
Counting Characters in UTF-8 Strings Is Fast(er)


by George Pollard


Counting Characters in UTF-8 Strings Is Fast’ by Kragen Sitaker shows several ways to count characters UTF-8, using both assembly and C. But, with a few assumptions, we can go faster.


Assumption One: We are dealing with a valid UTF-8 string


Making this assumption means that once we hit the start of a multi-byte character we can skip forward a few places. It also means we don’t check for hitting invalid characters (this sends the algorithm into an infinite loop if run on non-valid input it is possible to make the algorithm run past the end of the buffer by supplying malformed data).


Assumption Two: Most strings are ASCII


Therefore, run a simple ASCII count routine beforehand. As soon as we hit a non-ASCII character switch into counting UTF-8.


The code


Note: The current code relies on chars being signed bytes.

int porges_strlen2(char *s)
+        int i = 0;
+        //Go fast if string is only ASCII.
+        //Loop while not at end of string,
+        // and not reading anything with highest bit set.
+        //If highest bit is set, number is negative.
+        while (s[i] > 0)
+                i++;
+        if (s[i] <= -65) // all follower bytes have values below -65
+                return -1; // invalid
+        //Note, however, that the following code does *not*
+        // check for invalid characters.
+        //The above is just included to bail out on the tests :)
+        int count = i;
+        while (s[i])
+        {
+                //if ASCII just go to next character
+                if (s[i] > 0)      i += 1;
+                else
+                //select amongst multi-byte starters
+                switch (0xF0 & s[i])
+                {
+                        case 0xE0: i += 3; break;
+                        case 0xF0: i += 4; break;
+                        default:   i += 2; break;
+                }
+                ++count;
+        }
+        return count;



I used Kragen’s testing code, but removed all strlens that didn’t do UTF-8 counting, and added one test for valid UTF-8 text (just the phrase ‘こんにちは’ repeated). Twice as fast on both the ASCII-only and UTF-8 tests. Improvement on ASCII is due to the ASCII-only routine, and improvement on UTF-8 is due to skipping bytes.

"": 0 0 0 0 0
+"hello, world": 12 12 12 12 12
+"naïve": 5 5 5 5 5
+"こんにちは": 5 5 5 5 5
+1: all 'a':
+1:           porges_strlen2(string) =   33554431: 0.034672
+1:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.068210
+1:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   33554431: 0.071038
+1:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.135856
+2: all '\xe3':
+2:           porges_strlen2(string) =   11184811: 0.032115
+2:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.068228
+2:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   33554431: 0.071050
+2:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   33554431: 0.152513
+3: all '\x81':
+3:           porges_strlen2(string) =         -1: 0.000001
+3:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =          0: 0.068339
+3:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =          0: 0.068547
+3:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =          0: 0.071039
+4: all konichiwa:
+4:           porges_strlen2(string) =   11184810: 0.032143
+4:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   11184810: 0.068271
+4:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   11184810: 0.071036
+4:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   11184810: 0.089478

Note also that the invalid UTF-8 gives strange results; this is because the algorithm isn’t meant to work on it! (The first invalid sequence is a list of 3-byte starters, so the result is divided in 3 due to skipping, and the second is a list of follower bytes, so the code bails out.)


Going faster


By dropping back to the ASCII counter whenever we hit ASCII again, we go even faster. This will handle the cases (such as in English) where there are many ASCII characters and only a few multibyte ones.

int porges_strlen2(char *s)
+        int i = 0;
+        int iBefore = 0;
+        int count = 0;
+        while (s[i] > 0)
+                ascii:  i++;
+        count += i-iBefore;
+        while (s[i])
+        {
+                if (s[i] > 0)
+                {
+                        iBefore = i;
+                        goto ascii;
+                }
+                else
+                switch (0xF0 & s[i])
+                {
+                        case 0xE0: i += 3; break;
+                        case 0xF0: i += 4; break;
+                        default:   i += 2; break;
+                }
+                ++count;
+        }
+        return count;

But on the ‘konichiwa’ test the speed improvement happens even though we’re counting pure multibyte, and I’m not sure exactly why… probably something to do with branch prediction or another arcane CPU topic I don’t understand.

4: all konichiwa:
+4:           porges_strlen2(string) =   11184810: 0.026017
+4:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   11184810: 0.068320
+4:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   11184810: 0.071035
+4:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   11184810: 0.089464
+5: mixed english:
+5:           porges_strlen2(string) =   32435949: 0.040342
+5:         my_strlen_utf8_c(string) =   32435949: 0.071035
+5:         ap_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   32435949: 0.078233
+5:         my_strlen_utf8_s(string) =   32435949: 0.160676

Without the drop-back-to-ASCII modification:

5: mixed english:
+5:           porges_strlen2(string) =   32435949: 0.067753