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2014-02-12 23:59:58 +01:00
Test application for LZMA Decoder (State version)
This file written and distributed to public domain by Igor Pavlov.
This file is part of LZMA SDK 4.26 (2005-08-02)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "LzmaStateDecode.h"
const char *kCantReadMessage = "Can not read input file";
const char *kCantWriteMessage = "Can not write output file";
const char *kCantAllocateMessage = "Can not allocate memory";
#define kInBufferSize (1 << 15)
#define kOutBufferSize (1 << 15)
unsigned char g_InBuffer[kInBufferSize];
unsigned char g_OutBuffer[kOutBufferSize];
size_t MyReadFile(FILE *file, void *data, size_t size)
{ return fread(data, 1, size, file); }
int MyReadFileAndCheck(FILE *file, void *data, size_t size)
{ return (MyReadFile(file, data, size) == size); }
int PrintError(char *buffer, const char *message)
sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), "\nError: ");
sprintf(buffer + strlen(buffer), message);
return 1;
int main3(FILE *inFile, FILE *outFile, char *rs)
/* We use two 32-bit integers to construct 64-bit integer for file size.
You can remove outSizeHigh, if you don't need >= 4GB supporting,
or you can use UInt64 outSize, if your compiler supports 64-bit integers*/
UInt32 outSize = 0;
UInt32 outSizeHigh = 0;
int waitEOS = 1;
/* waitEOS = 1, if there is no uncompressed size in headers,
so decoder will wait EOS (End of Stream Marker) in compressed stream */
int i;
int res = 0;
CLzmaDecoderState state; /* it's about 140 bytes structure, if int is 32-bit */
unsigned char properties[LZMA_PROPERTIES_SIZE];
SizeT inAvail = 0;
unsigned char *inBuffer = 0;
if (sizeof(UInt32) < 4)
return PrintError(rs, "LZMA decoder needs correct UInt32");
/* Read LZMA properties for compressed stream */
if (!MyReadFileAndCheck(inFile, properties, sizeof(properties)))
return PrintError(rs, kCantReadMessage);
/* Read uncompressed size */
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
unsigned char b;
if (!MyReadFileAndCheck(inFile, &b, 1))
return PrintError(rs, kCantReadMessage);
if (b != 0xFF)
waitEOS = 0;
if (i < 4)
outSize += (UInt32)(b) << (i * 8);
outSizeHigh += (UInt32)(b) << ((i - 4) * 8);
/* Decode LZMA properties and allocate memory */
if (LzmaDecodeProperties(&state.Properties, properties, LZMA_PROPERTIES_SIZE) != LZMA_RESULT_OK)
return PrintError(rs, "Incorrect stream properties");
state.Probs = (CProb *)malloc(LzmaGetNumProbs(&state.Properties) * sizeof(CProb));
if (state.Probs == 0)
return PrintError(rs, kCantAllocateMessage);
if (state.Properties.DictionarySize == 0)
state.Dictionary = 0;
state.Dictionary = (unsigned char *)malloc(state.Properties.DictionarySize);
if (state.Dictionary == 0)
return PrintError(rs, kCantAllocateMessage);
/* Decompress */
SizeT inProcessed, outProcessed;
int finishDecoding;
UInt32 outAvail = kOutBufferSize;
if (!waitEOS && outSizeHigh == 0 && outAvail > outSize)
outAvail = outSize;
if (inAvail == 0)
inAvail = (SizeT)MyReadFile(inFile, g_InBuffer, kInBufferSize);
inBuffer = g_InBuffer;
finishDecoding = (inAvail == 0);
res = LzmaDecode(&state,
inBuffer, inAvail, &inProcessed,
g_OutBuffer, outAvail, &outProcessed,
if (res != 0)
sprintf(rs + strlen(rs), "\nDecoding error = %d\n", res);
res = 1;
inAvail -= inProcessed;
inBuffer += inProcessed;
if (outFile != 0)
if (fwrite(g_OutBuffer, 1, outProcessed, outFile) != outProcessed)
PrintError(rs, kCantWriteMessage);
res = 1;
if (outSize < outProcessed)
outSize -= (UInt32)outProcessed;
outSize &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (outProcessed == 0 && finishDecoding)
if (!waitEOS && (outSize != 0 || outSizeHigh != 0))
res = 1;
while ((outSize != 0 && outSizeHigh == 0) || outSizeHigh != 0 || waitEOS);
return res;
int main2(int numArgs, const char *args[], char *rs)
FILE *inFile = 0;
FILE *outFile = 0;
int res;
sprintf(rs + strlen(rs), "\nLZMA Decoder 4.26 Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Igor Pavlov 2005-08-02\n");
if (numArgs < 2 || numArgs > 3)
sprintf(rs + strlen(rs), "\nUsage: lzmadec file.lzma [outFile]\n");
return 1;
inFile = fopen(args[1], "rb");
if (inFile == 0)
return PrintError(rs, "Can not open input file");
if (numArgs > 2)
outFile = fopen(args[2], "wb+");
if (outFile == 0)
return PrintError(rs, "Can not open output file");
res = main3(inFile, outFile, rs);
if (outFile != 0)
return res;
int main(int numArgs, const char *args[])
char rs[800] = { 0 };
int res = main2(numArgs, args, rs);
return res;