# # CMakeD - CMake module for D Language # # Copyright (c) 2007, Selman Ulug # Tim Burrell # # All rights reserved. # # See Copyright.txt for details. # # Modified from CMake 2.6.5 CMakeDetermineCCompiler.cmake # See http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details # # determine the compiler to use for D programs # NOTE, a generator may set CMAKE_D_COMPILER before # loading this file to force a compiler. # use environment variable DC first if defined by user, next use # the cmake variable CMAKE_GENERATOR_D which can be defined by a generator # as a default compiler IF(NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT NOTFOUND) # prefer the environment variable DC IF($ENV{DC} MATCHES ".+") GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT $ENV{DC} PROGRAM PROGRAM_ARGS CMAKE_D_FLAGS_ENV_INIT) IF(CMAKE_D_FLAGS_ENV_INIT) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ARG1 "${CMAKE_D_FLAGS_ENV_INIT}" CACHE STRING "First argument to D compiler") ENDIF(CMAKE_D_FLAGS_ENV_INIT) IF(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find compiler set in environment variable C:\n$ENV{DC}.") ENDIF(NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT}) ENDIF($ENV{DC} MATCHES ".+") # next try prefer the compiler specified by the generator IF(CMAKE_GENERATOR_D) IF(NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR_D}) ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT) ENDIF(CMAKE_GENERATOR_D) # finally list compilers to try IF(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT}) ELSE(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST ${_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}gdc ${_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX}dmd) ENDIF(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT) # Find the compiler. IF (_CMAKE_USER_D_COMPILER_PATH) FIND_PROGRAM(CMAKE_D_COMPILER NAMES ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST} PATHS ${_CMAKE_USER_D_COMPILER_PATH} DOC "D compiler" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) ENDIF (_CMAKE_USER_D_COMPILER_PATH) FIND_PROGRAM(CMAKE_D_COMPILER NAMES ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST} DOC "D compiler") IF(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT AND NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER "${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT}" CACHE FILEPATH "D compiler" FORCE) ENDIF(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_INIT AND NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER) ELSE (NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER) # we only get here if CMAKE_D_COMPILER was specified using -D or a pre-made CMakeCache.txt # (e.g. via ctest) or set in CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE # if CMAKE_D_COMPILER is a list of length 2, use the first item as # CMAKE_D_COMPILER and the 2nd one as CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ARG1 LIST(LENGTH CMAKE_D_COMPILER _CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST_LENGTH) IF("${_CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST_LENGTH}" EQUAL 2) LIST(GET CMAKE_D_COMPILER 1 CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ARG1) LIST(GET CMAKE_D_COMPILER 0 CMAKE_D_COMPILER) ENDIF("${_CMAKE_D_COMPILER_LIST_LENGTH}" EQUAL 2) # if a compiler was specified by the user but without path, # now try to find it with the full path # if it is found, force it into the cache, # if not, don't overwrite the setting (which was given by the user) with "NOTFOUND" # if the C compiler already had a path, reuse it for searching the CXX compiler GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_CMAKE_USER_D_COMPILER_PATH "${CMAKE_D_COMPILER}" PATH) IF(NOT _CMAKE_USER_D_COMPILER_PATH) FIND_PROGRAM(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_WITH_PATH NAMES ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER}) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_WITH_PATH) IF(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_WITH_PATH) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_WITH_PATH} CACHE STRING "D compiler" FORCE) ENDIF(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_WITH_PATH) ENDIF(NOT _CMAKE_USER_D_COMPILER_PATH) ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER) MARK_AS_ADVANCED(CMAKE_D_COMPILER) IF (NOT _CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_LOCATION) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_LOCATION "${CMAKE_D_COMPILER}" PATH) ENDIF (NOT _CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_LOCATION) # Build a small source file to identify the compiler. IF(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio") SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_RUN 1) SET(CMAKE_D_PLATFORM_ID "Windows") # TODO: Set the compiler id. It is probably MSVC but # the user may be using an integrated Intel compiler. # SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID "MSVC") ENDIF(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio") IF(NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_RUN) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_RUN 1) # Each entry in this list is a set of extra flags to try # adding to the compile line to see if it helps produce # a valid identification file. SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_TEST_FLAGS # Try compiling to an object file only. "-c" ) # Try to identify the compiler. SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID) FIND_FILE(CMAKE_PLATFORM_ID_CONTENT_FILE CMakePlatformId.di.in PATHS ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) FILE(READ ${CMAKE_PLATFORM_ID_CONTENT_FILE} CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_PLATFORM_CONTENT) INCLUDE(${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CMakeDetermineCompilerId.cmake) # Workaround for bug http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=14481 FIND_FILE(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_FILE_IN CMakeDCompilerId.d.in PATHS ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) FILE(RELATIVE_PATH CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_FILE_IN_RELATIVE ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_FILE_IN}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[.]in$" "" CMAKE_COMPILER_ID_FILE_RELATIVE ${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_FILE_IN_RELATIVE}) CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID(D DFLAGS ${CMAKE_COMPILER_ID_FILE_RELATIVE}) UNSET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_FILE_IN CACHE) UNSET(CMAKE_PLATFORM_ID_CONTENT_FILE CACHE) # Set old compiler and platform id variables. IF("${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU") SET(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GDC 1) ENDIF("${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU") IF("${CMAKE_D_PLATFORM_ID}" MATCHES "MinGW") SET(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_MINGW 1) ELSEIF("${CMAKE_D_PLATFORM_ID}" MATCHES "Cygwin") SET(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_CYGWIN 1) ENDIF("${CMAKE_D_PLATFORM_ID}" MATCHES "MinGW") ENDIF(NOT CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ID_RUN) INCLUDE(CMakeFindBinUtils) IF(MSVC_D_ARCHITECTURE_ID) SET(SET_MSVC_D_ARCHITECTURE_ID "SET(MSVC_D_ARCHITECTURE_ID ${MSVC_D_ARCHITECTURE_ID})") ENDIF(MSVC_D_ARCHITECTURE_ID) # configure variables set in this file for fast reload later on FIND_FILE(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_CMAKE_IN CMakeDCompiler.cmake.in PATHS ${CMAKE_ROOT} ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) CONFIGURE_FILE(${CMAKE_D_COMPILER_CMAKE_IN} ${CMAKE_PLATFORM_INFO_DIR}/CMakeDCompiler.cmake @ONLY IMMEDIATE # IMMEDIATE must be here for compatibility mode <= 2.0 ) SET(CMAKE_D_COMPILER_ENV_VAR "DC")