/* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot This file is part of Aquaria. Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "Particles.h" ParticleManager *particleManager = 0; typedef std::map ParticleBank; ParticleBank particleBank; std::string ParticleManager::particleBankPath = ""; ParticleManager::ParticleManager(int size) { particleManager = this; particles.resize(size); used = 0; free = 0; oldFree = 0; collideFunction = 0; specialFunction = 0; numActive = 0; setSize(size); } void ParticleManager::setSize(size_t size) { // dangerous! for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) { Particle *p = &particles[i]; if (p->emitter) { p->emitter->removeParticle(p); } } particles.clear(); particles.resize(size); this->size = size; this->halfSize = size*0.5f; free = oldFree = 0; } void ParticleManager::setNumSuckPositions(size_t num) { suckPositions.resize(num); } void ParticleManager::setSuckPosition(size_t idx, const Vector &pos) { if (idx >= suckPositions.size()) return; suckPositions[idx] = pos; } Vector *ParticleManager::getSuckPosition(size_t idx) { if (idx >= suckPositions.size()) return 0; return &suckPositions[idx]; } void ParticleManager::updateParticle(Particle *p, float dt) { if (!p->active) return; numActive++; if (p->emitter && p->emitter->data.pauseLevel < core->particlesPaused) return; p->color.update(dt); p->alpha.update(dt); p->scale.update(dt); p->rot.update(dt); p->pos += p->vel * dt; p->life = p->life - dt; p->vel += p->gvy * dt; if (p->emitter) { if (p->emitter->data.influenced) { ParticleInfluence *pinf=0; if (collideFunction) { if (collideFunction(p->pos)) { const bool bounce = false; if (bounce) { p->pos = p->lpos; p->vel = -p->vel; } else { // fade out p->vel = 0; endParticle(p); return; } } } if (specialFunction) { specialFunction(p); } p->lpos = p->pos; Influences::iterator i = influences.begin(); for (; i != influences.end(); i++) { pinf = &(*i); Vector pos = p->pos; //HACK: what? -> if (p->emitter->data.spawnLocal && p->emitter->getParent()) pos += p->emitter->getParent()->position; if ((pinf->pos - pos).isLength2DIn(pinf->size + p->emitter->data.influenced)) { Vector dir = pos - pinf->pos; dir.setLength2D(pinf->spd); if (!pinf->pull) p->vel += dir * dt; else p->vel -= dir * dt; } } } if (p->emitter->data.suckIndex > -1) { Vector *suckPos = getSuckPosition(p->emitter->data.suckIndex); if (suckPos) { Vector dir = (*suckPos) - p->emitter->getWorldCollidePosition(p->pos); //HACK: what? -> if (!p->emitter->data.spawnLocal && p->emitter->getParent()) dir += p->emitter->getParent()->position; dir.setLength2D(p->emitter->data.suckStr); p->vel += dir * dt; } } if (p->rot.z != 0 || p->rot.isInterpolating()) p->emitter->hasRot = true; } p->lpos = p->pos; if (p->life <= 0) { endParticle(p); } } void ParticleManager::endParticle(Particle *p) { if (!p) return; if (p->emitter) { if (!p->emitter->data.deathPrt.empty()) { RenderObject *r = p->emitter->getTopParent(); if (r) core->createParticleEffect(p->emitter->data.deathPrt, p->pos, r->layer, p->rot.z); } p->emitter->removeParticle(p); } if (p->index != -1) { } p->reset(); } void ParticleManager::nextFree(size_t jump) { free+=jump; if (free >= size) free -= size; } void ParticleManager::setFree(size_t free) { if (free != -1) { this->free = free; } } static const size_t spread = 8; static const size_t spreadCheck = 128; // travel the list until you find an empty or give up Particle *ParticleManager::stomp() { int c = 0, idx = -1; //int bFree = free; Particle *p = 0; bool exceed = false; nextFree(); do { if (c >= spreadCheck) { exceed = true; break; } p = &particles[free]; idx = free; nextFree(); c++; } while (p->active); if (exceed) { } endParticle(p); p->index = idx; return p; } Particle *ParticleManager::getFreeParticle(Emitter *emitter) { BBGE_PROF(ParticleManager_getFreeParticle); if (size == 0) return 0; Particle *p = 0; p = &particles[free]; if (p->active) { p = stomp(); } else { endParticle(p); p->index = free; nextFree(spread); } if (emitter) { p->emitter = emitter; emitter->addParticle(p); } return p; } void loadParticleCallback(const std::string &filename, void *param) { ParticleEffect *e = new ParticleEffect(); std::string ident; int first = filename.find_last_of('/')+1; ident = filename.substr(first, filename.find_last_of('.')-first); stringToLower(ident); e->bankLoad(ident, ParticleManager::particleBankPath); particleBank[ident] = e; } void ParticleManager::loadParticleBank(const std::string &bank1, const std::string &bank2) { clearParticleBank(); particleBankPath = bank1; forEachFile(bank1, ".txt", loadParticleCallback); if (!bank2.empty()) { particleBankPath = bank2; forEachFile(bank2, ".txt", loadParticleCallback); } particleBankPath = ""; } void ParticleManager::loadParticleEffectFromBank(const std::string &name, ParticleEffect *load) { std::string realName = name; stringToLower(realName); ParticleEffect *fx = particleBank[realName]; if (fx) fx->transfer(load); else { std::ostringstream os; os << "Did not find PE [" << name << "] in particle bank"; debugLog(os.str()); } } void ParticleManager::clearParticleBank() { for (ParticleBank::iterator i = particleBank.begin(); i != particleBank.end(); i++) { ParticleEffect *e = (*i).second; if (e) { e->destroy(); delete e; } } particleBank.clear(); } int ParticleManager::getSize() { return size; } void ParticleManager::update(float dt) { BBGE_PROF(ParticleManager_update); numActive = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) { if (particles[i].active) { updateParticle(&particles[i], dt); } } } void ParticleManager::clearInfluences() { influences.clear(); } void ParticleManager::addInfluence(ParticleInfluence inf) { influences.push_back(inf); }