-- Remove all functions that didn't exist in v1.1 -- The known-good list of old script functions local oldfuncs = dofile("scripts/compat/internal/funclist_1.1.lua") -- Ignore any standard Lua function known to exist in _G local luafuncs51 = { assert = true, collectgarbage = true, dofile = true, error = true, getfenv = true, getmetatable = true, ipairs = true, load = true, loadfile = true, loadstring = true, next = true, pairs = true, pcall = true, print = true, rawequal = true, rawget = true, rawset = true, select = true, setfenv = true, setmetatable = true, tonumber = true, tostring = true, type = true, unpack = true, xpcall = true, newproxy = true, } for k, f in pairs(_G) do if type(k) == "string" and type(f) == "function" and not luafuncs51[k] and not oldfuncs[k] then debugLog("Compatibility: Remove new script function " .. k) _G[k] = nil end end