193 lines
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193 lines
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/* MinWin Font class
* Written by Ben Hinkle and released to the public domain, as
* explained at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain
* Report comments and bugs at dsource: http://www.dsource.org/projects/minwin
module minwin.font;
private {
import minwin.app;
import minwin.component;
import minwin.peerimpl;
import std.string;
import std.c.string;
enum FontWeight {
Any = 0,
Thin = 100,
ExtraLight = 200,
Light = 300,
Normal = 400,
Medium = 500,
SemiBold = 600,
Bold = 700,
ExtraBold = 800,
Heavy = 900
enum StandardFont {
Gui, Fixed, Variable
version (GTK) version = GenericFontDataStruct;
version (GenericFontDataStruct) {
struct FontData {
int size;
FontWeight weight;
bool italic;
char[] name;
version (MinWin32) {
private import minwin.mswindows;
alias HFONT FontPeer;
alias LOGFONTA FontDataNative;
struct FontData {
FontDataNative native;
void size(int size) { native.lfHeight = size; }
int size() { return native.lfHeight; }
void weight(FontWeight w) { native.lfWeight = w; }
FontWeight weight() { return cast(FontWeight)native.lfWeight; }
void italic(bool i) { native.lfItalic = i; }
bool italic() { return native.lfItalic != 0; }
char[] name() {
char* s = native.lfFaceName.ptr;
return s[0..strlen(s)];
void name(char[] n) {
native.lfFaceName[0 .. n.length] = n[];
alias TEXTMETRICA FontMetricsNative;
struct FontMetrics {
FontMetricsNative native;
int size() { return native.tmHeight; }
int ascent() { return native.tmAscent; }
int descent() { return native.tmDescent; }
int leading() { return native.tmExternalLeading; }
int maxWidth() { return native.tmMaxCharWidth; }
class Font {
FontPeer peer;
this(inout FontData d) {
d.native.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
peer = CreateFontIndirectA(&d.native);
sysAssert(peer !is null, "Failed to create peer Font");
hasPeer = OWNS_PEER;
// mixin CommonFontCtor!();
this(FontPeer p) {
peer = p;
this(char[] name, int size = 0, FontWeight weight = FontWeight.Normal) {
FontData fd;
if (size > 0)
fd.size = size;
if (weight > 0)
fd.weight = weight;
if (name.length > 0)
fd.name = name;
mixin SimplePeerMixin!();
Font standardFont(StandardFont id) {
static Font[5] fonts;
if (fonts[0] is null && id == StandardFont.Gui) {
fonts[0] = new Font(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
} else if (fonts[1] is null && id == StandardFont.Fixed) {
fonts[1] = new Font(GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT));
} else if (fonts[2] is null && id == StandardFont.Variable) {
fonts[2] = new Font(GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT));
return fonts[id];
} else version (GTK) {
private import minwin.app;
private import minwin.gtk;
private import std.string;
alias PangoFontDescription* FontPeer;
struct FontMetrics {
int size;
int ascent;
int descent;
int leading;
int maxWidth;
class Font {
FontPeer peer;
this(inout FontData d) {
peer = pango_font_description_new();
if (d.name.length > 0)
if (d.size > 0)
if (d.weight > 0)
hasPeer = OWNS_PEER;
// mixin CommonFontCtor!();
this(FontPeer p) {
peer = p;
this(char[] name, int size = 0, FontWeight weight = FontWeight.Normal) {
FontData fd;
if (size > 0)
fd.size = size;
if (weight > 0)
fd.weight = weight;
if (name.length > 0)
fd.name = name;
mixin PeerMixin!();
void dispose() { disposePeer(); }
void disposePeer() {
if (hasPeer == OWNS_PEER)
hasPeer = NO_PEER;
// TODO: what are the standard GTK fonts??
Font standardFont(StandardFont id) {
static Font[5] fonts;
FontData d;
if (fonts[0] is null && id == StandardFont.Gui) {
fonts[0] = new Font("variable");
} else if (fonts[1] is null && id == StandardFont.Fixed) {
fonts[1] = new Font("fixed");
} else if (fonts[2] is null && id == StandardFont.Variable) {
fonts[2] = new Font("variable");
return fonts[id];