/* Copyright 2017, Michele Santullo * This file is part of "kamokan". * * "kamokan" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * "kamokan" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with "kamokan". If not, see . */ #include "catch.hpp" #include "submit_paste_response.hpp" #include "escapist.hpp" #include "simulation_config.h" #include "ini_file.hpp" #include "settings_bag.hpp" #include "safe_stack_object.hpp" #include "cgi_env.hpp" #include "cgi_post.hpp" #include "fake_storage.hpp" #include #include #include namespace tawashi { class SubmitPasteResponseWithFakeStorage : public SubmitPasteResponse { public: SubmitPasteResponseWithFakeStorage ( const Kakoune::SafePtr& parSettings, std::ostream* parStreamOut, const Kakoune::SafePtr& parCgiEnv, std::string&& parPostData ) : SubmitPasteResponse(parSettings, parStreamOut, parCgiEnv), m_fake_storage(parSettings, true), m_post_data(std::move(parPostData)) { } virtual cgi::PostMapType cgi_post() const override { CHECK(not m_post_data.empty()); std::istringstream iss(m_post_data); return cgi::read_post(iss, this->cgi_env(), this->settings().as("max_post_size")); } virtual const Storage& storage() const override { return m_fake_storage; } const std::vector& submitted_pasties() const { return m_fake_storage.submitted_pasties(); } private: FakeStorage m_fake_storage; std::string m_post_data; }; } //namespace tawashi TEST_CASE ("Submit paste response", "[submitpaste][response]") { using curry::SafeStackObject; using tawashi::Escapist; Escapist houdini; std::string original_pastie = u8"不法投棄(ふほうとうき)とは、廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律(主に、廃棄物処理法、廃掃法と略される)に違反して、同法に定めた処分場以外(主に山中や海、廃墟など人目につかない場所)に廃棄物を投棄することをいう。"; std::string original_lang = u8"colourless"; std::string original_expiry = "2017"; std::string post_data = "pastie=" + houdini.escape_url(original_pastie) + "&" + "lang=" + houdini.escape_url(original_lang) + "&" + "ttl=" + houdini.escape_url(original_expiry) ; std::string content_length_entry = "CONTENT_LENGTH=" + std::to_string(post_data.size()); const char* const env_raw[] = { "AUTH_TYPE=", "CONTENT_TYPE=application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8", "QUERY_STRING=index.cgi", "REMOTE_ADDR=", "REMOTE_HOST=", "REMOTE_IDENT=", "REMOTE_USER=", "REQUEST_URI=/kamokan/paste.cgi", "REQUEST_METHOD=POST" "SCRIPT_NAME=", "SERVER_NAME=test_server" "SERVER_SOFTWARE=UnitTest", content_length_entry.c_str(), "SERVER_PORT=80", "HTTPS=", "REQUEST_METHOD=POST", nullptr }; SafeStackObject fake_env(env_raw, "/"); std::string kamokan_settings( "[kamokan]\n" " host_name =\n" " website_root = " KAMOKAN_HTML_PATH "\n" " logging_level = debug\n" " langmap_dir = /usr/share/source-highlight\n" " host_path = /kamokan\n" " host_port =\n" " redis_mode = sock\n" " redis_server =\n" " redis_port = 6379\n" " redis_sock = /lol/redis.sock\n" " redis_db = 0\n" " max_post_size = 1000000\n" " max_pastie_size = 1500\n" " min_pastie_size = 1\n" " truncate_long_pasties = no\n" ); SafeStackObject ini(std::move(kamokan_settings)); SafeStackObject settings(ini, "kamokan"); std::ostringstream oss; tawashi::SubmitPasteResponseWithFakeStorage submit_response( settings, &oss, fake_env, std::move(post_data) ); submit_response.send(); auto& submitted_pasties = submit_response.submitted_pasties(); REQUIRE(submitted_pasties.size() == 1); auto& submitted_pastie = submitted_pasties.front(); CHECK(submitted_pastie.text == original_pastie); CHECK(submitted_pastie.lang == original_lang); #if defined(TAWASHI_WITH_IP_LOGGING) CHECK(submitted_pastie.remote_ip == ""); #endif CHECK(submitted_pastie.token == "b"); CHECK(submitted_pastie.expiry == boost::lexical_cast(original_expiry)); { std::string output = oss.str(); const char expected[] = "Status: HTTP/1.1 303 See Other\n" "Location:\n\n" ; CHECK(output == expected); } }