/* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot This file is part of Aquaria. Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __core__ #define __core__ /* valid BUILD_ flags WIN32/BUILD_WIN32 BUILD_MACOSX BUILD_X360 BUILD_LINUX */ #include "Base.h" #include "RenderObject.h" #include "SoundManager.h" #include "ActionMapper.h" #include "Event.h" #include "StateManager.h" #include "Light.h" #include "Flags.h" //#include "Scripting.h" #include "Effects.h" #include "Localization.h" #include "DarkLayer.h" /* #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_WINDOWS #include "Joystick.h" #endif */ #include "FrameBuffer.h" #include "Shader.h" class ParticleEffect; class ParticleManager; void initInputCodeMap(); void clearInputCodeMap(); std::string getInputCodeToString(int key); std::string getInputCodeToUserString(int key); int getStringToInputCode(const std::string &string); enum TimeUpdateType { TIMEUPDATE_DYNAMIC = 0, TIMEUPDATE_FIXED = 1 }; struct ScreenMode { ScreenMode() { idx = x = y = hz = 0; } ScreenMode(int i, int x, int y, int hz) : idx(i), x(x), y(y), hz(hz) {} int idx, x, y, hz; }; struct CoreSettings { CoreSettings() { renderOn = true; updateOn = true; runInBackground = false; prebufferSounds = false; } bool renderOn; bool runInBackground; bool updateOn; // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET bool prebufferSounds; }; enum CoreFlags { CF_CLEARBUFFERS = 0x00000001, CF_SORTENABLED = 0x00000010 }; enum CoreLayers { LR_NONE = -1 }; const int NO_FOLLOW_CAMERA = -999; class AfterEffectManager; class Texture; const int baseVirtualWidth = 800; const int baseVirtualHeight = 600; enum GameKeys { // replace with GLFW equivalent /* KEY_DOWNARROW = GLFW_KEY_DOWN, KEY_RIGHTARROW = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UPARROW = GLFW_KEY_UP, KEY_LEFTARROW = GLFW_KEY_LEFT, */ KEY_LSUPER, KEY_RSUPER, KEY_LMETA, KEY_RMETA, KEY_BACKSPACE, KEY_PRINTSCREEN, //KEY_CAPSLOCK, //KEY_CIRCUMFLEX, KEY_LALT, KEY_RALT, KEY_LSHIFT, KEY_RSHIFT, KEY_LCONTROL, KEY_RCONTROL, KEY_NUMPADMINUS, KEY_NUMPADPERIOD, KEY_NUMPADPLUS, KEY_NUMPADSLASH, KEY_NUMPADSTAR, KEY_PGDN, KEY_PGUP, KEY_APOSTROPHE, KEY_EQUALS, KEY_SEMICOLON, KEY_LBRACKET, KEY_RBRACKET, //KEY_RALT, KEY_TILDE, KEY_0, KEY_1, KEY_2, KEY_3, KEY_4, KEY_5, KEY_6, KEY_7, KEY_8, KEY_9, KEY_A, KEY_B, KEY_C, KEY_D, KEY_E, KEY_F, KEY_G, KEY_H, KEY_I, KEY_J, KEY_K, KEY_L, KEY_M, KEY_N, KEY_O, KEY_P, KEY_Q, KEY_R, KEY_S, KEY_T, KEY_U, KEY_V, KEY_W, KEY_X, KEY_Y, KEY_Z, KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, KEY_NUMPAD1, KEY_NUMPAD2, KEY_NUMPAD3, KEY_NUMPAD4, KEY_NUMPAD5, KEY_NUMPAD6, KEY_NUMPAD7, KEY_NUMPAD8, KEY_NUMPAD9, KEY_NUMPAD0, KEY_DELETE, KEY_SPACE, KEY_RETURN, KEY_PERIOD, KEY_MINUS, KEY_CAPSLOCK, KEY_SYSRQ, KEY_TAB, KEY_HOME, KEY_END, KEY_COMMA, KEY_SLASH, KEY_F1, KEY_F2, KEY_F3, KEY_F4, KEY_F5, KEY_F6, KEY_F7, KEY_F8, KEY_F9, KEY_F10, KEY_F11, KEY_F12, KEY_F13, KEY_F14, KEY_F15, KEY_ESCAPE, KEY_ANYKEY, KEY_MAXARRAY }; enum ButtonState { UP = 0, DOWN }; struct MouseButtons { MouseButtons () { left = UP; right = UP; middle = UP; } ButtonState left, right, middle; }; struct Mouse { Mouse() { scrollWheel = scrollWheelChange = lastScrollWheel = 0; buttonsEnabled = true; movementEnabled = true; } Vector position, lastPosition; MouseButtons buttons; MouseButtons pure_buttons; Vector change; // movementEnabled is not implemented yet bool buttonsEnabled, movementEnabled; int scrollWheel, scrollWheelChange, lastScrollWheel; }; const int maxJoyBtns = 64; class Joystick { public: Joystick(); void init(int stick=0); void shutdown(); //Ranges from 0 to 65535 (full speed). void rumble(float leftMotor, float rightMotor, float time); void update(float dt); Vector position, lastPosition; ButtonState buttons[maxJoyBtns]; float deadZone1, deadZone2; float clearRumbleTime; void callibrate(Vector &vec, float dead); float leftTrigger, rightTrigger; bool leftThumb, rightThumb, leftShoulder, rightShoulder, dpadLeft, dpadRight, dpadUp, dpadDown; bool btnStart, btnSelect; Vector rightStick; bool inited, xinited; bool anyButton(); # ifdef BBGE_BUILD_SDL2 SDL_GameController *sdl_controller; SDL_Haptic *sdl_haptic; # endif SDL_Joystick *sdl_joy; #if defined(__LINUX__) && !defined(BBGE_BUILD_SDL2) int eventfd; int16_t effectid; #endif int stickIndex; int s1ax, s1ay, s2ax, s2ay; }; enum FollowCameraLock { FCL_NONE = 0, FCL_HORZ = 1, FCL_VERT = 2 }; //RenderObject Layer Type (enable only one) //#define RLT_DYNAMIC // Dynamic list #define RLT_FIXED // Static array //#define RLT_MAP // Mapping typedef std::vector RenderObjects; typedef std::list RenderObjectList; typedef std::map RenderObjectMap; class RenderObjectLayer { public: RenderObjectLayer(); ~RenderObjectLayer(); void add(RenderObject* r); void remove(RenderObject* r); void moveToFront(RenderObject *r); void moveToBack(RenderObject *r); void setCull(bool cull); void setOptimizeStatic(bool opt); void sort(); void renderPass(int pass); void reloadDevice(); inline bool empty() { #ifdef RLT_FIXED return objectCount == 0; #endif #ifdef RLT_DYNAMIC return renderObjectList.empty(); #endif return false; } inline RenderObject *getFirst() { #ifdef RLT_DYNAMIC if (renderObjectList.empty()) return 0; iter = renderObjectList.begin(); return *iter; #endif #ifdef RLT_MAP if (renderObjectMap.empty()) return 0; iter = renderObjectMap.begin(); return (*iter).second; #endif #ifdef RLT_FIXED iter = 0; return getNext(); #endif } RenderObject *getNext() { #ifdef RLT_DYNAMIC if (iter == renderObjectList.end()) return 0; iter++; if (iter == renderObjectList.end()) return 0; return *iter; #endif #ifdef RLT_MAP if (iter == renderObjectMap.end()) return 0; iter++; if (iter == renderObjectMap.end()) return 0; return (*iter).second; #endif #ifdef RLT_FIXED const int size = renderObjects.size(); int i; for (i = iter; i < size; i++) { if (renderObjects[i] != 0) break; } if (i < size) { iter = i+1; return renderObjects[i]; } else { iter = i; return 0; } #endif return 0; } //inclusive int startPass, endPass; bool visible; float followCamera; int followCameraLock; bool cull; bool update; int mode; Vector color; protected: void clearDisplayList(); void generateDisplayList(); inline void renderOneObject(RenderObject *robj); bool optimizeStatic; bool displayListValid; int displayListGeneration; struct DisplayListElement { DisplayListElement() {isList = false; u.robj = 0;} bool isList; // True if this is a GL display list union { RenderObject *robj; GLuint listID; } u; }; std::vector displayList; #ifdef RLT_DYNAMIC RenderObjectList renderObjectList; RenderObjectList::iterator iter; #endif #ifdef RLT_MAP RenderObjectMap renderObjectMap; RenderObjectMap::iterator iter; #endif #ifdef RLT_FIXED RenderObjects renderObjects; int objectCount; int firstFreeIdx; int iter; #endif }; class Core : public ActionMapper, public StateManager { public: // init Core(const std::string &filesystem, const std::string& extraDataDir, int numRenderLayers, const std::string &appName="BBGE", int particleSize=1024, std::string userDataSubFolder=""); void initPlatform(const std::string &filesystem); ~Core(); virtual void init(); void initRenderObjectLayers(int num); void applyState(const std::string &state); //bool createGlWindow(char* title, int width, int height, int bits, bool fullscreenflag); bool createWindow(int width, int height, int bits, bool fullscreen, std::string windowTitle=""); //void setWindowTitle(const std::string &title); // func not yet written void clearBuffers(); void render(int startLayer=-1, int endLayer=-1, bool useFrameBufferIfAvail=true); void showBuffer(); void quit(); bool isShuttingDown(); bool isWindowFocus(); void instantQuit(); void cacheRender(); void setSDLGLAttributes(); void reloadResources(); void unloadResources(); std::string getPreferencesFolder(); std::string getUserDataFolder(); std::string adjustFilenameCase(const char *buf); std::string adjustFilenameCase(const std::string &str) { return adjustFilenameCase(str.c_str()); }; void resetCamera(); virtual void shutdown(); void main(float runTime = -1); // can use main //void adjustWindowPosition(int x, int y); // state functions std::string getTextureLoadName(const std::string &texture); void setMousePosition(const Vector &p); void toggleScreenMode(int t=0); void enable2D(int pixelScaleX=0, int pixelScaleY=0, bool forcePixelScale=false); void addRenderObject(RenderObject *o, int layer=0); void switchRenderObjectLayer(RenderObject *o, int toLayer); void addTexture(Texture *r); CountedPtr findTexture(const std::string &name); void removeTexture(Texture *res); void clearResources(); CountedPtr addTexture(const std::string &texture); PostProcessingFX postProcessingFx; enum RemoveRenderObjectFlag { DESTROY_RENDER_OBJECT=0, DO_NOT_DESTROY_RENDER_OBJECT }; void removeRenderObject(RenderObject *r, RemoveRenderObjectFlag flag = DESTROY_RENDER_OBJECT); void setMouseConstraint(bool on); void setMouseConstraintCircle(const Vector& pos, float mouseCircle); void setReentryInputGrab(int on); void action(int id, int state){} bool exists(const std::string &file); void enqueueRenderObjectDeletion(RenderObject *object); void clearGarbage(); bool isNested() { return nestedMains > 1; } int getNestedMains() { return nestedMains; } void quitNestedMain(); int getWindowWidth() { return width; } int getWindowHeight() { return height; } void updateCursorFromJoystick(float dt, int spd); uint32 getTicks(); float stopWatch(int d); float stopWatchStartTime; void resetGraphics(int w, int h, int fullscreen=-1, int vsync=-1, int bpp=-1); /* #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_OPENGL void getWindowHeight(int *height) {glfwGetWindowSize(0, height);} void getWindowWidth(int *width) {glfwGetWindowSize(width, 0);} #endif */ void setDockIcon(const std::string &ident); Vector getGameCursorPosition(); Vector getGamePosition(const Vector &v); Vector joystickPosition; bool coreVerboseDebug; Vector screenCenter; void sort(); void sortLayer(int layer); void print(int x, int y, const char *str, float sz=1); // windows variables #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_WINDOWS HDC hDC; // Private GDI Device Context HGLRC hRC; // Permanent Rendering Context HWND hWnd; // Holds Our Window Handle HINSTANCE hInstance; // Holds The Instance Of The Application #endif std::vector resources; RenderObjectLayer *getRenderObjectLayer(int i); std::vector renderObjectLayerOrder; //typedef std::list RenderObjects; typedef std::vector RenderObjectLayers; RenderObjectLayers renderObjectLayers; RenderObjectList garbage; SoundManager *sound; float aspect; int width, height; enum Modes { MODE_NONE=-1, MODE_3D=0, MODE_2D }; InterpolatedVector globalScale; Vector globalResolutionScale; Vector screenCapScale; virtual void onResetScene(){} virtual void onPlayedVoice(const std::string &name){} Vector cameraPos; int fps; bool loopDone; Mouse mouse; AfterEffectManager *afterEffectManager; ParticleManager *particleManager; //Scripting::Script script; void setBaseTextureDirectory(const std::string &baseTextureDirectory) { this->baseTextureDirectory = baseTextureDirectory; } std::string getBaseTextureDirectory() { return baseTextureDirectory; } virtual bool canChangeState(); void resetTimer(); inline int getVirtualWidth() { return virtualWidth; } inline int getVirtualHeight() { return virtualHeight; } unsigned char *grabScreenshot(int x, int y, int w, int h); unsigned char *grabCenteredScreenshot(int w, int h); int saveScreenshotTGA(const std::string &filename); void save64x64ScreenshotTGA(const std::string &filename); void saveSizedScreenshotTGA(const std::string &filename, int sz, int crop34); void saveCenteredScreenshotTGA(const std::string &filename, int sz); bool minimized; std::string getEnqueuedJumpState(); float cullRadius; float cullRadiusSqr; Vector cullCenter; unsigned int renderObjectCount, processedRenderObjectCount, totalRenderObjectCount; float invGlobalScale, invGlobalScaleSqr; void globalScaleChanged(); void screenshot(); void clearRenderObjects(); void applyMatrixStackToWorld(); void translateMatrixStack(float x, float y, float z=0); //void translateMatrixStackRelative(float x, float y, float z=0); void rotateMatrixStack(float x, float y, float z); void scaleMatrixStack(float x, float y, float z=1); void rotateMatrixStack(float z); void setColor(float r, float g, float b, float a); void bindTexture(int stage, unsigned int handle); bool getKeyState(int k); bool getMouseButtonState(int m); int currentLayerPass; int keys[KEY_MAXARRAY]; Flags flags; virtual void debugLog(const std::string &s); virtual void errorLog(const std::string &s); void messageBox(const std::string &title, const std::string &msg); bool getShiftState(); bool getAltState(); bool getCtrlState(); bool getMetaState(); virtual void generateCollisionMask(RenderObject *r){} DarkLayer darkLayer; int redBits, greenBits, blueBits, alphaBits; void setupRenderPositionAndScale(); void setupGlobalResolutionScale(); int particlesPaused; //JoystickData joystickData[4]; bool joystickEnabled; bool joystickOverrideMouse; /* int numJoysticks; DIJOYSTATE2 joystate; Joystick* joysticks[4]; */ bool debugLogTextures; Joystick joystick; void setClearColor(const Vector &c); Vector getClearColor(); int flipMouseButtons; void initFrameBuffer(); FrameBuffer frameBuffer; void updateRenderObjects(float dt); bool joystickAsMouse; virtual void prepScreen(bool t){} bool updateMouse; bool frameOutputMode; int overrideStartLayer, overrideEndLayer; void setWindowCaption(const std::string &caption, const std::string &icon); ParticleEffect* createParticleEffect(const std::string &name, const Vector &position, int layer, float rotz=0); std::string secondaryTexturePath; bool hasFocus(); EventQueue eventQueue; float aspectX, aspectY; float get_old_dt() { return old_dt; } float get_current_dt() { return current_dt; } bool debugLogActive; void setInputGrab(bool on); bool isFullscreen(); int viewOffX, viewOffY; int getVirtualOffX(); int getVirtualOffY(); void centerMouse(); int vw2, vh2; Vector center; void enable2DWide(int rx, int ry); void enumerateScreenModes(); std::vector screenModes; void pollEvents(); CoreSettings settings; int tgaSave(const char *filename, short int width, short int height, unsigned char pixelDepth, unsigned char *imageData); int zgaSave(const char *filename, short int width, short int height, unsigned char pixelDepth, unsigned char *imageData); volatile int dbg_numThreadDecoders; static unsigned int dbg_numRenderCalls; virtual void onBackgroundUpdate(); void initLocalization(); protected: std::string fpsDebugString; TimeUpdateType timeUpdateType; int fixedFPS; void updateCullData(); std::string userDataFolder; int grabInputOnReentry; int virtualOffX, virtualOffY; void initIcon(); float old_dt; float current_dt; std::string debugLogPath; virtual void onReloadResources(); CountedPtr doTextureAdd(const std::string &texture, const std::string &name, std::string internalTextureName); void deleteRenderObjectMemory(RenderObject *r); bool _hasFocus; bool lib_graphics, lib_sound, lib_input; Vector clearColor; bool updateCursorFromMouse; virtual void unloadDevice(); virtual void reloadDevice(); std::string appName; bool mouseConstraint; float mouseCircle; Vector mouseConstraintCenter; bool doMouseConstraint(); virtual void onMouseInput(){} bool doScreenshot; float baseCullRadius; bool initSoundLibrary(const std::string &defaultDevice); bool initInputLibrary(); bool initJoystickLibrary(int numSticks=1); bool initGraphicsLibrary(int w, int h, bool fullscreen, int vsync, int bpp, bool recreate=true); void shutdownInputLibrary(); void shutdownJoystickLibrary(); void shutdownGraphicsLibrary(bool kill=true); void shutdownSoundLibrary(); int afterEffectManagerLayer; bool sortEnabled; Vector cameraOffset; std::vector avgFPS; float sortTimer; bool sortFlag; virtual void modifyDt(float &dt){} void setPixelScale(int pixelScaleX, int pixelScaleY); int virtualHeight, virtualWidth; bool shuttingDown; bool quitNestedMainFlag; bool clearedGarbageFlag; int nestedMains; std::string baseTextureDirectory; #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_WINDOWS __int64 lastTime, curTime, freq; #endif std::ofstream _logOut; int nowTicks, thenTicks; int _vsync, _bpp; bool _fullscreen; int numSavedScreenshots; CountedPtr texError; //unsigned int windowWidth, windowHeight; int tgaSaveSeries(char *filename, short int width, short int height, unsigned char pixelDepth, unsigned char *imageData); virtual void onUpdate(float dt); virtual void onRender(){} void setupFileAccess(); std::string _extraDataDir; }; extern Core *core; #include "RenderObject_inline.h" #endif