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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
* Copyright (c) 2001-2006
* DecisionSoft Limited. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006
* Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2006
* Oracle. All rights reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* $Id: VariableStore.hpp,v 1.10 2006/11/01 16:37:12 jpcs Exp $
#include <xqilla/framework/XQillaExport.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <xercesc/util/XMemory.hpp>
class Sequence;
template<class TYPE> class VarHashEntry;
template<class TYPE> class Scope;
class StaticContext;
class XPath2MemoryManager;
class LocationInfo;
/** This is the wrapper class for the variable store, which implements the
lookup and scoping of simple variables. */
typedef Scope<Sequence> MyScope;
typedef VarHashEntry<Sequence> Entry;
/** default destructor */
virtual ~VariableStore() {};
/** Clears all variable values and added scopes from the store */
virtual void clear() = 0;
/** Adds a new local scope to the store. */
virtual void addLocalScope() = 0;
/** Adds a new logical block scope to the store. */
virtual void addLogicalBlockScope() = 0;
/** Removes the top level scope from the store. To be called at the end of methods to
implement scoping. */
virtual void removeScope() = 0;
/// Returns an encapsulation of the state of the variable store.
virtual MyScope *getScopeState() = 0;
/// Sets the variable store to a previous state.
virtual void setScopeState(MyScope *state) = 0;
/** Declares and/or sets a variable in the global scope. */
virtual void setGlobalVar(const XMLCh* ident, const Sequence &value,
const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) = 0;
virtual void setGlobalVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI, const XMLCh* name, const Sequence &value,
const StaticContext* context) = 0;
/** Declares and/or sets a variable in the top level scope. */
virtual void setVar(const XMLCh* ident, const Sequence &value,
const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) = 0;
virtual void setVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI, const XMLCh* name, const Sequence &value,
const StaticContext* context) = 0;
/** Declare a var in the top level scope (A full set of
these namespaceURI/name pair methods should be made) */
virtual void declareVar(const XMLCh* ident,
const Sequence &value,
const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) = 0;
virtual void declareVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI,
const XMLCh* name,
const Sequence &value,
const StaticContext* context) = 0;
/** Looks up the value of a variable in the current scope, using ident as an
qname. Returns a boolean (true if successful), and the Sequence value
of the variable*/
virtual const std::pair<bool, Sequence> getVar(const XMLCh* ident,
const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) const = 0;
virtual const std::pair<bool, Sequence> getVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI,
const XMLCh* name,
const StaticContext* context) const = 0;
/** Looks up the value of a variable in the current scope, using ident as an
qname. Returns the VariableStore::Entry for the variable, or null if it doesn't
virtual Entry* getReferenceVar(const XMLCh* ident,
const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) const = 0;
virtual Entry* getReferenceVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI,
const XMLCh* name,
const StaticContext* context) const = 0;
/** Gets a variable from the global scope */
virtual const std::pair<bool, Sequence> getGlobalVar(const XMLCh* ident,
const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) const = 0;
virtual const std::pair<bool, Sequence> getGlobalVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI,
const XMLCh* name,
const StaticContext* context) const = 0;
/** Deletes a variable from the current scope. */
virtual void delVar(const XMLCh* ident, const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) = 0;
virtual void delVar(const XMLCh* namespaceURI, const XMLCh* name, const StaticContext* context) = 0;
/** Deletes a variable from the global scope. */
virtual void delGlobalVar(const XMLCh* ident, const StaticContext* context,
const LocationInfo *location) = 0;
/** Gives human readable representation of the variable store */
virtual XMLCh* print(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER MemoryManager* memMgr) const = 0;
/** Returns a vector with the names of the variable currently in scope */
virtual std::vector< std::pair<const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*> > getVars() const = 0;