/* Copyright 2021, Michele Santullo * This file is part of remarkable_tool. * * remarkable_tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Remarkable_tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with remarkable_tool. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace { #define BASE_PATH "/run/media/duckz/Sabrent/deleme/remarkable_20210324/xochitl/" //#define BASE_PATH "/home/duckz/dev/code/cpp/remarkable_tool/lib/lines-are-beautiful/share/rmlab/examples/" struct NotebookInfo { std::string visible_name; std::string parent; std::string type; std::vector files; std::uint64_t version = 0; std::uintmax_t total_size = 0; bool deleted = false; bool isolated = true; }; struct Node { Node() : info(nullptr), parent(nullptr) { } Node (std::string_view name, const NotebookInfo* payload, Node* parent) : name(name), info(payload), parent(parent) { } std::vector children; std::string_view name; const NotebookInfo* info; const Node* parent; }; typedef std::unordered_map NotebookMapType; std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, const NotebookMapType::value_type& v) { auto& key = v.first; auto& val = v.second; str << key << " (\"" << val.visible_name << "\", " << val.type << "): deleted=" << std::boolalpha << val.deleted << ", parent=\"" << val.parent << "\", version=" << val.version << ", files="; std::string_view sep(""); for (const auto& f : val.files) { str << sep << f; sep = ";"; } str << ", size=" << std::setprecision(2) << static_cast(val.total_size) / (1024.0 * 1024.0) << "MiB"; return str; } template std::vector& operator+= (std::vector& dst, const std::vector& src) { dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end()); return dst; } NotebookMapType build_notebook_infos ( const fs::path& from_path ) { simdjson::dom::parser parser; NotebookMapType retval; for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(from_path)) { NotebookInfo& curr_info = retval[entry.path().stem()]; if (entry.path().extension() == ".metadata") { simdjson::dom::object json_doc = parser.load(entry.path()); curr_info.deleted = json_doc["deleted"]; curr_info.parent = json_doc["parent"]; curr_info.type = json_doc["type"]; curr_info.version = json_doc["version"]; curr_info.visible_name = json_doc["visibleName"]; curr_info.isolated = false; } else if (fs::is_directory(entry)) { for (const auto& subentry : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(entry)) { curr_info.files.push_back(fs::relative(subentry, from_path)); if (fs::is_regular_file(subentry)) curr_info.total_size += fs::file_size(subentry); } } curr_info.files.push_back(fs::relative(entry, from_path)); if (fs::is_regular_file(entry)) curr_info.total_size += fs::file_size(entry); } return retval; } std::vector to_tree (const NotebookMapType& nbs) { std::unordered_map> parents; for (const auto& nb : nbs) { auto it_ins = parents.emplace(nb.second.parent, std::make_pair(0U, Node{nb.second.parent, nullptr, nullptr})); it_ins.first->second.first++; } for (const auto& nb : nbs) { auto it_parent = parents.find(nb.first); if (parents.cend() != it_parent) { Node& node = it_parent->second.second; node.info = &nb.second; } } for (auto& par : parents) { Node& node = par.second.second; const unsigned int children_count = par.second.first; node.children.reserve(children_count); } for (const auto& nb : nbs) { if (0 == parents.count(nb.first)) { Node& parent = parents[nb.second.parent].second; parent.children.emplace_back(nb.first, &nb.second, &parent); } } std::vector roots; std::unordered_map grouped_nodes; for (auto it = parents.begin(), it_end = parents.end(); it != it_end; it = parents.erase(it)) { auto& node = it->second.second; if (node.info) { auto it_parent = parents.find(node.info->parent); Node* dst_node = (parents.end() == it_parent ? grouped_nodes[node.info->parent] : &it_parent->second.second); dst_node->children.push_back(std::move(node)); grouped_nodes[dst_node->children.back().name] = &dst_node->children.back(); } else { roots.push_back(std::move(node)); grouped_nodes[node.name] = &roots.back(); } } return roots; } void print_tree (const Node& tree, std::string_view desc={}, std::string indent={}) { std::cout << indent << desc << " (\"" << tree.name << "\")"; if (tree.info && tree.info->isolated) std::cout << " ISOLATED"; else if (tree.info and tree.info->deleted) std::cout << " DELETED"; std::cout << '\n'; for (const auto& child : tree.children) { print_tree(child, child.info->visible_name, indent + "\t"); } } std::uintmax_t recursive_size (const Node& tree) { std::uintmax_t retval = 0; if (tree.info) retval = tree.info->total_size; for (const auto& child : tree.children) { retval += recursive_size(child); } return retval; } std::vector to_flat_notebook_list (const Node& tree) { std::vector retval; for (const auto& child : tree.children) { retval += to_flat_notebook_list(child); } if (tree.info) retval.push_back(tree.info); return retval; } std::vector make_dele_list (const Node& tree) { if (tree.info and (tree.info->deleted or tree.info->isolated)) return to_flat_notebook_list(tree); std::vector retval; for (const auto& child : tree.children) { retval += make_dele_list(child); } return retval; } } //unnamed namespace int main() { using std::string_view; auto notebooks = build_notebook_infos(BASE_PATH); //naive linear delete //std::uintmax_t total = 0; //std::uintmax_t freed = 0; //std::set dele_list; //for (auto& nb : notebooks) { // if (nb.second.deleted) { // dele_list.insert(nb.first); // for (const auto& file : nb.second.files) { // std::cout << BASE_PATH << file << '\n'; // } // freed += nb.second.total_size; // } // total += nb.second.total_size; //} //for (auto& nb : notebooks) { // if (dele_list.count(nb.second.parent) and not nb.second.deleted) { // std::cerr << "Warning: " << nb.second.parent << " deleted but it's the parent of " << nb.first << "!\n"; // } //} // //std::cout << "Found " << notebooks.size() << " notebooks\n"; //std::cout << "Total size " << std::setprecision(2) << // static_cast(total) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) << "GiB\n"; //std::cout << "Would delete " << dele_list.size() << " notebooks\n"; //std::cout << "Would free " << std::setprecision(2) << // static_cast(freed) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) << "GiB\n"; std::vector roots = to_tree(notebooks); //std::cout << "Found " << notebooks.size() << " notebooks\n"; //std::cout << "Collection has " << roots.size() << " roots\n"; //std::cout << " ---------\n"; //for (const auto& root : roots) { // std::cout << "\tTree \"" << root.name << "\" has " << root.children.size() << " nodes\n\n"; //} //std::uintmax_t total_mem1 = 0; std::vector dele_list; for (const auto& root : roots) { //std::string_view desc; //if (root.name == "trash") // desc = "rubbish bin"; //else if (root.name == "") // desc = "root"; //print_tree(root, desc); //total_mem1 += recursive_size(root); dele_list += make_dele_list(root); } //std::cout << "Total size 1: " << total_mem1 << " bytes\n"; //const std::uintmax_t total_mem2 = std::accumulate(notebooks.cbegin(), notebooks.cend(), std::uintmax_t{}, [](std::uintmax_t a, const auto& b) {return a + b.second.total_size;}); //std::cout << "Total size 2: " << total_mem2 << " bytes\n"; for (const NotebookInfo* nb : dele_list) { for (const auto& f : nb->files) { std::cout << "/home/root/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/" << f << '\n'; } } return 0; }