153 lines
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153 lines
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/* MinWin GTK Container Peer
* A MinWinGtkPeer is a GTK container that calls delegates to handle
* size requests and allocation. These delegates are usually filled
* by MinWin layout managers.
* Written by Ben Hinkle and released to the public domain, as
* explained at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain
* Report comments and bugs at dsource: http://www.dsource.org/projects/minwin
module minwin.gtk_peers;
private import minwin.gtk;
private GtkContainerClass* parent_cls = null;
private GType container_type = 0;
alias void delegate(GtkWidget *widget,GtkRequisition *requisition) SizeRequestDel;
alias void delegate(GtkWidget *widget,GtkAllocation *allocation) SizeAllocateDel;
struct MinWinGtkPeer {
GtkContainer parent;
GList* children;
SizeRequestDel sizeRequest;
SizeAllocateDel sizeAllocate;
struct MinWinGtkPeerClass {
GtkContainerClass parent;
extern (C)
GType MinWinGtkPeer_get_type() {
if (container_type == 0) {
static GTypeInfo info;
info.class_size = MinWinGtkPeerClass.sizeof;
info.class_init = cast(GClassInitFunc)&MinWinGtkPeer_class_init;
info.instance_size = MinWinGtkPeer.sizeof;
info.instance_init = cast(GInstanceInitFunc)&MinWinGtkPeer_init;
container_type = g_type_register_static(gtk_container_get_type(),
"MinWinGtkPeer",&info, cast(GTypeFlags)0);
return container_type;
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_class_init(MinWinGtkPeerClass* cls,gpointer p) {
GtkWidgetClass* wcls = cast(GtkWidgetClass*) cls;
GtkContainerClass* ccls = cast(GtkContainerClass*) cls;
parent_cls = cast(GtkContainerClass*)g_type_class_peek_parent (cls);
wcls.realize = &MinWinGtkPeer_realize;
wcls.size_request = &MinWinGtkPeer_size_request;
wcls.size_allocate = &MinWinGtkPeer_size_allocate;
ccls.add = &MinWinGtkPeer_add;
ccls.remove = &MinWinGtkPeer_remove;
ccls.forall = &MinWinGtkPeer_forall;
ccls.child_type = &MinWinGtkPeer_child_type;
extern (C)
GType MinWinGtkPeer_child_type(GtkContainer* container) {
return gtk_widget_get_type();
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_init(MinWinGtkPeer* c) {
GtkObject* obj = cast(GtkObject*)c;
obj.flags = GtkWidgetFlags.GTK_NO_WINDOW;
c.children = null;
c.sizeRequest = null;
c.sizeAllocate = null;
extern (C)
GtkWidget* MinWinGtkPeer_new() {
return cast(GtkWidget*)g_object_new(MinWinGtkPeer_get_type(), null);
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_add(GtkContainer* c,GtkWidget* widget) {
MinWinGtkPeer* mwc = cast(MinWinGtkPeer*)c;
GtkWidget* child = widget;
mwc.children = g_list_append(mwc.children, child);
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_realize(GtkWidget *widget) {
GtkWidgetClass* wcls = cast(GtkWidgetClass*)parent_cls;
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_size_request(GtkWidget* w,GtkRequisition* req) {
MinWinGtkPeer* c = cast(MinWinGtkPeer*) w;
req.width = 0;
req.height = 0;
if (c.sizeRequest !is null) {
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_size_allocate(GtkWidget* w, GtkAllocation* a){
MinWinGtkPeer* c = cast(MinWinGtkPeer*) w;
w.allocation = *a;
if (c.sizeAllocate !is null) {
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_remove(GtkContainer* container,GtkWidget* widget) {
MinWinGtkPeer *c;
GtkWidget *child;
GList *children;
c = cast(MinWinGtkPeer*)(container);
children = c.children;
while (children) {
child = cast(GtkWidget*)children.data;
if (child is widget) {
gtk_widget_unparent (widget);
c.children = g_list_remove_link (c.children, children);
g_list_free (children);
children = children.next;
extern (C)
void MinWinGtkPeer_forall (GtkContainer *container,
gboolean include_internals,
GtkCallback callback,
gpointer callback_data) {
MinWinGtkPeer *c;
GtkWidget *child;
GList *children;
c = cast(MinWinGtkPeer*)(container);
children = c.children;
while (children) {
child = cast(GtkWidget*)children.data;
children = children.next;
callback(child, callback_data);