mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 00:55:54 +00:00
The .glf file is based on the original russian file, but binary-patched so that the game can load it without special hacks messing with texture coordinates, which would break loading the original english glf file.
431 lines
13 KiB
431 lines
13 KiB
0 Crotoid Crotoid 1
86 Seal-King Seal-King
87 Seal-Queen Seal-Queen
88 Seal-Prince Seal-Prince
90 HealthUpgrade0 HealthUpgrade/Whole
91 HealthUpgrade1 HealthUpgrade/Whole
92 HealthUpgrade2 HealthUpgrade/Whole
93 HealthUpgrade3 HealthUpgrade/Whole
94 HealthUpgrade4 HealthUpgrade/Whole
110 SporeChildFlowerRed SporeChildFlower/Red1
120 Ekkrit Ekkrit/Head
121 Flea Flea
122 GreenSeaDragon GreenSeaDragon/Head
123 Blazer Blazer
124 Seahorse SeaHorse/Seahorse-0001
125 Moloch moloch
126 Loper Loper
127 Splitter1 Splitter1/Core
128 Splitter2 Splitter2/Core
129 Rotfish-blob Rotfish-blob
130 Rotfish Rotfish
131 Rotworm Rotworm/Head
132 Gear Gear/Gear
133 CrystalHolder LightCrystal/Holder
134 LightCrystal LightCrystal/Crystal
135 Shark Shark/Body
136 Monkey Monkey/Head
137 Simon Simon/Body
138 TransTurtle TransTurtle/Head
139 FormUpgradeEnergy1 EnergyOrb
140 FormUpgradeEnergy2 FormUpgrades/EnergyIdol
141 FormUpgradeBeast EnergyOrb
142 EvilJelly EvilJelly
143 KingJelly KingJelly/Core
144 SunkenDad SunkenDad/Head
145 SunkenMom SunkenMom/Head
146 DeepUrchin DeepUrchin/Body
147 AnglerFish AnglerFish/Body
148 Plasmaworm Plasmaworm/Body
149 PredatoryTunicate PredatoryTunicate/Body
150 Octomun Octomun/Body
151 ClockworkFish ClockworkFish/Head
152 ClockworkCrab ClockworkCrab/Shell
153 CrawPappy CrawPappy/Body
156 LightCrystalCharged LightCrystal/Crystal
157 SpikeyEggDown SpikeyEgg
158 Scavenger Scavenger/Head
159 CC_LostInCave CC/Body
160 CC_Mother CC_Mother/Body
161 CC_MissingMom CC/Body
162 CC_GF CC_GF/Body
163 SporeSeed Seed
164 Vine Vine
165 CC_WantGF CC/Body
166 CC_Cat CC_Cat/Body
167 CC_Kid CC_Kid/Body
168 CC_GetRocked CC/Body
169 13_MainArea 13/Face
170 SpiderCrab SpiderCrab/Body
171 SpikyBall SpikyBall/Body
172 CC_StatueHead MissingImage
173 MossHead MossHead/Head
174 NatureFormFlowers Naija/Flowers
175 NudiBranch0 NudiBranch/NudiBranch0
176 NudiBranch1 NudiBranch/NudiBranch1
177 NudiBranch2 NudiBranch/NudiBranch2
178 NudiBranch3 NudiBranch/NudiBranch3
180 Dandelion Dandelion/Head
181 UberVine Naija/Ubervine-Stalk
182 SporeChildFlowerPortal TubeFlower/Body1
183 Zygote Zygote/Head
184 MomEyes SunkenMom/MomEyes
185 CreatorShadow creator-shadow
186 CathedralDoor CathedralDoor/Body
187 SunkenDoor SunkenDoor/Body
188 LiHelmet Li/Helmet
189 Parrot Parrot/Head
190 CaveFish1 CaveFish
191 CaveFish2 CaveFish
192 CaveFish3 CaveFish
193 CaveFish4 CaveFish
194 OriginalRaspberry OriginalRaspberry
195 Skeeter Skeeter/Body
196 Wisker Wisker/Wisker
197 RedNautilus RedNautilus
198 Toad Toad/Head
199 SpikeyEggUp SpikeyEgg
201 CC_EndDemo CC/Body
202 BigMouth BigMouth/Body
203 BigMouthParasite BigMouth/Parasite
204 FlatFish FlatFish/Body
205 MetaRay MetaRay/Body
206 Clam Clam/Top
207 Tabar Tabar/Body
208 HorseShoe HorseShoe/Body
209 PufferFish PufferFish/PufferSmall
210 Tabar Tabar/Body
211 Swordfish Swordfish/Body
212 SpinyCrab SpinyCrab/Body
213 DeepEel DeepEel/Tail
214 AbyssSpikes Abyss-Spikes
215 Wisp Wisp
216 Triffle Triffle/Body
217 BabyDeepShrimp BabyDeepShrimp
218 ThermalVent thermalvent
219 SlenderEel SlenderEel
220 DeepJelly DeepJelly/Bulb
221 Mermog Mermog/Body
222 RotBaby-Form1 RotBaby/Form1
223 RotBaby-Form2 RotBaby/Form2
224 RotBaby-Form3 RotBaby/Form3-Body
225 Orbiter Orbiter/Body
226 Piranha Piranha
227 UpsideDownJelly UpsideDownJelly/Body
228 Kappa Kappa/Head
229 Seahorse2 Seahorse/Seahorse-0002
230 Seahorse3 Seahorse/Seahorse-0003
231 Seahorse4 Seahorse/Seahorse-0004
232 DarkJelly DarkJelly/Front
233 SnailGear SnailGear/Shell
234 Seahorse5 Seahorse/Seahorse-0005
235 CC_SunkenCity CC/Body
236 AbyssOctopus AbyssOctopus/Head
237 Mutilus Mutilus/Mutilus
238 Horror Horror/Body
239 StressTest missingImage
240 Abaddon Abaddon/Face
241 Bevy Bevy/Body
242 Huggy Huggy/Head
243 Krill Krill/Krill
244 KrillEggs Krill/KrillEggs
245 Starmie1 Starmie/Body
246 Chomper Chomper/Head
247 Armapillar Armapillar/Body
248 Duoeye Duoeye-head
249 ekko ekko/Body
250 SeaTurtleBig SeaTurtle/Head
251 Rukh Rukh/Head
252 Starmie2 Starmie2/Body
253 JellyNew Jelly
254 SeedFlower SeedFlower
255 SeedUberVine SeedUberVine
256 GroundShocker GroundShocker/Core
257 GroundShockerShell GroundShocker/Shell
258 Spookfish Spookfish/Body
259 Mutileye Mutileye/Head
260 GroundShockerAttackL GroundShocker/Shell
261 GroundShockerAttackR GroundShocker/Shell
262 SeaTurtleSmall SeaTurtle/Head
263 JellyZap JellyZap/Head
264 BiteyMouth BiteyMouth/Teeth
265 SeaTurtleBaby BabyTurtle/Head
266 IceChunkLarge IceChunk/Large
267 IceChunkMedium IceChunk/Medium
268 IceChunkSmall IceChunk/Small
269 GrabbyArm GrabbyArm/Front
270 IceCrab IceCrab/Body
271 Walker Walker/Head
272 CreepyFace CreepyFace/Face
273 cc_father cc_father/body
274 SeaTurtleBaby-Special1 babyturtle-special/shell
275 SeaTurtleBaby-Special2 babyturtle-special/shell2
276 SeaTurtleBaby-Special3 babyturtle-special/shell3
277 ancient-plant ancient-plant/stem
278 ancient-bulb ancient-plant/bulb
75 CurrentSwitchOff CurrentSwitch
76 CurrentSwitchOn CurrentSwitch
81 SacrificeButton SacrificeButton-bg
82 ForestGod ForestGod/bg
83 SunWorm SunWorm/Head
84 ForestGodSeed SporeChildSeed
85 ForestGodCrab KingCrab-Head 1
77 Altar Altar/Grate-Front
78 RotCore RotCore/Body
79 SacrificeVictim EnergyOrb
70 MermanThin MermanThin/Head
71 SporeFungus0001 SporeFungus0001
72 Fan Fan
73 Priest Priest/Head
74 Li Li/Head
80 HellBeast HellBeast/Head
57 RockHead Fish-RockHead 1
1 Raspberry wallshooter 0.75
2 Squiddy squiddy 1.0
3 Nautilus nautilus 0.7
4 Moneye moneye-head 0.4
5 Anemone Anemone 1
60 Anemone2 Anemone-0002 1
61 Anemone3 Anemone-0003 1
62 Anemone4 Anemone-0004 1
6 Blaster Blaster/Core 1
7 Leach Leach 1
8 JellySmall JellySmallShell 1
9 MoneyeBreeder MoneyeBreeder 1
10 KingCrab KingCrab-Head 1
11 SeaSlug missingImage 1
12 Trillious trillious-head 1
13 Scooter Scooter 1
14 Lumite missingImage 1
15 Empty missingImage 1
16 RoodShrimp RoodShrimp 1
17 Shocker Shocker-Body 1
18 Turret Turret-Body 1
19 Jelly Jelly 1
20 NewtBlaster NewtBlasterHead 1
21 Maul maul 1
22 SpikeBall spikeball 1
23 AggroHopper AggroHopper-Head 0.5
24 Froog Froog-Head 0.5
25 LesserWurm LesserWurm-Head 1.0
26 Squeezer Squeezer-Head 1.0
30 OrbHolder OrbHolder 1
31 EnergyOrb EnergyOrb 1
32 EnergyDoor EnergyDoor 1
33 EnergyBarrierFlicker EnergyBarrier 1
34 MetalObject MetalObject 1
35 EnergyBarrierSolid EnergyBarrier 1
36 Tromulo Tromulo 1
37 Eel eel-0001 1
38 EnergyOrbCracked EnergyOrbCracked 1
39 EnergyBarrierOff EnergyBarrier 1
40 HydraWurm Wurm-Head 1
41 Turtle Turtle-Body 1
42 Nudi Nudi-Shell 1
43 Shrimp Shrimp 1
50 Rock0001 rock0001 1
63 Rock0002 rock0002 1
64 Rock0003 rock0003 1
65 Rock0004 rock0004 1
66 Rock0005 rock0005 1
67 Rock0006 rock0006 1
52 SongSpore SongSpore-Shell 1
53 SongStalk SongStalk-Body 1
54 Phonograph Phonograph 1
55 JellyShock JellyShock 1
56 HealthPlant HealthPlant 1
102 ErulianGhost ErulianGhost-Body 1
103 TempleStatue temple-statue-0001 1
300 TurtleNoShell EnergyOrb 1
301 NudiNoShell Nudi-Body 1
302 ClayStatue Clay/Head
303 Clay Clay/Clay
304 CreatorForm1SunkenCity Creator/Form1/Head
305 CC_Final CC/Head
306 CC_EndOfGame CC/Head
307 Drask-Final Drask/Head
308 Krotite-Final Krotite/Head
309 Erulian-Final Erulian/Head
310 Druniad-Final Druniad/Head
311 FinalDoor Final-Door
312 FinalTongue Final-Tongue
313 Moray Moray
314 BigBlaster BigBlaster/Core
315 DarkJellyFG DarkJelly/Front
316 GearSlow Gear/Gear
317 GearMed Gear/Gear
318 GearFast Gear/Gear
319 YoungLi YoungLi/Head
320 NaijaChild NaijaChild/Head
321 StrangeCreature StrangeCreature/Head
322 SongLamp3 Particles/Glow
323 SongLamp4 Particles/Glow
324 SongLamp5 Particles/Glow
325 SongLamp6 Particles/Glow
326 SongLamp7 Particles/Glow
327 SongLamp0 Particles/Glow
328 SongLamp1 Particles/Glow
329 SongLamp2 Particles/Glow
330 MithalasUrn Breakable/Urn
331 BrokenPiece Breakable/Urn-0001
332 NaijaBabyGhost NaijaBabyGhost/naija-baby-ghost
333 MiaGhost MiaGhost/Head
334 NaijaChildGhost NaijaChildGhost/Head
335 Mia Mia/Head
336 ForestGodVine ForestGod/Vine
337 ForestGodVineHead ForestGod/Vine-Head
338 MutantNaija Naija/Mutant-Head
339 DeepWhale DeepWhale/Eye
340 LiCage LiCage/Glass-0001
341 TitleTextLeft Title/TextLeft
342 TitleTextCenter Title/TextCenter
343 CursorSwarmer MissingImage
344 KrotiteWorshipper Krotite/Head
345 KrotiteErulianBattle01 Krotite/Head
346 KrotiteOnTheWay Krotite/Head
347 KrotiteVsKrotite Krotite/Head
348 Guardian Guardian/Head
349 ForestSprite ForestSprite/Head
350 Fatso Test/Kurtz
351 Druniad Druniad/Head
352 Drask Drask/Head
353 PriestNormal PriestNormal/Head
354 DraskPriestBattle PriestNormal/Head
355 PullPlantNormal Ingredients/plant-leaf
356 Ompo Ompo/Body
357 Architect Lumerean/Head
358 cf6-shot missingimage
359 SunDoor sun-door-0001
360 EnergyGodSpirit particles/lines
361 Minnow title/minnow
362 camopus camopus/head
363 singbulb singbulb/base-0001
364 seawolf seawolf/head
365 grouper grouper/body
366 poisonberry wallshooter
367 bloodcell-red cell/red-cell
368 bloodcell-white cell/white-cell
369 crawlvirus crawlvirus/body
370 roundvirus roundvirus/body
371 floating-city intro/floating-city
372 eric_13 missingImage
373 eric_energyboss missingImage
374 eric_mithala missingImage
375 eric_sunkenmom missingImage
376 eric_mutantnaija missingImage
377 eric_forestgod missingImage
378 eric_erulian missingImage
379 lucien lucien/lucien-head
380 airship airship/airship-body
381 lucien-baby lucien-baby/head
382 gateway gateway/body
383 final-mutant final-mutant-0001
384 dark-li-shot creator/darklishot/darkli-ball
385 suncontainer breakable/suncontainer
386 falsebg falsebg/bg
387 upgrade-wok gui/wok
388 beluga beluga/body
389 beluga-bubble bubble
390 merchild merchild/head
391 merwoman merwoman/head
392 merman merman/head
393 luciengf luciengf/head
394 otter otter/body
395 fishcaveglow particles/spiralglow
396 timerock missingImage
397 arnassi-spirit missingImage
200 SongDoor1 SongDoor-Body 1
403 CrabBoss CrabBoss-body 1
404 EnergyBoss EnergyBoss/Body 1
405 EnergyGod EnergyGod-Torso 1
406 EnergyBossClimb EnergyBoss-Torso 1
407 NautilusPrime NautilusPrime-Body 1
408 Mergog Mergog/Mergog 1
409 CreatorForm1 Creator/Form1/Mask
410 CreatorForm2 Creator/Form1/Head
411 CreatorForm3 Creator/Form3/Head
412 CreatorForm4 Creator/Form4/Body
413 CreatorForm5 Creator/Form5/Head-Down
414 CreatorForm6 Creator/Form6/Head
415 VineDoor VineDoor
500 CollectibleSongCave Collectibles/SongCave 1
501 CollectibleNautilusPrime Collectibles/NautilusPrime 1
502 CollectibleNaijaCave Collectibles/NaijaCave 1
503 CollectibleEnergyBoss Collectibles/EnergyBoss 1
504 CollectibleEnergyTemple Collectibles/EnergyTemple 1
505 CollectibleCrabCostume Collectibles/CrabCostume 1
506 CollectibleDumboEgg Collectibles/Egg-Dumbo 1
507 CollectibleBlasterEgg Collectibles/Egg-Blaster 1
508 CollectiblePiranhaEgg Collectibles/Egg-Piranha 1
509 CollectibleChest Collectibles/treasure-chest 1
510 CollectibleBanner Collectibles/mithalas-banner 1
511 CollectibleMithalaDoll Collectibles/mithala-doll 1
512 CollectibleWalkerBaby Collectibles/walker-baby 1
513 CollectibleSeedBag Collectibles/seed-bag 1
514 CollectibleArnassiStatue Collectibles/arnassi-statue 1
515 CollectibleGear Collectibles/golden-gear 1
516 CollectibleSunKey Collectibles/sun-key 1
517 CollectibleJellyCostume collectibles/jelly-costume 1
518 CollectibleAnemoneSeed collectibles/anemone-seed 1
519 CollectibleBioSeed collectibles/bio-seed 1
520 CollectibleUrchinCostume collectibles/urchin-costume 1
521 CollectibleMithalanCostume collectibles/mithalan-costume 1
522 CollectibleTeenCostume collectibles/teen-costume 1
523 CollectibleTurtleEgg collectibles/turtle-egg 1
524 CollectibleSkull collectibles/skull 1
525 CollectibleTridentHead collectibles/trident-head 1
526 CollectibleSporeSeed collectibles/sporeseed 1
527 CollectibleUpsideDownSeed collectibles/upsidedownseed 1
528 CollectibleEnergyStatue collectibles/energystatue 1
529 CollectibleJellyPlant collectibles/jellyplant 1
530 CollectibleMithalasPot collectibles/mithalaspot 1
531 CollectibleSeahorseCostume collectibles/seahorse-costume 1
532 CollectibleStoneHead collectibles/stonehead 1
533 CollectibleStarfish collectibles/goldstar 1
534 CollectibleBlackPearl collectibles/blackpearl 1
535 CollectibleBabyCrib collectibles/babycrib 1
536 CollectibleMutantCostume collectibles/mutant-costume 1
600 SporeChild SporeChildSeed 1
700 SongLeaf songleaf
701 EnergyLamp breakable/energylamp
702 Oarfish oarfish
703 Nauplius nauplius
704 CastleCrab castlecrab/body
705 HardBeetle hardbeetle
706 DeepCrawley deepcrawley
707 PlasmawormBG plasmaworm/body-bg
708 Hatchetfish hatchetfish/body
709 IceJelly icejelly/head
710 Spooter spooter
711 MamaTurtle mamaturtle/head
712 IceShrimp iceshrimp/body
713 Mantis mantis/body
714 Coward coward/body
715 Lionfish lionfish/body
716 LeopardShark leopardshark/body
717 TigerShark tigershark/body
718 Mermoth mermoth/body
719 cellgenerator red-cell
720 roundvirus-bg roundvirus-bg
721 pistolshrimp pistolshrimp/body
722 electriceel eel-0002
723 whelk whelk
724 whelknoshell whelk
725 aggroeggs aggro-eggs
726 aggrobaby aggrobaby
727 rotcrab rotcrab/head
728 sporeplant songspore-plant
729 bioplant abyss-plant-0001
730 statuehead creatorstatue-0004
731 weird-derek weirdfish/derek-body
732 weird-alec weirdfish/alec-body
733 sunkencrate Breakable/crate
734 Rock0007 rock0007 1
1000 SeaHorse6 Seahorse/Seahorse-0006
1001 SeaHorseBaby Seahorse/seahorse-baby
1002 GlobeCrab GlobeCrab/Body
1003 BigMaul bigmaul-body
1004 SlipperLobster SlipperLobster/Body
1005 SlipperGenerator SlipperLobster/Body
1006 drask-statue drask/statue-head
1007 queen-statue queen-statue/head |