
Todo List

Member XQC_DynamicContext_s::set_context_item )(XQC_DynamicContext *context, XQC_Sequence *value)

What happens if the context item value is the wrong type?

Do we allow the value to come from another implementation?

Member XQC_DynamicContext_s::set_variable )(XQC_DynamicContext *context, const char *uri, const char *name, XQC_Sequence *value)

What happens if the variable value is the wrong type?

Do we allow the value to come from another implementation?

Class XQC_ErrorHandler_s
file/line/column information?

Class XQC_Expression_s

A way to serialize the query result

event api?

Member XQC_InputStream_s::read )(XQC_InputStream *stream, void *buffer, unsigned int length)
Does this function need to be able to return an error condition?

Class XQC_Sequence_s

other data model node accessors (typed value, parent, attributes, children)?

accessor for the parts of an xs:QName ?

serialize a node

a way to concatenate two sequences?

Member XQC_XPath1Mode
Are there better enumeration names?

Generated on 8 Jul 2015 for XQilla XQC API by  doxygen 1.6.1