/* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot This file is part of Aquaria. Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef SOUNDMANAGER_H #define SOUNDMANAGER_H #include #include #include #include #include "Vector.h" #define BBGE_BUILD_FMODEX const int BBGE_AUDIO_NOCHANNEL = 0; const int BBGE_AUDIO_LOOPINFINITE = -1; const int BBGE_AUDIO_LOOPNONE = 0; namespace SoundCore { typedef void *Buffer; } enum SoundEffectType { SFX_NONE = -1, SFX_FLANGE = 0, SFX_MAX }; enum SoundLoopType { SLT_NONE = -1, SLT_NORMAL = 0, SLT_LOOP = 0, SLT_OFF = 1, SLT_BI = 2 }; enum SoundFadeType { SFT_NONE = -1, SFT_IN = 0, SFT_CROSS = 1, SFT_OUT = 2 }; enum SoundConditionType { SCT_NONE = -1, SCT_NORMAL = 0, SCT_ISNOTPLAYING = 1 }; enum SoundVoiceType { SVT_QUEUE = 0, SVT_INTERRUPT = 1 }; enum SoundLoadType { SFXLOAD_CACHE = 0, SFXLOAD_LOCAL = 1 }; struct PlaySfx { PlaySfx() : priority(0.5), handle(0), vol(1), fade(SFT_NONE), time(0), freq(1), loops(0), channel(BBGE_AUDIO_NOCHANNEL), maxdist(0), x(0), y(0), relative(true), positional(false) {} std::string name; intptr_t handle; float vol; float time; float freq; int loops; int channel; float priority; float maxdist; // distance gain attenuation. if 0: use default value, -1: don't attenuate at all SoundFadeType fade; float x, y; bool relative; // relative to listener? bool positional; // if true, this indicates that we want positional sound (stereo will be downmixed to mono to make OpenAL happy) }; class SoundHolder; // defined below class SoundManager { public: SoundManager(const std::string &defaultDevice=""); ~SoundManager(); void stopAll(); void setChannelVolume(void *chan, float v); void loadSoundCache(const std::string &spath="sfx/cache/", const std::string &ftype=".ogg", void progressCallback()=NULL); void stopAllSfx(); void clearLocalSounds(); void setVoicePath2(const std::string &voicePath2) { this->voicePath2 = voicePath2; } SoundCore::Buffer loadLocalSound(const std::string &sound); SoundCore::Buffer loadSoundIntoBank(const std::string &filename, const std::string &path, const std::string &format, SoundLoadType = SFXLOAD_CACHE); SoundCore::Buffer getBuffer(const std::string &name); void *playSfx(const PlaySfx &play); void *playSfx(const std::string &name, float vol=1); bool playMusic(const std::string &name, SoundLoopType=SLT_NORMAL, SoundFadeType sft=SFT_NONE, float trans=0, SoundConditionType sct=SCT_NORMAL); bool playVoice(const std::string &name, SoundVoiceType=SVT_QUEUE, float vmod=-1); float getMusicFader(); float getVoxFader(); void setListenerPos(float x, float y); void setSoundPos(void *channel, float x, float y); void setSoundRelative(void *channel, bool relative); std::string getVolumeString(); void toggleEffectMusic(SoundEffectType effect, bool on); void clearFadingSfx(); void setMusicSpeed(float speed); void setModSpeed(float speed); bool isPlayingMusic(const std::string &name); void setSfxChannelsVolume(float v); bool isPaused(); void stopVoice(); void stopAllVoice(); void stopMusic(); void stopSfx(void *channel); void fadeSfx(void *channel, SoundFadeType sft=SFT_OUT, float t=0.8); void fadeMusic(SoundFadeType sft=SFT_OUT, float t=1); bool isPlayingMusic(); bool isPlayingVoice(); void onVoiceEnded(); void setVoiceFader(float v); void setMusicFader(float v, float t=0); void setMusicVolume(float v); void setSfxVolume(float v); void setVoiceVolume(float v); float getSfxVol(); void updateChannelVolume(void *ch, float v=1); void pause(); void resume(); float getVoiceTime(); void update(float dt); bool enabled; bool checkError(); void error(const std::string &errMsg); EventPtr event_playVoice, event_stopVoice; std::string lastVoice, lastMusic; typedef std::list LocalSounds; LocalSounds localSounds; void setOverrideVoiceFader(float v); std::string audioPath2; void getStats(int *curAlloc, int *maxAlloc); std::string reverbKeyword; private: std::string voicePath2; float overrideVoiceFader; // sound voice music InterpolatedVector voxVol; InterpolatedVector musVol; float sfxVol; float voiceFader, sfxFader; std::queue voxQueue; void (*loadProgressCallback)(); }; class SoundHolder { friend class SoundManager; public: void updateSoundPosition(float x, float y); void stopAllSounds(); void unlinkSound(void *channel); void linkSound(void *channel); void unlinkAllSounds(); protected: virtual ~SoundHolder(); private: std::set activeSounds; }; extern SoundManager *sound; #endif