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2020-02-17 22:24:47 +01:00
< p > This is the complete list of members for < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > , including all inherited members.< / p >
< table class = "directory" >
< tr class = "even" > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#ab69531f583d05578b832dd39baaaa29d" > detach< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#ae709d8376b58beb2409d85bf608599af" > DOMNodeIterator< / a > ()< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < span class = "mlabel" > protected< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "even" > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a9bf8c06a66a7379b24afd325a4d83250" > DOMNodeIterator< / a > (const DOMNodeIterator & )< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < span class = "mlabel" > protected< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a77413f9c80acb65270794ec51a949102" > getExpandEntityReferences< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "even" > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a2199e825391cbe4f915d68055cbf0f63" > getFilter< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a2456566bcf0b85b45e0d363d8b31e077" > getRoot< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "even" > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#afada4dca6194bce8dacdbfeb642700c7" > getWhatToShow< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a1390e52c18ba1c69938c4c0e79493b74" > nextNode< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "even" > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#aa1b89f85962844c9179ddb07de9dea2f" > previousNode< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a1d40a76868bd11af332d674931dd3b95" > release< / a > ()=0< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > pure virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "even" > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html#a105fa0bd67d282c9f07c6e42c6e979e6" > ~DOMNodeIterator< / a > ()< / td > < td class = "entry" > < a class = "el" href = "classxercesc_1_1DOMNodeIterator.html" > xercesc::DOMNodeIterator< / a > < / td > < td class = "entry" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < span class = "mlabel" > virtual< / span > < / td > < / tr >
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