/* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot This file is part of Aquaria. Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef PATHFINDING_H #define PATHFINDING_H #include "../BBGE/Base.h" //#include "Astar.h" #include "TileVector.h" #include using namespace std; /* class AStarNode { public: const bool operator==(const AStarNode &a) const { return x==a.x && y==a.y; } const bool operator<(const AStarNode &a) const; AStarNode(){x=0;y=0;parent=0;} AStarNode (int x, int y) : x(x),y(y){} int x, y; int f, g, h; AStarNode *parent; //int id; //int pid; }; */ class AStarSearch; class MapSearchNode { public: unsigned int x; // the (x,y) positions of the node unsigned int y; MapSearchNode() { x = y = 0;} MapSearchNode( unsigned int px, unsigned int py ) { x=px; y=py;} float GoalDistanceEstimate( MapSearchNode &nodeGoal ); bool IsGoal( MapSearchNode &nodeGoal ); bool GetSuccessors( AStarSearch *astarsearch, MapSearchNode *parent_node ); float GetCost( MapSearchNode &successor ); bool IsSameState( MapSearchNode &rhs ); int GetMap (int x, int y); //void PrintNodeInfo(); }; class RenderObject; class PathFinding { public: void forceMinimumPath(VectorPath &path, const Vector &start, const Vector &dest); void molestPath(VectorPath &path); void generateZones(); void generatePath(RenderObject *go, TileVector g1, TileVector g2, int offx=0, int offy=0, bool hate_diagonals=false); }; // stl includes #include #include #include //#define USE_FSA_MEMORY 1 #ifdef _MSC_VER // disable warning that debugging information has lines that are truncated // occurs in stl headers #pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) #endif #define UserState MapSearchNode // The AStar search class. UserState is the users state space type class AStarSearch { public: // data enum { SEARCH_STATE_NOT_INITIALISED, SEARCH_STATE_SEARCHING, SEARCH_STATE_SUCCEEDED, SEARCH_STATE_FAILED, SEARCH_STATE_OUT_OF_MEMORY, SEARCH_STATE_INVALID }; // A node represents a possible state in the search // The user provided state type is included inside this type public: class Node { public: Node *parent; // used during the search to record the parent of successor nodes Node *child; // used after the search for the application to view the search in reverse float g; // cost of this node + it's predecessors float h; // heuristic estimate of distance to goal float f; // sum of cumulative cost of predecessors and self and heuristic Node() : parent( 0 ), child( 0 ), g( 0.0f ), h( 0.0f ), f( 0.0f ) { } UserState m_UserState; }; typedef std::vector NodeContainer; class Test { }; // For sorting the heap the STL needs compare function that lets us compare // the f value of two nodes class HeapCompare_f { public: bool operator() ( const Node *x, const Node *y ) const { return x->f > y->f; } }; public: // methods // constructor just initialises private data AStarSearch( int MaxNodes = 1000 ) : m_AllocateNodeCount(0), m_FreeNodeCount(0), /*m_FixedSizeAllocator( MaxNodes ),*/ m_State( SEARCH_STATE_NOT_INITIALISED ), m_CurrentSolutionNode( NULL ), m_CancelRequest( false ) { } // call at any time to cancel the search and free up all the memory void CancelSearch() { m_CancelRequest = true; } // Set Start and goal states void SetStartAndGoalStates( UserState &Start, UserState &Goal ) { m_CancelRequest = false; m_Start = AllocateNode(); m_Goal = AllocateNode(); m_Start->m_UserState = Start; m_Goal->m_UserState = Goal; m_State = SEARCH_STATE_SEARCHING; // Initialise the AStar specific parts of the Start Node // The user only needs fill out the state information m_Start->g = 0; m_Start->h = m_Start->m_UserState.GoalDistanceEstimate( m_Goal->m_UserState ); m_Start->f = m_Start->g + m_Start->h; m_Start->parent = 0; // Push the start node on the Open list m_OpenList.push_back( m_Start ); // heap now unsorted // Sort back element into heap push_heap( m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), HeapCompare_f() ); // Initialise counter for search steps m_Steps = 0; } // Advances search one step unsigned int SearchStep() { // Firstly break if the user has not initialised the search assert( (m_State > SEARCH_STATE_NOT_INITIALISED) && (m_State < SEARCH_STATE_INVALID) ); // Next I want it to be safe to do a searchstep once the search has succeeded... if( (m_State == SEARCH_STATE_SUCCEEDED) || (m_State == SEARCH_STATE_FAILED) ) { return m_State; } // Failure is defined as emptying the open list as there is nothing left to // search... // New: Allow user abort if( m_OpenList.empty() || m_CancelRequest ) { FreeAllNodes(); m_State = SEARCH_STATE_FAILED; return m_State; } // Incremement step count m_Steps ++; // Pop the best node (the one with the lowest f) Node *n = m_OpenList.front(); // get pointer to the node pop_heap( m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), HeapCompare_f() ); m_OpenList.pop_back(); // Check for the goal, once we pop that we're done if( n->m_UserState.IsGoal( m_Goal->m_UserState ) ) { // The user is going to use the Goal Node he passed in // so copy the parent pointer of n m_Goal->parent = n->parent; // A special case is that the goal was passed in as the start state // so handle that here if( n != m_Start ) { //delete n; FreeNode( n ); // set the child pointers in each node (except Goal which has no child) Node *nodeChild = m_Goal; Node *nodeParent = m_Goal->parent; do { nodeParent->child = nodeChild; nodeChild = nodeParent; nodeParent = nodeParent->parent; } while( nodeChild != m_Start ); // Start is always the first node by definition } // delete nodes that aren't needed for the solution FreeUnusedNodes(); m_State = SEARCH_STATE_SUCCEEDED; return m_State; } else // not goal { // We now need to generate the successors of this node // The user helps us to do this, and we keep the new nodes in // m_Successors ... m_Successors.clear(); // empty vector of successor nodes to n // User provides this functions and uses AddSuccessor to add each successor of // node 'n' to m_Successors bool ret = n->m_UserState.GetSuccessors( this, n->parent ? &n->parent->m_UserState : NULL ); if( !ret ) { // free the nodes that may previously have been added NodeContainer::iterator successor; for( successor = m_Successors.begin(); successor != m_Successors.end(); successor ++ ) { FreeNode( (*successor) ); } m_Successors.clear(); // empty vector of successor nodes to n // free up everything else we allocated FreeAllNodes(); m_State = SEARCH_STATE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return m_State; } // Now handle each successor to the current node ... for( NodeContainer::iterator successor = m_Successors.begin(); successor != m_Successors.end(); successor ++ ) { // The g value for this successor ... float newg = n->g + n->m_UserState.GetCost( (*successor)->m_UserState ); // Now we need to find whether the node is on the open or closed lists // If it is but the node that is already on them is better (lower g) // then we can forget about this successor // First linear search of open list to find node NodeContainer::iterator openlist_result; for( openlist_result = m_OpenList.begin(); openlist_result != m_OpenList.end(); openlist_result ++ ) { if( (*openlist_result)->m_UserState.IsSameState( (*successor)->m_UserState ) ) { break; } } if( openlist_result != m_OpenList.end() ) { // we found this state on open if( (*openlist_result)->g <= newg ) { FreeNode( (*successor) ); // the one on Open is cheaper than this one continue; } } NodeContainer::iterator closedlist_result; for( closedlist_result = m_ClosedList.begin(); closedlist_result != m_ClosedList.end(); closedlist_result ++ ) { if( (*closedlist_result)->m_UserState.IsSameState( (*successor)->m_UserState ) ) { break; } } if( closedlist_result != m_ClosedList.end() ) { // we found this state on closed if( (*closedlist_result)->g <= newg ) { // the one on Closed is cheaper than this one FreeNode( (*successor) ); continue; } } // This node is the best node so far with this particular state // so lets keep it and set up its AStar specific data ... (*successor)->parent = n; (*successor)->g = newg; (*successor)->h = (*successor)->m_UserState.GoalDistanceEstimate( m_Goal->m_UserState ); (*successor)->f = (*successor)->g + (*successor)->h; // Remove successor from closed if it was on it if( closedlist_result != m_ClosedList.end() ) { // remove it from Closed FreeNode( (*closedlist_result) ); m_ClosedList.erase( closedlist_result ); } // Update old version of this node if( openlist_result != m_OpenList.end() ) { FreeNode( (*openlist_result) ); m_OpenList.erase( openlist_result ); // re-make the heap make_heap( m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), HeapCompare_f() ); // make_heap rather than sort_heap is an essential bug fix // thanks to Mike Ryynanen for pointing this out and then explaining // it in detail. sort_heap called on an invalid heap does not work // sort_heap( m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), HeapCompare_f() ); // assert( is_heap( m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), HeapCompare_f() ) ); } // heap now unsorted m_OpenList.push_back( (*successor) ); // sort back element into heap push_heap( m_OpenList.begin(), m_OpenList.end(), HeapCompare_f() ); } // push n onto Closed, as we have expanded it now m_ClosedList.push_back( n ); } // end else (not goal so expand) return m_State; // Succeeded bool is false at this point. } // User calls this to add a successor to a list of successors // when expanding the search frontier bool AddSuccessor( UserState &State ) { Node *node = AllocateNode(); if( node ) { node->m_UserState = State; m_Successors.push_back( node ); return true; } return false; } // Free the solution nodes // This is done to clean up all used Node memory when you are done with the // search void FreeSolutionNodes() { Node *n = m_Start; if( m_Start->child ) { do { Node *del = n; n = n->child; FreeNode( del ); del = NULL; } while( n != m_Goal ); FreeNode( n ); // Delete the goal } else { // if the start node is the solution we need to just delete the start and goal // nodes FreeNode( m_Start ); FreeNode( m_Goal ); } } void FreeStartAndGoalNodes() { //FreeNode( m_Start ); FreeNode( m_Goal ); } // Functions for traversing the solution // Get start node UserState *GetSolutionStart() { m_CurrentSolutionNode = m_Start; if( m_Start ) { return &m_Start->m_UserState; } else { return NULL; } } // Get next node UserState *GetSolutionNext() { if( m_CurrentSolutionNode ) { if( m_CurrentSolutionNode->child ) { Node *child = m_CurrentSolutionNode->child; m_CurrentSolutionNode = m_CurrentSolutionNode->child; return &child->m_UserState; } } return NULL; } // Get end node UserState *GetSolutionEnd() { m_CurrentSolutionNode = m_Goal; if( m_Goal ) { return &m_Goal->m_UserState; } else { return NULL; } } // Step solution iterator backwards UserState *GetSolutionPrev() { if( m_CurrentSolutionNode ) { if( m_CurrentSolutionNode->parent ) { Node *parent = m_CurrentSolutionNode->parent; m_CurrentSolutionNode = m_CurrentSolutionNode->parent; return &parent->m_UserState; } } return NULL; } // For educational use and debugging it is useful to be able to view // the open and closed list at each step, here are two functions to allow that. UserState *GetOpenListStart() { float f,g,h; return GetOpenListStart( f,g,h ); } UserState *GetOpenListStart( float &f, float &g, float &h ) { /* iterDbgOpen = m_OpenList.begin(); if( iterDbgOpen != m_OpenList.end() ) { f = (*iterDbgOpen)->f; g = (*iterDbgOpen)->g; h = (*iterDbgOpen)->h; return &(*iterDbgOpen)->m_UserState; } */ return NULL; } UserState *GetOpenListNext() { float f,g,h; return GetOpenListNext( f,g,h ); } UserState *GetOpenListNext( float &f, float &g, float &h ) { /* iterDbgOpen++; if( iterDbgOpen != m_OpenList.end() ) { f = (*iterDbgOpen)->f; g = (*iterDbgOpen)->g; h = (*iterDbgOpen)->h; return &(*iterDbgOpen)->m_UserState; } */ return NULL; } UserState *GetClosedListStart() { float f,g,h; return GetClosedListStart( f,g,h ); } UserState *GetClosedListStart( float &f, float &g, float &h ) { /* iterDbgClosed = m_ClosedList.begin(); if( iterDbgClosed != m_ClosedList.end() ) { f = (*iterDbgClosed)->f; g = (*iterDbgClosed)->g; h = (*iterDbgClosed)->h; return &(*iterDbgClosed)->m_UserState; } */ return NULL; } UserState *GetClosedListNext() { float f,g,h; return GetClosedListNext( f,g,h ); } UserState *GetClosedListNext( float &f, float &g, float &h ) { /* iterDbgClosed++; if( iterDbgClosed != m_ClosedList.end() ) { f = (*iterDbgClosed)->f; g = (*iterDbgClosed)->g; h = (*iterDbgClosed)->h; return &(*iterDbgClosed)->m_UserState; } */ return NULL; } // Get the number of steps int GetStepCount() { return m_Steps; } // debugging : count memory allocation and free's int m_AllocateNodeCount; int m_FreeNodeCount; // This is called when a search fails or is cancelled to free all used // memory void FreeAllNodes() { // iterate open list and delete all nodes NodeContainer::iterator iterOpen = m_OpenList.begin(); while( iterOpen != m_OpenList.end() ) { Node *n = (*iterOpen); FreeNode( n ); iterOpen ++; } m_OpenList.clear(); // iterate closed list and delete unused nodes NodeContainer::iterator iterClosed; for( iterClosed = m_ClosedList.begin(); iterClosed != m_ClosedList.end(); iterClosed ++ ) { Node *n = (*iterClosed); FreeNode( n ); } m_ClosedList.clear(); } private: // methods // This call is made by the search class when the search ends. A lot of nodes may be // created that are still present when the search ends. They will be deleted by this // routine once the search ends void FreeUnusedNodes() { // iterate open list and delete unused nodes NodeContainer::iterator iterOpen = m_OpenList.begin(); while( iterOpen != m_OpenList.end() ) { Node *n = (*iterOpen); if( !n->child ) { FreeNode( n ); n = NULL; } iterOpen ++; } m_OpenList.clear(); // iterate closed list and delete unused nodes NodeContainer::iterator iterClosed; for( iterClosed = m_ClosedList.begin(); iterClosed != m_ClosedList.end(); iterClosed ++ ) { Node *n = (*iterClosed); if( !n->child ) { FreeNode( n ); n = NULL; } } m_ClosedList.clear(); } // Node memory management Node *AllocateNode() { m_AllocateNodeCount ++; #if !USE_FSA_MEMORY Node *p = new Node; return p; #else Node *address = m_FixedSizeAllocator.alloc(); if( !address ) { return NULL; } Node *p = new (address) Node; return p; #endif } void FreeNode( Node *node ) { m_FreeNodeCount ++; #if !USE_FSA_MEMORY delete node; #else m_FixedSizeAllocator.free( node ); #endif } private: // data // Heap (simple vector but used as a heap, cf. Steve Rabin's game gems article) NodeContainer m_OpenList; // Closed list is a vector. NodeContainer m_ClosedList; // Successors is a vector filled out by the user each type successors to a node // are generated NodeContainer m_Successors; // State unsigned int m_State; // Counts steps int m_Steps; // Start and goal state pointers Node *m_Start; Node *m_Goal; Node *m_CurrentSolutionNode; // Memory // FixedSizeAllocator m_FixedSizeAllocator; //Debug : need to keep these two iterators around // for the user Dbg functions /* vector< Node* > ::iterator iterDbgOpen; vector< Node* > ::iterator iterDbgClosed; */ bool m_CancelRequest; }; #endif