Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/AquariaOSE/Aquaria.git synced 2025-02-26 16:03:58 +00:00

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Anything Anything
ArcanePoultice Arcane Poultice
Berry Berry
BerryIceCream Berry Ice Cream
Bulb Bulb
ButterySeaLoaf Buttery Sea Loaf
Cake Cake
ColdBorscht Cold Borscht
ColdSoup Cold Soup
CrabCake Crab Cake
CrabMeat Crab Meat
DivineSoup Divine Soup
DumboIceCream Dumbo Ice Cream
EelOil Eel Oil
Egg Egg
FishMeat Fish Meat
FishOil Fish Oil
GlowingEgg Glowing Egg
HandRoll Hand Roll
HealingPoultice Healing Poultice
HeartySoup Hearty Soup
HotBorscht Hot Borscht
HotSoup Hot Soup
IceChunk Ice Chunk
IceCream Ice Cream
JellyOil Jelly Oil
LeadershipRoll Leadership Roll
Leaf Leaf
LeafPoultice Leaf Poultice
LeechingPoultice Leeching Poultice
LegendaryCake Legendary Cake
Loaf Loaf
LoafOfLife Loaf Of Life
LongLifeSoup Long Life Soup
MagicSoup Magic Soup
Meat Meat
Mushroom Mushroom
Oil Oil
Part Part
Perogi Perogi
PerogiType Perogi
PlantBulb Plant Bulb
PlantLeaf Plant Leaf
PlumpPerogi Plump Perogi
PoisonLoaf Poison Loaf
PoisonSoup Poison Soup
Poultice Poultice
RainbowMushroom Rainbow Mushroom
RainbowSoup Rainbow Soup
RedBerry Red Berry
RedBulb Red Bulb
Roll Roll
RottenCake Rotten Cake
RottenLoaf Rotten Loaf
RottenMeat Rotten Meat
RoyalSoup Royal Soup
RubberyMeat Rubbery Meat
RukhEgg Rukh Egg
SeaCake Sea Cake
SeaLoaf Sea Loaf
SharkFin Shark Fin
SharkFinSoup Shark Fin Soup
SightPoultice Sight Poultice
SmallBone Small Bone
SmallEgg Small Egg
SmallEye Small Eye
SmallTentacle Small Tentacle
Soup Soup
SpecialBulb Special Bulb
SpecialCake Special Cake
SpicyMeat Spicy Meat
SpicyRoll Spicy Roll
SpicySoup Spicy Soup
SpiderEgg Spider Egg
SpiderRoll Spider Roll
SwampCake Swamp Cake
SwordfishSteak Swordfish Steak
TastyCake Tasty Cake
TastyRoll Tasty Roll
ToughCake Tough Cake
TurtleMeat Turtle Meat
TurtleSoup Turtle Soup
Vedha'sCure-All Vedha's Cure- All
VedhaSeaCrisp Vedha Sea Crisp
VeggieCake Veggie Cake
VeggieIceCream Veggie Ice Cream
VeggieSoup Veggie Soup
VolcanoRoll Volcano Roll
Zuuna'sPerogi Zuuna's Perogi