_____________________________________ Version 0.1.5 ???, 2006 _____________________________________ General: - new Strong/Weak smart pointer added. (rs) - loki.spec (Thanks to Regis Desgroppes and Andreas Scherer, pk) - build shared lib also on mac osx (Thanks to Sam Miller, lf) - added MinGW .dev files for the library (rs) - some makefile improvements (Thanks to Sam Miller, lf) - adding an XCode build project (kx) flex_string: - compar bug fixed in flex_string_shell.h (Thanks to David A. Capello, pk) Function: - test is doesn't need boost any more (pk) OrderedStatic: - undef all min/max macros (Thanks to Shen Lei, pk) Singleton: - Singleton<> moved into correct namespace (Thanks to Sam Miller, pk) SmartPtr: - patch for RedHat 9: undefined uintptr_t (Thanks to Regis Desgroppes, pk) - more tests (rs) - bugs 1452805 and 1451835 fixed (rs) - addded HeapStorage policy as mentioned in Feature Request 1441024 (rs) - added MinGW test project for SmartPtr (rs) CVS commits by Rich Sposato (rs), Lukas Fittl (lf), Christopher Knox (kx), and Peter Kümmel (pk) _____________________________________ Version 0.1.4 March 8, 2006 _____________________________________ General: - helper templates for Pimpl/Rimpl implementations added (pk) - improved Makefiles (lf) - improved make.msvc.bat files (pk) - cvs LOG keywords added (rs) - removed old c style casts (lf) - more warning enabled on gcc (lf) - new header added: ConstPolicy.h (rs,pk) - new header added: RefToValue.h (rs,pk) - standard RPM specification file for integrated installation on OpenSUSE Linux added (Thanks to Andreas Scherer, pk) - using Loki as shared library is now possible (pk,lf) - Register.h added (pk) Function: - guard including (pk) - test stsic functions (pk) - test LOKI_FUNCTOR_IS_NOT_A_SMALLOBJECT (pk) Functor: - Added explicit call to base copy-constructor (rs) - Changed base class from SmallObject to SmallValueObject. (Thanks to Sam Miller, rs) - add possibility to disable inheritance from SmallValueObject: LOKI_FUNCTOR_IS_NOT_A_SMALLOBJECT (pk) ScopeGuard: - naming conflict with SmartPtr removed (rs,pk) - ByRef moved to RefByVale (rs,pk) Singleton: - support of allocators with a standard interface added (Thanks to Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva, pk) - convenience template Singleton added for shared libraries (Thanks to Marcus Lindblom, pk) - example added which shows how to use Singletons with shared libraries added (Thanks to Marcus Lindblom, pk) SmartPtr: - supports propagating constness by additional policy (rs,pk) - ArrayStorage policy added (Thanks to Sam Miller, pk) - fix in RefCounted for Mac OSX gcc 4.0.0 (Thanks to Sam Miller, pk) - RefCounted ported to 64 bit (pk) - add mutex policy (pk) - new test code (rs) - RecjectNullStrict const member function added (Thanks to Sam Miller, pk) - Moved a monolithic RefLinkedBase class from header file to new source file. (rs) - ByRef moved to RefToVale (rs,pk) - Fixed bug 1425890. Last SmartPtr in linked chain NULLs its prev & next pointers to prevent infinite recursion. Added asserts. (rs) - Bug fix: infinite recursion in SmartPtr destructor (rs) LockingPtr: - wrong return types fixed (rs) - add mutex policy (rs,pk) - supports now propagating constness (pk,rs) - macro switch LOKI_DEFAULT_CONSTNESS added for propagating constness (pk) - multi threaded example added SafeFormat: - definition moved to src/SafeFormat.cpp, it's now part of the library Singleton: - add mutex policy (pk) SmallObj: - add mutex policy (pk) - Added check for memory leak inside destructor. (Thanks to Kwak Jae Hyuk, rs) Threads: - Mutex added (rs,pk) - use Loki::Mutex instead of win32/posix mutexes in threading classes (rs,pk) CVS commits by Rich Sposato (rs), Lukas Fittl (lf) and Peter Kümmel (pk) _____________________________________ Version 0.1.3 January 9, 2006 _____________________________________ General: - LockPtr added (rs) - ScopeGuard added (pk,rs) - improved Makefiles (lf,pk) - several gcc fixes and removed warnings by Lukas Fittl (lf) - tested on 64-bit Linux (pk) - MS Visual C++ 2005 project files added (pk) - now also the ms toolkit 2003 generates a library (pk) OrderedStatic: - point operator added (pk) SafeFormat: - moved into namespace Loki (pk) - 64 bit problems fixed (Thanks to Zak Kipling) - ported to 64-bit Windows, not tested (pk) - Printf/SPrintfing of std::strings added (pk) - all warnings removed gcc and msvc (pk) - use snprintf for "%p" - test program: speed comparison added (pk) SmallObject: - added functions to check for memory corruption (rs) - more fine tuning (rs) - warnings removed (pk) TypeTraits: - bug 1388477 fixed (pk) flex_string: - fixed compare bug by updating (Thanks to Justin Matthews, pk) - fixed seg faults on Linux and Windows (pk) - improved error reporting of the test program (pk) SmartPtr: - make object level locking possible (Thanks to Ryan Smith, pk) BindFirst: - store Functor arguments by value (bug 1383566) (pk) Visitor: - add support for visiting constant member functions (pk) - example added (pk) ScopeGuard: - example added (pk) CVS commits by Rich Sposato (rs), Lukas Fittl (lf) and Peter Kümmel (pk) _____________________________________ Version 0.1.2 November 16, 2005 _____________________________________ General: - changes to compile under Linux (Thanks to David Lawrence, pk) - more doxygen documentation, modules added (rs, pk) SmartPtr: - three year old bugs 626407 and 541846 fixed: Assertion with SmartPtr (pk) SmartPtr and COMRefCounted (Thanks to James Mclaren, pk) Typelists: - it's now possible to completely disable the LOKI_TYPELIST_ macros (pk) - marco definitions moved to a separate file (pk) Factory: - Factory now protects its private data (pk) - new method to get the keys: std::vector RegisteredIds() (pk) Functor: - TR1 methods added: empty() and clear() (pk) Function: - boost/TR1 like Function template with improved member function pointer usage (pk) - tested with boost's function_test.cpp Sequence: - small change in usage: use e.g. Functor > instead of Functor::Type > SmallObjects: - comparison of new/malloc/std::allocator/boost::object_pool (rs, pk) - #undef LOKI_SMALL_OBJECT_USE_NEW_ARRAY when using a ms compiler (pk) - new lifetimes in namespace LongevityLifetime to manage dependencies: DieAsSmallObjectParent and DieAsSmallObjectClient (pk) - no memory leaks when using SmallObjects (pk) - new default lifetime is DieAsSmallObjectParent (pk) Threads: - threads on POSIX systems (Thanks to Ilya Volvovski ,pk) - small regression test program (pk) Singleton: - new lifetime: FollowIntoDeath (pk) - new namespace LongevityLifetime with lifetimes DieLast, DieFirst, DieDirectlyBeforeLast, and function SingletonFixedLongevity (pk) - new implementation for SetLongevity (pk) - example programs (pk) CVS commits by Rich Sposato (rs) and Peter Kümmel (pk) _____________________________________ Version 0.1.1 October 17, 2005 _____________________________________ Singleton: - wrong ordered longevity fixed (Thanks to Kwak Jae Hyuk, pk) - less warnings with msvc (Thanks to John Bates, pk) - new policy, DeletableSingleton, from Curtis Krauskopf, see also CUJ article 'Creating Dynamic Singletons & the Loki Library',(pk) AssocVector: - hinted insert does now preserve ordering (Thanks to Christopher Twigg, pk) - additional 'hinted insert' test for Regression test by Christopher Twigg (pk) - fix name look up (Thanks to Markus Werle, pk) SmallObj: - several improvements (rs) - more documentation (rs) - improved SmallBench (rs, pk) Longevity: - example added (pk) - additional example similar to that of the book, by Curtis Krauskopf (pk) OrderedStatic: - a proposal to solve the 'static initialization ordered fiasco' problem (pk) Sequence: - a proposal to replace the LOKI_TYPELIST_XX macros with a template implementation (pk) - e.g.: LOKI_TYPELIST_1(int) becomes Seq::Type inspired by the functional language OPAL (pk) CVS commits by Rich Sposato (rs) and Peter Kümmel (pk) _____________________________________ Version 0.1.0 September 29, 2005 _____________________________________ General: - version numbering started - new directory structure - Andrei's yasli, flex_string, and SafePrint added (pk) - all macros now in the LOKI "namespace", e.g.: TYPLELIST_1 -> LOKI_TYPELIST_1 (rs, pk) - Makefiles added: tested with gcc 3.4 (mingw, cygwin), msvc 8.0, and the toolkit (pk) - added some documentation (rs) - several bug fixes (pk) - added a cvs-list to sourceforge where you can see all changes (pk) SmallObjects: - new implementation (rs) Factory: - works now with parameters (pk) - regression test added (Thanks to Kalle Rutanen, pk) TypeTraits: - isMemberPointer, isFunction added (Thanks to Kalle Rutanen, pk) - regression test added (Thanks to Kalle Rutanen, pk) Threading: - new macros for better thread support (win32): LOKI_CLASS_LEVEL_THREADING and LOKI_OBJECT_LEVEL_THREADING (pk) CVS commits by Rich Sposato (rs) and Peter Kümmel (pk)