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synced 2025-02-03 18:14:01 +00:00
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305 lines
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#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "StatsAndAchievements.h"
#include "GameEnums.h"
#include "WorldMap.h"
namespace tinyxml2 { class XMLDocument; }
class Avatar;
class IngredientData;
class Path;
typedef std::map<int, TreasureDataEntry> TreasureData;
class Continuity
~Continuity() { clearIngredientData(); }
void init();
void shutdown();
void initAvatar(Avatar *a);
void refreshAvatarData(Avatar *a);
void reset();
bool hasItem(int type);
void pickup(int type, int amount=1);
void drop(int type);
void entityDied(Entity *eDead);
void achieve(const std::string &achievement);
void initFoodSort();
void sortFood();
bool isIngredientFull(IngredientData *data);
void setCostume(const std::string &c);
void shortenSong(Song &song, size_t size);
void warpLiToAvatar();
void flingMonkey(Entity *e);
void upgradeHealth();
int getFlag(std::string flag);
void setFlag(std::string flag, int v);
int getFlag(int flag);
void setFlag(int flag, int v);
int getEntityFlag(const std::string &sceneName, int id);
void setEntityFlag(const std::string &sceneName, int id, int v);
void setPathFlag(Path *p, int v);
int getPathFlag(Path *p);
std::string getStringFlag(std::string flag);
void setStringFlag(std::string flag, std::string v);
void saveFile(int slot, Vector position=Vector(0,0,0), unsigned char *scrShotData=0, int scrShotWidth=0, int scrShotHeight=0);
bool loadFileData(int slot, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc);
bool loadFile(int slot);
void castSong(int num);
bool hasLi();
std::string getDescriptionForSongSlot(int songSlot);
std::string getVoxForSongSlot(int songSlot);
std::string getIEString(IngredientData *data, size_t i);
std::string getAllIEString(IngredientData *data);
std::string getInternalFormName();
std::string getSaveFileName(int slot, const std::string &pfix);
float maxHealth;
float health;
bool hudVisible;
unsigned int exp;
void clearTempFlags();
void getHoursMinutesSeconds(int *hours, int *minutes, int *seconds);
float seconds;
void update(float dt);
void setItemSlot(int slot, int itemType);
std::vector<int> itemSlots;
bool isItemPlantable(int item);
float getCurrentTime(){return seconds;}
//GardenData gardenData;
Vector zoom;
std::string getIngredientGfx(const std::string &name);
WorldType getWorldType() { return worldType; }
void shiftWorlds();
void applyWorldEffects(WorldType type, bool transition, bool affectMusic);
//void setActivePet(int flag);
bool isStory(float v);
float getStory();
void setStory(float v);
float getSpeedType(size_t speedType);
void setNaijaModel(std::string model);
std::string naijaModel;
FormType form;
void learnFormUpgrade(FormUpgradeType form);
bool hasFormUpgrade(FormUpgradeType form);
typedef std::map<FormUpgradeType, bool> FormUpgrades;
FormUpgrades formUpgrades;
void loadSongBank();
void loadIntoSongBank(const std::string &file);
int checkSong(const Song &song);
int checkSongAssisted(const Song &song);
typedef std::map<int, Song> SongMap;
SongMap songBank;
Song *getSongByIndex(int idx);
bool hasSong(int song);
int getSongTypeBySlot(size_t slot);
int getSongSlotByType(int type);
void learnSong(int song);
void unlearnSong(int song);
std::map<int, bool> knowsSong;
std::map<int, int> songSlotsToType;
std::map<int, int> songTypesToSlot;
std::map<int, std::string> songSlotDescriptions;
std::map<int, std::string> songSlotNames;
std::map<int, std::string> songSlotVox;
typedef std::map<std::string, int> EntityFlags;
EntityFlags entityFlags;
bool toggleMoveMode;
typedef std::list<GemData> Gems;
Gems gems;
typedef std::list<BeaconData> Beacons;
Beacons beacons;
GemData *pickupGem(std::string name, bool effects = true);
void removeGemData(GemData *gemData);
typedef std::vector<std::string> VoiceOversPlayed;
VoiceOversPlayed voiceOversPlayed;
std::string costume;
AuraType auraType;
float auraTimer;
EatData *getEatData(const std::string &name);
void loadEatBank();
bool isSongTypeForm(SongType s);
std::string getSongNameBySlot(int slot);
void toggleLiCombat(bool t);
void pickupIngredient(IngredientData *i, int amount, bool effects=true, bool learn=true);
int indexOfIngredientData(const IngredientData* data) const;
IngredientData *getIngredientHeldByName(const std::string &name) const; // an ingredient that the player actually has; in the ingredients list
IngredientData *getIngredientDataByName(const std::string &name); // an ingredient in the general data list; ingredientData
IngredientData *getIngredientHeldByIndex(size_t idx) const;
IngredientData *getIngredientDataByIndex(size_t idx);
int getIngredientDataSize() const;
int getIngredientHeldSize() const;
bool applyIngredientEffects(IngredientData *data);
void loadIngredientData();
void loadIngredientData(const std::string &file);
void loadIngredientDisplayNames(const std::string& file);
bool hasIngredients() const { return !ingredients.empty(); }
IngredientDatas::size_type ingredientCount() const { return ingredients.size(); }
IngredientType getIngredientTypeFromName(const std::string &name) const;
std::string getIngredientDisplayName(const std::string& name) const;
void removeEmptyIngredients();
void spawnAllIngredients(const Vector &position);
std::vector<std::string> unsortedOrder;
typedef std::vector<Recipe> Recipes;
Recipes recipes;
void setSpeedMultiplier(float s, float t);
void setBiteMultiplier(float m, float t);
void setFishPoison(float m, float t);
void setDefenseMultiplier(float s, float t);
void setRegen(float t);
void setTrip(float t);
void setInvincible(float t);
void setEnergy(float m, float t);
void setPoison(float m, float t);
void setWeb(float t);
void setLight(float m, float t);
void setPetPower(float m, float t);
void setLiPower(float m, float t);
void cureAllStatus();
float speedMult, biteMult, fishPoison, defenseMult, energyMult, poison, light, petPower, liPower;
Timer speedMultTimer, biteMultTimer, fishPoisonTimer, defenseMultTimer, liPowerTimer;
Timer invincibleTimer;
Timer regenTimer, tripTimer;
Timer energyTimer, poisonTimer, poisonBitTimer;
Timer webTimer, webBitTimer, lightTimer, petPowerTimer;
float speedMult2;
void eatBeast(const EatData &eatData);
void removeNaijaEat(size_t idx);
void removeLastNaijaEat();
EatData *getLastNaijaEat();
bool isNaijaEatsEmpty();
void loadPetData();
PetData *getPetData(size_t idx);
std::vector<EatData> naijaEats;
std::vector<PetData> petData;
std::string getIngredientAffectsString(IngredientData *data);
WorldMap worldMap;
TreasureData treasureData;
void loadTreasureData();
void learnRecipe(Recipe *r, bool effects=true);
void learnRecipe(const std::string &result, bool effects=true);
float poisonBitTime, poisonBitTimeAvatar;
int dualFormMode, dualFormCharge;
BeaconData *getBeaconByIndex(int index);
void setBeacon(int index, bool v, Vector pos=Vector(0,0,0), Vector color=Vector(1,1,1));
int foodSortType;
std::vector<FoodSortOrder> sortByType, sortByHeal, sortByIngredients, sortByUnsort;
StatsAndAchievements *statsAndAchievements;
std::vector<EatData> eats;
std::vector<float> speedTypes;
float story;
WorldType worldType;
std::vector<int> items;
std::vector<int> spells;
typedef std::map<std::string,int> Flags;
Flags flags;
int intFlags[MAX_FLAGS];
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> StringFlags;
StringFlags stringFlags;
void clearIngredientData();
IngredientDatas ingredients; // held ingredients
IngredientDatas ingredientData; // all possible ingredients
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> IngredientNameMap;
IngredientNameMap ingredientDisplayNames;