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< h1 > VariableStore.hpp< / h1 > < a href = "VariableStore_8hpp.html" > Go to the documentation of this file.< / a > < div class = "fragment" > < pre class = "fragment" > < a name = "l00001" > < / a > 00001 < span class = "comment" > /*< / span >
< a name = "l00002" > < / a > 00002 < span class = "comment" > * Copyright (c) 2001-2008< / span >
< a name = "l00003" > < / a > 00003 < span class = "comment" > * DecisionSoft Limited. All rights reserved.< / span >
< a name = "l00004" > < / a > 00004 < span class = "comment" > * Copyright (c) 2004-2008< / span >
< a name = "l00005" > < / a > 00005 < span class = "comment" > * Oracle. All rights reserved.< / span >
< a name = "l00006" > < / a > 00006 < span class = "comment" > *< / span >
< a name = "l00007" > < / a > 00007 < span class = "comment" > * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the " License" );< / span >
< a name = "l00008" > < / a > 00008 < span class = "comment" > * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.< / span >
< a name = "l00009" > < / a > 00009 < span class = "comment" > * You may obtain a copy of the License at< / span >
< a name = "l00010" > < / a > 00010 < span class = "comment" > *< / span >
< a name = "l00011" > < / a > 00011 < span class = "comment" > * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0< / span >
< a name = "l00012" > < / a > 00012 < span class = "comment" > *< / span >
< a name = "l00013" > < / a > 00013 < span class = "comment" > * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software< / span >
< a name = "l00014" > < / a > 00014 < span class = "comment" > * distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS,< / span >
< a name = "l00015" > < / a > 00015 < span class = "comment" > * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.< / span >
< a name = "l00016" > < / a > 00016 < span class = "comment" > * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and< / span >
< a name = "l00017" > < / a > 00017 < span class = "comment" > * limitations under the License.< / span >
< a name = "l00018" > < / a > 00018 < span class = "comment" > *< / span >
2020-02-17 21:21:23 +00:00
< a name = "l00019" > < / a > 00019 < span class = "comment" > * $Id$< / span >
2020-02-17 21:19:57 +00:00
< a name = "l00020" > < / a > 00020 < span class = "comment" > */< / span >
< a name = "l00021" > < / a > 00021
< a name = "l00022" > < / a > 00022 < span class = "preprocessor" > #ifndef _VARIABLESTORE_HPP< / span >
< a name = "l00023" > < / a > 00023 < span class = "preprocessor" > < / span > < span class = "preprocessor" > #define _VARIABLESTORE_HPP< / span >
< a name = "l00024" > < / a > 00024 < span class = "preprocessor" > < / span >
< a name = "l00025" > < / a > 00025 < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < vector> < / span >
< a name = "l00026" > < / a > 00026
< a name = "l00027" > < / a > 00027 < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < xqilla/framework/XQillaExport.hpp> < / span >
< a name = "l00028" > < / a > 00028 < span class = "preprocessor" > #include < xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp> < / span >
< a name = "l00029" > < / a > 00029
< a name = "l00030" > < / a > 00030 < span class = "keyword" > class < / span > < a class = "code" href = "classResult.html" title = "A scoped pointer wrapper for the lazily evaluated query result." > Result< / a > ;
< a name = "l00031" > < / a > 00031
< a name = "l00033" > < / a > < a class = "code" href = "classVariableStore.html" > 00033< / a > < span class = "keyword" > class < / span > XQILLA_API < a class = "code" href = "classVariableStore.html" title = "The pure virtual base class for accessing variables at runtime." > VariableStore< / a >
< a name = "l00034" > < / a > 00034 {
< a name = "l00035" > < / a > 00035 < span class = "keyword" > public< / span > :
< a name = "l00037" > < / a > < a class = "code" href = "classVariableStore.html#a84d97b5ae3810e114596f628efd75e95" > 00037< / a > < span class = "keyword" > virtual< / span > < a class = "code" href = "classVariableStore.html#a84d97b5ae3810e114596f628efd75e95" title = "default destructor" > ~VariableStore< / a > () {};
< a name = "l00038" > < / a > 00038
< a name = "l00040" > < / a > 00040 < span class = "keyword" > virtual< / span > < a class = "code" href = "classResult.html" title = "A scoped pointer wrapper for the lazily evaluated query result." > Result< / a > getVar(< span class = "keyword" > const< / span > XMLCh *namespaceURI, < span class = "keyword" > const< / span > XMLCh *name) < span class = "keyword" > const< / span > = 0;
< a name = "l00041" > < / a > 00041
< a name = "l00043" > < / a > 00043 < span class = "keyword" > virtual< / span > < span class = "keywordtype" > void< / span > getInScopeVariables(std::vector< std::pair< const XMLCh*, const XMLCh*> > & variables) < span class = "keyword" > const< / span > = 0;
< a name = "l00044" > < / a > 00044 };
< a name = "l00045" > < / a > 00045
< a name = "l00046" > < / a > 00046 < span class = "preprocessor" > #endif< / span >
< / pre > < / div > < / div >
2020-02-17 21:21:23 +00:00
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