<h1>xercesc::DOMImplementation Class Reference</h1><!-- doxytag: class="xercesc::DOMImplementation" --><!-- doxytag: inherits="xercesc::DOMImplementationLS" -->The <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMImplementation.html"title="The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations...">DOMImplementation</a></code> interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model.
<tr><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature. <ahref="#db51fef562d70ff4a1097f3a238cfb17"></a><br></td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Creates an empty <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocumentType.html"title="Each DOMDocument has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DOMDocumentType...">DOMDocumentType</a></code> node. <ahref="#a2abedbb67e6a04194a778cce3f55740"></a><br></td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">Creates a <aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocument.html"title="The DOMDocument interface represents the entire XML document.">DOMDocument</a> object of the specified type with its document element. <ahref="#37e8c9e3df6dd6a2bcdf80bb196e70d3"></a><br></td></tr>
<tr><tdclass="mdescLeft"> </td><tdclass="mdescRight">This method returns a specialized object which implements the specialized APIs of the specified feature and version, as specified in DOM Features. <ahref="#e3fa6fe6d8c0df796c2a0bb50e349227"></a><br></td></tr>
<tr><tdcolspan="2"><br><h2>Protected Member Functions</h2></td></tr>
The <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMImplementation.html"title="The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations...">DOMImplementation</a></code> interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model. <hr><h2>Constructor & Destructor Documentation</h2>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>feature</em> </td><td>The name of the feature to test (case-insensitive). The values used by DOM features are defined throughout the DOM Level 2 specifications and listed in the section. The name must be an XML name. To avoid possible conflicts, as a convention, names referring to features defined outside the DOM specification should be made unique. </td></tr>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>version</em> </td><td>This is the version number of the feature to test. In Level 2, the string can be either "2.0" or "1.0". If the version is not specified, supporting any version of the feature causes the method to return <code>true</code>. </td></tr>
<dlclass="return"compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd><code>true</code> if the feature is implemented in the specified version, <code>false</code> otherwise. </dd></dl>
Creates an empty <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocumentType.html"title="Each DOMDocument has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DOMDocumentType...">DOMDocumentType</a></code> node.
Entity declarations and notations are not made available. Entity reference expansions and default attribute additions do not occur. It is expected that a future version of the DOM will provide a way for populating a <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocumentType.html"title="Each DOMDocument has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DOMDocumentType...">DOMDocumentType</a></code>. <dlcompact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
<dlclass="return"compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>A new <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocumentType.html"title="Each DOMDocument has a doctype attribute whose value is either null or a DOMDocumentType...">DOMDocumentType</a></code> node with <code>ownerDocument</code> set to <code>null</code>. </dd></dl>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMException.html">DOMException</a></em> </td><td>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name contains an illegal character. <br>
NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the <code>qualifiedName</code> is malformed. <br>
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised by DOM implementations which do not support the <code>"XML"</code> feature, if they choose not to support this method. Other features introduced in the future, by the DOM WG or in extensions defined by other groups, may also demand support for this method; please consult the definition of the feature to see if it requires this method. </td></tr>
Creates a <aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocument.html"title="The DOMDocument interface represents the entire XML document.">DOMDocument</a> object of the specified type with its document element.
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>namespaceURI</em> </td><td>The namespace URI of the document element to create. </td></tr>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>qualifiedName</em> </td><td>The qualified name of the document element to be created. </td></tr>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>doctype</em> </td><td>The type of document to be created or <code>null</code>. When <code>doctype</code> is not <code>null</code>, its <code>ownerDocument</code> attribute is set to the document being created. </td></tr>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>manager</em> </td><td>Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects. </td></tr>
<dlclass="return"compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>A new <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMDocument.html"title="The DOMDocument interface represents the entire XML document.">DOMDocument</a></code> object. </dd></dl>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMException.html">DOMException</a></em> </td><td>INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name contains an illegal character. <br>
NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the <code>qualifiedName</code> is malformed, if the <code>qualifiedName</code> has a prefix and the <code>namespaceURI</code> is <code>null</code>, or if the <code>qualifiedName</code> has a prefix that is "xml" and the <code>namespaceURI</code> is different from " <ahref="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace">http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace</a>" , or if the DOM implementation does not support the <code>"XML"</code> feature but a non-null namespace URI was provided, since namespaces were defined by XML. <br>
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if <code>doctype</code> has already been used with a different document or was created from a different implementation. <br>
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised by DOM implementations which do not support the "XML" feature, if they choose not to support this method. Other features introduced in the future, by the DOM WG or in extensions defined by other groups, may also demand support for this method; please consult the definition of the feature to see if it requires this method. </td></tr>
This method also allow the implementation to provide specialized objects which do not support the <code><aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMImplementation.html"title="The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations...">DOMImplementation</a></code> interface.<p>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>feature</em> </td><td>The name of the feature requested (case-insensitive). Note that any plus sign "+" prepended to the name of the feature will be ignored since it is not significant in the context of this method. </td></tr>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>version</em> </td><td>This is the version number of the feature to test. </td></tr>
<dlclass="return"compact><dt><b>Returns:</b></dt><dd>Returns an object which implements the specialized APIs of the specified feature and version, if any, or null if there is no object which implements interfaces associated with that feature. </dd></dl>
Factory method for getting a <aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMImplementation.html"title="The DOMImplementation interface provides a number of methods for performing operations...">DOMImplementation</a> object. The DOM implementation retains ownership of the returned object. Application code should NOT delete it.
Load the default error text message for <aclass="el"href="classxercesc_1_1DOMException.html">DOMException</a>. <dlcompact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>toFill</em> </td><td>The buffer that will hold the output on return. The size of this buffer should at least be 'maxChars + 1'. </td></tr>
<tr><tdvalign="top"></td><tdvalign="top"><em>maxChars</em> </td><td>The maximum number of output characters that can be accepted. If the result will not fit, it is an error. </td></tr>