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561 lines
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Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 - Bit-Blot
This file is part of Aquaria.
Aquaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __dsq__
#define __dsq__
#include "AquariaCompileConfig.h"
#include "../BBGE/Core.h"
#include "../BBGE/Quad.h"
#include "Element.h"
#include "../BBGE/BitmapFont.h"
#include "../BBGE/ScreenTransition.h"
#include "../BBGE/Precacher.h"
#include "ScriptInterface.h"
#include "GameEnums.h"
#include "Mod.h"
#include "GameStructs.h"
#include "Continuity.h"
#include "SubtitlePlayer.h"
#include "StringBank.h"
#include "TTFFont.h"
// Define this to save map visited data in a base64-encoded raw format.
// This can take much less space than the standard text format (as little
// as 10%), but WILL BE INCOMPATIBLE with previous builds of Aquaria --
// the visited data will be lost if the file is loaded into such a build.
// (Current builds will load either format regardless of whether or not
// this is defined.)
class Game;
class DebugFont;
class Avatar;
class Path;
class AquariaSaveSlot;
class AquariaMenuItem;
const float FRAME_TIME = 0.04;
const float MENUSELECTDELAY = 0.2;
const int VERSION_MAJOR = 1;
const int VERSION_MINOR = 1;
const int VERSION_REVISION = 3;
const int VERSION_BETA = 5;
const int VERSION_FC = 3;
const int VERSION_GM = 6;
// last entry is always NULL. added if is a little hack to ensure the scope of the iterator variable
#define FOR_ENTITIES(i) for (size_t i##_i = 0; dsq->entities[i##_i] != 0; ++i##_i) if (Entity **i = &dsq->entities[i##_i])
class AquariaScreenTransition : public ScreenTransition
void capture();
struct SFXLoops
void updateVolume();
void stopAll();
void *bg;
void *bg2;
void *roll;
void *charge;
void *shield;
void *current;
void *trip;
class GameplayVariables
int maxSlowSwimSpeed, maxSwimSpeed, maxBurstSpeed, maxDodgeSpeed, maxWallJumpSpeed, maxWallJumpBurstSpeed;
int maxDreamWorldSpeed;
int autoSaveTime, autoSaveFiles;
int afterEffectsXDivs, afterEffectsYDivs;
int frictionForce, maxSpringSpeed;
int grabSpringPlantVelCap;
float springTime;
float zoomStop, zoomMove, zoomNaija;
float jumpVelocityMod;
float dodgeTime;
float initialId, initialEgo, initialSuperEgo;
int unusedFPSSmoothing;
float defaultCameraLerpDelay;
int maxOutOfWaterSpeed;
float entityDamageTime, pushTime, avatarDamageTime;
void load();
class Profile
std::string name;
enum SaveSlotMode
SSM_NONE = -1,
extern GameplayVariables *vars;
#include "UserSettings.h"
struct DemoFrame
float t;
Vector avatarPos, vel, vel2;
Mouse mouse;
float rot;
class Demo
enum {
void toggleRecord(bool on);
void togglePlayback(bool on);
void renderFramesToDisk();
void clearRecordedFrames();
void update(float dt);
bool getQuitKey();
void save(const std::string &name);
void load(const std::string &name);
int frame;
float time;
float timeDiff;
std::vector <DemoFrame> frames;
int mode;
enum NagType
class DSQ : public Core
DSQ(const std::string& fileSystem, const std::string& extraDataDir);
void init();
void shutdown();
void toggleBlackBars(bool on, float t=0);
void setCursor(CursorType type);
Quad *cursor, *cursorGlow, *cursorBlinker;
Quad *overlay, *tfader, *overlay2, *overlay3, *overlayRed;
Quad *sceneColorOverlay;
Quad *bar_left, *bar_right, *bar_up, *bar_down;
Quad *barFade_left, *barFade_right;
CountedPtr<Texture> texCursor, texCursorSwim, texCursorBurst, texCursorSing, texCursorLook;
void setBlackBarsColor(Vector color);
void toggleFullscreen();
void setTexturePointers();
void fade(float alpha, float time);
void applyParallaxUserSettings();
void nag(NagType type);
void action(int id, int state, int source, InputDevice device);
void title(bool fadeMusic=true);
void cutsceneEffects(bool on);
bool isScriptRunning();
void delay(float dt); // active delay - game continues to run
void newGame();
Game *game;
bool isQuitFlag();
void jiggleCursor();
SFXLoops loops;
SubtitlePlayer subtitlePlayer;
void onPlayedVoice(const std::string &name);
NagType nagType;
int getEntityLayerToLayer(int layer);
void addElement(Element *e);
int getNumElements() const {return elements.size();}
Element *getElement(int idx) const {return elements[idx];}
Element *getFirstElementOnLayer(int layer) const {return layer<0 || layer>15 ? 0 : firstElementOnLayer[layer];}
void clearElements();
// Used only by scene editor:
void removeElement(int idx);
void removeElement(Element *e);
ElementContainer getElementsCopy() const {return elements;}
protected: // These should never be accessed from outside (use the functions above).
ElementContainer elements;
Element *firstElementOnLayer[16];
void addEntity(Entity *entity);
void removeEntity(Entity *e);
void clearEntities();
std::vector<Entity*> entities;
bool useFrameBuffer;
Continuity continuity;
GameplayVariables v;
Emote emote;
void playVisualEffect(int vfx, Vector position, Entity *target=0);
void playNoEffect();
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringList;
StringList profiles;
Profile currentProfile;
AquariaScreenTransition *screenTransition;
Precacher precacher;
Entity *getFirstEntity();
Entity *getNextEntity();
std::string initScene;
bool modIsSelected;
void shakeCamera(float mag, float time);
Vector avStart;
Entity *getEntityByName(const std::string &name);
Entity *getEntityByNameNoCase(std::string name);
void doSavePoint(const Vector &position);
std::string getEntityFlagName(Entity *e);
std::string getUserInputString(std::string label, std::string t="", bool allowNonLowerCase=false);
bool onPickedSaveSlot(AquariaSaveSlot *slot);
void doSaveSlotMenu(SaveSlotMode ssm, const Vector &position = Vector(0,0,0));
void doModSelect();
void doLoadMenu();
void onExitSaveSlotMenu();
ScriptInterface scriptInterface;
bool runScript(const std::string &name, const std::string &func="", bool ignoremissing = false);
bool runScriptNum(const std::string &name, const std::string &func="", float num=0);
void collectScriptGarbage();
ParticleEffect *spawnParticleEffect(const std::string &name, Vector position, float rot=0, float t=0, int layer=LR_PARTICLES, float follow=0);
void spawnAllIngredients(const Vector &position);
bool isShakingCamera();
std::string languagePack;
int getEntityTypeIndexByName(std::string s);
void screenMessage(const std::string &msg);
#ifdef AQUARIA_BUILD_CONSOLE // No need to override it otherwise.
void debugLog(const std::string &s);
void toggleConsole();
void toggleEffects();
void debugMenu();
std::string dialogueFile;
void takeScreenshotKey();
void generateCollisionMask(RenderObject *r);
void toggleRenderCollisionShapes();
void voice(const std::string &file, float volMod = -1);
void voiceOnce(const std::string &file);
void voiceInterupt(const std::string &file);
void stopVoice();
Vector getNoteColor(int note);
int getRandNote();
Vector getNoteVector(int note, float mag=1);
void toggleCursor(bool v, float t = -1);
bool isDeveloperKeys();
bool canOpenEditor() const;
void loadElementEffects();
ElementEffect getElementEffectByIndex(int e);
typedef std::vector<ElementEffect> ElementEffects;
ElementEffects elementEffects;
bool playedVoice(const std::string &file);
bool voiceOversEnabled;
int recentSaveSlot;
void playPositionalSfx(const std::string &name, const Vector &position, float freq=1.0f, float fadeOut=0, SoundHolder *holder = 0);
void playMenuSelectSfx();
InterpolatedVector gameSpeed;
InputDevice inputMode;
void setInputMode(InputDevice mode);
void rumble(float leftMotor, float rightMotor, float time, int source);
void vision(std::string folder, int num, bool ignoreMusic = false);
void watch(float t, int canQuit = 0);
std::string lastVoiceFile;
UserSettings user, user_backup, user_bcontrol;
void prepScreen(bool t);
SaveSlotMode saveSlotMode;
bool inModSelector;
void createSaveSlots(SaveSlotMode ssm = SSM_NONE);
void nextSaveSlotPage();
void prevSaveSlotPage();
void createSaveSlotPage();
void clearSaveSlots(bool trans);
void hideSaveSlots();
void transitionSaveSlots();
void hideSaveSlotCrap();
void createModSelector();
void clearModSelector();
bool mountModPackage(const std::string&);
bool modIsKnown(const std::string& name);
void unloadMods();
static void loadModsCallback(const std::string &filename, void *param);
static void loadModPackagesCallback(const std::string &filename, void *param);
bool doScreenTrans;
AquariaSaveSlot *selectedSaveSlot;
void setStory();
bool disableMiniMapOnNoInput;
std::string returnToScene;
Demo demo;
DebugFont *fpsText, *cmDebug;
DebugFont *console;
BitmapText *versionLabel;
void setVersionLabelText();
Mod mod;
void loadMods();
void applyPatches();
void refreshResourcesForPatch(const std::string& name);
void activatePatch(const std::string& name);
void _applyPatch(const std::string& name);
void disablePatch(const std::string& name);
bool isPatchActive(const std::string& name);
std::vector<ModEntry> modEntries;
std::vector<std::string> activePatches;
int selectedMod;
ModSelectorScreen *modSelectorScr;
void startSelectedMod();
ModEntry* getSelectedModEntry();
BitmapText *achievement_text;
Quad *achievement_box;
BitmapText *subtext;
Quad *subbox;
BmpFont font, smallFont, subsFont, goldFont, smallFontRed;
TTFFont fontArialSmall, fontArialBig, fontArialSmallest;
unsigned char *arialFontData;
unsigned long arialFontDataSize;
void loadFonts();
void centerText(const std::string &text);
void centerMessage(const std::string &text, float y=300, int type=0);
void toggleVersionLabel(bool on);
void onConfirmYes();
void onConfirmNo();
bool confirm(const std::string &text, const std::string &image="", bool ok=false, float countdown=0.0f);
std::string particleBank1;
std::string particleBank2;
std::string shotBank1;
std::string shotBank2;
enum Difficulty
Difficulty difficulty;
std::string getSaveDirectory();
void clickRingEffect(Vector position, int type=0, Vector color=Vector(1,1,1), float ut=0);
void bindInput();
void setCutscene(bool on, bool canSkip=false);
bool isInCutscene();
bool isCutscenePaused();
void pauseCutscene(bool on);
bool canSkipCutscene();
bool isSkippingCutscene();
virtual void onBackgroundUpdate();
void resetLayerPasses();
bool isMiniMapCursorOkay();
Quad *cutscene_bg;
BitmapText *cutscene_text;
BitmapText *cutscene_text2;
bool cutscenePaused;
bool inCutscene;
bool _canSkipCutscene;
bool skippingCutscene;
std::vector<ActionInput*> almb, armb;
void recreateBlackBars();
bool watchQuitFlag, watchForQuit;
int confirmDone;
AquariaMenuItem *cancel, *arrowUp, *arrowDown;
float noEffectTimer;
void destroyFonts();
void onReloadResources();
void unloadDevice();
void reloadDevice();
void onSwitchScreenMode();
virtual void onWindowResize(int w, int h);
void onPlayVoice();
void onStopVoice();
Entity **iter;
Quad *blackout;
void updatepecue(float dt);
std::vector<PECue> pecue;
void onMouseInput();
std::vector<std::string> voxQueue;
std::vector<std::string> consoleLines;
std::vector <AquariaSaveSlot*> saveSlots;
BitmapText *expText, *moneyText;
void clearMenu(float t = 0.01);
std::vector <RenderObject*> menu;
BitmapText *saveSlotPageCount;
void updateSaveSlotPageCount();
float shakeCameraTimer;
float shakeCameraMag;
std::string currentPortrait;
void onUpdate(float dt);
void onRender();
void modifyDt(float &dt);
virtual void onJoystickAdded(int deviceID);
virtual void onJoystickRemoved(int instanceID);
virtual void updateActionButtons();
void fixupJoysticks();
void initActionButtons();
void importActionButtons();
extern DSQ *dsq;