2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:11:31 +01:00
< title > XQilla Simple API Documentation< / title >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< h1 > Item Class Reference< / h1 > <!-- doxytag: class="Item" --> <!-- doxytag: inherits="ReferenceCounted" --> < code > #include < < a class = "el" href = "Item_8hpp-source.html" > Item.hpp< / a > > < / code >
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< div class = "dynheader" >
Inheritance diagram for Item:< / div >
< div class = "dynsection" >
< p > < center > < img src = "classItem__inherit__graph.png" border = "0" usemap = "#Item__inherit__map" alt = "Inheritance graph" > < / center >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< map name = "Item__inherit__map" >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< area shape = "rect" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html" title = "AnyAtomicType" alt = "" coords = "279,270,391,294" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classFunctionRef.html" title = "FunctionRef" alt = "" coords = "289,318,380,342" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classNode.html" title = "Node" alt = "" coords = "309,366,360,390" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classReferenceCounted.html" title = "Super class for reference counted classes." alt = "" coords = "5,318,133,342" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATAnySimpleType.html" title = "This class represents the atomic types (ie, the simple types which are not list or..." alt = "" coords = "464,6,592,30" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATAnyURIOrDerived.html" title = "ATAnyURIOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "459,54,597,78" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATBase64BinaryOrDerived.html" title = "ATBase64BinaryOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "440,102,616,126" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATBooleanOrDerived.html" title = "ATBooleanOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "457,150,599,174" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATDurationOrDerived.html" title = "ATDurationOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "456,198,600,222" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATHexBinaryOrDerived.html" title = "ATHexBinaryOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "451,246,605,270" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATNotationOrDerived.html" title = "ATNotationOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "456,294,600,318" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATQNameOrDerived.html" title = "ATQNameOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "459,342,597,366" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATStringOrDerived.html" title = "ATStringOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "464,390,592,414" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATUntypedAtomic.html" title = "ATUntypedAtomic" alt = "" coords = "465,438,591,462" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classDateOrTimeType.html" title = "DateOrTimeType" alt = "" coords = "468,486,588,510" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classNumeric.html" title = "Numeric" alt = "" coords = "493,702,563,726" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATDateOrDerived.html" title = "ATDateOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "685,294,808,318" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATDateTimeOrDerived.html" title = "ATDateTimeOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "671,342,823,366" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATGDayOrDerived.html" title = "ATGDayOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "683,390,811,414" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATGMonthDayOrDerived.html" title = "ATGMonthDayOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "665,438,828,462" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATGMonthOrDerived.html" title = "ATGMonthOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "677,486,816,510" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATGYearMonthOrDerived.html" title = "ATGYearMonthOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "664,534,829,558" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATGYearOrDerived.html" title = "ATGYearOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "683,582,811,606" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATTimeOrDerived.html" title = "ATTimeOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "685,630,808,654" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATDecimalOrDerived.html" title = "ATDecimalOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "676,678,817,702" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATDoubleOrDerived.html" title = "ATDoubleOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "679,726,815,750" > < area shape = "rect" href = "classATFloatOrDerived.html" title = "ATFloatOrDerived" alt = "" coords = "685,774,808,798" > < / map >
< center > < font size = "2" > [< a href = "graph_legend.html" > legend< / a > ]< / font > < / center > < / div >
< p >
< a href = "classItem-members.html" > List of all members.< / a > < table border = "0" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr > < td > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td colspan = "2" > < br > < h2 > Public Types< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > typedef < a class = "el" href = "classRefCountPointer.html" > RefCountPointer< / a > < const < br >
< a class = "el" href = "classItem.html" > Item< / a > > < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#73b92c0cc87378a05bd46328eed7f4ff" > Ptr< / a > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td colspan = "2" > < br > < h2 > Public Member Functions< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual bool < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#181e43ff727a2bc504cf4b84966e2c7b" > isNode< / a > () const =0< / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual bool < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#2a3b31bab56035111e0759c9f013441f" > isAtomicValue< / a > () const =0< / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual bool < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#fd15f94b35e81a64cd7f5fc6dc13b8c2" > isFunction< / a > () const =0< / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual const XMLCh * < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#eefef8ff091f935f4c81b53031582561" > asString< / a > (const < a class = "el" href = "classDynamicContext.html" > DynamicContext< / a > *context) const =0< / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual const XMLCh * < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#59d3675f745feb0e81bcd197d2b6efaa" > getTypeURI< / a > () const =0< / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual const XMLCh * < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#b25603edafab1fe14114b06d07e86a72" > getTypeName< / a > () const =0< / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual void < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#20aedca2381d36a9ec0d29416b2203a7" > generateEvents< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "classEventHandler.html" > EventHandler< / a > *events, const < a class = "el" href = "classDynamicContext.html" > DynamicContext< / a > *context, bool preserveNS=true, bool preserveType=true) const =0< / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "mdescLeft" > < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Generate events for this < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html" > Item< / a > to the given < a class = "el" href = "classEventHandler.html" > EventHandler< / a > . < a href = "#20aedca2381d36a9ec0d29416b2203a7" > < / a > < br > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual void * < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#43293704561250e84fbea266f49a3042" > getInterface< / a > (const XMLCh *name) const =0< / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< tr > < td class = "mdescLeft" > < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Method for returning arbitrary interfaces from the implementations. < a href = "#43293704561250e84fbea266f49a3042" > < / a > < br > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > virtual void < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#9c0cccec25cd3bc1a8ee4b777618e96b" > typeToBuffer< / a > (< a class = "el" href = "classDynamicContext.html" > DynamicContext< / a > *context, xercesc::XMLBuffer & buffer) const =0< / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "mdescLeft" > < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > Debug method to output the type of the item in SequenceType notation. < a href = "#9c0cccec25cd3bc1a8ee4b777618e96b" > < / a > < br > < / td > < / tr >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr > < td colspan = "2" > < br > < h2 > Static Public Attributes< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > static const XMLCh < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#e2afc0ba21c9740c1efe1ca22f480061" > gXQilla< / a > []< / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "mdescLeft" > < / td > < td class = "mdescRight" > The "XQilla" item interface. < a href = "#e2afc0ba21c9740c1efe1ca22f480061" > < / a > < br > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td colspan = "2" > < br > < h2 > Protected Member Functions< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td class = "memItemLeft" nowrap align = "right" valign = "top" > < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#297720c02984eab37332ae795d22189d" > Item< / a > ()< / td > < / tr >
< / table >
< hr > < h2 > Member Typedef Documentation< / h2 >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "73b92c0cc87378a05bd46328eed7f4ff" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::Ptr" ref="73b92c0cc87378a05bd46328eed7f4ff" args="" -->
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< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > typedef < a class = "el" href = "classRefCountPointer.html" > RefCountPointer< / a > < const < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html" > Item< / a > > < a class = "el" href = "classRefCountPointer.html" > Item::Ptr< / a > < / td >
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< / tr >
< / table >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< / div >
< div class = "memdoc" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Reimplemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#424da7f612b763dfd17fffa2fa719136" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBooleanOrDerived.html#9b13980b8b426b3489d63671cb518be5" > ATBooleanOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateOrDerived.html#d8c9a8a147e735472b507005f890cf9a" > ATDateOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateTimeOrDerived.html#6cc0513e3c08e394e61275bd155f485c" > ATDateTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDecimalOrDerived.html#0b1555bfa58cd651b103a6af6420c848" > ATDecimalOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDoubleOrDerived.html#a58285c31b5c44cbebe0c60f570cd35e" > ATDoubleOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDurationOrDerived.html#8b589d4f696bef645b4de901b87312a3" > ATDurationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATFloatOrDerived.html#4d1ffb83e59013c3d0161b3a260c2bcb" > ATFloatOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGDayOrDerived.html#0bec89bab31a44d8e039adace595f3b8" > ATGDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthDayOrDerived.html#11a9bde0084912d5d45f522692ffbc70" > ATGMonthDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthOrDerived.html#87f026b53d9d2a45cae71472d8ad0504" > ATGMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearMonthOrDerived.html#2a8c3dbf09181909379e158d95fa6281" > ATGYearMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearOrDerived.html#e641a1809e67e0c1e603ecf9c4d25fb5" > ATGYearOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATQNameOrDerived.html#a993812d72b895b5c25fd219e7923b28" > ATQNameOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATStringOrDerived.html#632c2a8dd7daf9d0363b176066a559c6" > ATStringOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATTimeOrDerived.html#23c6e22e49fe6e450d867689a6942dda" > ATTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classDateOrTimeType.html#d939d4a88e6dc7eb2cacc4b655cfb8c6" > DateOrTimeType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classFunctionRef.html#6ab64fb45d177c734a24c02b3a8fc878" > FunctionRef< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#a13b45b39a606756fd18d94a27522c2c" > Node< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNumeric.html#5dd18e07f90e4fcd85003c4b87833701" > Numeric< / a > .< / p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< / div >
< / div > < p >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< hr > < h2 > Constructor & Destructor Documentation< / h2 >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "297720c02984eab37332ae795d22189d" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::Item" ref="297720c02984eab37332ae795d22189d" args="()" -->
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > Item::Item < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > < code > [inline, protected]< / code > < / td >
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< / div >
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< hr > < h2 > Member Function Documentation< / h2 >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "181e43ff727a2bc504cf4b84966e2c7b" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::isNode" ref="181e43ff727a2bc504cf4b84966e2c7b" args="() const =0" -->
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > virtual bool Item::isNode < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
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< / tr >
< / table >
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< / div >
< div class = "memdoc" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#84238c39e5c1e65482176bc360373b17" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classFunctionRef.html#c509c10ff0aaf89f03b66bd4f9777e58" > FunctionRef< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#0038139d08728e0d4ba8048c24f90080" > Node< / a > .< / p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< / div >
< / div > < p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "2a3b31bab56035111e0759c9f013441f" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::isAtomicValue" ref="2a3b31bab56035111e0759c9f013441f" args="() const =0" -->
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > virtual bool Item::isAtomicValue < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
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< / tr >
< / table >
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#b3dae4990eedc98ac7c75bafe604888f" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classFunctionRef.html#b96d303be371dc3b1e3896baca89a94a" > FunctionRef< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#d1b6a3f33cb32abe4367981fd5d06b64" > Node< / a > .< / p >
< / div >
< / div > < p >
< a class = "anchor" name = "fd15f94b35e81a64cd7f5fc6dc13b8c2" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::isFunction" ref="fd15f94b35e81a64cd7f5fc6dc13b8c2" args="() const =0" -->
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > virtual bool Item::isFunction < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< div class = "memdoc" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#e713d5466319db0dbc8ea1e709421067" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classFunctionRef.html#b48d3a228b653e4ccf2355c74c4c4dfd" > FunctionRef< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#d793341fdba6f7a382422e5fe5b43216" > Node< / a > .< / p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< / div >
< / div > < p >
< a class = "anchor" name = "eefef8ff091f935f4c81b53031582561" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::asString" ref="eefef8ff091f935f4c81b53031582561" args="(const DynamicContext *context) const =0" -->
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< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > virtual const XMLCh* Item::asString < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const < a class = "el" href = "classDynamicContext.html" > DynamicContext< / a > * < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > context< / em > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
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< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#401defae210c75462304e84605a79244" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATAnySimpleType.html#64aa0eda46e7751ca334efe1eec3c78c" > ATAnySimpleType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATAnyURIOrDerived.html#f553a18758a3ea430a932d28d86d7870" > ATAnyURIOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBase64BinaryOrDerived.html#ae5112335828fbeffa1cb7aa259bad32" > ATBase64BinaryOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBooleanOrDerived.html#c4b110e3225be1e82931332fc7e4c6c3" > ATBooleanOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateOrDerived.html#2f652a807105eaa9932bd2b6f10e320c" > ATDateOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateTimeOrDerived.html#8bb4d3b5a57ceb67674142422e881a8b" > ATDateTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDecimalOrDerived.html#e05d1887b5434301270e03a3fc89136d" > ATDecimalOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDoubleOrDerived.html#45854d78a14bc71e2f156ab4a363c0b5" > ATDoubleOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDurationOrDerived.html#def72761c931d0a8fe6caa4d9698d305" > ATDurationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATFloatOrDerived.html#c199c6e3f99e669304ea9f38c0a5cc4d" > ATFloatOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGDayOrDerived.html#349c8d8849265b125d5d1aef0c5ab721" > ATGDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthDayOrDerived.html#1b824c040da315b0d0a5e62057e1c549" > ATGMonthDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthOrDerived.html#2f8378c6d447aba718b57ccf382755d5" > ATGMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearMonthOrDerived.html#d1e7838825b4dae913045523ee038e0a" > ATGYearMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearOrDerived.html#692960b37a36b561547c57a077df94f8" > ATGYearOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATHexBinaryOrDerived.html#590f2446d9bfcc1ce717b0390ec55c23" > ATHexBinaryOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATNotationOrDerived.html#3afa4b326ae21c2205855f0e5da53bba" > ATNotationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATQNameOrDerived.html#178f53e9183780e2c1ee57903d8a9135" > ATQNameOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATStringOrDerived.html#7245d7e9bde0970b7220a41814022ce6" > ATStringOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATTimeOrDerived.html#b1008f35cf1f6a0c66648d3517c2356e" > ATTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATUntypedAtomic.html#bdd1387f1983c2840cba016b8da4f9d4" > ATUntypedAtomic< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#4b3388b27a759b269ad8c7a5490431d1" > Node< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNumeric.html#7fa981d6a16a19f44fac96cbfe04435a" > Numeric< / a > .< / p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
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< / div > < p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "59d3675f745feb0e81bcd197d2b6efaa" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::getTypeURI" ref="59d3675f745feb0e81bcd197d2b6efaa" args="() const =0" -->
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > virtual const XMLCh* Item::getTypeURI < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
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< / tr >
< / table >
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< / div >
< div class = "memdoc" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#67113b4effaace8976786fdb59f32036" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATAnySimpleType.html#928061ae9a450fd463232a2738ea8e70" > ATAnySimpleType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATAnyURIOrDerived.html#c231429c19223fc11e2160deae61bc40" > ATAnyURIOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBase64BinaryOrDerived.html#255fbade08d78972c7e63749f82d73a3" > ATBase64BinaryOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBooleanOrDerived.html#9d228ff42cf0412e56d95f15de44eb9f" > ATBooleanOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateOrDerived.html#4e06c21a12b1fd08f9128326af32a366" > ATDateOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateTimeOrDerived.html#5f5f8cbcc28af9c455b1bba8beea3ac5" > ATDateTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDecimalOrDerived.html#304ef955efcb10ad4cb92a333f6355a5" > ATDecimalOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDoubleOrDerived.html#45d036a9f8bb6217908cd61bdcd58cb5" > ATDoubleOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDurationOrDerived.html#b59ab3f2b043cce8b43207229f970bf5" > ATDurationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATFloatOrDerived.html#661be88d74a308ed76fbfcf49b3773aa" > ATFloatOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGDayOrDerived.html#46790f3a92a8375924af69b554df2373" > ATGDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthDayOrDerived.html#e9e8bf5e6276f2d54f2b681dce48c6f7" > ATGMonthDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthOrDerived.html#a244f5677f313d870b776118ef763bc7" > ATGMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearMonthOrDerived.html#e959b209ebc4785748329ae0812a513a" > ATGYearMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearOrDerived.html#a638fac2e1ceeb7eb0876dd7d575825d" > ATGYearOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATHexBinaryOrDerived.html#0bd907f062c68251e96c28ffb8b4ca48" > ATHexBinaryOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATNotationOrDerived.html#cb717a8cb840eeba2dfa45e47e64b96b" > ATNotationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATQNameOrDerived.html#f9a6df905b4f0f5568e3b5f233d0fcab" > ATQNameOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATStringOrDerived.html#c3be880914aaa644e8e6e4a65a2b3cb8" > ATStringOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATTimeOrDerived.html#9e37d8829934cd81d44ef5d2a90ab6de" > ATTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATUntypedAtomic.html#d24d8d2e2ca06c01bffb31593fda3a9a" > ATUntypedAtomic< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classFunctionRef.html#a456e7d8ef15e74d5b797c8e4fa6322d" > FunctionRef< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#d4cacbb469fafccd3f1f921e794f14e4" > Node< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNumeric.html#4fb71c7560efbfd74e056005fadd55d4" > Numeric< / a > .< / p >
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< / div > < p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "b25603edafab1fe14114b06d07e86a72" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::getTypeName" ref="b25603edafab1fe14114b06d07e86a72" args="() const =0" -->
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
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< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > virtual const XMLCh* Item::getTypeName < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
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< / tr >
< / table >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< / div >
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#a4c3027d36c7000a1d53974ae77d7a9c" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATAnySimpleType.html#edadf504cd23e966823f019ab8cd7d3c" > ATAnySimpleType< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATAnyURIOrDerived.html#638213d5746293cf599fa3981933bea9" > ATAnyURIOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBase64BinaryOrDerived.html#f484f64f27154de2cf788a45979b91d7" > ATBase64BinaryOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATBooleanOrDerived.html#38eeeec70e6bf2c2e4dfb3aea7a273c0" > ATBooleanOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateOrDerived.html#ec2e888025153e35395ae176a8ef6f3e" > ATDateOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDateTimeOrDerived.html#9983a2cd89126f04052f304d1f940b9d" > ATDateTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDecimalOrDerived.html#af853bcb7116ac7c1558941aaba9befb" > ATDecimalOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDoubleOrDerived.html#606dd00df2136b37aa0596eb22abe5e9" > ATDoubleOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATDurationOrDerived.html#ecde6b995afc32c7503557c77ca6800e" > ATDurationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATFloatOrDerived.html#d984d448af1d64ee13f5b4f6c532b072" > ATFloatOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGDayOrDerived.html#8de2f00fe53130b4ec25f8ca10e12282" > ATGDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthDayOrDerived.html#a113838ab9e9ff2e106bcf3bd69d9ed2" > ATGMonthDayOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGMonthOrDerived.html#3788d19af1058d03f17a9837a596e7e2" > ATGMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearMonthOrDerived.html#1eb2c1d7adb5ff7655ea7b799b7dd729" > ATGYearMonthOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATGYearOrDerived.html#9c3291b2eb1a76730452c2ace0a0d0a7" > ATGYearOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATHexBinaryOrDerived.html#d7d87fa2b7ea0671d7fc13cb4e7bce2b" > ATHexBinaryOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATNotationOrDerived.html#9e9be15cefb12a518b947389093a0a7d" > ATNotationOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATQNameOrDerived.html#85e2797e18dc487fc9e5ec6c483181d4" > ATQNameOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATStringOrDerived.html#8b0cef4bab1b9278f6badb7b30d64d62" > ATStringOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATTimeOrDerived.html#653cbb504232d028475e795f9b5cd06d" > ATTimeOrDerived< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classATUntypedAtomic.html#6b422463deb7c99e198bb31926827fda" > ATUntypedAtomic< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classFunctionRef.html#ebd20c113c8b2c9dc723b070a63f703f" > FunctionRef< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#b7df8c53315c260505cf7401063758b8" > Node< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNumeric.html#1a7b8676b76553d4202d7239ebd97cea" > Numeric< / a > .< / p >
< / div >
< / div > < p >
< a class = "anchor" name = "20aedca2381d36a9ec0d29416b2203a7" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::generateEvents" ref="20aedca2381d36a9ec0d29416b2203a7" args="(EventHandler *events, const DynamicContext *context, bool preserveNS=true, bool preserveType=true) const =0" -->
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > virtual void Item::generateEvents < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "classEventHandler.html" > EventHandler< / a > * < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > events< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const < a class = "el" href = "classDynamicContext.html" > DynamicContext< / a > * < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > context< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > bool < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > preserveNS< / em > = < code > true< / code > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > bool < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > preserveType< / em > = < code > true< / code > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td > < td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< div class = "memdoc" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
Generate events for this < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html" > Item< / a > to the given < a class = "el" href = "classEventHandler.html" > EventHandler< / a > .
< p >
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#1a25fb12be65069dd5debf0a8a462151" > AnyAtomicType< / a > .< / p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< / div >
< / div > < p >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "43293704561250e84fbea266f49a3042" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::getInterface" ref="43293704561250e84fbea266f49a3042" args="(const XMLCh *name) const =0" -->
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< div class = "memitem" >
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< table class = "memname" >
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< tr >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > virtual void* Item::getInterface < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const XMLCh * < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > name< / em > < / td >
< td > ) < / td >
< td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
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< / tr >
< / table >
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< / div >
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
Method for returning arbitrary interfaces from the implementations.
2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< / div >
< / div > < p >
< a class = "anchor" name = "9c0cccec25cd3bc1a8ee4b777618e96b" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::typeToBuffer" ref="9c0cccec25cd3bc1a8ee4b777618e96b" args="(DynamicContext *context, xercesc::XMLBuffer &buffer) const =0" -->
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > virtual void Item::typeToBuffer < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "el" href = "classDynamicContext.html" > DynamicContext< / a > * < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > context< / em > , < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "paramkey" > < / td >
< td > < / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > xercesc::XMLBuffer & < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > buffer< / em > < / td > < td > < / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > < / td >
< td > )< / td >
< td > < / td > < td > < / td > < td width = "100%" > const< code > [pure virtual]< / code > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< div class = "memdoc" >
< p >
Debug method to output the type of the item in SequenceType notation.
< p >
< p > Implemented in < a class = "el" href = "classAnyAtomicType.html#b9fce36e2cc9593f93165a09f5292a21" > AnyAtomicType< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classNode.html#8bafe407baf49fb26548890e1ada1bd2" > Node< / a > .< / p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< hr > < h2 > Member Data Documentation< / h2 >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< a class = "anchor" name = "e2afc0ba21c9740c1efe1ca22f480061" > < / a > <!-- doxytag: member="Item::gXQilla" ref="e2afc0ba21c9740c1efe1ca22f480061" args="[]" -->
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2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
< td class = "memname" > const XMLCh < a class = "el" href = "classItem.html#e2afc0ba21c9740c1efe1ca22f480061" > Item::gXQilla< / a > []< code > [static]< / code > < / td >
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2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< p >
The "XQilla" item interface.
< p >
2020-02-17 22:10:06 +01:00
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2020-02-17 22:05:20 +01:00
< hr > The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:< ul >
< li > < a class = "el" href = "Item_8hpp-source.html" > Item.hpp< / a > < / ul >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< / div >
< hr size = "1" > < address style = "text-align: right;" > < small > Generated on Mon Jan 5 19:54:22 2009 for XQilla Simple API by
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< a href = "http://www.doxygen.org/index.html" >
2020-02-17 22:17:06 +01:00
< img src = "doxygen.png" alt = "doxygen" align = "middle" border = "0" > < / a > 1.5.5 < / small > < / address >
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