/* Copyright 2020, Michele Santullo * This file is part of orotool. * * Orotool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Orotool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Orotool. If not, see . */ #include "oro/api.hpp" #include "oro/originsdb.hpp" #include "orotool_config.hpp" #include "evloop.hpp" #include "app_config.hpp" #include "duckhandy/int_conv.hpp" #include "duckhandy/string_bt.hpp" #include #include namespace { void print_ping(oro::Api& oro_api) { auto ping = oro_api.ping(); std::cout << "date: " << ping.first.date << '\n'; std::cout << "rate limit: " << ping.first.rate_limit << '\n'; std::cout << "remaining: " << ping.first.rate_limit_remaining << '\n'; std::cout << "reset: " << ping.first.rate_limit_reset << '\n'; std::cout << "retry after: " << ping.first.retry_after << '\n'; std::cout << "server: " << ping.first.server << '\n'; std::cout << "-----\n"; std::cout << "timestamp: " << ping.second.generation_timestamp << '\n'; std::cout << "answer: " << ping.second.message << '\n'; std::cout << "version: " << ping.second.version << '\n'; } constexpr auto app_version() { constexpr const auto dot = dhandy::bt::make_string("."); constexpr const auto maj = dhandy::int_to_ary(duck::g_version_major); constexpr const auto min = dhandy::int_to_ary(duck::g_version_minor); constexpr const auto pat = dhandy::int_to_ary(duck::g_version_patch); constexpr const dhandy::bt::string maj_n(maj.data()); constexpr const dhandy::bt::string min_n(min.data()); constexpr const dhandy::bt::string pat_n(pat.data()); return (maj_n + dot + min_n + dot + pat_n); } constexpr auto app_api_name() { constexpr const auto name = dhandy::bt::make_string(duck::g_project_name); constexpr const auto us = dhandy::bt::make_string("_"); return (name + us + app_version()); } } //unnamed namespace int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { duck::AppConfig app_conf; std::string_view api_key = (2 == argc ? std::string_view(argv[1]) : app_conf.api_key()); oro::Api oro_api( duck::g_base_url, std::string(api_key), app_api_name().data(), duck::g_build_purpose ); print_ping(oro_api); std::unique_ptr db(oro::OriginsDB::make(app_conf.backend(), app_conf.db_path())); duck::test( &oro_api, db.get(), app_conf.fetch_extra_delay(), app_conf.worker_threads() ); } catch (const restc_cpp::CommunicationException& err) { std::cerr << "Communication with server \"" << duck::g_base_url << "\" failed: " << err.what() << '\n'; return 1; } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cerr << "An error occurred during the program execution: " << err.what() << '\n'; return 1; } /* { auto whoami = oro_api.who_am_i(); std::cout << "master id: " << whoami.second.master_id << '\n'; } { auto items = oro_api.items_list(); std::cout << "Total items in DB: " << items.second.items.size() << '\n'; } { auto icons = oro_api.items_icons(); std::cout << "Total icons in DB: " << icons.second.icons.size() << '\n'; } { auto shops = oro_api.market_list(); for (const auto& shop : shops.second.shops) { std::cout << "Shop \"" << shop.title << "\" by " << shop.owner << " in " << shop.location.map << " at <" << shop.location.x << ", " << shop.location.y << "> "; if (shop.type == oro::ShopType::Buying) std::cout << "buying "; else std::cout << "selling "; std::cout << shop.items.size() << " items\n"; } } { auto fame = oro_api.fame_list(); std::cout << "Forgers: "; for (const auto& forger : fame.second.forgers) { std::cout << forger.name << ", "; } std::cout << '\n'; std::cout << "Brewers: "; for (const auto& brewer : fame.second.brewers) { std::cout << brewer.name << ", "; } std::cout << '\n'; } */ return 0; }