-- Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot -- -- This file is part of Aquaria. -- -- Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 -- of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- See the GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. if not v then v = {} end if not AQUARIA_VERSION then dofile("scripts/entities/entityinclude.lua") end -- ================================================================================================ -- Merman / Thin -- ================================================================================================ v.honeyPower = 0 v.swimTime = 0 v.swimTimer = v.swimTime - v.swimTime/4 v.dirTimer = 0 v.dir = 0 v.gvel = false v.forcedHug = false v.incut = false v.seen = false v.inVeil01 = false v.bone_helmet = 0 v.bone_head = 0 v.bone_fish1 = 0 v.bone_fish2 = 0 v.bone_hand = 0 v.bone_arm = 0 v.bone_weaponGlow = 0 v.bone_leftHand = 0 v.bone_llarm = 0 v.bone_ularm = 0 v.switchGiggle = false v.pathDelay = 0 v.naijaOut = -25 v.hugOut = 0 v.curNote = -1 v.followDelay = 0 v.chaseTime = 0 v.expressionTimer = 0 local STATE_HANG = 1000 local STATE_SWIM = 1001 local STATE_BURST = 1002 local STATE_CHASED = 1003 local STATE_RUNTOCAVE = 1004 local STATE_BEFOREMEET = 1005 local STATE_FADEOUT = 1006 local STATE_FOLLOWING = 1007 local STATE_CORNERED = 1008 local STATE_CHASEFOOD = 1009 local STATE_EAT = 1010 local STATE_PATH = 1011 v.naijaLastHealth = 0 v.nearEnemyTimer = 0 v.nearNaijaTimer = 0 v.headDelay = 1 v.flipDelay = 0 v.n = 0 v.zapDelay = 0.1 v.breathTimer = 0 v.ing = 0 local function distFlipTo(me, ent) if math.abs(entity_x(me)-entity_x(ent)) > 32 then entity_flipToEntity(me, ent) end end local function setNaijaHugPosition(me) entity_setPosition(v.n, entity_x(me)+v.hugOut, entity_y(me)) local fh = entity_isfh(me) if fh then fh = false else fh = true end entity_setRidingData(me, entity_x(me)+v.hugOut, entity_y(me), 0, fh) end local function flipHug(me) debugLog("flipHug") if v.hugOut < 0 then v.hugOut = -v.naijaOut else v.hugOut = v.naijaOut end setNaijaHugPosition(me) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, me) end local function endHug(me) if entity_getRiding(v.n) == me then entity_setRiding(v.n, 0) entity_idle(v.n) end if entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then if not isForm(FORM_DUAL) then entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) end end end function activate(me) --debugLog("Li: activate") if entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then endHug(me) else if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 101) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 102) then --debugLog("setting li to follow") fade(1, 1) entity_idle(v.n) watch(1) if not v.switchGiggle then emote(EMOTE_NAIJAGIGGLE) v.switchGiggle = true end watch(0.3) playSfx("changeclothes2") setFlag(FLAG_LI, 100) entity_setActivationType(me, AT_NONE) entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0, 0.5) watch(0.5) fade(0,1) watch(1) setLi(me) end end end local function expression(me, ep, t) v.expressionTimer = t bone_showFrame(v.bone_head, ep) --[[ if ep == "" then bone_setTexture(v.bone_head, "Li/Head") else ep = string.format("%s%s", "Li/Head-", ep) bone_setTexture(v.bone_head, ep) end ]]-- end function init(me) --[[ if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 0) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 1) then debugLog("SETTING BEFOREMEET") entity_setState(me, STATE_BEFOREMEET) elseif isFlag(FLAG_LI, 101) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 102) then entity_setState(me, STATE_BEFOREMEET) else --debugLog(string.format("Got head: %d", v.bone_head)) bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0, 0.1) entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) end ]]-- setupBasicEntity(me, "", -- texture 32, -- health 1, -- manaballamount 1, -- exp 1, -- money 28, -- collideRadius (only used if hit entities is on) STATE_IDLE, -- initState 64, -- sprite width 64, -- sprite height 1, -- particle "explosion" type, maps to particleEffects.txt -1 = none 1, -- 0/1 hit other entities off/on (uses collideRadius) 4000 -- updateCull -1: disabled, default: 4000 ) entity_initSkeletal(me, "Li") entity_setDeathParticleEffect(me, "TinyGreenExplode") entity_scale(me, 0.5, 0.5) v.bone_helmet = entity_getBoneByName(me, "Helmet") v.bone_head = entity_getBoneByName(me, "Head") v.bone_fish1 = entity_getBoneByName(me, "Fish1") v.bone_fish2 = entity_getBoneByName(me, "Fish2") v.bone_hand = entity_getBoneByName(me, "RightArm") v.bone_arm = entity_getBoneByName(me, "RightArm2") v.bone_weaponGlow = entity_getBoneByName(me, "WeaponGlow") bone_setBlendType(v.bone_weaponGlow, BLEND_ADD) bone_alpha(v.bone_fish1) bone_alpha(v.bone_fish2) v.bone_llarm = entity_getBoneByName(me, "LLArm") v.bone_ularm = entity_getBoneByName(me, "ULArm") v.bone_leftHand = entity_getBoneByName(me, "LeftArm") entity_setEntityType(me, ET_NEUTRAL) --entity_setSpiritFreeze(me, false) entity_setBeautyFlip(me, false) entity_setDamageTarget(me, DT_AVATAR_LANCEATTACH, false) entity_setDamageTarget(me, DT_AVATAR_LANCE, false) esetv(me, EV_ENTITYDIED, 1) v.inVeil01 = isMapName("veil01") --entity_setRenderPass(me, 1) end function entityDied(me, ent) if v.ing ~= 0 and ent == v.ing then entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) v.ing = 0 end end local function pathCheck(me, dt) -- messes up on small passages etc --[[ if v.pathDelay > 0 then v.pathDelay = v.pathDelay - dt end if v.pathDelay <= 0 then v.pathDelay = 3 entity_setState(me, STATE_PATH) return true end ]]-- return false end local function refreshWeaponGlow(me) local t = 0.5 local f = 3 if isFlag(FLAG_LICOMBAT, 1) then bone_alpha(v.bone_weaponGlow, 1, 0.5) bone_setColor(v.bone_weaponGlow, 1, 0.5, 0.5, t) else bone_alpha(v.bone_weaponGlow, 0.5, 0.5) bone_setColor(v.bone_weaponGlow, 0.5, 0.5, 1, t) end --[[ bone_scale(v.bone_weaponGlow, v.bwgsz, v.bwgsz) bone_scale(v.bone_weaponGlow, v.bwgsz*f, v.bwgsz*f, t*0.75, 1, 1) ]]-- end function postInit(me) v.n = getNaija() v.naijaLastHealth = entity_getHealth(v.n) v.bwgsz = bone_getScale(v.bone_weaponGlow) refreshWeaponGlow(me) if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 0) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 1) then --debugLog("SETTING BEFOREMEET") entity_setState(me, STATE_BEFOREMEET, -1, true) elseif isFlag(FLAG_LI, 101) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 102) then entity_setState(me, STATE_BEFOREMEET, -1, true) elseif isFlag(FLAG_LI, 200) then bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0, 0.1) -- overridable, do nothing else bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0, 0.1) entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE, -1, true) end if isMapName("licave") then entity_moveToBack(me) end end local function zap(me) --debugLog("Zap!") --local attackRange = 256 local attackRange = 800 local chaseRange = 300 local attacked = false local fx, fy = bone_getWorldPosition(v.bone_hand) local ent = getFirstEntity() while ent ~= 0 do if entity_isValidTarget(ent) then if entity_isDamageTarget(ent, DT_AVATAR_LIZAP, true) then --entity_setTarget(me, ent) if entity_isEntityInRange(me, ent, chaseRange) and not entity_isEntityInRange(me, ent, attackRange) then --entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, 1, 300) --entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 1.1, 0.5) --entity_flipToEntity(me, ent) elseif entity_isEntityInRange(me, ent, attackRange) and not entity_isDead(ent) then -- zap this one --entity_damage(ent, me, 1.0, DT_AVATAR_LIZAP) entity_animate(me, "fire", 0, LAYER_UPPERBODY) local s = createShot("Li", me, ent, fx, fy) endHug(me) local ax, ay = bone_getWorldPosition(v.bone_arm) local dx = entity_x(ent) - ax local dy = entity_y(ent) - ay shot_setAimVector(s, dx, dy) --softFlipTo(me, ent) --entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 1, 0.5) attacked = true break end end end ent = getNextEntity() end entity_setTarget(me, getNaija()) --[[ if attacked then spawnParticleEffect("LiZap", fx, fy) end ]]-- end local function cutscene(me) setCutscene(1,1) fadeOutMusic(4) --watch(2) --changeForm(FORM_NORMAL) setBeacon(BEACON_LI, false) toggleInput(0) overrideZoom(0.8, 5) entity_animate(me, "helmetFlyOff", 0, 3) entity_idle(v.n) voiceInterupt("NAIJA_LIBINDSONG1") watch(3) bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0, 0.5) local node = entity_getNearestNode(me, "NAIJALI") entity_swimToNode(v.n, node) entity_animate(me, "choke", LOOP_INF) expression(me, EXPRESSION_HURT, 99) entity_watchForPath(v.n) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, me) watchForVoice() watch(2) voice("NAIJA_LIBINDSONG2") -- naija floats forwards, kisses entity_setPosition(v.n, entity_x(me)-30, entity_y(me), 1, 0, 0, 1) entity_animate(v.n, "kissLi") cam_toNode(getNode("KISSCAM")) watch(1) expression(me, EXPRESSION_NORMAL, 99) entity_animate(me, "getKissed") entity_setPosition(v.n, entity_x(me)-23, entity_y(me), 1, 0, 0, 1) watch(1) --[[ entity_animate(v.n, "getKissed", LOOP_INF) while entity_isAnimating(v.n) do watch(FRAME_TIME) end ]]-- --[[ entity_offset(v.n, 0, 8, 2, -1, 1) entity_offset(me, 0, 8, 2, -1, 1) ]]-- setNaijaHeadTexture("blink") expression(me, EXPRESSION_SURPRISE, 2) entity_animate(v.n, "kissLiLoop", LOOP_INF) entity_animate(me, "kissLiLoop", LOOP_INF) --entity_animate(v.n, "getKissedLoop", LOOP_INF) watchForVoice() -- music playMusic("Moment") -- particle effects start local kissNode = entity_getNearestNode(me, "KISSPRT") spawnParticleEffect("Kiss", node_x(kissNode), node_y(kissNode)) watch(3) voice("NAIJA_LIBINDSONG3") watch(3) watchForVoice() watch(3) voice("NAIJA_LIBINDSONG4") watchForVoice() watch(2) -- drift apart voice("NAIJA_LIBINDSONG5") watch(3) --entity_addVel(me, 200, 0) entity_setPosition(me, entity_x(me)+200, entity_y(me), 10, 0, 0, 1) entity_setPosition(v.n, entity_x(v.n)-250, entity_y(v.n), 10, 0, 0, 1) entity_animate(v.n, "kissFloat") entity_animate(me, "kissFloat") --entity_addVel(v.n, -200, 0) --watchForVoice() --watch() watch(1) voice("NAIJA_LIBINDSONG6") watch(1) --watchForVoice() fade(1, 5) watch(3) fadeOutMusic(8) watch(8) watch(1) entity_offset(v.n) entity_offset(me) cam_toEntity(v.n) -- cutscene 2 goes here -- warp li outta here entity_setPosition(me, 0, 0) -- warp naija to sleep position setNaijaHeadTexture("") local sleepNode = getNode("NAIJAWAKE") entity_setPosition(v.n, node_x(sleepNode), node_y(sleepNode)) entity_animate(v.n, "sleep", -1) node = getNode("PUPPETLI") entity_setPosition(me, node_x(node), node_y(node)) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, me) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) entity_animate(me, "idle", -1) -- skip that interp watch(0.5) fade(0, 5) watch(6) voice("Naija_NaijaAwakes1") entity_animate(v.n, "slowWakeUp") while entity_isAnimating(v.n) do watch(FRAME_TIME) end entity_animate(v.n, "idle", -1) watchForVoice() watch(1) node = getNode("NAIJAGETUP") entity_setPosition(v.n, node_x(node), node_y(node), -500, 0, 0, 1) entity_stopAllAnimations(me) entity_swimToNode(me, getNode("LISAYHI")) entity_animate(me, "swim", -1) voice("Naija_NaijaAwakes2") watch(2) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) cam_toEntity(me) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) watchForVoice() entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) watch(1) voice("Naija_NaijaAwakes3") watch(1) cam_toEntity(v.n) watch(3) entity_animate(v.n, "ashamed", -1, LAYER_UPPERBODY) watchForVoice() entity_swimToNode(me, getNode("LIGETFISH")) entity_watchForPath(me) bone_alpha(v.bone_fish1, 1) bone_alpha(v.bone_fish2, 1) entity_swimToNode(me, getNode("LISAYHI")) voice("Naija_NaijaAwakes4") watchForVoice() entity_animate(me, "holdFish", -1, LAYER_UPPERBODY) expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 5) entity_stopAllAnimations(v.n) entity_idle(v.n) cam_toEntity(me) watch(2) fade(1, 1.5) watch(1.5) --bone_alpha(v.bone_fish1) bone_alpha(v.bone_fish2) local n_fish2 = entity_getBoneByName(v.n, "Fish2") bone_alpha(n_fish2, 1) cam_toEntity(v.n) entity_stopAllAnimations(v.n) entity_idle(v.n) entity_stopAllAnimations(me) esetv(v.n, EV_LOOKAT, 0) local naijaSit = getNode("NAIJASIT") local liSit = getNode("LISIT") entity_setPosition(v.n, node_x(naijaSit), node_y(naijaSit)) entity_setPosition(me, node_x(liSit), node_y(liSit)) entity_animate(me, "sitAndEat", -1) entity_animate(v.n, "sitAndEat", -1) cam_toNode(getNode("EATCAM")) watch(1) fade(0, 1.5) watch(1.5) voice("Naija_NaijaAwakes5") watchForVoice() fade(1, 3) watch(3) bone_alpha(v.bone_fish1) bone_alpha(n_fish2) cam_toEntity(v.n) entity_idle(v.n) -- and then: playMusic("LiCave") watch(1) voice("Naija_NaijaAwakes6") setFlag(FLAG_LI, 100) entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) -- get to end nodes esetv(v.n, EV_LOOKAT, 1) -- end test fade(0, 1) watch(1) toggleInput(1) overrideZoom(0) setCutscene(0) learnSong(SONG_LI) setControlHint(getStringBank(42), 0, 0, 0, 10, "", SONG_LI) setLi(me) end function shiftWorlds(me, old, new) if hasLi() then --[[ if new == WT_SPIRIT then entity_alpha(me, 0.1) else entity_alpha(me, 1) end x,y = entity_getPosition(v.n) entity_setPosition(me, x+1, y+1) ]]-- end end function song(me, song) --debugLog("Li: Sung song!") if entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then if song == SONG_SHIELD then flipHug(me) end if song == SONG_LI then entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) end end if entity_isState(me, STATE_CORNERED) then --debugLog("i'm cornered and you sun a song") if song == SONG_BIND then --debugLog("it was bind") --debugLog(string.format("FLAG_LI: %d", getFlag(FLAG_LI))) if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 1) then --debugLog("calling cutscene") cutscene(me) end end else if song == SONG_ENERGYFORM then v.nearNaijaTimer = 0 expression(me, EXPRESSION_SURPRISE, 1.5) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) --entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, 1, -1000) elseif song == SONG_BEASTFORM then v.nearNaijaTimer = 0 expression(me, EXPRESSION_ANGRY, 4) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) elseif song == SONG_NATUREFORM then v.nearNaijaTimer = 2 expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 3) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) end end end local function softFlipTo(me, ent) if v.flipDelay < 0 then entity_flipToEntity(me, ent) v.flipDelay = 1 end end function update(me, dt) if isForm(FORM_DUAL) then return end if v.incut then return end if entity_isState(me, STATE_WAIT) then return end if entity_isState(me, STATE_TRAPPEDINCREATOR) then return end if entity_isState(me, STATE_OPEN) then return end if entity_isState(me, STATE_CLOSE) then return end if entity_isState(me, STATE_PUPPET) then return end if not hasLi() and not v.seen then if v.inVeil01 then if entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 600) then v.seen = true musicVolume(0.1, 0.5) entity_idle(v.n) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, me) --playSfx("naijachildgiggle") cam_toEntity(me) setGameSpeed(0.5, 1) --playSfx("heartbeat") wait(1.5) playSfx("heartbeat") wait(0.75) playSfx("heartbeat") wait(0.5) --playSfx("heartbeat") setGameSpeed(1, 1) cam_toEntity(v.n) musicVolume(1, 1) end end end --debugLog(string.format("liupdate state: %d", entity_getState(me))) local liPower = getLiPower() if liPower > 0 then debugLog("liPower!") entity_setColor(me, 0.6, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1) else entity_setColor(me, 1,1,1,0.1) end if entity_isState(me, STATE_CARRIED) then bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0) --entity_setPosition(me, entity_x(v.n)+24, entity_y(v.n)) return end --entity_touchAvatarDamage(me, 32, 1, 1200) --entity_handleShotCollisions(me) if v.bone_head ~= 0 then entity_setLookAtPoint(me, bone_getWorldPosition(v.bone_head)) end entity_updateCurrents(me, dt) local spdf = 1 if liPower > 0 then spdf = 8 end v.flipDelay = v.flipDelay - dt*spdf if v.flipDelay < 0 then v.flipDelay = 0 end --if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 100) then if hasLi() and not entity_isState(me, STATE_CHASEFOOD) then if v.headDelay > 0 then v.headDelay = v.headDelay - dt else v.ent = entity_getNearestEntity(me) if eisv(v.ent, EV_TYPEID, EVT_PET) then v.ent = v.n end if v.ent ~= 0 and entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.ent, 256) then if not entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then if entity_getEntityType(v.ent) == ET_INGREDIENT then if ing_hasIET(v.ent, IET_LI) then -- move toward expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 2) --entity_moveTowards(me, entity_x(v.ent), entity_y(v.ent), dt, 500) entity_setTarget(me, v.ent) --entity_updateMovement(me, dt) if not entity_isState(me, STATE_CHASEFOOD) and v.ent ~= 0 then v.ing = v.ent entity_setState(me, STATE_CHASEFOOD) end end elseif entity_getEntityType(v.ent) == ET_ENEMY and entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.ent, 128) then if eisv(v.ent, EV_TYPEID, EVT_PET) then v.ent = 0 else v.nearEnemyTimer = v.nearEnemyTimer + dt*2 v.nearNaijaTimer = v.nearNaijaTimer - dt if v.nearEnemyTimer > 10 then expression(me, EXPRESSION_ANGRY, 2) v.nearEnemyTimer = 10 else expression(me, EXPRESSION_SURPRISE, 1) end entity_setNaijaReaction(me, "") end elseif entity_getEntityType(v.ent) == ET_AVATAR and entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.ent, 128) then --softFlipTo(me, v.ent) distFlipTo(me, v.ent) if entity_getHealth(v.ent) > 2 and isForm(FORM_NORMAL) and not avatar_isSinging() then v.nearNaijaTimer = v.nearNaijaTimer + dt*2 if v.nearNaijaTimer > 4 then expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 1) end if v.nearNaijaTimer > 5 then entity_setNaijaReaction(me, "smile") end if v.nearNaijaTimer > 14 then v.nearNaijaTimer = 0+math.random(2) entity_setNaijaReaction(me, "") end if avatar_getStillTimer() > 4 and not avatar_isOnWall() and v.nearNaijaTimer > 8 then if not isInputEnabled() or avatar_isSinging() then v.nearNaijaTimer = 0 else if entity_getRiding(getNaija()) == 0 then entity_setState(me, STATE_HUG) end end end end end end --entity_stopAllAnimations(me) else v.ent = 0 end if v.ent ~= 0 then bone_setAnimated(v.bone_head, ANIM_POS) bone_lookAtEntity(v.bone_head, v.ent, 0.3, -10, 30, -90) else bone_setAnimated(v.bone_head, ANIM_ALL) entity_setNaijaReaction(me, "") end end v.nearEnemyTimer = v.nearEnemyTimer - dt if v.nearEnemyTimer < 0 then v.nearEnemyTimer = 0 end v.nearNaijaTimer = v.nearNaijaTimer - dt if v.nearNaijaTimer < 0 then v.nearNaijaTimer = 0 end if entity_getHealth(v.n) > v.naijaLastHealth then expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 2) end v.naijaLastHealth = entity_getHealth(v.n) if entity_getHealth(v.n) < 1 then expression(me, EXPRESSION_HURT, 2) end if isFlag(FLAG_LICOMBAT, 1) and not entity_isState(me, STATE_PUPPET) then if v.zapDelay > 0 then v.zapDelay = v.zapDelay - dt if v.zapDelay < 0 then zap(me) v.zapDelay = 1.2 --v.zapDelay = 0.001 end end end end if v.expressionTimer > 0 then v.expressionTimer = v.expressionTimer - dt if v.expressionTimer < 0 then v.expressionTimer = 0 expression(me, EXPRESSION_NORMAL, 0) end end if entity_isState(me, STATE_IDLE) then entity_setTarget(me, v.n) v.followDelay = v.followDelay - dt if v.followDelay < 0 then v.followDelay = 0 end if entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 1024) and not entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 256) and not avatar_isOnWall() and entity_isUnderWater(v.n) then if v.followDelay <= 0 then entity_setState(me, STATE_FOLLOWING) end end entity_doSpellAvoidance(me, dt, 128, 0.1) --entity_doEntityAvoidance(me, dt, 64, 0.5) if entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 20) then entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, -150) end elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_PATH) then --debugLog("updating state path") if entity_isFollowingPath(me) then if entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 300) then entity_stopFollowingPath(me) entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, 1, 500) entity_setState(me, STATE_FOLLOWING) end --entity_setState(me, STATE_FOLLOWING) else entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, 1, 500) entity_setState(me, STATE_FOLLOWING) end elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_FOLLOWING) then --debugLog("updating following") local amt = 800 --not avatar_isOnWall() and entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 4, 1, 100, 1, true) entity_setTarget(me, v.n) if entity_isUnderWater(v.n) then if entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 180) then entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 0.2, 1) else entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 1, 0.2) end if entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 180) then entity_doFriction(me, dt, 200) if ((math.abs(entity_velx(v.n)) < 10 and math.abs(entity_vely(v.n)) < 10) or avatar_isOnWall()) then entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) end elseif entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 250) then --entity_moveAroundTarget(me, dt, amt*0.8) entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, amt) elseif entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 512) then entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, amt*2) elseif not entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.n, 1024) then if entity_isUnderWater(v.n) and not avatar_isOnWall() then if not pathCheck(me, dt) then entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, amt) end else entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, amt) end else entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, amt) end else entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) end -- hmm? --entity_doSpellAvoidance(me, dt, 128, 0.2) --entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 8, 0.05) if entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 5, 0.1) then --entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, 250) end --[[ if entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 1, 1) then entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, 200) end ]]-- if math.abs(entity_velx(me)) < 1 and math.abs(entity_vely(me)) < 1 then --debugLog("get unstuck") entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 1) entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, 1, 500) end --debugLog(string.format("li v(%d, %d)", entity_velx(me), entity_vely(me))) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CHASEFOOD) then if v.ing == 0 then entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) else local amt = 500 entity_moveTowards(me, entity_x(v.ing), entity_y(v.ing), dt, amt) --entity_doSpellAvoidance(me, dt, 128, 0.2)) entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 3, 0.1) if v.ing ~= 0 and entity_isEntityInRange(me, v.ing, 32) then -- do yum type things entity_delete(v.ent) v.ent = 0 v.ing = 0 entity_setState(me, STATE_EAT) expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 2) --debugLog("setting li power!") setLiPower(1, 30) end end elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_BEFOREMEET) then --debugLog("updating before meet") v.dirTimer = v.dirTimer + dt if v.dirTimer > 3 then v.dirTimer = 0 if v.dir > 0 then v.dir = 0 else v.dir = 1 end end local spd = 300 if v.dir > 0 then spd = -spd end entity_addVel(me, spd, 0) entity_doEntityAvoidance(me, dt, 256, 0.1) entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 6, 0.5) if getFlag(FLAG_LI) < 100 then if entity_isEntityInRange(me, getNaija(), 150) then entity_setState(me, STATE_CHASED) end end --debugLog(string.format("vel: %d", entity_velx(me))) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CHASED) then v.chaseTime = v.chaseTime + dt -- 10 if v.chaseTime > 1 then entity_setState(me, STATE_RUNTOCAVE) end entity_moveTowardsTarget(me, dt, -500) entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 6, 0.5) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_RUNTOCAVE) then local liin = getNode("LI_IN") if not entity_isEntityInRange(me, getNaija(), 1000) and not node_isEntityIn(liin, me) then entity_stopFollowingPath(me) entity_setState(me, STATE_BEFOREMEET) else if not entity_isFollowingPath(me) then if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 0) then entity_setState(me, STATE_FADEOUT) elseif isFlag(FLAG_LI, 1) then entity_setState(me, STATE_CORNERED) end end end elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then --debugLog("state hug") entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 2) expression(me, EXPRESSION_HAPPY, 0.5) if entity_getRiding(v.n) == me then entity_animate(v.n, "hugLi", 0, 3) if v.curNote ~= -1 then local vx, vy = getNoteVector(v.curNote, 400*dt) entity_addVel(me, vx, vy) end entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 5, 0.1) entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, dt, 1, 1) entity_doFriction(me, dt, 100) entity_updateMovement(me, dt) setNaijaHugPosition(me) entity_updateLocalWarpAreas(me, true) bone_setRenderPass(v.bone_llarm, 3) bone_setRenderPass(v.bone_ularm, 3) bone_setRenderPass(v.bone_leftHand, 3) if not v.forcedHug then if not isForm(FORM_NORMAL) or not isInputEnabled() or entity_isFollowingPath(v.n) or avatar_getStillTimer() < 1 or v.honeyPower ~= entity_getHealthPerc(v.n) then endHug(me) end end --[[ ent = entity_getNearestEntity(me, "", 400, ET_ENEMY) if ent ~= 0 then expression(me, EXPRESSION_ANGRY, 1) entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) entity_flipToEntity(me, ent) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, ent) end ]]-- else --debugLog("naija is not riding") entity_setRiding(v.n, me) end --entity_setPosition(v.n, ) end if not entity_isState(me, STATE_FADEOUT) and not entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) and not entity_isState(me, STATE_PATH) then if (math.abs(entity_velx(me))) > 10 then entity_flipToVel(me) end if not entity_isState(me, STATE_IDLE) then entity_rotateToVel(me, 0.1) end if math.abs(entity_velx(me)) > 20 or math.abs(entity_vely(me)) > 20 then entity_doFriction(me, dt, 150) v.gvel = true else if v.gvel then entity_clearVel(me) v.gvel = false else entity_doFriction(me, dt, 40) end end entity_updateMovement(me, dt) end if not entity_isUnderWater(me) then local w = getWaterLevel() if math.abs(w - entity_y(me)) <= 40 then entity_setPosition(me, entity_x(me), w+40) entity_clearVel(me) else if entity_isUnderWater(v.n) then entity_setPosition(me, entity_x(v.n), entity_y(v.n)) end end end end function damage(me, attacker, bone, damageType, dmg) return false end function enterState(me, state) --debugLog(string.format(%s%d, "li state: ", entity_getState(me))) local timer = 0 if entity_isState(me, STATE_IDLE) then debugLog("idle") entity_rotate(me,0,0.5) entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 200) entity_animate(me, "idle", LOOP_INF) if v.n ~= 0 then entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) end if not(isFlag(FLAG_LI, 101) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 102)) and getFlag(FLAG_LI) >= 100 then if v.bone_helmet ~= 0 then --debugLog("setting helmet alpha to 0") bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 0) end end elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CARRIED) then entity_rotate(me, 0) --entity_rotate(me, 360, 5, -1) --entity_stopAllAnimations(me) if entity_isfh(me) then entity_fh(me) end bone_setAnimated(v.bone_head, ANIM_ALL) --entity_animate(me, "trappedInCreator", -1) elseif entity_getState(me)==STATE_BEFOREMEET then --debugLog("beforemeet") v.chaseTime = v.chaseTime - 3 entity_rotate(me,0,0.5) entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 200) entity_animate(me, "idle", LOOP_INF) if isFlag(FLAG_LI, 101) or isFlag(FLAG_LI, 102) then bone_alpha(v.bone_helmet, 1) entity_setActivationType(me, AT_CLICK) end elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CHASED) then --debugLog("chased") entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 500) entity_setTarget(me, getNaija()) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_FOLLOWING) then --debugLog("following") v.followDelay = 0.2 entity_animate(me, "swim", LOOP_INF) entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 600) entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 1, 0.1) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CHASEFOOD) then --debugLog("chase food") entity_animate(me, "swim", LOOP_INF) entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 650) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_EAT) then --debugLog("eat") entity_animate(me, "eat", LOOP_INF) entity_rotate(me,0,0.5) entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 200) entity_setStateTime(me, 3) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_RUNTOCAVE) then --debugLog("runtocave") entity_setMaxSpeed(me, 700) local node = getNode("LICAVE") if node ~= 0 then entity_swimToNode(me, node, SPEED_LITOCAVE) if not entity_isFollowingPath(me) then entity_setState(me, STATE_CHASED) end end elseif entity_getState(me)==STATE_SWIM then --debugLog("swim") entity_animate(me, "swim", LOOP_INF) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_FADEOUT) then --debugLog("fadeout") --debugLog("setting flag to 1") setFlag(FLAG_LI, 1) entity_alpha(me, 0, 1) -- Make sure we don't see the head through the fading helmet. bone_showFrame(v.bone_head, -1) elseif entity_getState(me)==STATE_BURST then debugLog("burst") entity_animate(me, "burst") --entity_doSpellAvoidance(me, 1, 256, 1.0) entity_doEntityAvoidance(me, 1, 256, 1.0) entity_doCollisionAvoidance(me, 1, 256, 1.0) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CORNERED) then debugLog("cornered") voice("NAIJA_TRAPPEDLI") entity_flipToEntity(me, getNaija()) --entity_setActivation(me, AT_CLICK, 64, 512) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_WAIT) then debugLog("wait") elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then v.incut = true debugLog("HUG!") entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, me) v.nearNaijaTimer = 0 v.hugOut = v.naijaOut if entity_isfh(me) then v.hugOut = -v.hugOut end entity_setNaijaReaction(me, "") -- FIXME: There's no "shock" expression; what was intended? --achurch --expression(me, shock, 1) -- removed for now to prevent warnings in strict mode --fg entity_clearVel(me) entity_clearVel(v.n) entity_idle(v.n) entity_setPosition(v.n, entity_x(me)+v.hugOut, entity_y(me), 1, 0, 0, 1) watch(1) v.honeyPower = entity_getHealthPerc(v.n) entity_setRiding(v.n, me) entity_flipToEntity(me, v.n) entity_flipToEntity(v.n, me) entity_setNaijaReaction(me, "smile") entity_animate(me, "hugNaija") entity_offset(me, 0, 0, 0) entity_offset(v.n, 0, 0, 0) entity_offset(me, 0, 10, 1, -1, 1, 1) entity_offset(v.n, 0, 10, 1, -1, 1, 1) entity_setActivationType(me, AT_CLICK) if not v.forcedHug then if chance(75) then if chance(50) then emote(EMOTE_NAIJAGIGGLE) else emote(EMOTE_NAIJASIGH) end end end v.incut = false elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_PATH) then debugLog("enter state path") entity_swimToPosition(me, entity_x(v.n), entity_y(v.n), SPEED_NORMAL) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_TRAPPEDINCREATOR) then entity_rotate(me, 0) --entity_rotate(me, 360, 5, -1) entity_stopAllAnimations(me) if entity_isfh(me) then entity_fh(me) end bone_setAnimated(v.bone_head, ANIM_ALL) entity_animate(me, "trappedInCreator", -1) --[[ entity_offset(me, 0) entity_offset(me, 0, 30, 1, 0, 0, 1) ]]-- elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_OPEN) then entity_rotate(me, 0) --entity_rotate(me, 360, 5, -1) entity_stopAllAnimations(me) if entity_isfh(me) then entity_fh(me) end bone_setAnimated(v.bone_head, ANIM_ALL) entity_animate(me, "idle", -1) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_CLOSE) then -- when getting sucked into the creator entity_rotate(me, 0) entity_stopAllAnimations(me) if entity_isfh(me) then entity_fh(me) end bone_setAnimated(v.bone_head, ANIM_ALL) entity_animate(me, "suckedin", -1) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_PUPPET) then entity_idle(me, "idle", -1) end end function exitState(me) if entity_isState(me, STATE_BURST) then entity_setState(me, STATE_SWIM) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_HUG) then entity_setMaxSpeedLerp(me, 1, 0.5) debugLog("hug off") entity_offset(me, 0, 0, 0) entity_offset(v.n, 0, 0, 0) bone_setRenderPass(v.bone_llarm, 1) bone_setRenderPass(v.bone_ularm, 1) bone_setRenderPass(v.bone_leftHand, 1) endHug(me) entity_setActivationType(me, AT_NONE) elseif entity_isState(me, STATE_EAT) then entity_setState(me, STATE_IDLE) end end function hitSurface(me) end function msg(me, msg, val) -- switch to and from combat mode if msg == "c" then refreshWeaponGlow(me) entity_animate(me, "switchCombat", 0, LAYER_UPPERBODY) elseif msg == "forcehug" then v.forcedHug = true entity_setState(me, STATE_HUG, -1, 1) elseif msg == "endhug" then v.forcedHug = false endHug(me) elseif msg == "expression" then expression(me, val, 2) end end function songNote(me, note) v.curNote = note end function songNoteDone(me, note, len) v.curNote = -1 end