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183 lines
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/* Copyright 2015, 2016, Michele Santullo
* This file is part of "dindexer".
* "dindexer" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* "dindexer" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with "dindexer". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef id040FEEC20F7B4F65A3EF67BA6460E737
#define id040FEEC20F7B4F65A3EF67BA6460E737
#include "dindexer-machinery/recorddata.hpp"
#include "kakoune/safe_ptr.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <ciso646>
#include <cstdint>
namespace mchlib {
namespace implem {
template <bool Const> class DirIterator;
} //namespace implem
class PathName;
template <bool Const> class SetListingView;
template <bool Const>
implem::DirIterator<Const> first_file ( const SetListingView<Const>& parList );
template <bool Const>
implem::DirIterator<Const> first_file ( SetListingView<Const>& parList );
typedef FileRecordData SetListingItemType;
namespace implem {
template <bool Const>
class DirIterator : public boost::iterator_facade<DirIterator<Const>, SetListingItemType, boost::forward_traversal_tag> {
friend class mchlib::SetListingView<Const>;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
template <bool> friend class DirIterator;
typedef boost::iterator_facade<DirIterator<Const>, SetListingItemType, boost::forward_traversal_tag> base_class;
struct enabler {};
typedef typename std::conditional<
>::type VecIterator;
typedef typename base_class::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base_class::value_type value_type;
typedef typename base_class::pointer pointer;
typedef typename base_class::reference reference;
typedef typename base_class::iterator_category iterator_category;
DirIterator ( DirIterator&& parOther );
DirIterator ( const DirIterator& parOther );
template <bool OtherConst>
DirIterator ( DirIterator<OtherConst>&& parOther, typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<typename DirIterator<OtherConst>::VecIterator, VecIterator>::value, enabler>::type = enabler() );
DirIterator ( VecIterator parBegin, VecIterator parEnd, const PathName* parBasePath, std::size_t parLevelOffset );
~DirIterator ( void ) noexcept;
DirIterator& operator= ( DirIterator&& parOther );
DirIterator& operator= ( const DirIterator& parOther );
template <bool OtherConst>
DirIterator& operator= ( typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<typename DirIterator<OtherConst>::VecIterator, VecIterator>::value, DirIterator<OtherConst>>::type&& parOther );
template <bool OtherConst>
DirIterator& operator= ( const typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<typename DirIterator<OtherConst>::VecIterator, VecIterator>::value, DirIterator<OtherConst>>::type& parOther );
void increment ( void );
difference_type distance_to ( const DirIterator<Const>& parOther ) const;
template <bool OtherConst>
bool equal ( const DirIterator<OtherConst>& parOther ) const;
reference dereference ( void ) const;
bool is_end ( void ) const;
VecIterator m_current;
VecIterator m_end;
Kakoune::SafePtr<const PathName> m_base_path;
std::size_t m_level_offset;
template <bool Const>
class SetListingView {
struct enabler {};
typedef implem::DirIterator<true> const_iterator;
typedef implem::DirIterator<false> iterator;
typedef typename implem::DirIterator<Const>::VecIterator list_iterator;
explicit SetListingView ( const implem::DirIterator<Const>& parIter );
SetListingView ( list_iterator parBeg, list_iterator parEnd, std::size_t parLevelOffset );
SetListingView ( list_iterator parBeg, list_iterator parEnd, std::size_t parLevelOffset, const std::shared_ptr<PathName>& parBasePath );
template <bool B=not Const, typename Other=typename std::enable_if<B, SetListingView<not B>>::type>
SetListingView ( const Other& parOther );
SetListingView ( SetListingView&& ) = default;
~SetListingView ( void ) noexcept = default;
const_iterator begin ( void ) const;
const_iterator cbegin ( void ) const;
const_iterator end ( void ) const;
const_iterator cend ( void ) const;
template <bool B=not Const, typename R=typename std::enable_if<B, iterator>::type>
R begin ( void );
template <bool B=not Const, typename R=typename std::enable_if<B, iterator>::type>
R end ( void );
list_iterator m_begin;
list_iterator m_end;
std::shared_ptr<PathName> m_base_path;
std::size_t m_level_offset;
using MutableSetListingView = SetListingView<false>;
using ConstSetListingView = SetListingView<true>;
class SetListing {
typedef std::vector<SetListingItemType> ListType;
typedef implem::DirIterator<true> const_iterator;
explicit SetListing ( ListType&& parList, bool parSort=true );
~SetListing ( void ) noexcept;
const_iterator begin ( void ) const;
const_iterator cbegin ( void ) const;
const_iterator end ( void ) const;
const_iterator cend ( void ) const;
//ListType descend_copy ( const const_iterator& parItem ) const;
SetListingView<false> make_view ( void );
SetListingView<true> make_view ( void ) const;
SetListingView<true> make_cview ( void ) const;
bool empty ( void ) const;
std::size_t size ( void ) const;
std::size_t files_count ( void ) const;
std::size_t dir_count ( void ) const;
const ListType& sorted_list ( void ) const;
static void sort_list ( ListType& parList );
static ListType::iterator lower_bound ( ListType& parList, const char* parPath, uint16_t parLevel, bool parIsDir );
ListType m_list;
std::shared_ptr<PathName> m_base_path;
template <bool Const>
inline implem::DirIterator<Const> first_file (const SetListingView<Const>& parList) {
auto end = parList.end();
for (auto it = parList.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if (not it->is_directory)
return it;
return parList.end();
template <bool Const>
inline implem::DirIterator<Const> first_file (SetListingView<Const>& parList) {
auto end = parList.end();
for (auto it = parList.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if (not it->is_directory)
return it;
return parList.end();
} //namespace mchlib