# Tell cmake our project only concerns the D language. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.1) # We must explicitly indicate we're using the D language # in the project declaration. Listing other languages # is fine. PROJECT (CMAKED2_TESTS C D ) SET( GLOBAL_DMD_DEFS "-w -wi" ) SET( GLOBAL_GCC_DEFS "-Wall -pedantic -m32" ) # Don't use ADD_DEFINITIONS() with a mixed C + D project # since that adds the same flags to both C and D builds. # Also, the D linker preference is set to 40, which is # higher than C++ (30) and C (10). This causes CMAKE # to use the D linker in mixed linking cases. # Append our own definitions to the defaults. SET( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${GLOBAL_GCC_DEFS}" ) SET( CMAKE_D_FLAGS "${CMAKE_D_FLAGS} ${GLOBAL_DMD_DEFS}" ) enable_testing() # build libs first, then apps ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (lib_1) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (lib_2) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_1) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_2) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_3) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_5) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_4) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_6) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_7) ADD_SUBDIRECTORY (app_8)