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fgenesis c44c67a063 Worldmap overhaul, part 1
In short:
- No more grid-for-alpha; everything uses generated textures now
  (With proper bilinear filtering so it looks like the old method)
- All tiles are now shown partially uncovered at the same time;
  selecting one is no longer needed
- Gems can now be local (associated to a tile) or global.
  Local games move with their tile, global ones stay where they were placed

Originally there were two possible implementations of how to render the world map:
- One used write-alpha-to-texture to implement graual uncovering.
- The other (permanently enabled) used the DrawGrid to render the map tiles
  as a fine grid, each little square having its own alpha value
The downside of the first method was that it didn't look as good as the
second, so i guess that's why it was never fully finished.
The main downside of the second method was that it burned a lot of vertices
just to do alpha, so only one tile at a time could show the detailed grid.

I also never liked how an entire tile was effectively fully uncovered once
the map was first entered, taking away a lot of the exploration feeling
that could have been there if everything that hasn't been explored would be
completely invisible.
I've added this worldmap uncovering method as an optional config param,
<WorldMap revealMethod="1"/> but i've decided to fully switch over now.

Things left to be done:
- create a WorldMapRender instance only once and keep the tiles across map loads
- add debug option to reload/recreate worldmap at runtime
- cleanup gem storage and carry over the player gem properly (ged rid of std::list)
- remove "worldmap" grid render type
- Add more user "pyramid" gems as world map markers. More colors!
- check that gems and beacons still work as they should
2024-11-15 03:12:14 +01:00

303 lines
7.7 KiB

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "StatsAndAchievements.h"
#include "GameEnums.h"
#include "WorldMap.h"
namespace tinyxml2 { class XMLDocument; }
class Avatar;
class IngredientData;
class Path;
typedef std::map<int, TreasureDataEntry> TreasureData;
class Continuity
~Continuity() { clearIngredientData(); }
void init();
void shutdown();
void initAvatar(Avatar *a);
void refreshAvatarData(Avatar *a);
void reset();
bool hasItem(int type);
void pickup(int type, int amount=1);
void drop(int type);
void entityDied(Entity *eDead);
void achieve(const std::string &achievement);
void initFoodSort();
void sortFood();
bool isIngredientFull(IngredientData *data);
void setCostume(const std::string &c);
void shortenSong(Song &song, size_t size);
void warpLiToAvatar();
void flingMonkey(Entity *e);
void upgradeHealth();
int getFlag(std::string flag);
void setFlag(std::string flag, int v);
int getFlag(int flag);
void setFlag(int flag, int v);
int getEntityFlag(const std::string &sceneName, int id);
void setEntityFlag(const std::string &sceneName, int id, int v);
void setPathFlag(Path *p, int v);
int getPathFlag(Path *p);
std::string getStringFlag(std::string flag);
void setStringFlag(std::string flag, std::string v);
void saveFile(int slot, Vector position=Vector(0,0,0), unsigned char *scrShotData=0, int scrShotWidth=0, int scrShotHeight=0);
bool loadFileData(int slot, tinyxml2::XMLDocument &doc);
bool loadFile(int slot);
void castSong(int num);
bool hasLi();
std::string getDescriptionForSongSlot(int songSlot);
std::string getVoxForSongSlot(int songSlot);
std::string getIEString(IngredientData *data, size_t i);
std::string getAllIEString(IngredientData *data);
std::string getInternalFormName();
std::string getSaveFileName(int slot, const std::string &pfix);
float maxHealth;
float health;
bool hudVisible;
unsigned int exp;
void clearTempFlags();
void getHoursMinutesSeconds(int *hours, int *minutes, int *seconds);
float seconds;
void update(float dt);
void setItemSlot(int slot, int itemType);
std::vector<int> itemSlots;
bool isItemPlantable(int item);
float getCurrentTime(){return seconds;}
//GardenData gardenData;
Vector zoom;
std::string getIngredientGfx(const std::string &name);
WorldType getWorldType() { return worldType; }
void shiftWorlds();
void applyWorldEffects(WorldType type, bool transition, bool affectMusic);
//void setActivePet(int flag);
bool isStory(float v);
float getStory();
void setStory(float v);
float getSpeedType(size_t speedType);
FormType form;
void learnFormUpgrade(FormUpgradeType form);
bool hasFormUpgrade(FormUpgradeType form);
typedef std::map<FormUpgradeType, bool> FormUpgrades;
FormUpgrades formUpgrades;
void loadSongBank();
void loadIntoSongBank(const std::string &file);
int checkSong(const Song &song);
int checkSongAssisted(const Song &song);
typedef std::map<int, Song> SongMap;
SongMap songBank;
Song *getSongByIndex(int idx);
bool hasSong(int song);
int getSongTypeBySlot(size_t slot);
int getSongSlotByType(int type);
void learnSong(int song);
void unlearnSong(int song);
std::map<int, bool> knowsSong;
std::map<int, int> songSlotsToType;
std::map<int, int> songTypesToSlot;
std::map<int, std::string> songSlotDescriptions;
std::map<int, std::string> songSlotNames;
std::map<int, std::string> songSlotVox;
typedef std::map<std::string, int> EntityFlags;
EntityFlags entityFlags;
bool toggleMoveMode;
typedef std::list<GemData> Gems;
Gems gems;
typedef std::list<BeaconData> Beacons;
Beacons beacons;
GemData *pickupGem(const std::string& name, bool effects = true);
void removeGemData(GemData *gemData);
void setCurrentMap(const std::string& mapname);
typedef std::vector<std::string> VoiceOversPlayed;
VoiceOversPlayed voiceOversPlayed;
std::string costume;
AuraType auraType;
float auraTimer;
EatData *getEatData(const std::string &name);
void loadEatBank();
bool isSongTypeForm(SongType s);
std::string getSongNameBySlot(int slot);
void toggleLiCombat(bool t);
void pickupIngredient(IngredientData *i, int amount, bool effects=true, bool learn=true);
int indexOfIngredientData(const IngredientData* data) const;
IngredientData *getIngredientHeldByName(const std::string &name) const; // an ingredient that the player actually has; in the ingredients list
IngredientData *getIngredientDataByName(const std::string &name); // an ingredient in the general data list; ingredientData
IngredientData *getIngredientHeldByIndex(size_t idx) const;
IngredientData *getIngredientDataByIndex(size_t idx);
int getIngredientDataSize() const;
int getIngredientHeldSize() const;
bool applyIngredientEffects(IngredientData *data);
void loadIngredientData();
void loadIngredientData(const std::string &file);
void loadIngredientDisplayNames(const std::string& file);
bool hasIngredients() const { return !ingredients.empty(); }
IngredientDatas::size_type ingredientCount() const { return ingredients.size(); }
IngredientType getIngredientTypeFromName(const std::string &name) const;
std::string getIngredientDisplayName(const std::string& name) const;
void removeEmptyIngredients();
void spawnAllIngredients(const Vector &position);
std::vector<std::string> unsortedOrder;
typedef std::vector<Recipe> Recipes;
Recipes recipes;
void setSpeedMultiplier(float s, float t);
void setBiteMultiplier(float m, float t);
void setFishPoison(float m, float t);
void setDefenseMultiplier(float s, float t);
void setRegen(float t);
void setTrip(float t);
void setInvincible(float t);
void setEnergy(float m, float t);
void setPoison(float m, float t);
void setWeb(float t);
void setLight(float m, float t);
void setPetPower(float m, float t);
void setLiPower(float m, float t);
void cureAllStatus();
float speedMult, biteMult, fishPoison, defenseMult, energyMult, poison, light, petPower, liPower;
Timer speedMultTimer, biteMultTimer, fishPoisonTimer, defenseMultTimer, liPowerTimer;
Timer invincibleTimer;
Timer regenTimer, tripTimer;
Timer energyTimer, poisonTimer, poisonBitTimer;
Timer webTimer, webBitTimer, lightTimer, petPowerTimer;
float speedMult2;
void eatBeast(const EatData &eatData);
void removeNaijaEat(size_t idx);
void removeLastNaijaEat();
EatData *getLastNaijaEat();
bool isNaijaEatsEmpty();
void loadPetData();
PetData *getPetData(size_t idx);
std::vector<EatData> naijaEats;
std::vector<PetData> petData;
std::string getIngredientAffectsString(IngredientData *data);
WorldMap worldMap;
TreasureData treasureData;
void loadTreasureData();
void learnRecipe(Recipe *r, bool effects=true);
void learnRecipe(const std::string &result, bool effects=true);
float poisonBitTime, poisonBitTimeAvatar;
int dualFormMode, dualFormCharge;
BeaconData *getBeaconByIndex(int index);
void setBeacon(int index, bool v, Vector pos=Vector(0,0,0), Vector color=Vector(1,1,1));
int foodSortType;
std::vector<FoodSortOrder> sortByType, sortByHeal, sortByIngredients, sortByUnsort;
StatsAndAchievements *statsAndAchievements;
std::vector<EatData> eats;
std::vector<float> speedTypes;
float story;
WorldType worldType;
std::vector<int> items;
std::vector<int> spells;
typedef std::map<std::string,int> Flags;
Flags flags;
int intFlags[MAX_FLAGS];
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> StringFlags;
StringFlags stringFlags;
void clearIngredientData();
IngredientDatas ingredients; // held ingredients
IngredientDatas ingredientData; // all possible ingredients
typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> IngredientNameMap;
IngredientNameMap ingredientDisplayNames;