// minihttp.cpp - All functionality required for a minimal TCP/HTTP client packed in one file. // Released under the WTFPL (See minihttp.h) #ifdef _MSC_VER # ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # endif # ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE # endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # ifndef _WIN32_WINNT # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 # endif # include # include # define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK # define ETIMEDOUT WSAETIMEDOUT # define ECONNRESET WSAECONNRESET # define ENOTCONN WSAENOTCONN #else # include # include # include # include # include # include # define SOCKET_ERROR (-1) # define INVALID_SOCKET (SOCKET)(~0) typedef intptr_t SOCKET; #endif #include "minihttp.h" #define SOCKETVALID(s) ((s) != INVALID_SOCKET) #ifdef _MSC_VER # define STRNICMP _strnicmp #else # define STRNICMP strncasecmp #endif #ifdef _DEBUG # define traceprint(...) {printf(__VA_ARGS__);} #else # define traceprint(...) {} #endif namespace minihttp { #define DEFAULT_BUFSIZE 4096 inline int _GetError() { #ifdef _WIN32 return WSAGetLastError(); #else return errno; #endif } inline std::string _GetErrorStr(int e) { #ifdef _WIN32 LPTSTR s; ::FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, e, 0, (LPTSTR)&s, 0, NULL); std::string ret = s; ::LocalFree(s); return ret; #endif return strerror(e); } bool InitNetwork() { #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsadata; if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsadata)) { traceprint("WSAStartup ERROR: %s", _GetErrorStr(_GetError()).c_str()); return false; } #endif return true; } void StopNetwork() { #ifdef _WIN32 WSACleanup(); #endif } static bool _Resolve(const char *host, unsigned int port, struct sockaddr_in *addr) { char port_str[15]; sprintf(port_str, "%u", port); struct addrinfo hnt, *res = 0; memset(&hnt, 0, sizeof(hnt)); hnt.ai_family = AF_INET; hnt.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; if (getaddrinfo(host, port_str, &hnt, &res)) { traceprint("RESOLVE ERROR: %s", _GetErrorStr(_GetError()).c_str()); return false; } if (res) { if (res->ai_family != AF_INET) { traceprint("RESOLVE WTF: %s", _GetErrorStr(_GetError()).c_str()); freeaddrinfo(res); return false; } memcpy(addr, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); freeaddrinfo(res); return true; } return false; } // FIXME: this does currently not handle links like: // http://example.com/index.html#pos bool SplitURI(const std::string& uri, std::string& host, std::string& file, int& port) { const char *p = uri.c_str(); const char *sl = strstr(p, "//"); unsigned int offs = 0; if(sl) { offs = 7; if(strncmp(p, "http://", offs)) return false; p = sl + 2; } sl = strchr(p, '/'); if(!sl) { host = p; file = "/"; } else { host = uri.substr(offs, sl - p); file = sl; } port = -1; size_t colon = host.find(':'); if(colon != std::string::npos) { port = atoi(host.c_str() + colon); host.erase(port); } return true; } static bool _SetNonBlocking(SOCKET s, bool nonblock) { if(!SOCKETVALID(s)) return false; #ifdef _WIN32 ULONG tmp = !!nonblock; if(::ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &tmp) == SOCKET_ERROR) return false; #else int tmp = ::fcntl(s, F_GETFL); if(tmp < 0) return false; if(::fcntl(s, F_SETFL, nonblock ? (tmp|O_NONBLOCK) : (tmp|=~O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) return false; #endif return true; } TcpSocket::TcpSocket() : _s(INVALID_SOCKET), _inbuf(NULL), _inbufSize(0), _recvSize(0), _readptr(NULL), _lastport(0) { } TcpSocket::~TcpSocket() { close(); if(_inbuf) free(_inbuf); } bool TcpSocket::isOpen(void) { return SOCKETVALID(_s); } void TcpSocket::close(void) { if(!SOCKETVALID(_s)) return; _OnCloseInternal(); #ifdef _WIN32 ::closesocket((SOCKET)_s); #else ::close(_s); #endif _s = INVALID_SOCKET; } void TcpSocket::_OnCloseInternal() { _OnClose(); } bool TcpSocket::SetNonBlocking(bool nonblock) { _nonblocking = nonblock; return _SetNonBlocking(_s, nonblock); } void TcpSocket::SetBufsizeIn(unsigned int s) { if(s < 512) s = 512; if(s != _inbufSize) _inbuf = (char*)realloc(_inbuf, s); _inbufSize = s; _writeSize = s - 1; _readptr = _writeptr = _inbuf; } bool TcpSocket::open(const char *host /* = NULL */, unsigned int port /* = 0 */) { if(isOpen()) { if( (host && host != _host) || (port && port != _lastport) ) close(); // ... and continue connecting to new host/port else return true; // still connected, to same host and port. } sockaddr_in addr; if(host) _host = host; else host = _host.c_str(); if(port) _lastport = port; else { port = _lastport; if(!port) return false; } if(!_Resolve(host, port, &addr)) { traceprint("RESOLV ERROR: %s\n", _GetErrorStr(_GetError()).c_str()); return false; } SOCKET s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(!SOCKETVALID(s)) { traceprint("SOCKET ERROR: %s\n", _GetErrorStr(_GetError()).c_str()); return false; } if (::connect(s, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(sockaddr))) { traceprint("CONNECT ERROR: %s\n", _GetErrorStr(_GetError()).c_str()); return false; } _SetNonBlocking(s, _nonblocking); // restore setting if it was set in invalid state. static call because _s is intentionally still invalid here. _s = s; // set the socket handle when we are really sure we are connected, and things are set up _OnOpen(); return true; } bool TcpSocket::SendBytes(const char *str, unsigned int len) { if(!SOCKETVALID(_s)) return false; //traceprint("SEND: '%s'\n", str); return ::send(_s, str, len, 0) >= 0; // TODO: check _GetError() } void TcpSocket::_ShiftBuffer(void) { size_t by = _readptr - _inbuf; memmove(_inbuf, _readptr, by); _readptr = _inbuf; _writeptr = _inbuf + by; _writeSize = _inbufSize - by - 1; } void TcpSocket::_OnData() { _OnRecv(_readptr, _recvSize); } bool TcpSocket::update(void) { if(!_OnUpdate()) return false; if(!isOpen()) return false; if(!_inbuf) SetBufsizeIn(DEFAULT_BUFSIZE); int bytes = recv(_s, _writeptr, _writeSize, 0); // last char is used as string terminator if(bytes > 0) // we received something { _inbuf[bytes] = 0; _recvSize = bytes; // reset pointers for next read _writeSize = _inbufSize - 1; _readptr = _writeptr = _inbuf; _OnData(); return true; } else if(bytes == 0) // remote has closed the connection { _recvSize = 0; close(); return true; } else // whoops, error? { int e = _GetError(); switch(e) { case ECONNRESET: case ENOTCONN: case ETIMEDOUT: #ifdef _WIN32 case WSAECONNABORTED: case WSAESHUTDOWN: #endif close(); break; case EWOULDBLOCK: #if defined(EAGAIN) && (EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN) case EAGAIN: // linux man pages say this can also happen instead of EWOULDBLOCK #endif return false; } traceprint("SOCKET UPDATE ERROR: (%d): %s\n", e, _GetErrorStr(e).c_str()); } return true; } // ========================== // ===== HTTP SPECIFIC ====== // ========================== #ifdef MINIHTTP_SUPPORT_HTTP static void strToLower(std::string& s) { std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), tolower); } HttpSocket::HttpSocket() : TcpSocket(), _keep_alive(0), _remaining(0), _chunkedTransfer(false), _mustClose(true), _inProgress(false), _followRedir(true), _alwaysHandle(false), _status(0) { } HttpSocket::~HttpSocket() { } void HttpSocket::_OnOpen() { TcpSocket::_OnOpen(); _chunkedTransfer = false; } void HttpSocket::_OnCloseInternal() { if(!IsRedirecting() || _alwaysHandle) _OnClose(); } bool HttpSocket::_OnUpdate() { if(!TcpSocket::_OnUpdate()) return false; if(_inProgress && !_chunkedTransfer && !_remaining && _status) _FinishRequest(); // initiate transfer if queue is not empty, but the socket somehow forgot to proceed if(_requestQ.size() && !_remaining && !_chunkedTransfer && !_inProgress) _DequeueMore(); return true; } bool HttpSocket::Download(const std::string& url, void *user /* = NULL */) { Request req; req.user = user; SplitURI(url, req.host, req.resource, req.port); if(req.port < 0) req.port = 80; return SendGet(req, false); } bool HttpSocket::SendGet(const std::string what, void *user /* = NULL */) { Request req(what, _host, _lastport, user); return SendGet(req, false); } bool HttpSocket::QueueGet(const std::string what, void *user /* = NULL */) { Request req(what, _host, _lastport, user); return SendGet(req, true); } bool HttpSocket::SendGet(Request& req, bool enqueue) { if(req.host.empty() || !req.port) return false; std::stringstream r; const char *crlf = "\r\n"; r << "GET " << req.resource << " HTTP/1.1" << crlf; r << "Host: " << req.host << crlf; if(_keep_alive) { r << "Connection: Keep-Alive" << crlf; r << "Keep-Alive: " << _keep_alive << crlf; } else r << "Connection: close" << crlf; if(_user_agent.length()) r << "User-Agent: " << _user_agent << crlf; if(_accept_encoding.length()) r << "Accept-Encoding: " << _accept_encoding << crlf; r << crlf; // header terminator req.header = r.str(); return _EnqueueOrSend(req, enqueue); } bool HttpSocket::_EnqueueOrSend(const Request& req, bool forceQueue /* = false */) { if(_inProgress || forceQueue) // do not send while receiving other data { traceprint("HTTP: Transfer pending; putting into queue. Now %u waiting.\n", (unsigned int)_requestQ.size()); // DEBUG _requestQ.push(req); return true; } // ok, we can send directly if(!_OpenRequest(req)) return false; _inProgress = SendBytes(req.header.c_str(), req.header.length()); return _inProgress; } // called whenever a request is finished completely and the socket checks for more things to send void HttpSocket::_DequeueMore(void) { _FinishRequest(); // In case this was not done yet. // _inProgress is known to be false here if(_requestQ.size()) // still have other requests queued? if(_EnqueueOrSend(_requestQ.front(), false)) // could we send? _requestQ.pop(); // if so, we are done with this request // otherwise, we are done for now. socket is kept alive for future sends. Nothing to do. } bool HttpSocket::_OpenRequest(const Request& req) { if(_inProgress) { traceprint("HttpSocket::_OpenRequest(): _inProgress == true, should not be called."); return false; } if(!open(req.host.c_str(), req.port)) return false; _inProgress = true; _curRequest = req; _status = 0; return true; } void HttpSocket::_FinishRequest(void) { if(_inProgress) { if(!IsRedirecting() || _alwaysHandle) _OnRequestDone(); // notify about finished request _inProgress = false; _hdrs.clear(); } } void HttpSocket::_ProcessChunk(void) { if(!_chunkedTransfer) return; unsigned int chunksize = -1; while(true) { // less data required until chunk end than received, means the new chunk starts somewhere in the middle // of the received data block. finish this chunk first. if(_remaining) { if(_remaining <= _recvSize) // it contains the rest of the chunk, including CRLF { _OnRecvInternal(_readptr, _remaining - 2); // implicitly skip CRLF _readptr += _remaining; _recvSize -= _remaining; _remaining = 0; // done with this one. if(!chunksize) // and if chunksize was 0, we are done with all chunks. break; } else // buffer did not yet arrive completely { _OnRecvInternal(_readptr, _recvSize); _remaining -= _recvSize; _recvSize = 0; // done with the whole buffer, but not with the chunk return; // nothing else to do here } } // each chunk identifier ends with CRLF. // if we don't find that, we hit the corner case that the chunk identifier was not fully received. // in that case, adjust the buffer and wait for the rest of the data to be appended char *term = strstr(_readptr, "\r\n"); if(!term) { if(_recvSize) // if there is still something queued, move it to the left of the buffer and append on next read _ShiftBuffer(); return; } term += 2; // skip CRLF // when we are here, the (next) chunk header was completely received. chunksize = strtoul(_readptr, NULL, 16); _remaining = chunksize + 2; // the http protocol specifies that each chunk has a trailing CRLF _recvSize -= (term - _readptr); _readptr = term; } if(!chunksize) // this was the last chunk, no further data expected unless requested { _chunkedTransfer = false; _DequeueMore(); if(_recvSize) traceprint("_ProcessChunk: There are %u bytes left in the buffer, huh?\n", _recvSize); if(_mustClose) close(); } } void HttpSocket::_ParseHeaderFields(const char *s, size_t size) { // Field: Entry data\r\n const char *maxs = s + size; const char *colon, *entry; const char *entryEnd = s; // last char of entry data while(s < maxs) { while(isspace(*s)) { ++s; if(s >= maxs) return; } colon = strchr(s, ':'); if(!colon) return; entryEnd = strchr(colon, '\n'); if(!entryEnd) return; while(entryEnd[-1] == '\n' || entryEnd[-1] == '\r') --entryEnd; entry = colon + 1; while(isspace(*entry)) { ++entry; if(entry > entryEnd) // Field, but no entry? (Field: \n\r) { s = entryEnd; continue; } } std::string field(s, colon - s); strToLower(field); _hdrs[field] = std::string(entry, entryEnd - entry); s = entryEnd; } } const char *HttpSocket::Hdr(const char *h) const { std::map::const_iterator it = _hdrs.find(h); return it == _hdrs.end() ? NULL : it->second.c_str(); } static int safeatoi(const char *s) { return s ? atoi(s) : 0; } bool HttpSocket::_HandleStatus() { _remaining = _contentLen = safeatoi(Hdr("content-length")); const char *encoding = Hdr("transfer-encoding"); _chunkedTransfer = encoding && !STRNICMP(encoding, "chunked", 7); const char *conn = Hdr("connection"); // if its not keep-alive, server will close it, so we can too _mustClose = !conn || STRNICMP(conn, "keep-alive", 10); if(!(_chunkedTransfer || _contentLen) && _status == 200) traceprint("_ParseHeader: Not chunked transfer and content-length==0, this will go fail"); switch(_status) { case 200: return true; case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: case 308: if(_followRedir) if(const char *loc = Hdr("location")) { traceprint("Following HTTP redirect to: %s\n", loc); Download(loc, _curRequest.user); } return false; default: return false; } } bool HttpSocket::IsRedirecting() const { switch(_status) { case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: case 308: return true; } return false; } void HttpSocket::_ParseHeader(void) { _tmpHdr += _inbuf; const char *hptr = _tmpHdr.c_str(); if((_recvSize >= 5 || _tmpHdr.size() >= 5) && memcmp("HTTP/", hptr, 5)) { traceprint("_ParseHeader: not HTTP stream\n"); return; } const char *hdrend = strstr(hptr, "\r\n\r\n"); if(!hdrend) { traceprint("_ParseHeader: could not find end-of-header marker, or incomplete buf; delaying.\n"); return; } //traceprint(hptr); hptr = strchr(hptr + 5, ' '); // skip "HTTP/", already known if(!hptr) return; // WTF? ++hptr; // number behind first space is the status code _status = atoi(hptr); // Default values _chunkedTransfer = false; _contentLen = 0; // yet unknown hptr = strstr(hptr, "\r\n"); _ParseHeaderFields(hptr + 2, hdrend - hptr); // FIXME: return value indicates success. // Bail out on non-success, or at least make it so that _OnRecv() is not called. // (Unless an override bool is given that even non-successful answers get their data delivered!) _HandleStatus(); // get ready _readptr = strstr(_inbuf, "\r\n\r\n") + 4; // skip double newline. must have been found in hptr earlier. _recvSize -= (_readptr - _inbuf); // skip the header part _tmpHdr.clear(); } // generic http header parsing void HttpSocket::_OnData(void) { if(!(_chunkedTransfer || (_remaining && _recvSize))) _ParseHeader(); if(_chunkedTransfer) { _ProcessChunk(); // first, try to finish one or more chunks } else if(_remaining && _recvSize) // something remaining? if so, we got a header earlier, but not all data { _remaining -= _recvSize; _OnRecvInternal(_readptr, _recvSize); if(int(_remaining) < 0) { traceprint("_OnRecv: _remaining wrap-around, huh??\n"); _remaining = 0; } if(!_remaining) // received last block? { if(_mustClose) close(); else _DequeueMore(); } // nothing else to do here. } // otherwise, the server sent just the header, with the data following in the next packet } void HttpSocket::_OnClose() { if(!ExpectMoreData()) _FinishRequest(); } void HttpSocket::_OnRecvInternal(char *buf, unsigned int size) { if(_status == 200 || _alwaysHandle) _OnRecv(buf, size); } #endif // =========================== // ===== SOCKET SET ========== // =========================== #ifdef MINIHTTP_SUPPORT_SOCKET_SET SocketSet::~SocketSet() { deleteAll(); } void SocketSet::deleteAll(void) { for(Store::iterator it = _store.begin(); it != _store.end(); ++it) delete it->first; _store.clear(); } bool SocketSet::update(void) { bool interesting = false; Store::iterator it = _store.begin(); for( ; it != _store.end(); ) { TcpSocket *sock = it->first; SocketSetData& sdata = it->second; interesting = sock->update() || interesting; if(sdata.deleteWhenDone && !sock->isOpen() && !sock->HasPendingTask()) { delete sock; _store.erase(it++); } else ++it; } return interesting; } void SocketSet::remove(TcpSocket *s) { _store.erase(s); } void SocketSet::add(TcpSocket *s, bool deleteWhenDone /* = true */) { s->SetNonBlocking(true); SocketSetData sdata; sdata.deleteWhenDone = deleteWhenDone; _store[s] = sdata; } #endif } // namespace minihttp