/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Bolero MURAKAMI https://github.com/bolero-MURAKAMI/Sprout Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) =============================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../sprig/algorithm/string.hpp" #include "../sprig/graph/depth_first_search.hpp" class include_graph_hooks : public boost::wave::context_policies::default_preprocessing_hooks { private: typedef boost::wave::context_policies::default_preprocessing_hooks base_type; public: // node of graph struct node_type { boost::filesystem::path absolute; boost::filesystem::path filename; bool has_include_guard; public: node_type(boost::filesystem::path const& absolute, boost::filesystem::path const& filename) : absolute(absolute), filename(filename), has_include_guard(false) {} operator boost::filesystem::path const&() const { return filename; } operator std::string() const { return filename.generic_string(); } friend bool operator==(node_type const& lhs, node_type const& rhs) { return lhs.absolute == rhs.absolute; } friend bool operator==(node_type const& lhs, boost::filesystem::path const& rhs) { return lhs.absolute == rhs; } friend bool operator==(boost::filesystem::path const& lhs, node_type const& rhs) { return lhs == rhs.absolute; } friend bool operator!=(node_type const& lhs, node_type const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } friend bool operator!=(node_type const& lhs, boost::filesystem::path const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } friend bool operator!=(boost::filesystem::path const& lhs, node_type const& rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } template friend std::basic_ostream& operator<<(std::basic_ostream& lhs, node_type const& rhs) { return lhs << rhs.filename.generic_string(); } }; typedef std::pair edge_type; typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, boost::no_property > graph_type; private: std::vector node_list_; std::vector edge_list_; std::vector current_list_; int current_; public: explicit include_graph_hooks(boost::filesystem::path const& start) : node_list_{node_type{boost::filesystem::absolute(start), start.filename()}} , edge_list_{} , current_list_{0} , current_(0) {} std::vector const& nodes() const { return node_list_; } std::vector const& edges() const { return edge_list_; } // make graph template Graph make_graph() const { return Graph(edge_list_.begin(), edge_list_.end(), node_list_.size()); } graph_type make_graph() const { return make_graph(); } // output graphviz void write_graphviz(std::ostream& out) const { boost::write_graphviz( out, make_graph(), boost::make_label_writer(&node_list_[0]) ); } // collect no include guard files template void collect_no_include_guard_files(OutputIterator result) const { std::copy_if( node_list_.begin() + 1, node_list_.end(), result, [](node_type const& e) { return !e.has_include_guard; } ); } // collect circulated includes template void collect_circulated_includes(OutputIterator result) const { boost::depth_first_search( make_graph(), boost::visitor(sprig::make_back_edge_recorder(result)) ); } // collect isolated files template void collect_isolated_files(OutputIterator result, boost::filesystem::path const& path) const { typedef boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator iterator; for (auto it = iterator(path), last = iterator(); it != last; ++it) { if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(*it)) { boost::filesystem::path abspath(boost::filesystem::absolute(*it)); auto found = std::find(node_list_.begin(), node_list_.end(), abspath); if (found == node_list_.end()) { // add result if not include *result++ = abspath.generic_string(); } } } } public: // hook the locate include file process template bool locate_include_file( Context& ctx, std::string& file_path, bool is_system, char const* current_name, std::string& dir_path, std::string& native_name ) { std::string filename = is_system ? ('<' + file_path + '>') : ('\"' + file_path + '\"'); if (!base_type::locate_include_file(ctx, file_path, is_system, current_name, dir_path, native_name)) { return false; } dir_path = filename; // overwrite the include directive text return true; } // hook the opened include file process template void opened_include_file( Context const& /*ctx*/, std::string const& relname, std::string const& absname, bool /*is_system_include*/ ) { boost::filesystem::path abspath(boost::filesystem::absolute(absname)); auto found = std::find(node_list_.begin(), node_list_.end(), abspath); auto to = std::distance(node_list_.begin(), found); if (found == node_list_.end()) { // add node if first include node_list_.emplace_back(abspath, relname); } edge_list_.emplace_back(current_list_.back(), to); current_list_.push_back(to); // update current current_ = to; } // hook the returning from include file process template void returning_from_include_file(Context const& /*ctx*/) { current_ = current_list_.back(); current_list_.pop_back(); // revert current } // hook the detected include guard process template void detected_include_guard( Context const& /*ctx*/, std::string const& /*filename*/, std::string const& /*include_guard*/ ) { node_list_.at(current_).has_include_guard = true; } template void detected_pragma_once( Context const& /*ctx*/, Token const& /*pragma_token*/, std::string const& /*filename*/ ) { node_list_.at(current_).has_include_guard = true; } }; // collect sysinclude paths template void collect_sysinclude_paths(OutputIterator result, std::string const& command = "g++") { { std::ofstream ofs("_collect_sysinclude_paths.cpp"); } std::system((command + " -v -E _collect_sysinclude_paths.cpp 1> /dev/null 2> _collect_sysinclude_paths").c_str()); { std::ifstream ifs("_collect_sysinclude_paths"); std::string text( std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs.rdbuf()), std::istreambuf_iterator() ); auto rng = boost::make_iterator_range(text); rng = sprig::find_skip(rng, boost::algorithm::first_finder("#include <...>")); // skip to begin of the include path rng = sprig::find_skip(rng, boost::algorithm::first_finder("\n")); while (boost::algorithm::starts_with(rng, " ")) { auto found = sprig::find_between( rng, boost::algorithm::token_finder(boost::algorithm::is_space(), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on), boost::algorithm::first_finder("\n") ); *result++ = std::string(boost::begin(found), boost::end(found)); rng = boost::make_iterator_range(boost::end(found), boost::end(rng)); rng = sprig::find_skip(rng, boost::algorithm::first_finder("\n")); } } } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { std::string src; std::string command; std::string text; if (argc >= 2) { src = argv[1]; // read text from file std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]); text = std::string( std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs.rdbuf()), std::istreambuf_iterator() ); } if (argc >= 3) { command = argv[2]; } try { // prepare preprocessor typedef boost::wave::context< std::string::iterator, boost::wave::cpplexer::lex_iterator >, boost::wave::iteration_context_policies::load_file_to_string, ::include_graph_hooks > context_type; context_type ctx(text.begin(), text.end(), src.c_str(), ::include_graph_hooks(src)); // set language ctx.set_language( boost::wave::language_support( boost::wave::support_cpp11 | boost::wave::support_option_include_guard_detection // include guard detection ) ); // set include paths if (!command.empty()) { std::cout << "collect command :\n" << command << "\n" ; } { std::vector list; if (command.empty()) { ::collect_sysinclude_paths(std::back_inserter(list)); } else { ::collect_sysinclude_paths(std::back_inserter(list), command); } std::cout << "sysinclude paths :\n" ; for (auto&& e : list) { std::cout << " " << e << "\n" ; ctx.add_sysinclude_path(e.c_str()); } std::cout << std::flush ; } if (!src.empty()) { // run preprocessor for (auto&& e : ctx) { //std::cout << e.get_value(); } } for ( ; ;) { std::cout << "> " << std::flush ; std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line); if (line.empty()) { break; } std::vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens, line, boost::algorithm::is_space()); if (tokens.at(0) == "find") { // find include paths if (tokens.size() < 2) { std::cout << "missing parameter.\n" << std::flush ; continue; } std::cout << "find <" << tokens.at(1) << "> :\n" ; std::string filepath(tokens.at(1)); std::string dirpath; if (!ctx.find_include_file(filepath, dirpath, true, 0)) { std::cout << " not found\n" << std::flush ; continue; } std::cout << " " << filepath << "\n" << std::flush ; } else if (tokens.at(0) == "graph") { // output graph std::cout << "graph output > out.graph.dot\n" ; std::ofstream ofs("out.graph.dot"); ctx.get_hooks().write_graphviz(ofs); std::cout << std::flush ; } else if (tokens.at(0) == "noguard") { // output no include guarde files std::vector<::include_graph_hooks::node_type> list; ctx.get_hooks().collect_no_include_guard_files(std::back_inserter(list)); std::cout << "no include guarde files (" << list.size() << ") :\n" ; for (auto const& e : list) { std::cout << " " << e << "\n" ; } std::cout << std::flush ; } else if (tokens.at(0) == "circulated") { // output circulated includes std::vector::edge_descriptor> list; ctx.get_hooks().collect_circulated_includes(std::back_inserter(list)); auto g = ctx.get_hooks().make_graph(); std::cout << "circulated includes (" << list.size() << ") :\n" ; for (auto const& e : list) { std::cout << " " << boost::source(e, g) << "[" << ctx.get_hooks().nodes()[boost::source(e, g)] << "]\n" << " -> " << boost::target(e, g) << "[" << ctx.get_hooks().nodes()[boost::target(e, g)] << "]\n" ; } std::cout << std::flush ; } else if (tokens.at(0) == "isolated") { // output Sprout isolated files std::cout << "isolated files output > out.isolated.txt\n" ; std::ofstream ofs("out.isolated.txt"); // get Sprout system include path std::string filepath("sprout/config.hpp"); std::string dirpath; if (!ctx.find_include_file(filepath, dirpath, true, 0)) { std::cerr << "#error sprout not found\n" << std::flush ; continue; } dirpath = boost::filesystem::path(filepath).parent_path().generic_string(); // output list std::vector list; ctx.get_hooks().collect_isolated_files(std::back_inserter(list), dirpath); std::sort(list.begin(), list.end()); std::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), std::ostream_iterator(ofs, "\n")); std::cout << std::flush ; } else { std::cout << "invalid command\n" << std::flush ; } } } catch (boost::wave::cpp_exception& e) { // eorror handling std::cerr << "#error " << e.file_name() << "(" << e.line_no() << "):" << e.description() << "\n" << std::flush ; } }