#include "JSONWorker.h" bool used_ascii_one = false; //used to know whether or not to check for intermediates when writing, once flipped, can't be unflipped inline json_char ascii_one(void) json_nothrow { used_ascii_one = true; return JSON_TEXT('\1'); } #ifdef JSON_READ_PRIORITY JSONNode JSONWorker::parse(const json_string & json) json_throws(std::invalid_argument) { json_auto s; size_t len; s.set(RemoveWhiteSpace(json, len, true)); return _parse_unformatted(s.ptr, s.ptr + len); } JSONNode JSONWorker::parse_unformatted(const json_string & json) json_throws(std::invalid_argument) { #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE #ifndef JSON_NO_EXCEPTIONS JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((json[0] == JSON_TEXT('{')) || (json[0] == JSON_TEXT('[')), JSON_TEXT("Not JSON!"), throw std::invalid_argument(json_global(EMPTY_STD_STRING));); #else JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((json[0] == JSON_TEXT('{')) || (json[0] == JSON_TEXT('[')), JSON_TEXT("Not JSON!"), return JSONNode(JSON_NULL);); #endif #endif return _parse_unformatted(json.data(), json.data() + json.length()); } JSONNode JSONWorker::_parse_unformatted(const json_char * json, const json_char * const end) json_throws(std::invalid_argument) { #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS json_char firstchar = *json; json_string _comment; json_char * runner = (json_char*)json; if (json_unlikely(firstchar == JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER)){ //multiple comments will be consolidated into one newcomment: while(*(++runner) != JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER){ JSON_ASSERT(runner != end, JSON_TEXT("Removing white space failed")); _comment += *runner; } firstchar = *(++runner); //step past the trailing tag if (json_unlikely(firstchar == JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER)){ _comment += JSON_TEXT('\n'); goto newcomment; } } #else const json_char firstchar = *json; #endif switch (firstchar){ case JSON_TEXT('{'): case JSON_TEXT('['): #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE if (firstchar == JSON_TEXT('[')){ if (json_unlikely(*(end - 1) != JSON_TEXT(']'))){ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Missing final ]")); break; } } else { if (json_unlikely(*(end - 1) != JSON_TEXT('}'))){ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Missing final }")); break; } } #endif #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS JSONNode foo(json_string(runner, end - runner)); foo.set_comment(_comment); return JSONNode(true, foo); //forces it to simply return the original interal, even with ref counting off #else return JSONNode(json_string(json, end - json)); #endif } JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Not JSON!")); #ifndef JSON_NO_EXCEPTIONS throw std::invalid_argument(json_global(EMPTY_STD_STRING)); #else return JSONNode(JSON_NULL); #endif } #endif #define QUOTECASE()\ case JSON_TEXT('\"'):\ while (*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('\"')){\ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p, JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a quotation"), return json_string::npos;);\ }\ break; #if defined(JSON_DEBUG) || defined(JSON_SAFE) #define NULLCASE(error)\ case JSON_TEXT('\0'):\ JSON_FAIL_SAFE(error, return json_string::npos;);\ break; #else #define NULLCASE(error) #endif #define BRACKET(left, right)\ case left: {\ size_t brac = 1;\ while (brac){\ switch (*(++p)){\ case right:\ --brac;\ break;\ case left:\ ++brac;\ break;\ QUOTECASE()\ NULLCASE(JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a bracket"))\ }\ }\ break;}\ case right:\ return json_string::npos; #if defined(JSON_READ_PRIORITY) || defined(JSON_STREAM) #if (JSON_READ_PRIORITY == HIGH) && (!(defined(JSON_LESS_MEMORY))) #define FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(ch, vt, po) JSONWorker::FindNextRelevant(vt, po) template size_t JSONWorker::FindNextRelevant(const json_string & value_t, const size_t pos) json_nothrow { #else #define FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(ch, vt, po) JSONWorker::FindNextRelevant(ch, vt, po) size_t JSONWorker::FindNextRelevant(json_char ch, const json_string & value_t, const size_t pos) json_nothrow { #endif json_string::const_iterator start = value_t.begin(); json_string::const_iterator e = value_t.end(); for (json_string::const_iterator p = value_t.begin() + pos; p != e; ++p){ if (json_unlikely(*p == ch)) return p - start; switch (*p){ BRACKET(JSON_TEXT('['), JSON_TEXT(']')) BRACKET(JSON_TEXT('{'), JSON_TEXT('}')) QUOTECASE() } }; return json_string::npos; } #endif #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS #define COMMENT_DELIMITER() *runner++ = JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER #define AND_RUNNER ,runner inline void SingleLineComment(const json_char * & p, const json_char * const end, json_char * & runner) json_nothrow { //It is okay to add two '\5' characters here because at minimun the # and '\n' are replaced, so it's at most the same size COMMENT_DELIMITER(); while((++p != end) && (*p != JSON_TEXT('\n'))){ *runner++ = *p; } COMMENT_DELIMITER(); } #else #define COMMENT_DELIMITER() (void)0 #define AND_RUNNER #endif #ifndef JSON_STRICT inline void SingleLineComment(const json_char * & p, const json_char * const end) json_nothrow { while((++p != end) && (*p != JSON_TEXT('\n'))); } #endif #if defined(JSON_LESS_MEMORY) && defined(JSON_READ_PRIORITY) #define PRIVATE_REMOVEWHITESPACE(T, value_t, escapeQuotes, len) private_RemoveWhiteSpace(T, value_t, escapeQuotes, len) json_char * private_RemoveWhiteSpace(bool T, const json_string & value_t, bool escapeQuotes, size_t & len) json_nothrow { #else #define PRIVATE_REMOVEWHITESPACE(T, value_t, escapeQuotes, len) private_RemoveWhiteSpace(value_t, escapeQuotes, len) template json_char * private_RemoveWhiteSpace(const json_string & value_t, bool escapeQuotes, size_t & len) json_nothrow { #endif json_char * result; json_char * runner = result = json_malloc(value_t.length() + 1); //dealing with raw memory is faster than adding to a json_string JSON_ASSERT(result != 0, json_global(ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY)); const json_char * const end = value_t.data() + value_t.length(); for(const json_char * p = value_t.data(); p != end; ++p){ switch(*p){ case JSON_TEXT(' '): //defined as white space case JSON_TEXT('\t'): //defined as white space case JSON_TEXT('\n'): //defined as white space case JSON_TEXT('\r'): //defined as white space break; #ifndef JSON_STRICT case JSON_TEXT('/'): //a C comment if (*(++p) == JSON_TEXT('*')){ //a multiline comment if (T) COMMENT_DELIMITER(); while ((*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('*')) || (*(p + 1) != JSON_TEXT('/'))){ if(p == end){ COMMENT_DELIMITER(); goto endofrunner; } if (T) *runner++ = *p; } ++p; if (T) COMMENT_DELIMITER(); break; } //Should be a single line C comment, so let it fall through to use the bash comment stripper JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p == JSON_TEXT('/'), JSON_TEXT("stray / character, not quoted, or a comment"), goto endofrunner;); case JSON_TEXT('#'): //a bash comment if (T){ SingleLineComment(p, end AND_RUNNER); } else { SingleLineComment(p, end); } break; #endif case JSON_TEXT('\"'): //a quote *runner++ = JSON_TEXT('\"'); while(*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('\"')){ //find the end of the quotation, as white space is preserved within it if(p == end) goto endofrunner; switch(*p){ case JSON_TEXT('\\'): *runner++ = JSON_TEXT('\\'); if (escapeQuotes){ *runner++ = (*++p == JSON_TEXT('\"')) ? ascii_one() : *p; //an escaped quote will reak havoc will all of my searching functions, so change it into an illegal character in JSON for convertion later on } else { *runner++ = *++p; } break; default: *runner++ = *p; break; } } //no break, let it fall through so that the trailing quote gets added default: JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((json_uchar)*p >= 32, JSON_TEXT("Invalid JSON character detected (lo)"), goto endofrunner;); JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((json_uchar)*p <= 126, JSON_TEXT("Invalid JSON character detected (hi)"), goto endofrunner;); *runner++ = *p; break; } } endofrunner: len = runner - result; return result; } #ifdef JSON_READ_PRIORITY json_char * JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpace(const json_string & value_t, size_t & len, bool escapeQuotes) json_nothrow { json_char * result = PRIVATE_REMOVEWHITESPACE(true, value_t, escapeQuotes, len); result[len] = JSON_TEXT('\0'); return result; } #endif json_char * JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpaceAndCommentsC(const json_string & value_t, bool escapeQuotes) json_nothrow { size_t len; json_char * result = PRIVATE_REMOVEWHITESPACE(false, value_t, escapeQuotes, len); result[len] = JSON_TEXT('\0'); return result; } json_string JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpaceAndComments(const json_string & value_t, bool escapeQuotes) json_nothrow { json_auto s; size_t len; s.set(PRIVATE_REMOVEWHITESPACE(false, value_t, escapeQuotes, len)); return json_string(s.ptr, len); } #ifdef JSON_READ_PRIORITY /* These three functions analyze json_string literals and convert them into std::strings This includes dealing with special characters and utf characters */ #ifdef JSON_UNICODE inline json_uchar SurrogatePair(const json_uchar hi, const json_uchar lo) json_pure; inline json_uchar SurrogatePair(const json_uchar hi, const json_uchar lo) json_nothrow { JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4, JSON_TEXT("size of unsigned int is not 32-bit")); JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(json_uchar) == 4, JSON_TEXT("size of json_char is not 32-bit")); return (((hi << 10) & 0x1FFC00) + 0x10000) | lo & 0x3FF; } void JSONWorker::UTF(const json_char * & pos, json_string & result, const json_char * const end) json_nothrow { JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(((long)end - (long)pos) > 4, JSON_TEXT("UTF will go out of bounds"), return;); json_uchar first = UTF8(pos, end); if (json_unlikely((first > 0xD800) && (first < 0xDBFF) && (*(pos + 1) == '\\') && (*(pos + 2) == 'u'))){ const json_char * original_pos = pos; //if the 2nd character is not correct I need to roll back the iterator pos += 2; json_uchar second = UTF8(pos, end); //surrogate pair, not two characters if (json_unlikely((second > 0xDC00) && (second < 0xDFFF))){ result += SurrogatePair(first, second); } else { pos = original_pos; } } else { result += first; } } #endif json_uchar JSONWorker::UTF8(const json_char * & pos, const json_char * const end) json_nothrow { JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(((long)end - (long)pos) > 4, JSON_TEXT("UTF will go out of bounds"), return JSON_TEXT('\0');); #ifdef JSON_UNICODE ++pos; json_uchar temp = Hex(pos) << 8; ++pos; return temp | Hex(pos); #else JSON_ASSERT(*(pos + 1) == JSON_TEXT('0'), JSON_TEXT("wide utf character (hihi)")); JSON_ASSERT(*(pos + 2) == JSON_TEXT('0'), JSON_TEXT("wide utf character (hilo)")); pos += 3; return Hex(pos); #endif } json_char JSONWorker::Hex(const json_char * & pos) json_nothrow { /* takes the numeric value of the next two characters and convert them \u0058 becomes 0x58 In case of \u, it's SpecialChar's responsibility to move past the first two chars as this method is also used for \x */ //First character json_uchar hi = *pos++ - 48; if (hi > 48){ //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to pull them down a little hi -= 39; } else if (hi > 9){ //neither do a-f hi -= 7; } //second character json_uchar lo = *pos - 48; if (lo > 48){ //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to pull them down a little lo -= 39; } else if (lo > 9){ //neither do a-f lo -= 7; } //combine them return (json_char)((hi << 4) | lo); } #ifndef JSON_STRICT inline json_char FromOctal(const json_char * & str, const json_char * const end) json_nothrow { JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(((long)end - (long)str) > 3, JSON_TEXT("Octal will go out of bounds"), return JSON_TEXT('\0');); str += 2; return (json_char)(((((json_uchar)(*(str - 2) - 48))) << 6) | (((json_uchar)(*(str - 1) - 48)) << 3) | ((json_uchar)(*str - 48))); } #endif void JSONWorker::SpecialChar(const json_char * & pos, const json_char * const end, json_string & res) json_nothrow { JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos != end, JSON_TEXT("Special char termantion"), return;); /* Since JSON uses forward slash escaping for special characters within strings, I have to convert these escaped characters into C characters */ switch(*pos){ case JSON_TEXT('\1'): //quote character (altered by RemoveWhiteSpace) res += JSON_TEXT('\"'); break; case JSON_TEXT('t'): //tab character res += JSON_TEXT('\t'); break; case JSON_TEXT('n'): //newline character res += JSON_TEXT('\n'); break; case JSON_TEXT('r'): //return character res += JSON_TEXT('\r'); break; case JSON_TEXT('\\'): //backslash res += JSON_TEXT('\\'); break; case JSON_TEXT('/'): //forward slash res += JSON_TEXT('/'); break; case JSON_TEXT('b'): //backspace res += JSON_TEXT('\b'); break; case JSON_TEXT('f'): //formfeed res += JSON_TEXT('\f'); break; case JSON_TEXT('v'): //vertical tab res += JSON_TEXT('\v'); break; case JSON_TEXT('u'): //utf character #ifdef JSON_UNICODE UTF(pos, res, end); #else res += UTF8(pos, end); #endif break; #ifndef JSON_STRICT case JSON_TEXT('x'): //hexidecimal ascii code JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(((long)end - (long)pos) > 3, JSON_TEXT("Hex will go out of bounds"), res += JSON_TEXT('\0'); return;); res += Hex(++pos); break; #ifdef __GNUC__ case JSON_TEXT('0') ... JSON_TEXT('7'): #else //octal encoding case JSON_TEXT('0'): case JSON_TEXT('1'): case JSON_TEXT('2'): case JSON_TEXT('3'): case JSON_TEXT('4'): case JSON_TEXT('5'): case JSON_TEXT('6'): case JSON_TEXT('7'): #endif res += FromOctal(pos, end); break; default: res += *pos; break; #elif defined(JSON_DEBUG) default: JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Unsupported escaped character")); break; #endif } } #ifdef JSON_LESS_MEMORY inline void doflag(const internalJSONNode * flag, bool which, bool x) json_nothrow { if (json_likely(which)){ flag -> _name_encoded = x; } else { flag -> _string_encoded = x; } } json_string JSONWorker::FixString(const json_string & value_t, const internalJSONNode * flag, bool which) json_nothrow { #define setflag(x) doflag(flag, which, x) #else json_string JSONWorker::FixString(const json_string & value_t, bool & flag) json_nothrow { #define setflag(x) flag = x #endif //Do things like unescaping setflag(false); json_string res; res.reserve(value_t.length()); //since it goes one character at a time, want to reserve it first so that it doens't have to reallocating const json_char * const end = value_t.data() + value_t.length(); for(const json_char * p = value_t.data(); p != end; ++p){ switch (*p){ case JSON_TEXT('\\'): setflag(true); SpecialChar(++p, end, res); break; default: res += *p; break; } } shrinkString(res); //because this is actually setting something to be stored, shrink it it need be return res; } #endif #ifdef JSON_UNICODE #ifdef JSON_ESCAPE_WRITES json_string JSONWorker::toSurrogatePair(json_uchar C) json_nothrow { JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4, JSON_TEXT("size of unsigned int is not 32-bit")); JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned short) == 2, JSON_TEXT("size of unsigned short is not 16-bit")); JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(json_uchar) == 4, JSON_TEXT("json_char is not 32-bit")); //Compute the high surrogate unsigned short HiSurrogate = 0xD800 | (((unsigned short)((unsigned int)((C >> 16) & 31)) - 1) << 6) | ((unsigned short)C) >> 10; //compute the low surrogate unsigned short LoSurrogate = (unsigned short) (0xDC00 | ((unsigned short)C & 1023)); json_string res; res += toUTF8(HiSurrogate); res += toUTF8(LoSurrogate); return res; } #endif #endif #ifdef JSON_ESCAPE_WRITES json_string JSONWorker::toUTF8(json_uchar p) json_nothrow { #ifdef JSON_UNICODE if (json_unlikely(p > 0xFFFF)) return toSurrogatePair(p); #endif json_string res(JSON_TEXT("\\u")); #ifdef JSON_UNICODE START_MEM_SCOPE json_uchar hihi = ((p & 0xF000) >> 12) + 48; if (hihi > 57) hihi += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those json_uchar hilo = ((p & 0x0F00) >> 8) + 48; if (hilo > 57) hilo += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those res += hihi; res += hilo; END_MEM_SCOPE json_uchar hi = ((p & 0x00F0) >> 4) + 48; #else res += JSON_TEXT("00"); json_uchar hi = (p >> 4) + 48; #endif //convert the character to be escaped into two digits between 0 and 15 if (hi > 57) hi += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those json_uchar lo = (p & 0x000F) + 48; if (lo > 57) lo += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those res += hi; res += lo; return res; } #endif void JSONWorker::UnfixString(const json_string & value_t, bool flag, json_string & res) json_nothrow { if (!flag){ res += value_t; return; } //Re-escapes a json_string so that it can be written out into a JSON file const json_char * const end = value_t.data() + value_t.length(); for(const json_char * p = value_t.data(); p != end; ++p){ switch(*p){ case JSON_TEXT('\"'): //quote character res += JSON_TEXT("\\\""); break; case JSON_TEXT('\\'): //backslash res += JSON_TEXT("\\\\"); break; #ifdef JSON_ESCAPE_WRITES case JSON_TEXT('\t'): //tab character res += JSON_TEXT("\\t"); break; case JSON_TEXT('\n'): //newline character res += JSON_TEXT("\\n"); break; case JSON_TEXT('\r'): //return character res += JSON_TEXT("\\r"); break; case JSON_TEXT('/'): //forward slash res += JSON_TEXT("\\/"); break; case JSON_TEXT('\b'): //backspace res += JSON_TEXT("\\b"); break; case JSON_TEXT('\f'): //formfeed res += JSON_TEXT("\\f"); break; default: { if (json_unlikely(((json_uchar)(*p) < 32) || ((json_uchar)(*p) > 126))){ res += toUTF8((json_uchar)(*p)); } else { res += *p; } } break; #else default: res += *p; break; #endif } } } #ifdef JSON_READ_PRIORITY //Create a childnode #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS #define ARRAY_PARAM bool array //Just to supress warnings #else #define ARRAY_PARAM bool #endif inline void JSONWorker::NewNode(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & name, const json_string & value, ARRAY_PARAM) json_nothrow { #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS JSONNode * child; START_MEM_SCOPE json_string _comment; START_MEM_SCOPE const json_char * runner = ((array) ? value.data() : name.data()); #ifdef JSON_DEBUG const json_char * const end = runner + value.length(); #endif if (json_unlikely(*runner == JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER)){ //multiple comments will be consolidated into one size_t count; const json_char * start; newcomment: count = 0; start = runner + 1; while(*(++runner) != JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER){ JSON_ASSERT(runner != end, JSON_TEXT("Removing white space failed")); ++count; } if (count) _comment += json_string(start, count); if (json_unlikely(*(++runner) == JSON_TEMP_COMMENT_IDENTIFIER)){ //step past the trailing tag _comment += JSON_TEXT('\n'); goto newcomment; } } internalJSONNode * myinternal; if (array){ myinternal = internalJSONNode::newInternal(name, runner); } else { myinternal = internalJSONNode::newInternal(++runner, value); } child = JSONNode::newJSONNode(myinternal); END_MEM_SCOPE child -> set_comment(_comment); END_MEM_SCOPE const_cast(parent) -> CHILDREN -> push_back(child); //attach it to the parent node #else if (name.empty()){ const_cast(parent) -> CHILDREN -> push_back(JSONNode::newJSONNode(internalJSONNode::newInternal(name, value))); //attach it to the parent node } else { const_cast(parent) -> CHILDREN -> push_back(JSONNode::newJSONNode(internalJSONNode::newInternal(json_string(name.begin() + 1, name.end()), value))); //attach it to the parent node } #endif } //Create a subarray void JSONWorker::DoArray(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & value_t) json_nothrow { //This takes an array and creates nodes out of them JSON_ASSERT(!value_t.empty(), JSON_TEXT("DoArray is empty")); JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t[0] == JSON_TEXT('['), JSON_TEXT("DoArray is not an array"), parent -> Nullify(); return;); if (json_unlikely(value_t.length() <= 2)) return; // just a [] (blank array) #ifdef JSON_SAFE json_string newValue; //share this so it has a reserved buffer #endif size_t starting = 1; //ignore the [ //Not sure what's in the array, so we have to use commas for(size_t ending = FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, 1); ending != json_string::npos; ending = FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, starting)){ #ifdef JSON_SAFE newValue.assign(value_t.begin() + starting, value_t.begin() + ending); JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(':'), newValue, 0) == json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Key/Value pairs are not allowed in arrays"), parent -> Nullify(); return;); NewNode(parent, json_global(EMPTY_JSON_STRING), newValue, true); #else NewNode(parent, json_global(EMPTY_JSON_STRING), json_string(value_t.begin() + starting, value_t.begin() + ending), true); #endif starting = ending + 1; } //since the last one will not find the comma, we have to add it here, but ignore the final ] #ifdef JSON_SAFE newValue.assign(value_t.begin() + starting, value_t.end() - 1); JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(':'), newValue, 0) == json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Key/Value pairs are not allowed in arrays"), parent -> Nullify(); return;); NewNode(parent, json_global(EMPTY_JSON_STRING), newValue, true); #else NewNode(parent, json_global(EMPTY_JSON_STRING), json_string(value_t.begin() + starting, value_t.end() - 1), true); #endif } //Create all child nodes void JSONWorker::DoNode(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & value_t) json_nothrow { //This take a node and creates its members and such JSON_ASSERT(!value_t.empty(), JSON_TEXT("DoNode is empty")); JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t[0] == JSON_TEXT('{'), JSON_TEXT("DoNode is not an node"), parent -> Nullify(); return;); if (json_unlikely(value_t.length() <= 2)) return; // just a {} (blank node) size_t name_ending = FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(':'), value_t, 1); //find where the name ends JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name_ending != json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Missing :"), parent -> Nullify(); return;); json_string name(value_t.begin() + 1, value_t.begin() + name_ending - 1); //pull the name out for (size_t value_ending = FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, name_ending), //find the end of the value name_starting = 1; //ignore the { value_ending != json_string::npos; value_ending = FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, name_ending)){ NewNode(parent, name, json_string(value_t.begin() + name_ending + 1, value_t.begin() + value_ending), false); name_starting = value_ending + 1; name_ending = FIND_NEXT_RELEVANT(JSON_TEXT(':'), value_t, name_starting); JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name_ending != json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Missing :"), parent -> Nullify(); return;); name.assign(value_t.begin() + name_starting, value_t.begin() + name_ending - 1); } //since the last one will not find the comma, we have to add it here NewNode(parent, name, json_string(value_t.begin() + name_ending + 1, value_t.end() - 1), false); } #endif