function.
namespace Loki
typedef void (LOKI_C_CALLING_CONVENTION_QUALIFIER *atexit_pfn_t)();
namespace Private
void LOKI_C_CALLING_CONVENTION_QUALIFIER AtExitFn(); // declaration needed below
void LOKI_EXPORT AtExitFn();
class LifetimeTracker;
// Helper data
// std::list because of the inserts
typedef std::list<LifetimeTracker*> TrackerArray;
extern LOKI_EXPORT TrackerArray* pTrackerArray;
// Helper data
typedef LifetimeTracker** TrackerArray;
extern TrackerArray pTrackerArray;
extern unsigned int elements;
// class LifetimeTracker
// Helper class for SetLongevity
class LifetimeTracker
LifetimeTracker(unsigned int x) : longevity_(x)
virtual ~LifetimeTracker() = 0;
static bool Compare(const LifetimeTracker* lhs,
const LifetimeTracker* rhs)
return lhs->longevity_ > rhs->longevity_;
unsigned int longevity_;
// Definition required
inline LifetimeTracker::~LifetimeTracker() {}
// Helper destroyer function
template <typename T>
struct Deleter
typedef void (*Type)(T*);
static void Delete(T* pObj)
{ delete pObj; }
// Concrete lifetime tracker for objects of type T
template <typename T, typename Destroyer>
class ConcreteLifetimeTracker : public LifetimeTracker
ConcreteLifetimeTracker(T* p,unsigned int longevity, Destroyer d)
: LifetimeTracker(longevity)
, pTracked_(p)
, destroyer_(d)
{ destroyer_(pTracked_); }
T* pTracked_;
Destroyer destroyer_;
} // namespace Private
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// Assigns an object a longevity; ensures ordered destructions of objects
/// registered thusly during the exit sequence of the application
template <typename T, typename Destroyer>
void SetLongevity(T* pDynObject, unsigned int longevity,
Destroyer d)
using namespace Private;
// manage lifetime of stack manually
pTrackerArray = new TrackerArray;
// automatically delete the ConcreteLifetimeTracker object when a exception is thrown
p( new ConcreteLifetimeTracker<T, Destroyer>(pDynObject, longevity, d) );
// Find correct position
TrackerArray::iterator pos = std::upper_bound(
// Insert the pointer to the ConcreteLifetimeTracker object into the queue
pTrackerArray->insert(pos, p.get());
// nothing has thrown: don't delete the ConcreteLifetimeTracker object
// Register a call to AtExitFn
template <typename T, typename Destroyer>
void SetLongevity(T* pDynObject, unsigned int longevity,
Destroyer d)
using namespace Private;
TrackerArray pNewArray = static_cast<TrackerArray>(
sizeof(*pTrackerArray) * (elements + 1)));
if (!pNewArray) throw std::bad_alloc();
// Delayed assignment for exception safety
pTrackerArray = pNewArray;
LifetimeTracker* p = new ConcreteLifetimeTracker<T, Destroyer>(
pDynObject, longevity, d);
// Insert a pointer to the object into the queue
TrackerArray pos = std::upper_bound(
pTrackerArray + elements,
pTrackerArray + elements,
pTrackerArray + elements + 1);
*pos = p;
// Register a call to AtExitFn
template <typename T>
void SetLongevity(T* pDynObject, unsigned int longevity,
typename Private::Deleter<T>::Type d = Private::Deleter<T>::Delete)
SetLongevity<T, typename Private::Deleter<T>::Type>(pDynObject, longevity, d);
/// \struct CreateUsingNew
/// \ingroup CreationGroup
/// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Creates objects using a straight call to the new operator
template <class T> struct CreateUsingNew
static T* Create()
{ return new T; }
static void Destroy(T* p)
{ delete p; }
/// \struct CreateUsing
/// \ingroup CreationGroup
/// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Creates objects using a custom allocater.
/// Usage: e.g. CreateUsing<std::allocator>::Allocator
template<template<class> class Alloc>
struct CreateUsing
template <class T>
struct Allocator
static Alloc<T> allocator;
static T* Create()
return new (allocator.allocate(1)) T;
static void Destroy(T* p)
/// \struct CreateUsingMalloc
/// \ingroup CreationGroup
/// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Creates objects using a call to std::malloc, followed by a call to the
/// placement new operator
template <class T> struct CreateUsingMalloc
static T* Create()
void* p = std::malloc(sizeof(T));
if (!p) return 0;
return new(p) T;
static void Destroy(T* p)
/// \struct CreateStatic
/// \ingroup CreationGroup
/// Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Creates an object in static memory
/// Implementation is slightly nonportable because it uses the MaxAlign trick
/// (an union of all types to ensure proper memory alignment). This trick is
/// nonportable in theory but highly portable in practice.
template <class T> struct CreateStatic
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4121 )
// alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
#endif // _MSC_VER
union MaxAlign
char t_[sizeof(T)];
short int shortInt_;
int int_;
long int longInt_;
float float_;
double double_;
long double longDouble_;
struct Test;
int Test::* pMember_;
int (Test::*pMemberFn_)(int);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( pop )
#endif // _MSC_VER
static T* Create()
static MaxAlign staticMemory_;
return new(&staticMemory_) T;
static void Destroy(T* p)
/// \struct DefaultLifetime
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Schedules an object's destruction as per C++ rules
/// Forwards to std::atexit
template <class T>
struct DefaultLifetime
static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
{ std::atexit(pFun); }
static void OnDeadReference()
{ throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected"); }
/// \struct PhoenixSingleton
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Schedules an object's destruction as per C++ rules, and it allows object
/// recreation by not throwing an exception from OnDeadReference
template <class T>
class PhoenixSingleton
static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
if (!destroyedOnce_)
static void OnDeadReference()
destroyedOnce_ = true;
static bool destroyedOnce_;
template <class T> bool PhoenixSingleton<T>::destroyedOnce_ = false;
// Copyright (c) 2004 by Curtis Krauskopf - curtis@decompile.com
/// \struct DeletableSingleton
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// A DeletableSingleton allows the instantiated singleton to be
/// destroyed at any time. The singleton can be reinstantiated at
/// any time, even during program termination.
/// If the singleton exists when the program terminates, it will
/// be automatically deleted.
/// \par Usage:
/// The singleton can be deleted manually:
/// DeletableSingleton<MyClass>::GracefulDelete();
template <class T>
class DeletableSingleton
static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
static bool firstPass = true;
isDead = false;
deleter = pFun;
if (firstPass || needCallback)
firstPass = false;
needCallback = false;
static void OnDeadReference()
/// delete singleton object manually
static void GracefulDelete()
if (isDead)
isDead = true;
static atexit_pfn_t deleter;
static bool isDead;
static bool needCallback;
static void atexitCallback()
needCallback = true;
needCallback = false;
template <class T>
atexit_pfn_t DeletableSingleton<T>::deleter = 0;
template <class T>
bool DeletableSingleton<T>::isDead = true;
template <class T>
bool DeletableSingleton<T>::needCallback = true;
// class template Adapter
// Helper for SingletonWithLongevity below
namespace Private
template <class T>
struct Adapter
void operator()(T*) { return pFun_(); }
atexit_pfn_t pFun_;
/// \struct SingletonWithLongevity
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Schedules an object's destruction in order of their longevities
/// Assumes a visible function GetLongevity(T*) that returns the longevity of the
/// object.
template <class T>
class SingletonWithLongevity
static void ScheduleDestruction(T* pObj, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
Private::Adapter<T> adapter = { pFun };
SetLongevity(pObj, GetLongevity(pObj), adapter);
static void OnDeadReference()
{ throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected"); }
/// \struct NoDestroy
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// Implementation of the LifetimePolicy used by SingletonHolder
/// Never destroys the object
template <class T>
struct NoDestroy
static void ScheduleDestruction(T*, atexit_pfn_t)
static void OnDeadReference()
/// \defgroup LongevityLifetimeGroup LongevityLifetime
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// \namespace LongevityLifetime
/// \ingroup LongevityLifetimeGroup
/// \brief In this namespace are special lifetime policies to manage lifetime
/// dependencies.
namespace LongevityLifetime
/// \struct SingletonFixedLongevity
/// \ingroup LongevityLifetimeGroup
/// Add your own lifetimes into the namespace 'LongevityLifetime'
/// with your prefered lifetime by adding a struct like this:
/// template<class T>
/// struct MyLifetime : SingletonFixedLongevity< MyLifetimeNumber ,T> {}
template <unsigned int Longevity, class T>
class SingletonFixedLongevity
virtual ~SingletonFixedLongevity() {}
static void ScheduleDestruction(T* pObj, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
Private::Adapter<T> adapter = { pFun };
SetLongevity(pObj, Longevity , adapter);
static void OnDeadReference()
{ throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected"); }
/// \struct DieLast
/// \ingroup LongevityLifetimeGroup
/// \brief Longest possible SingletonWithLongevity lifetime: 0xFFFFFFFF
template <class T>
struct DieLast : SingletonFixedLongevity<0xFFFFFFFF ,T>
/// \struct DieDirectlyBeforeLast
/// \ingroup LongevityLifetimeGroup
/// \brief Lifetime is a one less than DieLast: 0xFFFFFFFF-1
template <class T>
struct DieDirectlyBeforeLast : SingletonFixedLongevity<0xFFFFFFFF-1 ,T>
/// \struct DieFirst
/// \ingroup LongevityLifetimeGroup
/// \brief Shortest possible SingletonWithLongevity lifetime: 0
template <class T>
struct DieFirst : SingletonFixedLongevity<0,T>
}//namespace LongevityLifetime
/// \class FollowIntoDeath
/// \ingroup LifetimeGroup
/// Lifetime policyfor the SingletonHolder tempalte.
/// Followers will die after the master dies Followers will not die, if
/// - master never dies (NoDestroy policy)
/// - master never created
/// - master dies not in the function registered with atexit
/// - master dies not by a call of a the atexit registerd function (DeletableSingleton::GracefulDelete)
/// \par Usage:
/// Lifetimes of the master and the follower singletons, e.g. with a M and a F class:
/// \code SingletonHolder< M , FollowIntoDeath::With<DefaultLifetime>::AsMasterLifetime > MasterSingleton; \endcode
/// \code SingletonHolder< F , CreateUsingNew, FollowIntoDeath::AfterMaster< MasterSingleton >::IsDestroyed > FollowerSingleton \endcode
class FollowIntoDeath
template<class T>
class Followers
typedef std::vector<atexit_pfn_t> Container;
typedef typename Container::iterator iterator;
static Container* followers_;
static void Init()
static bool done = false;
followers_ = new Container;
done = true;
static void AddFollower(atexit_pfn_t ae)
static void DestroyFollowers()
for(iterator it = followers_->begin();it != followers_->end();++it)
delete followers_;
/// \struct With
/// Template for the master
/// \param Lifetime Lifetime policy for the master
template<template <class> class Lifetime>
struct With
/// \struct AsMasterLifetime
/// Policy for master
template<class Master>
struct AsMasterLifetime
static void ScheduleDestruction(Master* pObj, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
Lifetime<Master>::ScheduleDestruction(pObj, pFun);
// use same policy for the followers and force a new
// template instantiation, this adds a additional atexit entry
// does not work with SetLonlevity, but there you can control
// the lifetime with the GetLongevity function.
Lifetime<Followers<Master> >::ScheduleDestruction(0,Followers<Master>::DestroyFollowers);
static void OnDeadReference()
throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected");
/// \struct AfterMaster
/// Template for the follower
/// \param Master Master to follow into death
template<class Master>
struct AfterMaster
/// \struct IsDestroyed
/// Policy for followers
template<class F>
struct IsDestroyed
static void ScheduleDestruction(F*, atexit_pfn_t pFun)
static void OnDeadReference()
throw std::logic_error("Dead Reference Detected");
template<class T>
typename FollowIntoDeath::Followers<T>::Container*
FollowIntoDeath::Followers<T>::followers_ = 0;
/// \class SingletonHolder
/// \ingroup SingletonGroup
/// Provides Singleton amenities for a type T
/// To protect that type from spurious instantiations,
/// you have to protect it yourself.
/// \param CreationPolicy Creation policy, default: CreateUsingNew
/// \param LifetimePolicy Lifetime policy, default: DefaultLifetime,
/// \param ThreadingModel Threading policy,
typename T,
template <class> class CreationPolicy = CreateUsingNew,
template <class> class LifetimePolicy = DefaultLifetime,
template <class, class> class ThreadingModel = LOKI_DEFAULT_THREADING_NO_OBJ_LEVEL,
class MutexPolicy = LOKI_DEFAULT_MUTEX
class SingletonHolder
/// Type of the singleton object
typedef T ObjectType;
/// Returns a reference to singleton object
static T& Instance();
// Helpers
static void MakeInstance();
static void LOKI_C_CALLING_CONVENTION_QUALIFIER DestroySingleton();
// Protection
// Data
typedef typename ThreadingModel<T*,MutexPolicy>::VolatileType PtrInstanceType;
static PtrInstanceType pInstance_;
static bool destroyed_;
// SingletonHolder's data
class T,
template <class> class C,
template <class> class L,
template <class, class> class M,
class X
typename SingletonHolder<T, C, L, M, X>::PtrInstanceType
SingletonHolder<T, C, L, M, X>::pInstance_;
class T,
template <class> class C,
template <class> class L,
template <class, class> class M,
class X
bool SingletonHolder<T, C, L, M, X>::destroyed_;
// SingletonHolder::Instance
class T,
template <class> class CreationPolicy,
template <class> class LifetimePolicy,
template <class, class> class ThreadingModel,
class MutexPolicy
inline T& SingletonHolder<T, CreationPolicy,
LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel, MutexPolicy>::Instance()
if (!pInstance_)
return *pInstance_;
// SingletonHolder::MakeInstance (helper for Instance)
class T,
template <class> class CreationPolicy,
template <class> class LifetimePolicy,
template <class, class> class ThreadingModel,
class MutexPolicy
void SingletonHolder<T, CreationPolicy,
LifetimePolicy, ThreadingModel, MutexPolicy>::MakeInstance()
typename ThreadingModel<SingletonHolder,MutexPolicy>::Lock guard;
if (!pInstance_)
if (destroyed_)
destroyed_ = false;
pInstance_ = CreationPolicy<T>::Create();
class T,
template <class> class CreationPolicy,
template <class> class L,
template <class, class> class M,
class X
SingletonHolder<T, CreationPolicy, L, M, X>::DestroySingleton()
pInstance_ = 0;
destroyed_ = true;
/// \class Singleton
/// \ingroup SingletonGroup
/// Convenience template to implement a getter function for a singleton object.
/// Often needed in a shared library which hosts singletons.
/// \par Usage
/// see test/SingletonDll
template<class T>
static T& Instance();
} // namespace Loki
/// Convenience macro for the definition of the static Instance member function
/// Put this macro called with a SingletonHolder typedef into your cpp file.
namespace Loki \
{ \
template<> \
SHOLDER::ObjectType& Singleton<SHOLDER::ObjectType>::Instance() \
{ \
return SHOLDER::Instance(); \
} \
#endif // end file guardian