#ifndef BYTEBUFFER_H #define BYTEBUFFER_H #include // for memcpy // ** compatibility stuff for BBGE .... ** #include "Base.h" #define BYTEBUFFER_NO_EXCEPTIONS #if (defined(BBGE_BUILD_SDL) && (SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN)) # define BB_IS_BIG_ENDIAN #endif // **** namespace ByteBufferTools { template inline void convert(char *val) { std::swap(*val, *(val + T - 1)); convert(val + 1); } template<> inline void convert<0>(char *) {} template<> inline void convert<1>(char *) {} template inline void EndianConvert(T *val) { convert((char *)(val)); } #if BB_IS_BIG_ENDIAN template inline void ToLittleEndian(T& val) { EndianConvert(&val); } template inline void ToBigEndian(T&) { } #else template inline void ToLittleEndian(T&) { } template inline void ToBigEndian(T& val) { EndianConvert(&val); } #endif template void ToLittleEndian(T*); // will generate link error template void ToBigEndian(T*); // will generate link error }; #define BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(T) inline ByteBuffer& operator<<(T val) { append(val); return *this; } #define BB_MAKE_READ_OP(T) inline ByteBuffer& operator>>(T &val) { val = read(); return *this; } class ByteBuffer { public: typedef void (*delete_func)(void*); typedef void *(*allocator_func)(size_t); enum Mode // for creation with existing pointers { COPY, //- Make a copy of the buffer (default action). REUSE, //- Use the passed-in buffer as is. Requires the pointer // to remain valid over the life of this object. TAKE_OVER, //- Take over the passed-in buffer; it will be deleted on object destruction. }; #ifdef _MSC_VER typedef __int64 int64; typedef long int32; typedef short int16; typedef char int8; typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; typedef unsigned long uint32; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned char uint8; #else typedef long long int64; typedef int int32; typedef short int16; typedef char int8; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned char uint8; #endif class Exception { public: Exception(const ByteBuffer *bb, const char *act, uint32 sp = 0) { action = act; rpos = bb->rpos(); wpos = bb->wpos(); sizeparam = sp; cursize = bb->size(); } uint32 rpos, wpos, sizeparam, cursize; const char *action; }; #ifdef BYTEBUFFER_NO_EXCEPTIONS #define BYTEBUFFER_EXCEPT(bb, desc, sz) { Exception __e(bb, desc, sz); char errbuf[256]; \ sprintf(errbuf, "Exception in ByteBuffer: '%s', rpos: %u, wpos: %u, cursize: %u, sizeparam: %u", \ __e.action, __e.rpos, __e.wpos, __e.cursize, __e.sizeparam); errorLog(errbuf); abort(); } #else #define BYTEBUFFER_EXCEPT(bb, desc, sz) throw Exception(bb, desc, sz) #endif protected: uint8 *_buf; // the ptr to the buffer that holds all the bytes uint32 _rpos, // read position, [0 ... _size] _wpos, // write position, [0 ... _size] _res, // reserved buffer size, [0 ... _size ... _res] _size; // used buffer size delete_func _delfunc; allocator_func _allocfunc; bool _mybuf; // if true, destructor deletes buffer bool _growable; // default true, if false, buffer will not re-allocate more space public: ByteBuffer() : _rpos(0), _wpos(0), _buf(NULL), _size(0), _growable(true), _res(0), _mybuf(false), _delfunc(NULL), _allocfunc(NULL) { } ByteBuffer(uint32 res) : _rpos(0), _wpos(0), _buf(NULL), _size(0), _growable(true), _res(0), _mybuf(false), _delfunc(NULL), _allocfunc(NULL) { _allocate(res); } ByteBuffer(ByteBuffer &buf, Mode mode = COPY, uint32 extra = 0) : _rpos(0), _wpos(0), _buf(NULL), _size(0), _growable(true), _res(0), _mybuf(false), _delfunc(NULL), _allocfunc(NULL) { init(buf, mode, extra); } // del param only used with TAKE_OVER, extra only used with COPY ByteBuffer(void *buf, uint32 size, Mode mode = COPY, delete_func del = NULL, uint32 extra = 0) : _rpos(0), _wpos(0), _size(size), _buf(NULL), _growable(true), _delfunc(del), _mybuf(false), _allocfunc(NULL) // for mode == REUSE { init(buf, size, mode, del, extra); } void init(void *buf, uint32 size, Mode mode = COPY, delete_func del = NULL, uint32 extra = 0) { _mybuf = false; switch(mode) { case COPY: _allocate(size + extra); append(buf, size); break; case TAKE_OVER: _mybuf = true; // fallthrough case REUSE: _buf = (uint8*)buf; _res = size; _size = size; } } void init(ByteBuffer& bb, Mode mode = COPY, uint32 extra = 0) { _allocfunc = bb._allocfunc; switch(mode) { case COPY: reserve(bb.size() + extra); append(bb); break; case TAKE_OVER: case REUSE: _mybuf = bb._mybuf; _delfunc = bb._delfunc; _buf = bb._buf; _res = bb._res; _size = bb._size; _growable = bb._growable; break; } if(mode == TAKE_OVER) { bb._buf = NULL; bb._size = 0; bb._res = 0; } } virtual ~ByteBuffer() { clear(); } void clear(void) { _delete(); reset(); } inline void reset(void) { _rpos = _wpos = _size = 0; } void resize(uint32 newsize) { reserve(newsize); _rpos = 0; _wpos = newsize; _size = newsize; } void reserve(uint32 newsize) { if(_res < newsize) _allocate(newsize); } // ---------------------- Write methods ----------------------- BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(char); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(uint8); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(uint16); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(uint32); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(uint64); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(float); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(double); BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP(int); ByteBuffer &operator<<(bool value) { append((char)value); return *this; } ByteBuffer &operator<<(const char *str) { append((uint8 *)str, str ? strlen(str) : 0); append((uint8)0); return *this; } ByteBuffer &operator<<(const std::string &value) { append((uint8 *)value.c_str(), value.length()); append((uint8)0); return *this; } // -------------------- Read methods -------------------- BB_MAKE_READ_OP(char); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(uint8); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(uint16); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(uint32); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(uint64); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(float); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(double); BB_MAKE_READ_OP(int); ByteBuffer &operator>>(bool &value) { value = read() > 0 ? true : false; return *this; } uint8 operator[](uint32 pos) { return read(pos); } ByteBuffer &operator>>(std::string& value) { value.clear(); char c; while(readable() && (c = read())) value += c; return *this; } // -------------------------------------------------- uint32 rpos() const { return _rpos; } uint32 rpos(uint32 rpos) { _rpos = rpos < size() ? rpos : size(); return _rpos; } uint32 wpos() const { return _wpos; } uint32 wpos(uint32 wpos) { _wpos = wpos < size() ? wpos : size(); return _wpos; } template T read() { T r = read(_rpos); _rpos += sizeof(T); return r; } template T read(uint32 pos) const { if(pos + sizeof(T) > size()) BYTEBUFFER_EXCEPT(this, "read", sizeof(T)); T val = *((T const*)(_buf + pos)); ByteBufferTools::ToLittleEndian(val); return val; } void read(void *dest, uint32 len) { if (_rpos + len <= size()) memcpy(dest, &_buf[_rpos], len); else BYTEBUFFER_EXCEPT(this, "read-into", len); _rpos += len; } void skipRead(uint32 len) { _rpos += len; } inline const uint8 *contents() const { return _buf; } inline uint8 *contents() { return _buf; } inline const void *ptr() const { return _buf; } inline void *ptr() { return _buf; } inline uint32 size() const { return _size; } inline uint32 bytes() const { return size(); } inline uint32 bits() const { return bytes() * 8; } inline uint32 capacity() const { return _res; } inline uint32 readable(void) const { return size() - rpos(); } inline uint32 writable(void) const { return size() - wpos(); } // free space left before realloc will occur template void append(T value) { ByteBufferTools::ToLittleEndian(value); _enlargeIfReq(_wpos + sizeof(T)); *((T*)(_buf + _wpos)) = value; _wpos += sizeof(T); if(_size < _wpos) _size = _wpos; } void append(const void *src, uint32 bytes) { if (!bytes) return; _enlargeIfReq(_wpos + bytes); memcpy(_buf + _wpos, src, bytes); _wpos += bytes; if(_size < _wpos) _size = _wpos; } void append(const ByteBuffer& buffer) { if(buffer.size()) append(buffer.contents(), buffer.size()); } void put(uint32 pos, const void *src, uint32 bytes) { memcpy(_buf + pos, src, bytes); } template void put(uint32 pos, T value) { if(pos >= size()) BYTEBUFFER_EXCEPT(this, "put", sizeof(T)); ByteBufferTools::ToLittleEndian(value); *((T*)(_buf + pos)) = value; } inline bool growable(void) { return _growable; } inline void growable(bool b) { _growable = b; } // dangerous functions void _setPtr(void *p) { _buf = (uint8*)p; } void _setAllocFunc(allocator_func f) { _allocfunc = f; } void _setDelFunc(delete_func f) { _delfunc = f; } void _setSize(uint32 s) { _size = s; } void _setReserved(uint32 s) { _res = s; } protected: void _delete(void) { if(_mybuf) { if(_delfunc) _delfunc(_buf); else delete [] _buf; _buf = NULL; _res = 0; } } // allocate larger buffer and copy contents. if we own the current buffer, delete old, otherwise, leave it as it is. void _allocate(uint32 s) { if(!_growable && _buf) // only throw if we already have a buf BYTEBUFFER_EXCEPT(this, "_alloc+locked", s); // dangerous: It's up to the user to be sure that _allocfunc and _delfunc are matching uint8 *newbuf = (uint8*)(_allocfunc ? _allocfunc(s) : new char[s]); if(_buf) { memcpy(newbuf, _buf, _size); _delete(); } _buf = newbuf; _res = s; _mybuf = true; if (!_allocfunc) _delfunc = NULL; } void _enlargeIfReq(uint32 minSize) { if(_res < minSize) { uint32 a = _res * 2; if(a < minSize) // fallback if doubling the space was not enough a += minSize; _allocate(a); } } }; #undef BB_MAKE_WRITE_OP #undef BB_MAKE_READ_OP #undef BB_IS_BIG_ENDIAN #endif