#include "Tile.h" #include "RenderGrid.h" #include "Tileset.h" #include "Base.h" #include #include "Texture.h" TileStorage::TileStorage() { } TileStorage::~TileStorage() { destroyAll(); } TileStorage::Sizes TileStorage::stats() const { Sizes sz; sz.tiles = tiles.size(); sz.update = indicesToUpdate.size(); sz.collide = indicesToCollide.size(); return sz; } void TileStorage::moveToFront(const size_t *indices, size_t n) { if(n) { _moveToFront(indices, n); refreshAll(); } } void TileStorage::moveToBack(const size_t *indices, size_t n) { if(n) { _moveToBack(indices, n); refreshAll(); } } void TileStorage::update(float dt) { for(size_t i = 0; i < indicesToUpdate.size(); ++i) { TileData& t = tiles[indicesToUpdate[i]]; assert(t.flags & TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA); // known to be set if this ends up on the list t.eff->update(dt, &t); } } void TileStorage::doInteraction(const Vector& pos, const Vector& vel, float mult, float touchWidth) { for(size_t i = 0; i < indicesToCollide.size(); ++i) { TileData& t = tiles[indicesToCollide[i]]; t.eff->doInteraction(t, pos, vel, mult, touchWidth); } } void TileStorage::_moveToFront(const size_t *indices, size_t n) { // move tile to front -> move it to the back of the list, to be rendered last aka on top of everything else if(n == 1) { TileData tile = tiles[*indices]; tiles.erase(tiles.begin() + *indices); tiles.push_back(tile); return; } _moveToPos(size(), indices, n); } void TileStorage::_moveToBack(const size_t *indices, size_t n) { // move tile to back -> move it to the front of the list, to be rendered first aka underneath everything else if(n == 1) { TileData tile = tiles[*indices]; tiles.erase(tiles.begin() + *indices); tiles.insert(tiles.begin(), tile); return; } _moveToPos(0, indices, n); } void TileStorage::_moveToPos(size_t where, const size_t * indices, size_t n) { std::vector tmp(indices, indices + n); std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); std::vector tt(n); // sorted indices -> preserve relative order of tiles for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) tt[i] = tiles[tmp[i]]; // SORTED indices, erasing from the BACK -> we don't get a destructive index shift for(size_t i = tmp.size(); i --> 0; ) tiles.erase(tiles.begin() + tmp[i]); tiles.insert(tiles.begin() + where, tt.begin(), tt.end()); } size_t TileStorage::moveToOther(TileStorage& other, const size_t *indices, size_t n) { const size_t firstNewIdx = other.tiles.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) other.tiles.push_back(tiles[indices[i]]); std::vector tmp; tmp.swap(tiles); tiles.reserve(tmp.size() - n); for(size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i) { for(size_t k = 0; k < n; ++i) // not particularly efficient, could be much better by sorting first but eh if(indices[k] == i) goto skip; tiles.push_back(tmp[i]); skip: ; } refreshAll(); other.refreshAll(); return firstNewIdx; } static void dropEffect(TileData& t) { if(t.flags & TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA) { delete t.eff; t.flags &= ~TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA; } t.eff = NULL; } static void dropRepeat(TileData& t) { if(t.rep) { delete t.rep; t.rep = NULL; } } static void dropAll(TileData& t) { dropEffect(t); dropRepeat(t); } void TileStorage::deleteSome(const size_t* indices, size_t n) { std::vector tmp; tmp.swap(tiles); tiles.reserve(tmp.size() - n); for(size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i) { for(size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) // not particularly efficient, could be much better by sorting first but eh if(indices[k] == i) { dropAll(tmp[i]); goto skip; } tiles.push_back(tmp[i]); skip: ; } refreshAll(); } void TileStorage::destroyAll() { const size_t n = tiles.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) dropAll(tiles[i]); tiles.clear(); indicesToCollide.clear(); indicesToUpdate.clear(); } void TileStorage::setTag(unsigned tag, const size_t* indices, size_t n) { for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) tiles[indices[i]].tag = tag; // don't need to refresh here } void TileStorage::setEffect(const TileEffectStorage& effstore, int idx, const size_t* indices, size_t n) { for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) effstore.assignEffect(tiles[indices[i]], idx); refreshAll(); } void TileStorage::changeFlags(unsigned flagsToSet, unsigned flagsToUnset, const size_t* indices, size_t n) { for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { unsigned& f = tiles[indices[i]].flags; unsigned tmp = f & ~flagsToUnset; f = tmp | flagsToSet; } } void TileStorage::select(const size_t *indices, size_t n) { changeFlags(TILEFLAG_SELECTED, 0, indices, n); } size_t TileStorage::cloneSome(const TileEffectStorage& effstore, const size_t* indices, size_t n) { const size_t ret = tiles.size(); // new starting index of clone tiles // cloning tiles is very simple, but owned pointers will be duplicated and need to be fixed up const size_t N = ret + n; tiles.resize(N); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) tiles[ret + i] = tiles[indices[i]]; // cleanup pointers for(size_t i = ret; i < N; ++i) // loop only over newly added tiles { TileData& t = tiles[i]; if(t.rep) { t.rep = new TileRepeatData(*t.rep); // must be done BEFORE assigning eff } if((t.flags & TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA) && t.eff) { int efx = t.eff->efxidx; t.eff = NULL; // not our pointer, just pretend it was never there t.flags &= TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA; effstore.assignEffect(t, efx); // recreate effect properly } } refreshAll(); return ret; } void TileStorage::refreshAll() { indicesToCollide.clear(); indicesToUpdate.clear(); const size_t n = tiles.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { TileData& t = tiles[i]; t.refreshRepeat(); if(!(t.flags & TILEFLAG_HIDDEN)) { if(const TileEffectData *e = t.eff) { if(t.flags & TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA) { indicesToUpdate.push_back(i); if(e->efxtype == EFX_WAVY) indicesToCollide.push_back(i); } } } } } void TileStorage::clearSelection() { const size_t n = tiles.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) tiles[i].flags &= ~TILEFLAG_SELECTED; } TileEffectData::TileEffectData(const TileEffectConfig& cfg, const TileData *t) : efxtype(cfg.type), efxidx(cfg.index) , grid(NULL), alpha(1), blend(BLEND_DEFAULT) , ownGrid(false), shared(false) { switch(cfg.type) { case EFX_NONE: assert(false); break; case EFX_WAVY: { assert(t); float bity = t->et->h/float(cfg.u.wavy.segsy); wavy.wavy.resize(cfg.u.wavy.segsy, 0.0f); wavy.flip = cfg.u.wavy.flip; wavy.min = bity; wavy.max = bity*1.2f; DynamicRenderGrid *g = _ensureGrid(2, cfg.u.wavy.segsy, t); g->gridType = GRID_UNDEFINED; // we do the grid update manually wavy.angleOffset = 0; wavy.magnitude = 0; wavy.lerpIn = 0; wavy.hitPerc = 0; wavy.effectMult = 0; wavy.waving = false; wavy.flip = false; wavy.touching = false; } break; case EFX_SEGS: { DynamicRenderGrid *g = _ensureGrid(cfg.u.segs.x, cfg.u.segs.y, t); g->setSegs(cfg.u.segs.dgox, cfg.u.segs.dgoy, cfg.u.segs.dgmx, cfg.u.segs.dgmy, cfg.u.segs.dgtm, cfg.u.segs.dgo); } break; case EFX_ALPHA: { alpha.x = cfg.u.alpha.val0; alpha.interpolateTo(cfg.u.alpha.val1, cfg.u.alpha.time, -1, cfg.u.alpha.pingpong, cfg.u.alpha.ease); blend = cfg.u.alpha.blend; } break; } } TileEffectData::TileEffectData(const TileEffectData& o) : efxtype(o.efxtype), efxidx(o.efxidx), grid(NULL) , alpha(o.alpha), blend(o.blend) , ownGrid(false), shared(false), wavy(o.wavy) { } void TileEffectData::deleteGrid() { if(ownGrid) { ownGrid = false; delete grid; } } TileEffectData::~TileEffectData() { deleteGrid(); } DynamicRenderGrid *TileEffectData::_ensureGrid(size_t w, size_t h, const TileData *t) { DynamicRenderGrid *g = grid; if(ownGrid) { assert(g); return g; } if(t && t->rep) { assert(!shared); // a shared instance MUST have its own grid and MUST NOT refer to the grid of any tile deleteGrid(); g = &t->rep->grid; } if(!g) { g = new DynamicRenderGrid; ownGrid = true; } grid = g; TexCoordBox tc; if(t) tc = t->getTexcoords(); else tc.setStandard(); g->init(w, h, tc); if(t && t->rep) t->rep->refresh(*t); return g; } void TileEffectData::Wavy::update(float dt) { if (touching) { touching = false; float ramp = touchVel.getLength2D()/800.0f; if (ramp < 0) ramp = 0; if (ramp > 1) ramp = 1; magnitude = 100 * ramp + 16; if (touchVel.x < 0) magnitude = -magnitude; angleOffset = (hitPerc-0.5f)*PI; wavySave = wavy; lerpIn = 0; } if (waving) { // TODO: set waving=false if magnitude==0 ? float spd = PI*1.1f; float magRedSpd = 48; float lerpSpd = 5.0; float wavySz = float(wavy.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < wavy.size(); i++) { float weight = float(i)/wavySz; if (flip) weight = 1.0f-weight; if (weight < 0.125f) weight *= 0.5f; wavy[i] = sinf(angleOffset + (float(i)/wavySz)*PI)*(magnitude*effectMult)*weight; if (!wavySave.empty()) { if (lerpIn < 1) wavy[i] = wavy[i] * lerpIn + (wavySave[i] * (1.0f-lerpIn)); } } if (lerpIn < 1) { lerpIn += dt*lerpSpd; if (lerpIn > 1) lerpIn = 1; } angleOffset += dt*spd; if (magnitude > 0) { magnitude -= magRedSpd*dt; if (magnitude < 0) magnitude = 0; } else { magnitude += magRedSpd*dt; if (magnitude > 0) magnitude = 0; } } } void TileEffectData::update(float dt, const TileData *t) { switch(efxtype) { case EFX_WAVY: wavy.update(dt); if(const size_t N = wavy.wavy.size()) grid->setFromWavy(&wavy.wavy[0], N, t->et->w); break; case EFX_SEGS: grid->update(dt); break; case EFX_ALPHA: alpha.update(dt); break; } } void TileEffectData::doInteraction(const TileData& t, const Vector& pos, const Vector& vel, float mult, float touchWidth) { assert(efxtype == EFX_WAVY); const Vector tp(t.x, t.y); if (pos.x > tp.x-touchWidth && pos.x < tp.x+touchWidth) { float h = t.et->h*t.scaley; float h2 = h * 0.5f; if (pos.y < tp.y+h2 && pos.y > tp.y-h2) { wavy.touching = true; wavy.waving = true; float hitPerc = tp.y - h2 - pos.y; hitPerc /= h; hitPerc = (1.0f-hitPerc)-1.0f; wavy.hitPerc = hitPerc; wavy.touchVel = vel; wavy.effectMult = mult; } } } TileEffectStorage::TileEffectStorage() { } TileEffectStorage::~TileEffectStorage() { clear(); } void TileEffectStorage::assignEffect(TileData& t, int index) const { dropEffect(t); if(index < 0) return; size_t idx = size_t(index); if(idx >= configs.size()) return; bool needinstance = false; if(idx < configs.size()) { needinstance = configs[idx].needsOwnInstanceForTile(t); } if(needinstance) { if(configs[idx].type == EFX_NONE) return; t.eff = new TileEffectData(configs[idx], &t); t.flags |= TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA; } else if(idx < prepared.size() && prepared[idx]) { t.eff = prepared[idx]; } } void TileEffectStorage::update(float dt) { for(size_t i = 0; i < prepared.size(); ++i) if(TileEffectData *eff = prepared[i]) eff->update(dt, NULL); } void TileEffectStorage::clear() { clearPrepared(); configs.clear(); } void TileEffectStorage::clearPrepared() { for(size_t i = 0; i < prepared.size(); ++i) delete prepared[i]; prepared.clear(); } void TileEffectStorage::finalize() { clearPrepared(); prepared.resize(configs.size(), (TileEffectData*)NULL); for(size_t i = 0; i < configs.size(); ++i) { TileEffectConfig& c = configs[i]; c.index = unsigned(i); // just in case // segs and alpha are independent of the tile they are applied to, // so we can create shared instances of the effect. if(c.type == EFX_SEGS || c.type == EFX_ALPHA) { prepared[i] = new TileEffectData(c, NULL); prepared[i]->shared = true; } } } bool TileData::isCoordinateInside(float cx, float cy, float minsize) const { float hw = fabsf(et->w * scalex)*0.5f; float hh = fabsf(et->h * scaley)*0.5f; if (hw < minsize) hw = minsize; if (hh < minsize) hh = minsize; return cx >= x - hw && cx <= x + hw && cy >= y - hh && cy <= y + hh; } TileRepeatData::TileRepeatData() : texscaleX(1), texscaleY(1) , texOffX(0), texOffY(0) { } TileRepeatData::TileRepeatData(const TileRepeatData& o) : texscaleX(o.texscaleX), texscaleY(o.texscaleY) , texOffX(o.texOffX), texOffY(o.texOffY) { } TexCoordBox TileRepeatData::calcTexCoords(const TileData& t) const { const ElementTemplate& et = *t.et; float tw, th; if(et.tex) { tw = et.tex->width; th = et.tex->height; } else { tw = et.w; th = et.h; } TexCoordBox tc; tc.u1 = texOffX; tc.v1 = texOffY; tc.u2 = (et.w*t.scalex*texscaleX)/tw + texOffX; tc.v2 = (et.h*t.scaley*texscaleY)/th + texOffY; // HACK: partially repeated textures have a weird Y axis. assuming a repeat factor of 0.4, // instead of texcoords from 0 -> 0.4 everything is biased towards the opposite end, ie. 0.6 -> 1. // This is especially true for partial repeats, we always need to bias towards the other end. // And NOTE: without this, maps may look deceivingly correct, but they really are not. tc.v2 = 1 - tc.v2; tc.v1 = 1 - tc.v1; std::swap(tc.v1, tc.v2); return tc; } void TileRepeatData::refresh(const TileData& t) { TexCoordBox tc = calcTexCoords(t); /*if(t.eff) if(const DynamicRenderGrid *g = t.eff->grid) { grid.init(g->width(), g->height(), grid.getTexCoords()); grid.gridType = g->gridType; }*/ if(grid.empty()) grid.init(2, 2, tc); else { grid.setTexCoords(tc); grid.reset(); grid.updateVBO(); } } TileRepeatData* TileData::setRepeatOn(float texscalex, float texscaley, float offx, float offy) { flags |= TILEFLAG_REPEAT; if(!rep) rep = new TileRepeatData; rep->texscaleX = texscalex; rep->texscaleY = texscaley; rep->texOffX = offx; rep->texOffY = offy; rep->refresh(*this); // link eff->grid to rep->grid. create own instance if necessary. /*if(eff) { const unsigned char gridtype = eff->grid ? eff->grid->gridType : GRID_UNDEFINED; if(flags & TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA) { assert(!eff->shared); eff->deleteGrid(); } else { eff = new TileEffectData(*eff); flags |= TILEFLAG_OWN_EFFDATA; } assert(!eff->ownGrid); eff->grid = &rep->grid; eff->grid->gridType = gridtype; }*/ return rep; } void TileData::setRepeatOff() { flags &= ~TILEFLAG_REPEAT; // don't delete this->rep; if we're in editor mode we don't want to lose the repeat data just yet // also, a TileEffectData may point to rep->grid } void TileData::refreshRepeat() { if(rep) { rep->refresh(*this); } } bool TileData::hasStandardTexcoords() const { // repeat applies per-tile texcoords, so if that's set it's non-standard return !rep && et->tc.isStandard(); } const TexCoordBox& TileData::getTexcoords() const { return !(flags & TILEFLAG_REPEAT) ? et->tc : rep->grid.getTexCoords(); } const RenderGrid *TileData::getGrid() const { if(eff && eff->grid) return eff->grid; // this points to rep.grid if eff is present and repeat is on if(flags & TILEFLAG_REPEAT) return &rep->getGrid(); return et->grid; } bool TileEffectConfig::needsOwnInstanceForTile(const TileData& t) const { const bool rep = !!(t.flags & TILEFLAG_REPEAT); switch(type) { case EFX_NONE: case EFX_ALPHA: return false; case EFX_WAVY: return true; case EFX_SEGS: return rep || !t.hasStandardTexcoords(); } assert(false); return true; // uhhhh }