import std.stdio; import core.thread; import std.perf; // Yield count should be larger for a // more accurate measurment, but this // is just a unit tests, so don't spin // for long immutable uint yield_count = 1000; immutable uint worker_count = 10; uint stack_check() { uint x; asm { mov x,ESP; } return x; } void fiber_func() { uint i = yield_count; while( --i ) Fiber.yield(); } void thread_func() { uint i = yield_count; while( --i ) Thread.yield(); } void fiber_test() { Fiber[worker_count] fib_array; foreach( ref f; fib_array ) f = new Fiber( &fiber_func ); auto timer = new PerformanceCounter; uint i = yield_count; // fibers are cooperative and need a driver loop timer.start(); bool done; do { done = true; foreach( f; fib_array ) {; if( f.state() != f.State.TERM ) done = false; } } while( !done ); timer.stop(); writeln( "Elapsed time for ", worker_count, " workers times ", yield_count, " yield() calls with fibers = ", timer.milliseconds, "ms" ); } void thread_test() { Thread[worker_count] thread_array; foreach( ref t; thread_array ) t = new Thread( &thread_func ); auto timer = new PerformanceCounter; timer.start(); foreach( t; thread_array ) t.start(); thread_joinAll(); timer.stop(); writeln( "Elapsed time for ", worker_count, " workers times ", yield_count, " yield() calls with threads = ", timer.milliseconds, "ms" ); } int main() { fiber_test(); thread_test(); return 0; }