//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test program for The Loki Library // Copyright (c) 2006 Richard Sposato // Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any // purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright // notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this // permission notice appear in supporting documentation. // The authors make no representations about the // suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" // without express or implied warranty. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // $Id$ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define LOKI_CLASS_LEVEL_THREADING //#define DO_EXTRA_LOKI_TESTS #if defined (LOKI_OBJECT_LEVEL_THREADING) || defined (LOKI_CLASS_LEVEL_THREADING) /// @note This test uses LOKI_OBJECT_LEVEL_THREADING because StrongPtr's /// LockableTwoRefCounts policy can't be used with a single-threaded model. /// It requires either object-level-locking or class-level-locking. #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #define LOKI_WINDOWS_H #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(_WIN32) typedef unsigned int ( WINAPI * ThreadFunction_ )( void * ); #define LOKI_pthread_t HANDLE #define LOKI_pthread_create(handle,attr,func,arg) \ (int)((*handle=(HANDLE) _beginthreadex (NULL,0,(ThreadFunction_)func,arg,0,NULL))==NULL) #define LOKI_pthread_join(thread) \ ((::WaitForSingleObject((thread),INFINITE)!=WAIT_OBJECT_0) || !CloseHandle(thread)) #else #define LOKI_pthread_t \ pthread_t #define LOKI_pthread_create(handle,attr,func,arg) \ pthread_create(handle,attr,func,arg) #define LOKI_pthread_join(thread) \ pthread_join(thread, NULL) #endif using namespace std; using namespace Loki; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Thread { public: typedef void * ( * CallFunction )( void * ); Thread( CallFunction func, void * parm ) : pthread_() , func_( func ) , parm_( parm ) { } void AssignTask( CallFunction func, void * parm ) { func_ = func; parm_ = parm; } int Start( void ) { return LOKI_pthread_create( &pthread_, NULL, func_, parm_ ); } int WaitForThread( void ) const { return LOKI_pthread_join( pthread_ ); } private: LOKI_pthread_t pthread_; CallFunction func_; void * parm_; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ThreadPool { public: ThreadPool( void ) : m_threads() { } void Create( size_t threadCount, Thread::CallFunction function ) { for( size_t ii = 0; ii < threadCount; ii++ ) { string buffer; SPrintf( buffer, "Creating thread %d\n" )( ii ); cout << buffer; Thread * thread = new Thread( function, reinterpret_cast< void * >( ii ) ); m_threads.push_back( thread ); } } void Start( void ) { for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < m_threads.size(); ii++ ) { string buffer; SPrintf( buffer, "Starting thread %d\n" )( ii ); cout << buffer; m_threads.at( ii )->Start(); } } void Join( void ) const { for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < m_threads.size(); ii++ ) m_threads.at( ii )->WaitForThread(); } ~ThreadPool( void ) { for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < m_threads.size(); ii++ ) { delete m_threads.at(ii); } } private: typedef std::vector< Thread * > Threads; Threads m_threads; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const unsigned int loop = 5; class A { public: A( void ) {} #define BIG_FOR_LOOP for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 5000000; i++ ) g++; void Print( int id ) const { BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ----------------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ---------------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: --------------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: -------------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ------------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: -----------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ----------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ---------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: --------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: -------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ------\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: -----\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ----\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: ---\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: --\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: -\n")(id); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: \n")(id); } void Print( int id, int j ) const { BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ----------------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ---------------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: --------------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: -------------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ------------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: -----------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ----------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ---------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: --------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: -------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ------\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: -----\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ----\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: ---\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: --\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: -\n")(id)(j); BIG_FOR_LOOP;Printf("%d: %d: \n")(id)(j); } private: static unsigned int g; }; unsigned int A::g = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LockedA : public A { public: LockedA( void ) : A(), m_mutex() {} ~LockedA( void ) {} void Lock( void ) const { m_mutex.Lock(); } void Unlock( void ) const { m_mutex.Unlock(); } private: mutable ::Loki::Mutex m_mutex; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef ::Loki::StrongPtr< A, true, TwoRefCounts, DisallowConversion, NoCheck, NeverReset, DeleteSingle, DontPropagateConst > A_ptr; typedef ::Loki::StrongPtr< A, true, LockableTwoRefCounts, DisallowConversion, NoCheck, NeverReset, DeleteSingle, DontPropagateConst > A_Lockable_ptr; typedef ::Loki::SmartPtr< LockedA, RefCounted, DisallowConversion, ::Loki::AssertCheck, ::Loki::LockedStorage, DontPropagateConst > A_Locked_ptr; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SafeA { public: static SafeA & GetIt( void ) { if ( NULL == s_instance ) s_instance = new SafeA; return *s_instance; } static void Destroy( void ) { if ( NULL != s_instance ) { delete s_instance; s_instance = NULL; } } A_Lockable_ptr GetA (void) { return m_ptr; } private: static SafeA * s_instance; SafeA( void ) : m_ptr( new A ) {} ~SafeA( void ) {} A_Lockable_ptr m_ptr; }; SafeA * SafeA::s_instance = NULL; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class UnsafeA { public: static UnsafeA & GetIt( void ) { if ( NULL == s_instance ) s_instance = new UnsafeA; return *s_instance; } static void Destroy( void ) { if ( NULL != s_instance ) { delete s_instance; s_instance = NULL; } } A_ptr GetA (void) { return m_ptr; } private: static UnsafeA * s_instance; UnsafeA( void ) : m_ptr( new A ) {} ~UnsafeA( void ) {} A_ptr m_ptr; }; UnsafeA * UnsafeA::s_instance = NULL; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SelfLockedA { public: static SelfLockedA & GetIt( void ) { if ( NULL == s_instance ) s_instance = new SelfLockedA; return *s_instance; } static void Destroy( void ) { if ( NULL != s_instance ) { delete s_instance; s_instance = NULL; } } A_Locked_ptr GetA (void) { return m_ptr; } private: static SelfLockedA * s_instance; SelfLockedA( void ) : m_ptr( new LockedA ) {} ~SelfLockedA( void ) {} A_Locked_ptr m_ptr; }; SelfLockedA * SelfLockedA::s_instance = NULL; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * RunLocked( void * id ) { A_Lockable_ptr ap( SafeA::GetIt().GetA() ); const int threadIndex = reinterpret_cast< int >( id ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < loop; i++ ) { ap.Lock(); Loki::ScopeGuard unlockGuard = MakeGuard( &A_Lockable_ptr::Unlock, ap ); (void)unlockGuard; ap->Print( threadIndex ); } return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * RunLockedStorage( void * id ) { A_Locked_ptr ap( SelfLockedA::GetIt().GetA() ); const int threadIndex = reinterpret_cast< int >( id ); int j = 0; for( unsigned int i = 0; i < loop; i++ ) { ap->Print( threadIndex, j ); j++; #ifdef DO_EXTRA_LOKI_TESTS ap->Print( threadIndex, j ); j++; A_Locked_ptr ap1( ap ); ap1->Print( threadIndex, j ); j++; #endif } return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void * Run( void * id ) { A_ptr ap( UnsafeA::GetIt().GetA() ); const int threadIndex = reinterpret_cast< int >( id ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < loop; i++ ) { ap->Print( threadIndex ); } return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DoLockedPtrTest( void ) { cout << "Doing thread-locked pointer tests." << endl; SafeA::GetIt(); UnsafeA::GetIt(); ::system( "pause" ); { ThreadPool pool; pool.Create( 5, RunLocked ); pool.Start(); pool.Join(); } cout << "Doing thread-unsafe pointer tests." << endl; ::system( "pause" ); { ThreadPool pool; pool.Create( 5, Run ); pool.Start(); pool.Join(); } SafeA::Destroy(); UnsafeA::Destroy(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DoLockedStorageTest( void ) { cout << "Doing LockedStorage tests." << endl; SelfLockedA::GetIt(); ::system( "pause" ); { ThreadPool pool; pool.Create( 5, RunLockedStorage ); pool.Start(); pool.Join(); } ::system( "pause" ); SelfLockedA::Destroy(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif //#ifdef using multi-threaded model // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log$ // Revision 1.4 2006/10/16 11:48:13 syntheticpp // by default Loki is compiled without thread support, so we must disable the dependency on thread classes (StrongPtr) to avaoid linker errors when compiling with the default build process. Should we change the default threading of Loki? // // Revision 1.3 2006/10/14 00:06:15 rich_sposato // Fixed a couple of bugs. Added lines to send test info to output. Added // use of ScopeGuard. Removed superfluous code. // // Revision 1.2 2006/06/08 19:15:27 lfittl // - Simplify some threading code by not saving the return status // (also fixes 2 gcc warnings) // // Revision 1.1 2006/04/28 00:34:21 rich_sposato // Added test for thread-safe StrongPtr policy. //