git-svn-id: svn:// 7ec92016-0320-0410-acc4-a06ded1c099a
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423 lines
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// The Loki Library
// Copyright (c) 2001 by Andrei Alexandrescu
// This code accompanies the book:
// Alexandrescu, Andrei. "Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design
// Patterns Applied". Copyright (c) 2001. Addison-Wesley.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any
// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
// notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
// permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
// The author or Addison-Welsey Longman make no representations about the
// suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
// without express or implied warranty.
// Last update: May 19, 2002
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma once
#pragma warning( push )
// 'class1' : base-class 'class2' is already a base-class of 'class3'
#pragma warning( disable : 4584 )
#endif // _MSC_VER
#include "Typelist.h"
#include "TypeTraits.h"
#include "EmptyType.h"
namespace Loki
// class template GenScatterHierarchy
// Generates a scattered hierarchy starting from a typelist and a template
// Invocation (TList is a typelist, Model is a template of one arg):
// GenScatterHierarchy<TList, Model>
// The generated class inherits all classes generated by instantiating the
// template 'Model' with the types contained in TList
template <typename T, template <typename> class Unit>
class GenScatterHierarchy;
namespace Private
// for some reason VC7 needs the base definition altough not in use
template <typename TListTag>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper1
template <typename T, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In
typedef typename T::ERROR_THIS_INSTANCE_SELECTED Result;
template <typename TListTag>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper2
template <typename T, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In
typedef typename T::ERROR_THIS_INSTANCE_SELECTED Result;
template <>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper1<TL::Typelist_tag>
template <class TList, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In
typedef GenScatterHierarchy<typename TList::Head, Unit> Result;
template <>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper2<TL::Typelist_tag>
template <class TList, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In
typedef GenScatterHierarchy<typename TList::Tail, Unit> Result;
template <>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper1<TL::NoneList_tag>
template <typename AtomicType, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In { typedef Unit<AtomicType> Result; };
template <>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper2<TL::NoneList_tag>
template <typename AtomicType, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In { struct Result {}; };
template <>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper1<TL::NullType_tag>
template <class TList, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In { struct Result {}; };
template <>
struct GenScatterHierarchyHelper2<TL::NullType_tag>
template <class TList, template <typename> class Unit>
struct In { struct Result {}; };
} // namespace Private
template <typename T, template <typename> class Unit>
class GenScatterHierarchy
: public Private::GenScatterHierarchyHelper1
typename TL::is_Typelist<T>::type_tag
::template In<T, Unit>::Result
, public Private::GenScatterHierarchyHelper2
typename TL::is_Typelist<T>::type_tag
::template In<T, Unit>::Result
typedef typename Private::GenScatterHierarchyHelper1
typename TL::is_Typelist<T>::type_tag
::template In<T, Unit>::Result LeftBase;
typedef typename Private::GenScatterHierarchyHelper2
typename TL::is_Typelist<T>::type_tag
::template In<T, Unit>::Result RightBase;
typedef typename Select
TL::is_Typelist<T>::value, T, void
::Result TList;
template <typename T> struct Rebind
typedef Unit<T> Result;
// function template Field
// Accesses a field in an object of a type generated with GenScatterHierarchy
// Invocation (obj is an object of a type H generated with GenScatterHierarchy,
// T is a type in the typelist used to generate H):
// Field<T>(obj)
// returns a reference to Unit<T>, where Unit is the template used to generate H
template <class T, class H>
typename H::template Rebind<T>::Result &
Field(H& obj)
return obj;
template <class T, class H>
typename H::template Rebind<T>::Result const &
Field(H const & obj)
return obj;
// function template TupleUnit
// The building block of tuples
template <class T>
struct TupleUnit
T value_;
operator T&() { return value_; }
operator const T&() const { return value_; }
// class template Tuple
// Implements a tuple class that holds a number of values and provides field
// access to them via the Field function (below)
template <class TList>
struct Tuple : public GenScatterHierarchy<TList, TupleUnit>
// helper class template FieldHelper
// See Field below
template <unsigned int i>
struct FieldHelper
template<class H>
struct In
typedef typename TL::TypeAt<typename H::TList, i>::Result ElementType;
typedef typename H::template Rebind<ElementType>::Result UnitType;
enum { isConst = TypeTraits<H>::isConst };
typedef typename Select
const typename H::RightBase,
typename H::RightBase
::Result RightBase;
typedef typename Select
IsSameType<UnitType, TupleUnit<ElementType> >::value,
::Result UnqualifiedResultType;
typedef typename Select
const UnqualifiedResultType,
::Result ResultType;
static ResultType& Do(H& obj)
RightBase& rightBase = obj;
return FieldHelper<i - 1>::template In<RightBase>::Do(rightBase);
template <>
struct FieldHelper<0>
template<class H>
struct In
typedef typename H::TList::Head ElementType;
typedef typename H::template Rebind<ElementType>::Result UnitType;
enum { isConst = TypeTraits<H>::isConst };
typedef typename Select
const typename H::LeftBase,
typename H::LeftBase
::Result LeftBase;
typedef typename Select
IsSameType<UnitType, TupleUnit<ElementType> >::value,
::Result UnqualifiedResultType;
typedef typename Select
const UnqualifiedResultType,
::Result ResultType;
static ResultType& Do(H& obj)
LeftBase& leftBase = obj;
return leftBase;
// function template Field
// Accesses a field in an object of a type generated with GenScatterHierarchy
// Invocation (obj is an object of a type H generated with GenScatterHierarchy,
// i is the index of a type in the typelist used to generate H):
// Field<i>(obj)
// returns a reference to Unit<T>, where Unit is the template used to generate H
// and T is the i-th type in the typelist
template <unsigned int i, class H>
typename FieldHelper<i>::template In<H>::ResultType&
Field(H& obj)
return FieldHelper<i>::template In<H>::Do(obj);
// class template GenLinearHierarchy
// Generates a linear hierarchy starting from a typelist and a template
// Invocation (TList is a typelist, Model is a template of two args):
// GenLinearHierarchy<TList, Model, Root>
class TList,
template <class AtomicType, class UnitBase> class Unit,
class Root = EmptyType
class GenLinearHierarchy;
namespace Private
template <typename TListTag>
struct GenLinearHierarchyHelper
template<class TList, template <class, class> class Unit, class Root>
struct In
typedef typename TList::ERROR_THIS_INSTANCE_SELECTED Result;
template <>
struct GenLinearHierarchyHelper<TL::Typelist_tag>
template<class TList, template <class, class> class Unit, class Root>
struct In
typedef typename TList::Head Head;
typedef typename TList::Tail Tail;
typedef Unit< Head, GenLinearHierarchy<Tail, Unit, Root> > Result;
template <>
struct GenLinearHierarchyHelper<TL::NullType_tag>
template<class TList, template <class, class> class Unit, class Root>
struct In
typedef typename TList::Head Head;
typedef Unit<Head, Root> Result;
} // namespace Private
class TList,
template <class AtomicType, class UnitBase> class Unit,
class Root
class GenLinearHierarchy
: public Private::GenLinearHierarchyHelper
typename TL::is_Typelist<typename TList::Tail>::type_tag
::template In<TList, Unit, Root>::Result
ASSERT_TYPELIST(TList); // TList must not be NullType
typedef typename Private::GenLinearHierarchyHelper
typename TL::is_Typelist<typename TList::Tail>::type_tag
::template In<TList, Unit, Root>::Result LinBase;
} // namespace Loki
// Change log:
// June 20, 2001: ported by Nick Thurn to gcc 2.95.3. Kudos, Nick!!!
// May 10, 2002: ported by Rani Sharoni to VC7 (RTM - 9466)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( pop )
#endif // _MSC_VER