/* Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot This file is part of Aquaria. Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // This file implements just enough of the FMOD library with OpenAL to suit // the needs of the existing game code without having to actually ship FMOD. #include #include #include #include #ifdef BBGE_BUILD_UNIX #include #endif #include "SDL.h" #include "Base.h" #include "Core.h" #include "ttvfs_stdio.h" #include "FmodOpenALBridge.h" #define AL_LIBTYPE_STATIC #include "al.h" #include "alc.h" #include "ogg/ogg.h" #include "vorbis/vorbisfile.h" #include "MT.h" #undef min #undef max // HACK: global because OpenAL has only one listener anyway static FMOD_VECTOR s_listenerPos; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Decoder implementation for streamed Ogg Vorbis audio. class OggDecoder { public: // Create a decoder that streams from a file. OggDecoder(VFILE *fp); // Create a decoder that streams from a memory buffer. OggDecoder(const void *data, long data_size); ~OggDecoder(); // Prepare playing on the given channel. bool preStart(ALuint source); // Decodes the first few buffers, starts the actual playback and detaches the decoder // from the main thread, with optional looping. void start(bool loop); // Decode audio into any free buffers. Must be called periodically // on systems without threads; may be called without harm on systems // with threads (the function does nothing in that case). void update(); // Terminate playback. void stop(); // Return the current playback position in seconds. double position(); // Memory buffer I/O callback functions for libvorbisfile. static size_t mem_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource); static int mem_seek(void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence); static long mem_tell(void *datasource); static void startDecoderThread(); static void stopDecoderThread(); int getNumChannels() const { return channels; } void setForceMono(bool mono) { forcemono = mono; } private: void _stop(); // Decoding loop, run in a separate thread (if threads are available). static void decode_loop(OggDecoder *this_); // Decode and queue PCM data for one buffer; does nothing if the end // of the stream has already been reached or an unrecoverable error // has occurred during decoding. If looping, the audio will instead // restart at the beginning of the stream after reaching the end, // but will still stop on an unrecoverable error. void queue(ALuint buffer); static const int NUM_BUFFERS = 8; static const int BUFFER_LENGTH = 4096; // In samples (arbitrary) char pcm_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH * 4]; // Temporary buffer for decoding ALuint buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; ALuint source; // Data source. If fp != NULL, the source is that file; otherwise, the // source is the buffer pointed to by "data" with size "data_size" bytes. VFILE *fp; const char *data; long data_size; long data_pos; // Current read position for memory buffers OggVorbis_File vf; ALenum format; int channels; int freq; bool forcemono; bool thread; // true if played by background thread bool playing; bool loop; bool eof; // End of file _or_ unrecoverable error encountered bool stopped; // true if enqueued deletion unsigned int samples_done; // Number of samples played and dequeued static SDL_Thread *decoderThread; static LockedQueue decoderQ; static volatile bool stop_thread; static std::list decoderList; // used by decoder thread only static void detachDecoder(OggDecoder *); }; // File I/O callback set (OV_CALLBACKS_NOCLOSE from libvorbis 1.2.0). // It might be better to just update libogg/libvorbis to the current // versions so we don't have to worry about identifier collisions -- // we can then drop all this and use OV_CALLBACKS_NOCLOSE in the // ov_open_callbacks() call. Note that we rename the fseek() wrapper // to avoid an identifier collision when building with more recent // versions of libvorbis. static int BBGE_ov_header_fseek_wrap(VFILE *f,ogg_int64_t off,int whence){ if(f==NULL)return(-1); return vfseek(f,(long int)off,whence); // no ogg file is larger than 4 GB, int-cast should be ok } static int noclose(FILE *f) {return 0;} static const ov_callbacks local_OV_CALLBACKS_NOCLOSE = { (size_t (*)(void *, size_t, size_t, void *)) vfread, (int (*)(void *, ogg_int64_t, int)) BBGE_ov_header_fseek_wrap, (int (*)(void *)) noclose, // NULL doesn't work in libvorbis-1.1.2 (long (*)(void *)) vftell }; // Memory I/O callback set. static const ov_callbacks ogg_memory_callbacks = { OggDecoder::mem_read, OggDecoder::mem_seek, (int (*)(void *))noclose, OggDecoder::mem_tell }; SDL_Thread *OggDecoder::decoderThread = NULL; LockedQueue OggDecoder::decoderQ; volatile bool OggDecoder::stop_thread; std::list OggDecoder::decoderList; void OggDecoder::startDecoderThread() { stop_thread = false; #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,0) decoderThread = SDL_CreateThread((int (*)(void *))decode_loop, "OggDecoder", NULL); #else decoderThread = SDL_CreateThread((int (*)(void *))decode_loop, NULL); #endif if (!decoderThread) { debugLog("Failed to create Ogg Vorbis decode thread: " + std::string(SDL_GetError())); } } void OggDecoder::stopDecoderThread() { if (decoderThread) { stop_thread = true; debugLog("Waiting for decoder thread to exit..."); SDL_WaitThread(decoderThread, NULL); decoderThread = NULL; } } void OggDecoder::detachDecoder(OggDecoder *ogg) { if(decoderThread) { ogg->thread = true; decoderQ.push(ogg); } } void OggDecoder::decode_loop(OggDecoder *this_) { while (!this_->stop_thread) { SDL_Delay(10); // Transfer decoder to this background thread OggDecoder *ogg; while(decoderQ.pop(ogg)) decoderList.push_back(ogg); for(std::list::iterator it = decoderList.begin(); it != decoderList.end(); ) { ogg = *it; if (ogg->playing) { int processed = 0; alGetSourcei(ogg->source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); for (int i = 0; i < processed; i++) { ogg->samples_done += BUFFER_LENGTH; ALuint buffer = 0; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(ogg->source, 1, &buffer); if (buffer) ogg->queue(buffer); } ++it; } else { delete ogg; decoderList.erase(it++); } } core->dbg_numThreadDecoders = decoderList.size(); } } OggDecoder::OggDecoder(VFILE *fp) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) { buffers[i] = 0; } this->source = 0; this->fp = fp; this->data = NULL; this->data_size = 0; this->data_pos = 0; this->thread = false; this->playing = false; this->loop = false; this->eof = false; this->samples_done = 0; this->stopped = false; this->format = 0; this->channels = 0; this->forcemono = false; } OggDecoder::OggDecoder(const void *data, long data_size) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) { buffers[i] = 0; } this->source = 0; this->fp = NULL; this->data = (const char *)data; this->data_size = data_size; this->data_pos = 0; this->thread = false; this->playing = false; this->loop = false; this->eof = false; this->samples_done = 0; this->stopped = false; this->format = 0; this->channels = 0; this->forcemono = false; } OggDecoder::~OggDecoder() { _stop(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) { if (buffers[i]) alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffers[i]); } } bool OggDecoder::preStart(ALuint source) { this->source = source; if (fp) { if (ov_open_callbacks(fp, &vf, NULL, 0, local_OV_CALLBACKS_NOCLOSE) != 0) { debugLog("ov_open() failed for file"); return false; } } else { data_pos = 0; if (ov_open_callbacks(this, &vf, NULL, 0, ogg_memory_callbacks) != 0) { debugLog("ov_open() failed for memory buffer"); return false; } } vorbis_info *info = ov_info(&vf, -1); if (!info) { debugLog("ov_info() failed"); ov_clear(&vf); return false; } channels = info->channels; if (info->channels == 1) format = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; else if (info->channels == 2) format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; else { std::ostringstream os; os << "Bad channel count " << info->channels; debugLog(os.str()); ov_clear(&vf); return false; } freq = info->rate; /* NOTE: The failure to use alGetError() here and elsewhere is * intentional -- since alGetError() writes to a global buffer and * is thus not thread-safe, we can't use it either in the decoding * threads _or_ here in the main thread. In this case, we rely on * the specification that failing OpenAL calls do not modify return * parameters to detect failure; for functions that do not return * values, we have no choice but to hope for the best. (From a * multithreading point of view, the insistence on using a global * error buffer instead of returning success/failure or error codes * from functions is a remarkably poor design decision. Not that a * mere library user has much choice except to live with it...) * --achurch */ buffers[0] = 0; alGenBuffers(NUM_BUFFERS, buffers); if (!buffers[0]) { debugLog("Failed to generate OpenAL buffers"); ov_clear(&vf); return false; } return true; } void OggDecoder::start(bool loop) { this->loop = loop; playing = true; eof = false; samples_done = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) queue(buffers[i]); detachDecoder(this); } void OggDecoder::update() { if (!playing || thread) return; int processed = 0; alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); for (int i = 0; i < processed; i++) { samples_done += BUFFER_LENGTH; ALuint buffer; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); queue(buffer); } } void OggDecoder::stop() { if (thread) playing = false; // The background thread will take care of deletion then. else delete this; } void OggDecoder::_stop() { playing = false; if (stopped) return; ov_clear(&vf); alSourceStop(source); int queued = 0; alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); for (int i = 0; i < queued; i++) { ALuint buffer; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) { alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffers[i]); buffers[i] = 0; } stopped = true; } double OggDecoder::position() { ALint samples_played = 0; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &samples_played); samples_played += samples_done; return (double)samples_played / (double)freq; } #if SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN #define BBGE_BIGENDIAN 1 #else #define BBGE_BIGENDIAN 0 #endif void OggDecoder::queue(ALuint buffer) { if (!playing || eof) return; const int channels = (format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 ? 2 : 1); const int buffer_size = BUFFER_LENGTH * channels * 2; int pcm_size = 0; bool just_looped = false; // Avoid infinite loops on empty files. while (pcm_size < buffer_size && !eof) { int bitstream_unused; const int nread = ov_read( &vf, pcm_buffer + pcm_size, buffer_size - pcm_size, /*bigendianp*/ BBGE_BIGENDIAN, /*word*/ 2, /*sgned*/ 1, &bitstream_unused ); if (nread == 0 || nread == OV_EOF) { if (loop && !just_looped) { just_looped = true; samples_done = 0; ov_pcm_seek(&vf, 0); } else { eof = true; } } else if (nread == OV_HOLE) { debugLog("Warning: decompression error, data dropped"); } else if (nread < 0) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Decompression error: " << nread; debugLog(os.str()); eof = true; } else { pcm_size += nread; just_looped = false; } } if (pcm_size > 0) { ALuint fmt = format; if(channels == 2 && forcemono) { signed short *buf = (short*)&pcm_buffer[0]; int numSamples = pcm_size / 2; // 16 bit samples int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples ; i += 2) { // This is in theory not quite correct, but it doesn't add any artifacts or clipping. // FIXME: Seems that simple and stupid is the method of choice, then... -- FG buf[j++] = (buf[i] + buf[i+1]) / 2; } pcm_size = numSamples; fmt = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; } alBufferData(buffer, fmt, pcm_buffer, pcm_size, freq); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); } } size_t OggDecoder::mem_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource) { OggDecoder *this_ = (OggDecoder *)datasource; long to_read = size * nmemb; if (to_read > this_->data_size - this_->data_pos) to_read = this_->data_size - this_->data_pos; if (to_read < 0) to_read = 0; memcpy(ptr, this_->data + this_->data_pos, to_read); this_->data_pos += to_read; return to_read / size; } int OggDecoder::mem_seek(void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { OggDecoder *this_ = (OggDecoder *)datasource; if (whence == SEEK_CUR) offset += this_->data_pos; else if (whence == SEEK_END) offset += this_->data_size; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; else if (offset > this_->data_size) offset = this_->data_size; this_->data_pos = offset; return 0; } long OggDecoder::mem_tell(void *datasource) { OggDecoder *this_ = (OggDecoder *)datasource; return this_->data_pos; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* for porting purposes... */ #ifndef STUBBED #ifndef _DEBUG #define STUBBED(x) #else #define STUBBED(x) { \ static bool first_time = true; \ if (first_time) { \ first_time = false; \ fprintf(stderr, "STUBBED: %s (%s, %s:%d)\n", x, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } \ } #endif #endif namespace FMOD { #if _DEBUG #ifdef _MSC_VER #define bbgeDebugBreak _CrtDbgBreak #elif defined(__GNUC__) && ((__i386__) || (__x86_64__)) #define bbgeDebugBreak() __asm__ __volatile__ ( "int $3\n\t" ) #else #define bbgeDebugBreak() raise(SIGTRAP) #endif #define SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL() { \ const ALenum err = alGetError(); \ if (err != AL_NONE) { \ fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: OpenAL error %s:%d: 0x%X\n", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, (int) err); \ bbgeDebugBreak(); \ } \ } #else #define SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL() #endif // HACK: works fairly well without it. Annoying to be thrown into the debugger because all channels are full. #undef SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL #define SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL() // simply nasty. #define ALBRIDGE(cls,method,params,args) \ FMOD_RESULT cls::method params { \ if (!this) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; \ return ((OpenAL##cls *) this)->method args; \ } // FMOD::Sound implementation ... class OpenALSound { public: OpenALSound(VFILE *_fp, const bool _looping); // ctor for ogg streamed from file OpenALSound(void *_data, size_t _size, const bool _looping); // ctor for ogg streamed from memory OpenALSound(ALuint _bid, const bool _looping); // ctor for raw samples already assigned an opanAL buffer ID VFILE *getFile() const { return fp; } const void *getData() const { return data; } long getSize() const { return size; } bool isLooping() const { return looping; } bool isRaw() const { return raw; } FMOD_RESULT release(); FMOD_RESULT getFormat(FMOD_SOUND_TYPE *type, FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT *format, int *channels, int *bits); void reference() { refcount++; } ALuint getBufferName() const { return bid; } int getNumChannels() const { return numChannels; } void setNumChannels(int c) { numChannels = c; } private: VFILE * const fp; void * const data; // Only used if fp==NULL const size_t size; // Only used if fp==NULL const bool looping; int refcount; const bool raw; // true if buffer holds raw PCM data ALuint bid; // only used if raw == true int numChannels; }; OpenALSound::OpenALSound(VFILE *_fp, const bool _looping) : fp(_fp) , data(NULL) , size(0) , looping(_looping) , refcount(1) , raw(false) , bid(0) , numChannels(0) { } OpenALSound::OpenALSound(void *_data, size_t _size, const bool _looping) : fp(NULL) , data(_data) , size(_size) , looping(_looping) , refcount(1) , raw(false) , bid(0) , numChannels(0) { } OpenALSound::OpenALSound(ALuint _bid, const bool _looping) : fp(NULL) , data(NULL) , size(0) , looping(_looping) , refcount(1) , raw(true) , bid(_bid) , numChannels(0) { } ALBRIDGE(Sound,release,(),()) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSound::release() { refcount--; if (refcount <= 0) { if(raw) { alDeleteBuffers(1, &bid); } else { if (fp) vfclose(fp); else free(data); } delete this; } return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Sound,getFormat,(FMOD_SOUND_TYPE *type, FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT *format, int *channels, int *bits),(type, format, channels, bits)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSound::getFormat(FMOD_SOUND_TYPE *type, FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT *format, int *channels, int *bits) { if(channels) *channels = getNumChannels(); return FMOD_OK; } class OpenALChannelGroup; class OpenALChannel { public: OpenALChannel(); FMOD_RESULT setVolume(const float _volume); FMOD_RESULT setPaused(const bool _paused, const bool setstate=true); FMOD_RESULT setFrequency(const float _frequency); FMOD_RESULT setPriority(int _priority); FMOD_RESULT getPosition(unsigned int *position, FMOD_TIMEUNIT postype); FMOD_RESULT getVolume(float *_volume); FMOD_RESULT isPlaying(bool *isplaying); FMOD_RESULT setChannelGroup(ChannelGroup *channelgroup); FMOD_RESULT stop(); FMOD_RESULT setCallback(FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACK callback); FMOD_RESULT getUserData(void **userdata); FMOD_RESULT setUserData(void *userdata); FMOD_RESULT set3DAttributes(const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel); FMOD_RESULT set3DMinMaxDistance(float mindistance, float maxdistance); FMOD_RESULT setMode(FMOD_MODE mode); FMOD_RESULT getMode(FMOD_MODE *mode); void setGroupVolume(const float _volume); void setDistanceVolume(float _volume); void setSourceName(const ALuint _sid) { sid = _sid; } ALuint getSourceName() const { return sid; } bool start(OpenALSound *sound); void update(); void reacquire(); bool isInUse() const { return inuse; } void setSound(OpenALSound *sound); private: void applyVolume(); ALuint sid; // source id. float groupvolume; float volume; float distvolume; bool paused; int priority; float frequency; OpenALChannelGroup *group; OpenALSound *sound; OggDecoder *decoder; bool inuse; bool initial; FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACK callback; void *userdata; FMOD_MODE _mode; float mindist; float maxdist; bool relative; }; class OpenALChannelGroup { public: OpenALChannelGroup(const char *_name); ~OpenALChannelGroup(); FMOD_RESULT stop(); FMOD_RESULT addDSP(DSP *dsp, DSPConnection **connection); FMOD_RESULT getPaused(bool *_paused); FMOD_RESULT setPaused(const bool _paused); FMOD_RESULT getVolume(float *_volume); FMOD_RESULT setVolume(const float _volume); bool attachChannel(OpenALChannel *channel); void detachChannel(OpenALChannel *channel); private: const char *name; bool paused; int channel_count; OpenALChannel **channels; float volume; }; // FMOD::Channel implementation... OpenALChannel::OpenALChannel() : sid(0) , groupvolume(1.0f) , volume(1.0f) , distvolume(1.0f) , paused(false) , priority(0) , frequency(1.0f) , group(NULL) , sound(NULL) , decoder(NULL) , inuse(false) , initial(true) , _mode(FMOD_DEFAULT) , mindist(0.0f) , maxdist(0.0f) , relative(false) { } void OpenALChannel::reacquire() { assert(!inuse); inuse = true; volume = 1.0f; distvolume = 1.0f; paused = true; priority = 0; frequency = 1.0f; sound = NULL; initial = true; mindist = 0.0f; maxdist = 0.0f; relative = false; } void OpenALChannel::setGroupVolume(const float _volume) { groupvolume = _volume; applyVolume(); } bool OpenALChannel::start(OpenALSound *sound) { if (decoder) delete decoder; if (sound->isRaw()) { alSourcei(sid, AL_BUFFER, sound->getBufferName()); alSourcei(sid, AL_LOOPING, sound->isLooping() ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); } else { if (sound->getFile()) decoder = new OggDecoder(sound->getFile()); else decoder = new OggDecoder(sound->getData(), sound->getSize()); if (!decoder->preStart(sid)) { delete decoder; decoder = NULL; return false; } sound->setNumChannels(decoder->getNumChannels()); } return true; } void OpenALChannel::update() { if (inuse) { if (decoder) decoder->update(); ALint state = 0; alGetSourceiv(sid, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); if (state == AL_STOPPED) stop(); } } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setVolume,(float volume),(volume)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setVolume(const float _volume) { volume = _volume; applyVolume(); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,getPosition,(unsigned int *position, FMOD_TIMEUNIT postype),(position,postype)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::getPosition(unsigned int *position, FMOD_TIMEUNIT postype) { assert(postype == FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); if (decoder) { *position = (unsigned int) (decoder->position() * 1000.0); } else { ALfloat secs = 0.0f; alGetSourcefv(sid, AL_SEC_OFFSET, &secs); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); *position = (unsigned int) (secs * 1000.0f); } return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,getVolume,(float *volume),(volume)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::getVolume(float *_volume) { *_volume = volume; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,isPlaying,(bool *isplaying),(isplaying)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::isPlaying(bool *isplaying) { // Apple's Mac OS X has a bug; alSourceRewind() doesn't make the sources // AL_INITIAL again, so we have to track this ourselves. :/ if (initial) { *isplaying = true; return FMOD_OK; } ALint state = 0; alGetSourceiv(sid, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); *isplaying = ((state == AL_PLAYING) || (state == AL_INITIAL)); if (state == AL_PAUSED) STUBBED("Should paused channels count as playing?"); // !!! FIXME return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setChannelGroup,(ChannelGroup *channelgroup),(channelgroup)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setChannelGroup(ChannelGroup *_channelgroup) { OpenALChannelGroup *channelgroup = ((OpenALChannelGroup *) _channelgroup); assert(channelgroup); if (!channelgroup->attachChannel(this)) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; if ((group != NULL) && (group != channelgroup)) group->detachChannel(this); group = channelgroup; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setFrequency,(float frequency),(frequency)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setFrequency(const float _frequency) { frequency = _frequency; STUBBED("read the docs, verify this"); alSourcef(sid, AL_PITCH, _frequency); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setPaused,(bool paused),(paused)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setPaused(const bool _paused, const bool setstate) { ALint state = 0; alGetSourceiv(sid, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); if ((_paused) && (state == AL_PLAYING)) { alSourcePause(sid); initial = false; SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); } else if ((!_paused) && (initial || ((state == AL_INITIAL) || (state == AL_PAUSED)))) { if (initial && decoder) { decoder->setForceMono(mindist || maxdist); // HACK: this is set for positional sounds. decoder->start(sound->isLooping()); } alSourcePlay(sid); initial = false; SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); } if (setstate) paused = _paused; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setPriority,(int priority),(priority)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setPriority(int _priority) { priority = _priority; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,stop,(),()) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::stop() { if (decoder) { decoder->stop(); decoder = NULL; } alSourceStop(sid); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); alSourcei(sid, AL_BUFFER, 0); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); if (sound) { sound->release(); sound = NULL; } if (inuse && callback) callback(this, FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACKTYPE_END, NULL, NULL); // HACK: commanddata missing (but they are not used by the callback) paused = false; inuse = false; initial = false; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setCallback,(FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACK callback),(callback)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setCallback(FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACK callback) { this->callback = callback; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,getUserData,(void **userdata),(userdata)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::getUserData(void **userdata) { *userdata = this->userdata; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setUserData,(void *userdata),(userdata)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setUserData(void *userdata) { this->userdata = userdata; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,set3DAttributes,(const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel),(pos, vel)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::set3DAttributes(const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel) { if (pos) { alSource3f(sid, AL_POSITION, pos->x, pos->y, pos->z); if(maxdist == mindist) setDistanceVolume(1.0f); else { // This is where custom distance attenuation starts. float dx, dy, dz; if(relative) { dx = pos->x; dy = pos->y; dz = pos->z; } else { dx = s_listenerPos.x - pos->x; dy = s_listenerPos.y - pos->y; dz = s_listenerPos.z - pos->z; } float d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz; if(d2 < mindist*mindist) setDistanceVolume(1.0f); else if(d2 > maxdist*maxdist) setDistanceVolume(0.0f); else { // Replacement method for AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED. // The problem with this distance model is that the volume never goes down // to 0, no matter how far sound sources are away from the listener. // This could be fixed by using AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE_CLAMPED, but this model does not sound // natural (as the gain/volume/decibels is a logarithmic measure). // As a remedy, use a simplified quadratic 1D-bezier curve to model // a decay similar to AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED, but that actually reaches 0. // (The formula is simplified, as the control points (1, 0, 0) cause some math to vanish.) -- FG const float t = ((sqrtf(d2) - mindist) / (maxdist - mindist)); // [0 .. 1] const float t1 = 1.0f - t; const float a = t1 * t1; const float w = 2.0f; // weight; the higher this is, the steeper is the initial falloff, and the slower the final decay before reaching 0 const float gain = a / (a + (2.0f * w * t * t1) + (t * t)); setDistanceVolume(gain); } } } if(vel) alSource3f(sid, AL_VELOCITY, vel->x, vel->y, vel->z); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,set3DMinMaxDistance,(float mindistance, float maxdistance),(mindistance, maxdistance)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::set3DMinMaxDistance(float mindistance, float maxdistance) { alSourcef(sid, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, mindistance); alSourcef(sid, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, maxdistance); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); mindist = mindistance; maxdist = maxdistance; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,setMode,(FMOD_MODE mode),(mode)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::setMode(FMOD_MODE mode) { _mode = mode; if(mode & FMOD_3D_HEADRELATIVE) alSourcei(sid, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE); else // FMOD_3D_WORLDRELATIVE is the default according to FMOD docs alSourcei(sid, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(Channel,getMode,(FMOD_MODE *mode),(mode)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannel::getMode(FMOD_MODE *mode) { *mode = _mode; return FMOD_OK; } void OpenALChannel::setDistanceVolume(float _volume) { distvolume = _volume; applyVolume(); } void OpenALChannel::applyVolume() { alSourcef(sid, AL_GAIN, volume * groupvolume * distvolume); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); } // FMOD::ChannelGroup implementation... OpenALChannelGroup::OpenALChannelGroup(const char *_name) : name(NULL) , paused(false) , channel_count(0) , channels(NULL) , volume(1.0f) { if (_name) { char *buf = new char[strlen(_name) + 1]; strcpy(buf, _name); name = buf; } } OpenALChannelGroup::~OpenALChannelGroup() { delete[] name; } bool OpenALChannelGroup::attachChannel(OpenALChannel *channel) { channel->setGroupVolume(volume); for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) { if (channels[i] == channel) return true; } void *ptr = realloc(channels, sizeof (OpenALChannel *) * (channel_count + 1)); if (ptr == NULL) return false; channels = (OpenALChannel **) ptr; channels[channel_count++] = channel; return true; } void OpenALChannelGroup::detachChannel(OpenALChannel *channel) { for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) { if (channels[i] == channel) { if (i < (channel_count-1)) memmove(&channels[i], &channels[i+1], sizeof (OpenALChannel *) * ((channel_count - i) - 1)); channel_count--; return; } } assert(false && "Detached a channel that isn't part of the group!"); } ALBRIDGE(ChannelGroup,addDSP,(DSP *dsp, DSPConnection **connection),(dsp,connection)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannelGroup::addDSP(DSP *dsp, DSPConnection **connection) { STUBBED("write me"); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } ALBRIDGE(ChannelGroup,getPaused,(bool *paused),(paused)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannelGroup::getPaused(bool *_paused) { *_paused = paused; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(ChannelGroup,getVolume,(float *volume),(volume)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannelGroup::getVolume(float *_volume) { *_volume = volume; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(ChannelGroup,setPaused,(bool paused),(paused)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannelGroup::setPaused(const bool _paused) { for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) channels[i]->setPaused(_paused, false); paused = _paused; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(ChannelGroup,setVolume,(float volume),(volume)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannelGroup::setVolume(const float _volume) { volume = _volume; for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) channels[i]->setGroupVolume(_volume); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(ChannelGroup,stop,(),()) FMOD_RESULT OpenALChannelGroup::stop() { for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) channels[i]->stop(); return FMOD_OK; } // FMOD::DSP implementation... FMOD_RESULT DSP::getActive(bool *active) { STUBBED("write me"); *active = false; return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } FMOD_RESULT DSP::remove() { STUBBED("write me"); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } FMOD_RESULT DSP::setParameter(int index, float value) { STUBBED("write me"); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } void OpenALChannel::setSound(OpenALSound *_sound) { if(sound == _sound) return; if (sound) sound->release(); sound = _sound; if (sound) sound->reference(); } // FMOD::System implementation ... class OpenALSystem { public: OpenALSystem(); ~OpenALSystem(); FMOD_RESULT init(int maxchannels, const FMOD_INITFLAGS flags, const void *extradriverdata); FMOD_RESULT update(); FMOD_RESULT release(); FMOD_RESULT getVersion(unsigned int *version); FMOD_RESULT setSpeakerMode(const FMOD_SPEAKERMODE speakermode); FMOD_RESULT setFileSystem(FMOD_FILE_OPENCALLBACK useropen, FMOD_FILE_CLOSECALLBACK userclose, FMOD_FILE_READCALLBACK userread, FMOD_FILE_SEEKCALLBACK userseek, const int blockalign); FMOD_RESULT setDSPBufferSize(const unsigned int bufferlength, const int numbuffers); FMOD_RESULT createChannelGroup(const char *name, ChannelGroup **channelgroup); FMOD_RESULT createDSPByType(const FMOD_DSP_TYPE type, DSP **dsp); FMOD_RESULT createSound(const char *name_or_data, const FMOD_MODE mode, const FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo, Sound **sound); FMOD_RESULT createStream(const char *name_or_data, const FMOD_MODE mode, const FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo, Sound **sound); FMOD_RESULT getDriverCaps(const int id, FMOD_CAPS *caps, int *minfrequency, int *maxfrequency, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE *controlpanelspeakermode); FMOD_RESULT getMasterChannelGroup(ChannelGroup **channelgroup); FMOD_RESULT playSound(FMOD_CHANNELINDEX channelid, Sound *sound, bool paused, Channel **channel); FMOD_RESULT set3DListenerAttributes(int listener, const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel, const FMOD_VECTOR *forward, const FMOD_VECTOR *up); FMOD_RESULT getNumChannels(int *maxchannels_ret); private: OpenALChannelGroup *master_channel_group; int num_channels; OpenALChannel *channels; }; OpenALSystem::OpenALSystem() : master_channel_group(NULL) , num_channels(0) , channels(NULL) { } OpenALSystem::~OpenALSystem() { delete master_channel_group; delete[] channels; } FMOD_RESULT System_Create(FMOD_SYSTEM **system) { *system = (FMOD_SYSTEM *) new OpenALSystem; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,createChannelGroup,(const char *name, ChannelGroup **channelgroup),(name,channelgroup)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::createChannelGroup(const char *name, ChannelGroup **channelgroup) { *channelgroup = (ChannelGroup *) new OpenALChannelGroup(name); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,createDSPByType,(FMOD_DSP_TYPE type, DSP **dsp),(type,dsp)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::createDSPByType(const FMOD_DSP_TYPE type, DSP **dsp) { *dsp = NULL; STUBBED("write me"); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } static void *decode_to_pcm(VFILE *io, ALenum &format, ALsizei &size, ALuint &freq) { ALubyte *retval = NULL; // Uncompress and feed to the AL. OggVorbis_File vf; memset(&vf, '\0', sizeof (vf)); if (ov_open_callbacks(io, &vf, NULL, 0, local_OV_CALLBACKS_NOCLOSE) == 0) { int bitstream = 0; vorbis_info *info = ov_info(&vf, -1); size = 0; format = (info->channels == 1) ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; freq = info->rate; if ((info->channels != 1) && (info->channels != 2)) { ov_clear(&vf); return NULL; } char buf[1024 * 16]; long rc = 0; size_t allocated = 64 * 1024; retval = (ALubyte *) malloc(allocated); while ( (rc = ov_read(&vf, buf, sizeof (buf), BBGE_BIGENDIAN, 2, 1, &bitstream)) != 0 ) { if (rc > 0) { size += rc; if ((size_t) size >= allocated) { allocated *= 2; ALubyte *tmp = (ALubyte *) realloc(retval, allocated); if (tmp == NULL) { free(retval); retval = NULL; break; } retval = tmp; } memcpy(retval + (size - rc), buf, rc); } } ov_clear(&vf); return retval; } return NULL; } ALBRIDGE(System,createSound,(const char *name_or_data, FMOD_MODE mode, FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo, Sound **sound),(name_or_data,mode,exinfo,sound)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::createSound(const char *name_or_data, const FMOD_MODE mode, const FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo, Sound **sound) { assert(!exinfo); FMOD_RESULT retval = FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; // !!! FIXME: if it's not Ogg, we don't have a decoder. I'm lazy. :/ char *fname = (char *) alloca(strlen(name_or_data) + 16); strcpy(fname, name_or_data); char *ptr = strrchr(fname, '.'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; strcat(fname, ".ogg"); // just in case... VFILE *io = vfopen(adjustFilenameCase(fname).c_str(), "rb"); if (io == NULL) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; size_t filesize = 0; if(vfsize(io, &filesize)) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; if(!filesize) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; if (mode & FMOD_CREATESTREAM) { // Create streaming file handle decoder *sound = (Sound *) new OpenALSound(io, (((mode & FMOD_LOOP_OFF) == 0) && (mode & FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL))); retval = FMOD_OK; } else if(core->settings.prebufferSounds) { // Pre-decode the sound file and store the raw PCM buffer ALenum format = AL_NONE; ALsizei size = 0; ALuint freq = 0; void *data = decode_to_pcm(io, format, size, freq); vfclose(io); ALuint bid = 0; alGenBuffers(1, &bid); if (bid != 0) { // FIXME: This needs to stored seperately and fed to the AL on demand, // converting stereo to mono when it's known whether to do so or not. alBufferData(bid, format, data, size, freq); *sound = (Sound *) new OpenALSound(bid, (((mode & FMOD_LOOP_OFF) == 0) && (mode & FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL))); ((OpenALSound*)*sound)->setNumChannels(format == AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 ? 2 : 1); retval = FMOD_OK; } free(data); } else { // Create streaming memory decoder void *data = malloc(filesize); if (data == NULL) { debugLog("Out of memory for " + std::string(fname)); vfclose(io); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } size_t nread = vfread(data, 1, filesize, io); vfclose(io); if (nread != filesize) { debugLog("Failed to read data from " + std::string(fname)); free(data); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } *sound = (Sound *) new OpenALSound(data, filesize, (((mode & FMOD_LOOP_OFF) == 0) && (mode & FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL))); retval = FMOD_OK; } return retval; } ALBRIDGE(System,createStream,(const char *name_or_data, FMOD_MODE mode, FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo, Sound **sound),(name_or_data,mode,exinfo,sound)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::createStream(const char *name_or_data, const FMOD_MODE mode, const FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO *exinfo, Sound **sound) { return createSound(name_or_data, mode | FMOD_CREATESTREAM, exinfo, sound); } ALBRIDGE(System,getDriverCaps,(int id, FMOD_CAPS *caps, int *minfrequency, int *maxfrequency, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE *controlpanelspeakermode),(id,caps,minfrequency,maxfrequency,controlpanelspeakermode)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::getDriverCaps(const int id, FMOD_CAPS *caps, int *minfrequency, int *maxfrequency, FMOD_SPEAKERMODE *controlpanelspeakermode) { assert(!id); assert(!minfrequency); assert(!maxfrequency); *controlpanelspeakermode = FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_STEREO; // not strictly true, but works for aquaria's usage. *caps = 0; // aquaria only checks FMOD_CAPS_HARDWARE_EMULATED. return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,getMasterChannelGroup,(ChannelGroup **channelgroup),(channelgroup)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::getMasterChannelGroup(ChannelGroup **channelgroup) { *channelgroup = (ChannelGroup *) master_channel_group; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,getVersion,(unsigned int *version),(version)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::getVersion(unsigned int *version) { *version = FMOD_VERSION; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,init,(int maxchannels, FMOD_INITFLAGS flags, void *extradriverdata),(maxchannels,flags,extradriverdata)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::init(int maxchannels, const FMOD_INITFLAGS flags, const void *extradriverdata) { ALCdevice *dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL); if (!dev) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; // OpenAL doesn't provide a way to request sources that can be either // mono or stereo, so we need to request both separately (thus allocating // twice the theoretical requirement -- oh well). --achurch ALCint requested_attributes[5]; requested_attributes[0] = ALC_MONO_SOURCES; requested_attributes[1] = maxchannels; requested_attributes[2] = ALC_STEREO_SOURCES; requested_attributes[3] = maxchannels; requested_attributes[4] = 0; ALCcontext *ctx = alcCreateContext(dev, requested_attributes); if (!ctx) { alcCloseDevice(dev); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } ALCint num_attributes = 0; alcGetIntegerv(dev, ALC_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE, 1, &num_attributes); if (num_attributes > 0) { ALCint *attributes = new ALCint[num_attributes]; alcGetIntegerv(dev, ALC_ALL_ATTRIBUTES, num_attributes, attributes); int i; for (i = 0; i < num_attributes; i += 2) { if (attributes[i] == ALC_MONO_SOURCES) { if (attributes[i+1] <= 0) { debugLog("Couldn't get any mono sources, aborting"); alcDestroyContext(ctx); alcCloseDevice(dev); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } else if (attributes[i+1] < num_channels) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Only got " << attributes[i+1] << " of " << maxchannels << " mono sources"; debugLog(os.str()); maxchannels = attributes[i+1]; } } else if (attributes[i] == ALC_STEREO_SOURCES) { if (attributes[i+1] <= 0) { debugLog("Couldn't get any stereo sources, aborting"); alcDestroyContext(ctx); alcCloseDevice(dev); return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } else if (attributes[i+1] < num_channels) { std::ostringstream os; os << "Only got " << attributes[i+1] << " of " << maxchannels << " stereo sources"; debugLog(os.str()); maxchannels = attributes[i+1]; } } } delete[] attributes; } else { debugLog("WARNING: couldn't get device attributes!"); } alcMakeContextCurrent(ctx); alcProcessContext(ctx); #ifdef _DEBUG printf("AL_VENDOR: %s\n", (char *) alGetString(AL_VENDOR)); printf("AL_RENDERER: %s\n", (char *) alGetString(AL_RENDERER)); printf("AL_VERSION: %s\n", (char *) alGetString(AL_VERSION)); printf("AL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", (char *) alGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS)); #endif SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); master_channel_group = new OpenALChannelGroup("master"); num_channels = maxchannels; channels = new OpenALChannel[maxchannels]; ALenum err = alGetError(); // clear any existing error state. for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) { ALuint sid = 0; alGenSources(1, &sid); err = alGetError(); if (err != AL_NONE) { char errmsg[512]; sprintf(errmsg, "WARNING: OpenAL error %s:%d: 0x%X\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int) err); debugLog(errmsg); num_channels = i - 1; // last channel that worked break; } alSourcei(sid, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); alSource3f(sid, AL_POSITION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // no panning or spatialization in Aquaria. SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); channels[i].setSourceName(sid); channels[i].setChannelGroup((ChannelGroup *) master_channel_group); } std::stringstream ss; ss << "Using " << num_channels << " sound channels."; debugLog(ss.str()); // HACK: FMOD doesn't do this. // For completeness, we pass FMOD_3D_LINEARROLLOFF to createSound(). // We do our own non-standard distance attenuation model, as the modes offered by OpenAL // are not sufficient. See OpenALChannel::set3DMinMaxDistance() for the gain control code. -- FG alDistanceModel(AL_NONE); SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); s_listenerPos.x = s_listenerPos.y = s_listenerPos.z = 0.0f; OggDecoder::startDecoderThread(); return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,getNumChannels,(int *maxchannels_ret),(maxchannels_ret)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::getNumChannels(int *maxchannels_ret) { *maxchannels_ret = num_channels; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,playSound,(FMOD_CHANNELINDEX channelid, Sound *sound, bool paused, Channel **channel),(channelid,sound,paused,channel)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::playSound(FMOD_CHANNELINDEX channelid, Sound *_sound, bool paused, Channel **channel) { *channel = NULL; if (channelid == FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE) { for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) { if (!channels[i].isInUse()) { channelid = (FMOD_CHANNELINDEX) i; break; } } } if ((channelid < 0) || (channelid >= num_channels)) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; OpenALSound *sound = (OpenALSound *) _sound; const ALuint sid = channels[channelid].getSourceName(); // alSourceRewind doesn't work right on some versions of Mac OS X. alSourceStop(sid); // stop any playback, set to AL_INITIAL. alSourceRewind(sid); // stop any playback, set to AL_INITIAL. SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); alSourcei(sid, AL_BUFFER, 0); // Reset state to AL_UNDETERMINED. SANITY_CHECK_OPENAL_CALL(); if (!channels[channelid].start(sound)) return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; channels[channelid].reacquire(); channels[channelid].setPaused(paused); channels[channelid].setSound(sound); *channel = (Channel *) &channels[channelid]; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,release,(),()) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::release() { OggDecoder::stopDecoderThread(); ALCcontext *ctx = alcGetCurrentContext(); if (ctx) { for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) { const ALuint sid = channels[i].getSourceName(); channels[i].setSourceName(0); channels[i].setSound(NULL); alSourceStop(sid); alSourcei(sid, AL_BUFFER, 0); alDeleteSources(1, &sid); } ALCdevice *dev = alcGetContextsDevice(ctx); alcMakeContextCurrent(NULL); alcSuspendContext(ctx); alcDestroyContext(ctx); alcCloseDevice(dev); } delete this; return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,setDSPBufferSize,(unsigned int bufferlength, int numbuffers),(bufferlength,numbuffers)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::setDSPBufferSize(const unsigned int bufferlength, const int numbuffers) { // aquaria only uses this for FMOD_CAPS_HARDWARE_EMULATED, so I skipped it. return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } ALBRIDGE(System,setFileSystem,(FMOD_FILE_OPENCALLBACK useropen, FMOD_FILE_CLOSECALLBACK userclose, FMOD_FILE_READCALLBACK userread, FMOD_FILE_SEEKCALLBACK userseek, int blockalign),(useropen,userclose,userread,userseek,blockalign)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::setFileSystem(FMOD_FILE_OPENCALLBACK useropen, FMOD_FILE_CLOSECALLBACK userclose, FMOD_FILE_READCALLBACK userread, FMOD_FILE_SEEKCALLBACK userseek, const int blockalign) { // Aquaria sets these, but they don't do anything fancy, so we ignore them for now. return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System,setSpeakerMode,(FMOD_SPEAKERMODE speakermode),(speakermode)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::setSpeakerMode(const FMOD_SPEAKERMODE speakermode) { return FMOD_OK; // we ignore this for Aquaria. } ALBRIDGE(System,update,(),()) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::update() { alcProcessContext(alcGetCurrentContext()); for (int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) channels[i].update(); #if _DEBUG const ALenum err = alGetError(); if (err != AL_NONE) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: OpenAL error this frame: 0x%X\n", (int) err); #endif return FMOD_OK; } ALBRIDGE(System, set3DListenerAttributes, (int listener, const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel, const FMOD_VECTOR *forward, const FMOD_VECTOR *up), (listener, pos, vel, forward, up)) FMOD_RESULT OpenALSystem::set3DListenerAttributes(int listener, const FMOD_VECTOR *pos, const FMOD_VECTOR *vel, const FMOD_VECTOR *forward, const FMOD_VECTOR *up) { // ignore listener parameter; there is only one listener in OpenAL. if(up || forward) { ALfloat orientation[6]; alGetListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, &orientation[0]); if(forward) { orientation[0] = forward->x; orientation[1] = forward->y; orientation[2] = forward->z; } if(up) { orientation[3] = up->x; orientation[4] = up->y; orientation[5] = up->z; } alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, &orientation[0]); } if(pos) { s_listenerPos = *pos; alListener3f(AL_POSITION, pos->x, pos->y, pos->z); } if(vel) alListener3f(AL_VELOCITY, vel->x, vel->y, vel->z); return FMOD_OK; } // misc FMOD bits... FMOD_RESULT Memory_GetStats(int *currentalloced, int *maxalloced, FMOD_BOOL blocking) { // not ever used by Aquaria. *currentalloced = *maxalloced = 42; return FMOD_ERR_INTERNAL; } } // namespace FMOD // end of FmodOpenALBridge.cpp ...