git-svn-id: svn:// 7ec92016-0320-0410-acc4-a06ded1c099a
364 lines
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364 lines
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// Part of LevelMutex test program for The Loki Library
// Copyright (c) 2008 Richard Sposato
// The copyright on this file is protected under the terms of the MIT license.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any
// purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
// notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
// permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
// The author makes no representations about the suitability of this software
// for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
// $Id$
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <LevelMutex.h>
#include <Allocator.h>
#include <vector>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GoToSleep( unsigned int milliSeconds );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ExceptionTossingMutex : public ::Loki::SleepLevelMutex
enum ThrowingPolicy
ExceptionTossingMutex( unsigned int level );
virtual ~ExceptionTossingMutex( void );
virtual ::Loki::MutexErrors::Type Lock( void ) volatile;
virtual ::Loki::MutexErrors::Type TryLock( void ) volatile;
virtual ::Loki::MutexErrors::Type Unlock( void ) volatile;
inline ThrowingPolicy GetTossPolicy( void ) const { return m_policy; }
inline void SetTossPolicy( ThrowingPolicy policy ) { m_policy = policy; }
ExceptionTossingMutex( void );
ExceptionTossingMutex( const ExceptionTossingMutex & );
ExceptionTossingMutex & operator = ( const ExceptionTossingMutex & );
ThrowingPolicy m_policy;
typedef ::Loki::LevelMutex< ExceptionTossingMutex, 1,
::Loki::JustReturnMutexError, ::Loki::NoMutexWait > ExceptionMutex;
typedef ::Loki::LevelMutex< ::Loki::SleepLevelMutex, 1,
::Loki::JustReturnMutexError, ::Loki::MutexSleepWaits > SleepMutex;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestResults
static bool Create( unsigned int threadCount );
static void Destroy( void );
inline static TestResults * GetIt( void ) { return s_instance; }
void Reset( unsigned int threadCount );
void SetResult( unsigned int threadIndex, unsigned int total,
unsigned int fails );
void OutputResults( void );
struct TestResult
TestResult( void );
TestResult( const TestResult & that );
~TestResult( void );
unsigned int m_total;
unsigned int m_fails;
typedef ::std::vector< TestResult, ::Loki::LokiAllocator< TestResult > > Results;
explicit TestResults( unsigned int threadCount );
~TestResults( void );
TestResults( void );
TestResults( const TestResults & );
TestResults & operator = ( const TestResults & );
static TestResults * s_instance;
Results m_results;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Thing
typedef ::std::vector< volatile Thing * > ThingPool;
static volatile Thing & GetIt( void ) { return *s_thing; }
static void Init( unsigned int value );
static void Destroy( void );
static volatile Thing * GetFromPool( unsigned int index );
static bool MakePool( unsigned int count );
static unsigned int GetPoolSize( void );
static void DestroyPool( void );
void Print( unsigned int value, unsigned int index, unsigned int startSize ) const volatile;
void Print( unsigned int value, unsigned int index, unsigned int startSize ) const;
unsigned int GetValue( void ) const volatile { return m_value; }
unsigned int GetValue( void ) const { return m_value; }
void SetValue( unsigned int value ) volatile;
void SetValue( unsigned int value ) { m_value = value; }
inline volatile SleepMutex & GetMutex( void ) volatile { return m_mutex; }
inline const volatile SleepMutex & GetMutex( void ) const volatile { return m_mutex; }
explicit Thing( unsigned int value );
~Thing( void );
Thing( void );
Thing( const Thing & );
Thing & operator = ( const Thing & );
static volatile Thing * s_thing;
static ThingPool s_pool;
static TestResults s_results;
mutable volatile SleepMutex m_mutex;
unsigned int m_value;
typedef ::std::vector< Thing * > UnsafeThingPool;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template < class Thingy >
class Unlocker
explicit inline Unlocker( volatile Thingy * thing ) : m_thing( thing ) {}
inline Unlocker( const Unlocker & that ) : m_thing( that.m_thing )
const_cast< Unlocker & >( that ).m_thing = NULL;
inline ~Unlocker( void ) { Unlock(); }
inline void Unlock( void )
if ( NULL != m_thing )
volatile Thingy * m_thing;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class LevelThing
typedef Unlocker< LevelThing > Unlocker;
static volatile LevelThing * GetFromPool( unsigned int index );
static bool MakePool( unsigned int count );
static void DestroyPool( void );
Unlocker LockHierarchy( void ) volatile;
void UnlockHierarchy( void ) volatile;
void SetValue( unsigned int value ) volatile;
void SetValue( unsigned int value );
inline unsigned int GetValue( void ) const volatile { return m_value; }
inline unsigned int GetValue( void ) const { return m_value; }
bool DoValuesMatch( unsigned int value ) const volatile;
bool DoValuesMatch( unsigned int value ) const;
inline volatile ::Loki::LevelMutexInfo & GetMutex( void ) volatile { return m_mutex; }
inline const volatile ::Loki::LevelMutexInfo & GetMutex( void ) const volatile { return m_mutex; }
typedef ::std::vector< volatile LevelThing * > LevelThingPool;
LevelThing( unsigned int level, unsigned int place );
~LevelThing( void );
LevelThing( void );
LevelThing( const LevelThing & );
LevelThing & operator = ( const LevelThing & );
static LevelThingPool s_pool;
mutable volatile SleepMutex m_mutex;
const unsigned int m_place;
unsigned int m_value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SomeThing
SomeThing( unsigned int level, unsigned int place );
~SomeThing( void );
inline unsigned int GetLevel( void ) const volatile { return m_level; }
void SetValue( unsigned int value ) volatile;
void SetValue( unsigned int value );
inline unsigned int GetValue( void ) const volatile { return m_value; }
inline unsigned int GetValue( void ) const { return m_value; }
inline volatile ::Loki::LevelMutexInfo & GetMutex( void ) volatile { return m_mutex; }
inline const volatile ::Loki::LevelMutexInfo & GetMutex( void ) const volatile { return m_mutex; }
SomeThing( void );
SomeThing( const SomeThing & );
SomeThing & operator = ( const SomeThing & );
mutable volatile SleepMutex m_mutex;
const unsigned int m_place;
const unsigned int m_level;
unsigned int m_value;
typedef ::std::vector< volatile SomeThing * > SomeThingPool;
typedef SomeThingPool::iterator SomeThingPoolIter;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class ManyThingsPool
explicit ManyThingsPool( unsigned int level, unsigned int count );
~ManyThingsPool( void );
volatile SomeThing * GetFromPool( unsigned int index );
unsigned int GetCount( void ) const;
ManyThingsPool( void );
ManyThingsPool( const ManyThingsPool & );
ManyThingsPool & operator = ( const ManyThingsPool & );
SomeThingPool m_pool;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class MultiLevelPool
static void MakePool( unsigned int count, unsigned int thingCount );
static void DestroyPool( void );
static ManyThingsPool * GetFromPool( unsigned int index );
static unsigned int GetCount( void );
typedef ::std::vector< ManyThingsPool * > MultiThingPool;
~MultiLevelPool( void );
MultiLevelPool( void );
MultiLevelPool( const MultiLevelPool & );
MultiLevelPool & operator = ( const MultiLevelPool & );
static MultiThingPool s_pool;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CheckForMatchingValues( unsigned int & failCount, unsigned int & testCount,
unsigned int value, const SomeThingPool & pool );
void CheckForMatchingValues( unsigned int & failCount, unsigned int & testCount,
unsigned int value, const SomeThingPool & pool, bool locked );
void MakePool( SomeThingPool & pool );
void LockThese( SomeThingPool & pool );
void UnlockThese( SomeThingPool & pool );
unsigned int CountLockedByThisThread( const SomeThingPool & pool );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------