
390 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright 2015, 2016 Michele "King_DuckZ" Santullo
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace vwr {
namespace implem {
template <typename T, bool=HasCastIgnoreTrailingPropertiesEnum<VectorWrapperInfo<T>>::value> struct IsCastIgnoreTrailingPropertiesSet;
template <typename T> struct IsCastIgnoreTrailingPropertiesSet<T, true> { static const bool value = static_cast<bool>(VectorWrapperInfo<T>::cast_ignore_trailing_properties); };
template <typename T> struct IsCastIgnoreTrailingPropertiesSet<T, false> { static const bool value = false; };
template <typename V>
template <typename T>
VecBase<V>::VecBase (const T& parInit, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, scalar_type>::value and not std::is_same<scalar_type, vector_type>::value, bool>::type) {
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
VecGetter<V>::get_at(m_wrapped, z) = parInit;
template <typename V>
VecBase<V>::VecBase (const vector_type& parInit) :
template <typename V>
template <typename... Args>
VecBase<V>::VecBase (scalar_type parX, scalar_type parY, Args... parArgs) {
static_assert(2 + sizeof...(Args) == dimensions, "Wrong number of parameters received");
VecGetter<V>::get_at(m_wrapped, 0) = parX;
VecGetter<V>::get_at(m_wrapped, 1) = parY;
const scalar_type args[sizeof...(Args)] = {parArgs...};
for (std::size_t z = 0; z < sizeof...(Args); ++z) {
VecGetter<V>::get_at(m_wrapped, z + 2) = args[z];
template <typename V>
auto VecBase<V>::operator[] (std::size_t parIndex) -> scalar_type& {
return VecGetter<V>::get_at(m_wrapped, parIndex);
template <typename V>
auto VecBase<V>::operator[] (int parIndex) -> scalar_type& {
assert(parIndex >= 0);
return VecGetter<V>::get_at(m_wrapped, static_cast<std::size_t>(parIndex));
template <typename V>
auto VecBase<V>::operator[] (std::size_t parIndex) const -> const scalar_type& {
return VecGetter<V>::get_at(const_cast<vector_type&>(m_wrapped), parIndex);
template <typename V>
auto VecBase<V>::operator[] (int parIndex) const -> const scalar_type& {
assert(parIndex >= 0);
return VecGetter<V>::get_at(const_cast<vector_type&>(m_wrapped), static_cast<std::size_t>(parIndex));
template <typename V>
template <typename V2>
const typename std::enable_if<is_vec<V2>::value, V2>::type& VecBase<V>::cast() const {
static_assert(sizeof(V2) <= sizeof(VecBase<V>) - min_offset<V>::value, "V2 must fit in V starting from the first coordinate");
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<V2>::value, "V2 must be a standard layout type");
static_assert(min_offset<typename is_vec<V2>::vector_type>::value == 0, "V2 must not have any properties before the first coordinate");
static_assert(have_compat_layout<V, typename is_vec<V2>::vector_type>::value, "V is not suitable for casting to V2");
//Assert that V2 won't stomp on part of V's data, unless the user
//has explicitly said he doesn't care.
static_assert((sizeof(typename VectorWrapperInfo<typename is_vec<V2>::vector_type>::scalar_type) * VectorWrapperInfo<typename is_vec<V2>::vector_type>::dimensions == sizeof(V2)) or
IsCastIgnoreTrailingPropertiesSet<typename is_vec<V2>::vector_type>::value,
"V2 must not have any properties past the last coordinate");
static_assert(alignof(typename VectorWrapperInfo<V>::scalar_type) == alignof(V2), "Casting to V2 would give you a misaligned variable");
return *reinterpret_cast<const V2*>(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this) + VectorWrapperInfo<V>::offset_x
template <typename V>
template <typename V2>
typename std::enable_if<is_vec<V2>::value, V2>::type& VecBase<V>::cast() {
return const_cast<V2&>(const_cast<const VecBase<V>*>(this)->cast<V2>());
template <typename V>
template <typename V2>
VecBase<V>& VecBase<V>::operator+= (const VecBase<V2>& parOther) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
(*this)[z] += parOther[z];
return *this;
template <typename V>
template <typename V2>
VecBase<V>& VecBase<V>::operator-= (const VecBase<V2>& parOther) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
(*this)[z] -= parOther[z];
return *this;
template <typename V>
template <typename V2>
VecBase<V>& VecBase<V>::operator*= (const VecBase<V2>& parOther) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
(*this)[z] *= parOther[z];
return *this;
template <typename V>
template <typename V2>
VecBase<V>& VecBase<V>::operator/= (const VecBase<V2>& parOther) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
(*this)[z] /= parOther[z];
return *this;
template <typename T>
typename VectorWrapperInfo<T>::scalar_type& VecGetter<T, true>::get_at (T& parVec, std::size_t parIndex) {
assert(parIndex < VectorWrapperInfo<T>::dimensions);
typedef T vector_type;
typedef typename VectorWrapperInfo<T>::scalar_type scalar_type;
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<vector_type>::value, "Can't use this function with this vector_type");
const offsets_array_wrapper<T> oaw((bt::index_range<0, VectorWrapperInfo<T>::dimensions>()));
return *reinterpret_cast<scalar_type*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&parVec) + oaw.offsets[parIndex]);
template <typename T>
typename VectorWrapperInfo<T>::scalar_type& VecGetter<T, false>::get_at (T& parVec, std::size_t parIndex) {
assert(parIndex < VectorWrapperInfo<T>::dimensions);
return VectorWrapperInfo<T>::get_at(parIndex, parVec);
template <typename V1, typename V2, std::size_t D>
inline Vec<V1>& assign (Vec<V1, D>& parLeft, const Vec<V2, D>& parRight) {
for (std::size_t z = 0; z < D; ++z) {
parLeft[z] = parRight[z];
return parLeft;
template <typename V>
Vec<V>& assign_same_type (Vec<V>& parLeft, const Vec<V>& parRight) {
parLeft.m_wrapped = parRight.m_wrapped;
return parLeft;
template <typename V>
auto Vec3Demotion<V, true>::xy() const -> lower_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return lower_vector_type(this_vec[0], this_vec[1]);
template <typename V>
auto Vec3Demotion<V, true>::xz() const -> lower_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return lower_vector_type(this_vec[0], this_vec[2]);
template <typename V>
auto Vec3Demotion<V, true>::yz() const -> lower_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return lower_vector_type(this_vec[1], this_vec[2]);
template <typename V>
auto Vec1Promotion<V, true>::xn (const scalar_type& parN) const -> higher_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return higher_vector_type(this_vec[0], parN);
template <typename V>
auto Vec1Promotion<V, true>::nx (const scalar_type& parN) const -> higher_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return higher_vector_type(parN, this_vec[0]);
template <typename V>
auto Vec2Promotion<V, true>::xyn (const scalar_type& parN) const -> higher_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return higher_vector_type(this_vec[0], this_vec[1], parN);
template <typename V>
auto Vec3Promotion<V, true>::xyzw (const scalar_type& parW) const -> higher_vector_type {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return higher_vector_type(this_vec[0], this_vec[1], this_vec[2], parW);
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 1>::x() -> scalar_type& {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[0];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 1>::x() const -> const scalar_type& {
const auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[0];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 2>::x() -> scalar_type& {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[0];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 2>::x() const -> const scalar_type& {
const auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[0];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 2>::y() -> scalar_type& {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[1];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 2>::y() const -> const scalar_type& {
const auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[1];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 3>::x() -> scalar_type& {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[0];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 3>::x() const -> const scalar_type& {
const auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[0];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 3>::y() -> scalar_type& {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[1];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 3>::y() const -> const scalar_type& {
const auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[1];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 3>::z() -> scalar_type& {
auto& this_vec = *static_cast<Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[2];
template <typename V>
auto VecAccessors<V, 3>::z() const -> const scalar_type& {
const auto& this_vec = *static_cast<const Vec<V>*>(this);
return this_vec[2];
template <typename T, std::size_t S>
template <std::size_t... I>
offsets_array_wrapper<T, S>::offsets_array_wrapper (const bt::index_seq<I...>&) :
offsets({get_offset_enum_from_index<T, I>::value...})
static_assert(sizeof...(I) == S, "Bug?");
} //namespace implem
template <typename V> const Vec<V, 1> Vec<V, 1>::unit_x(scalar_type(1));
template <typename V> const Vec<V, 2> Vec<V, 2>::unit_x(scalar_type(1), scalar_type(0));
template <typename V> const Vec<V, 2> Vec<V, 2>::unit_y(scalar_type(0), scalar_type(1));
template <typename V> const Vec<V, 3> Vec<V, 3>::unit_x(scalar_type(1), scalar_type(0), scalar_type(0));
template <typename V> const Vec<V, 3> Vec<V, 3>::unit_y(scalar_type(0), scalar_type(1), scalar_type(0));
template <typename V> const Vec<V, 3> Vec<V, 3>::unit_z(scalar_type(0), scalar_type(0), scalar_type(1));
template <typename V>
Vec<V> mk_vec (const V& parVec) {
return Vec<V>(parVec);
template <typename V1, typename V2>
inline bool operator== (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const Vec<V2>& parRight) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
bool retval = true;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval &= (parLeft[z] == parRight[z]);
return retval;
template <typename V1, typename V2>
inline bool operator< (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const Vec<V2>& parRight) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
bool retval = true;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval &= (parLeft[z] < parRight[z]);
return retval;
template <typename V>
inline bool operator== (const Vec<V>& parLeft, const typename VectorWrapperInfo<V>::scalar_type& parRight) {
bool retval = true;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval &= (parLeft[z] == parRight);
return retval;
template <typename V>
inline bool operator< ( const Vec<V>& parLeft, const typename VectorWrapperInfo<V>::scalar_type& parRight) {
bool retval = true;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval &= (parLeft[z] < parRight);
return retval;
template <typename V1, typename T>
inline bool operator> (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const T& parRight) {
return not (parLeft < parRight) and not (parLeft == parRight);
template <typename V1, typename T>
inline bool operator<= (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const T& parRight) {
return (parLeft < parRight) or (parLeft == parRight);
template <typename V1, typename T>
inline bool operator>= (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const T& parRight) {
return not (parLeft < parRight);
template <typename V1, typename T>
inline bool operator!= (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const T& parRight) {
return not (parLeft == parRight);
template <typename V1, typename V2>
inline Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> operator+ (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const Vec<V2>& parRight) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> retval;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval[z] = parLeft[z] + parRight[z];
return retval;
template <typename V1, typename V2>
inline Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> operator- (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const Vec<V2>& parRight) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> retval;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval[z] = parLeft[z] - parRight[z];
return retval;
template <typename V1, typename V2>
inline Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> operator* (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const Vec<V2>& parRight) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> retval;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval[z] = parLeft[z] * parRight[z];
return retval;
template <typename V1, typename V2>
inline Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> operator/ (const Vec<V1>& parLeft, const Vec<V2>& parRight) {
static_assert(static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions) == static_cast<int>(VectorWrapperInfo<V2>::dimensions), "Dimensions mismatch");
Vec<typename std::common_type<V1, V2>::type> retval;
for (int z = 0; z < VectorWrapperInfo<V1>::dimensions; ++z) {
retval[z] = parLeft[z] / parRight[z];
return retval;
} //namespace vwr