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< h2 > Interface< a class = "headerlink" href = "#interface" title = "Permalink to this headline" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
< div class = "highlight-c++" > < div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span class = "n" > pointer< / span > < span class = "n" > data< / span > < span class = "p" > ()< / span > < span class = "n" > SPROUT_NOEXCEPT< / span > < span class = "p" > ;< / span >
< span class = "n" > SPROUT_CONSTEXPR< / span > < span class = "n" > const_pointer< / span > < span class = "n" > data< / span > < span class = "p" > ()< / span > < span class = "k" > const< / span > < span class = "n" > SPROUT_NOEXCEPT< / span > < span class = "p" > ;< / span >
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< h2 > Returns< a class = "headerlink" href = "#returns" title = "Permalink to this headline" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
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< div class = "line" > Pointer to the data contained by the string.< / div >
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< h2 > Examples< a class = "headerlink" href = "#examples" title = "Permalink to this headline" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
< div class = "highlight-c++" > < div class = "highlight" > < pre > < span class = "cp" > #include < sprout/string.hpp> < / span >
< span class = "k" > using< / span > < span class = "k" > namespace< / span > < span class = "n" > sprout< / span > < span class = "p" > ;< / span >
< span class = "n" > SPROUT_STATIC_CONSTEXPR< / span > < span class = "k" > auto< / span > < span class = "n" > input< / span > < span class = "o" > =< / span > < span class = "n" > string< / span > < span class = "o" > < < / span > < span class = "mi" > 8< / span > < span class = "o" > > < / span > < span class = "p" > (< / span > < span class = "s" > " homuhomu" < / span > < span class = "p" > );< / span >
< span class = "n" > static_assert< / span > < span class = "p" > (< / span > < span class = "n" > input< / span > < span class = "p" > .< / span > < span class = "n" > data< / span > < span class = "p" > ()[< / span > < span class = "mi" > 0< / span > < span class = "p" > ]< / span > < span class = "o" > ==< / span > < span class = "sc" > ' h' < / span > < span class = "p" > ,< / span > < span class = "s" > " a first element is h." < / span > < span class = "p" > );< / span >
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< h2 > Complexity< a class = "headerlink" href = "#complexity" title = "Permalink to this headline" > ¶< / a > < / h2 >
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< div class = "line" > Recursive function invocations in < em > O(1)< / em > (constant) depth.< / div >
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< div class = "line" > < tt class = "docutils literal" > < span class = "pre" > sprout/string/string.hpp< / span > < / tt > < / div >
< div class = "line" > Convenience header: < tt class = "docutils literal" > < span class = "pre" > sprout/string.hpp< / span > < / tt > < / div >
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