/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2008 * DecisionSoft Limited. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 * Oracle. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * $Id$ */ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4786) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(XERCES_HAS_CPP_NAMESPACE) XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE #endif using namespace std; class XQillaTestSuiteRunner : public TestSuiteRunner, private XMLEntityResolver, private ModuleResolver, private URIResolver { public: XQillaTestSuiteRunner(const string &singleTest, TestSuiteResultListener *results, XQillaConfiguration *conf, XQilla::Language lang, FastXDMConfiguration *fastConf = 0, XercesConfiguration *xercesConf = 0, bool userSetParserLang = false); virtual ~XQillaTestSuiteRunner(); virtual void addSource(const string &id, const string &filename, const string &schema); virtual void addSchema(const string &id, const string &filename, const string &uri); virtual void addModule(const string &id, const string &filename); virtual void addCollectionDoc(const string &id, const string &filename); virtual void startTestGroup(const string &name); virtual void endTestGroup(); virtual void runTestCase(const TestCase &testCase); virtual void detectParserLang(const string &testSuiteNamespace); private: virtual InputSource* resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier* resourceIdentifier); virtual bool resolveModuleLocation(VectorOfStrings* result, const XMLCh* nsUri, const StaticContext* context); virtual bool resolveDocument(Sequence &result, const XMLCh* uri, DynamicContext* context, const QueryPathNode *projection); virtual bool resolveCollection(Sequence &result, const XMLCh* uri, DynamicContext* context, const QueryPathNode *projection); virtual bool resolveDefaultCollection(Sequence &result, DynamicContext* context, const QueryPathNode *projection); virtual bool putDocument(const Node::Ptr &document, const XMLCh *uri, DynamicContext *context) { return true; } virtual void detectDefaultConf(); private: XQillaConfiguration *m_conf; FastXDMConfiguration *m_fastConf; XercesConfiguration *m_xercesConf; bool m_userSetParserLang; XQilla::Language m_lang; string m_szSingleTest; string m_szFullTestName; const TestCase* m_pCurTestCase; // id -> filename map m_inputFiles; // schemaURL -> filename map m_schemaFiles; // id -> filename map m_moduleFiles; // id -> list of inputFiles ID map > m_collections; AutoDelete m_docQuery; map m_inputDocs; }; void usage(const char *progname) { const char *name = progname; while(*progname != 0) { if(*progname == '/' || *progname == '\\') { ++progname; name = progname; } else { ++progname; } } cout << "Usage: " << name << " [options] ()?" << endl << endl; cout << "-e : Use the given file as a known error file" << endl; cout << "-E : Output an error file" << endl; cout << "-h : Show this display" << endl; cout << "-r : Output results as XML" << endl; cout << "-u : Parse XQuery Update (also uses Xerces-C data model)" << endl; cout << "-s : Parse XSLT 2.0" << endl; cout << "-f : Parse XQuery Full Text 1.0" << endl; cout << "-3 : Parse XQuery 3.0" << endl; cout << "-x : Use the Xerces-C data model (default is FastXDM)" << endl; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string testSuitePath; string singleTest; string errorFile; string outputErrorFile; bool xmlResults = false; bool userSetParserLang = false; XQilla::Language lang = XQilla::XQUERY; XercesConfiguration xercesConf; FastXDMConfiguration fastConf; XQillaConfiguration *conf = NULL; for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if(*argv[i] == '-' && argv[i][2] == '\0' ){ switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'h': { usage(argv[0]); return 0; } case 'e': { i++; if(i == argc) { cout << "Missing argument to option 'e'" << endl; return 1; } errorFile = argv[i]; break; } case 'E': { i++; if(i == argc) { cout << "Missing argument to option 'E'" << endl; return 1; } outputErrorFile = argv[i]; break; } case 'f': { lang = (XQilla::Language)(lang | XQilla::FULLTEXT); userSetParserLang = true; break; } case 'r': { xmlResults = true; break; } case 'u': { lang = (XQilla::Language)(lang | XQilla::UPDATE); userSetParserLang = true; conf = &xercesConf; break; } case '3': { lang = (XQilla::Language)(lang | XQilla::VERSION3); userSetParserLang = true; break; } case 's': { lang = (XQilla::Language)(lang | XQilla::XSLT2); userSetParserLang = true; break; } case 'x': { conf = &xercesConf; break; } default: { cout << "Unknown option: " << argv[i] << endl; usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } } else if(testSuitePath == "") { testSuitePath = argv[i]; } else if(singleTest == "") { singleTest = argv[i]; } else { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } if(testSuitePath == "") { cout << "Test suite path not specified!" << endl; usage(argv[0]); return 1; } XQillaPlatformUtils::enableExtendedPrecision(false); XQilla xqilla; Janitor results(0); if(xmlResults) { results.reset(new XMLReportResultListener()); XMLReportResultListener *xmlreport = (XMLReportResultListener*)results.get(); xmlreport->setImplementation("XQilla", "2.0"); xmlreport->setOrganization("XQilla", "http://xqilla.sourceforge.net"); if(lang != XQilla::XQUERY_UPDATE) { xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("expressionUnicode", "UTF-16"); xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("implicitTimezone", "Defined by the system clock"); xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("XMLVersion", "1.1"); xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("axes", "Full axis support"); xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("defaultOrderEmpty", "empty least"); xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("normalizationForms", "NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD"); xmlreport->addImplementationDefinedItem("docProcessing", "schema validation"); } xmlreport->addFeature("Minimal Conformance", true); if(lang != XQilla::XQUERY_UPDATE) { xmlreport->addFeature("Schema Import", true); xmlreport->addFeature("Schema Validation", true); xmlreport->addFeature("Static Typing", false); xmlreport->addFeature("Static Typing Extensions", false); xmlreport->addFeature("Full Axis", true); xmlreport->addFeature("Module", true); xmlreport->addFeature("Serialization", false); xmlreport->addFeature("Trivial XML Embedding", false); } xmlreport->setSubmittor("John Snelson", "john.snelson@oracle.com"); } else { results.reset(new ConsoleResultListener()); } KnownErrorChecker knownErrors(results.get()); if(errorFile != "" && !knownErrors.loadErrors(errorFile)) { return 1; } XQillaTestSuiteRunner runner(singleTest, &knownErrors, conf, lang, &fastConf, &xercesConf, userSetParserLang); TestSuiteParser parser(testSuitePath, &runner); parser.run(); bool passed = true; if(xmlResults) { ((XMLReportResultListener*)results.get())->printReport(); } else { passed = ((ConsoleResultListener*)results.get())->printReport(); } if(errorFile != "") { passed = knownErrors.printReport(); } if(outputErrorFile != "" && !knownErrors.saveErrors(outputErrorFile)) { cout << "Unable to open error file: " << outputErrorFile << endl; return 1; } return passed ? 0 : 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XQillaTestSuiteRunner::XQillaTestSuiteRunner(const string &singleTest, TestSuiteResultListener *results, XQillaConfiguration *conf, XQilla::Language lang, FastXDMConfiguration *fastConf, XercesConfiguration *xercesConf, bool userSetParserLang) : TestSuiteRunner(results), m_conf(conf), m_fastConf(fastConf), m_xercesConf(xercesConf), m_userSetParserLang(userSetParserLang), m_lang(lang), m_szSingleTest(singleTest), m_pCurTestCase(NULL), m_docQuery(0) { } XQillaTestSuiteRunner::~XQillaTestSuiteRunner() { } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::startTestGroup(const string &name) { if(m_szFullTestName != "") m_szFullTestName += ":"; m_szFullTestName += name; m_results->startTestGroup(name); } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::endTestGroup() { string::size_type nColonPos = m_szFullTestName.find_last_of(":"); if(nColonPos != string::npos) m_szFullTestName = string(m_szFullTestName.c_str(), nColonPos); else m_szFullTestName = ""; m_results->endTestGroup(); } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::addSource(const string &id, const string &filename, const string &schema) { m_inputFiles[id] = filename; } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::addSchema(const string &id, const string &filename, const string &uri) { m_schemaFiles[uri] = filename; } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::addModule(const string &id, const string &filename) { m_moduleFiles[id] = filename; } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::addCollectionDoc(const string &id, const string &filename) { m_collections[id].push_back(filename); } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::runTestCase(const TestCase &testCase) { if(m_szSingleTest != "" && testCase.name.find(m_szSingleTest) == string::npos && m_szFullTestName.find(m_szSingleTest) == string::npos) { m_results->reportSkip(testCase, "Not run"); return; } if(m_results->isSkippedTest(testCase.name)) { m_results->reportSkip(testCase, "Skip"); return; } if(m_szFullTestName.substr(0,21)=="Optional:StaticTyping" && !testCase.updateTest) { m_results->reportSkip(testCase, "Static typing not supported"); return; } if(m_szFullTestName.substr(0,26)=="Optional:TrivialEmbedding") { m_results->reportSkip(testCase, "TrivialEmbedding not supported"); return; } XQilla xqilla; m_pCurTestCase=&testCase; DynamicContext *context = xqilla.createContext(m_lang, m_conf); AutoDelete contextGuard(context); try { context->setImplicitTimezone(context->getItemFactory()-> createDayTimeDuration(X("PT0S"), context)); context->setXMLEntityResolver(this); context->setModuleResolver(this); context->registerURIResolver(this, /*adopt*/false); if(testCase.xsltTest || testCase.updateTest) context->setBaseURI(X(testCase.queryURL.c_str())); if(testCase.updateTest) { if(testCase.stateTime == 0) { m_inputDocs.clear(); m_docQuery.set(0); } else if(m_docQuery.get() == 0) { m_results->reportSkip(testCase, "State 0 failed"); return; } } XQQuery *parsedQuery = xqilla.parseFromURI(X(testCase.queryURL.c_str()), contextGuard.adopt()); AutoDelete parsedQueryGuard(parsedQuery); if(testCase.updateTest && testCase.stateTime == 0) { m_docQuery.set(parsedQuery); parsedQueryGuard.adopt(); } map::const_iterator v; for(v=testCase.extraVars.begin();v!=testCase.extraVars.end();v++) { AutoDelete pInnerQuery(xqilla.parseFromURI(X(v->second.c_str()))); AutoDelete ictxt(context->createModuleDynamicContext(pInnerQuery->getStaticContext())); Sequence doc=pInnerQuery->execute(ictxt)->toSequence(ictxt); context->setExternalVariable(X(v->first.c_str()), doc); } for(v=testCase.inputVars.begin();v!=testCase.inputVars.end();v++) { string filename = v->second; Sequence doc; if(testCase.updateTest) { if(m_inputDocs.find(v->first) != m_inputDocs.end()) { doc = m_inputDocs[v->first]; } else { doc = const_cast(m_docQuery->getStaticContext())-> resolveDocument(X(filename.c_str()), 0); m_inputDocs[v->first] = doc; } } else { doc = context->resolveDocument(X(filename.c_str()), 0); } context->setExternalVariable(X(v->first.c_str()), doc); } for(v=testCase.inputURIVars.begin();v!=testCase.inputURIVars.end();v++) { Item::Ptr uri = context->getItemFactory()->createString(X(v->second.c_str()),context); context->setExternalVariable(X(v->first.c_str()), uri); } for(v=testCase.inputParams.begin();v!=testCase.inputParams.end();v++) { Item::Ptr value = context->getItemFactory()->createUntypedAtomic(X(v->second.c_str()),context); context->setExternalVariable(X(v->first.c_str()), value); } if(testCase.templateName != "") { Item::Ptr value = context->getItemFactory()->createUntypedAtomic(X(testCase.templateName.c_str()),context); context->setExternalVariable(X("http://xqilla.sourceforge.net/Functions"), X("name"), value); } if(!testCase.contextItem.empty()) { Sequence doc=context->resolveDocument(X(testCase.contextItem.c_str()), 0); context->setContextItem(doc.first()); } context->setContextPosition(1); context->setContextSize(1); time_t curTime; context->setCurrentTime(time(&curTime)); // Emulate the XQuery serialization spec MemBufFormatTarget target; EventSerializer writer("UTF-8", "1.1", &target, context->getMemoryManager()); NSFixupFilter nsfilter(&writer, context->getMemoryManager()); ContentSequenceFilter csfilter(&nsfilter); parsedQuery->execute(&csfilter, context); testResults(testCase, (char*)target.getRawBuffer()); } catch(XQException& e) { ostringstream oss; // if(e.getXQueryLine() == 0) { // oss << "No line number:" << std::endl << UTF8(e.getError()) << std::endl; // oss << "at " << UTF8(e.getXQueryFile()) << ":" << e.getXQueryLine() << ":" << e.getXQueryColumn() << std::endl; // oss << "at " << e.getCppFile() << ":" << e.getCppLine() << std::endl; // m_results->reportFailUnexpectedError(testCase, oss.str(), "XXX"); // } // else if(e.getXQueryColumn() == 0) { // oss << "No column number:" << std::endl << UTF8(e.getError()) << std::endl; // oss << "at " << UTF8(e.getXQueryFile()) << ":" << e.getXQueryLine() << ":" << e.getXQueryColumn() << std::endl; // oss << "at " << e.getCppFile() << ":" << e.getCppLine() << std::endl; // m_results->reportFailUnexpectedError(testCase, oss.str(), "XXX"); // } // else if(e.getXQueryFile() == 0) { // oss << "No file name:" << std::endl << UTF8(e.getError()) << std::endl; // oss << "at " << UTF8(e.getXQueryFile()) << ":" << e.getXQueryLine() << ":" << e.getXQueryColumn() << std::endl; // oss << "at " << e.getCppFile() << ":" << e.getCppLine() << std::endl; // m_results->reportFailUnexpectedError(testCase, oss.str(), "XXX"); // } // else { oss << UTF8(e.getError()) << std::endl; oss << "at " << UTF8(e.getXQueryFile()) << ":" << e.getXQueryLine() << ":" << e.getXQueryColumn() << std::endl; oss << "at " << e.getCppFile() << ":" << e.getCppLine() << std::endl; testErrors(testCase, oss.str()); // } } catch(DOMException &de) { testErrors(testCase, string("DOMException: ") + UTF8(de.getMessage())); } catch(...) { testErrors(testCase, "[Unknown exception]"); } m_pCurTestCase=NULL; } InputSource* XQillaTestSuiteRunner::resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier* resourceIdentifier) { const XMLCh* systemId=resourceIdentifier->getSystemId(); if((systemId==NULL || *systemId==0) && resourceIdentifier->getResourceIdentifierType()==XMLResourceIdentifier::SchemaGrammar) { map::const_iterator i = m_schemaFiles.find(UTF8(resourceIdentifier->getNameSpace())); if(i != m_schemaFiles.end()) { return new URLInputSource(X(i->second.c_str())); } } else if(resourceIdentifier->getResourceIdentifierType()==XMLResourceIdentifier::UnKnown) { list >::const_iterator i; for(i=m_pCurTestCase->moduleFiles.begin(); i!=m_pCurTestCase->moduleFiles.end(); i++) { if(i->first == UTF8(resourceIdentifier->getNameSpace()) && i->second == UTF8(resourceIdentifier->getSystemId())) { map::const_iterator i2 = m_moduleFiles.find(i->second); if(i2 != m_moduleFiles.end()) { string file=i2->second+".xq"; return new URLInputSource(X(file.c_str())); } } } } // Don't hit the W3C for the XHTML DTD! if(string("http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd") == UTF8(resourceIdentifier->getSystemId())) { return new MemBufInputSource((XMLByte*)"", 0, "", false); } return NULL; } bool XQillaTestSuiteRunner::resolveModuleLocation(VectorOfStrings* result, const XMLCh* nsUri, const StaticContext* context) { bool bFound=false; list >::const_iterator i; for(i=m_pCurTestCase->moduleFiles.begin(); i!=m_pCurTestCase->moduleFiles.end(); i++) { if(i->first == UTF8(nsUri)) { result->push_back(context->getMemoryManager()->getPooledString(i->second.c_str())); bFound=true; } } return bFound; } bool XQillaTestSuiteRunner::resolveDocument(Sequence &result, const XMLCh* uri, DynamicContext* context, const QueryPathNode *projection) { std::map::iterator it=m_inputFiles.find(UTF8(uri)); if(it!=m_inputFiles.end()) { result=context->resolveDocument(X(it->second.c_str()), 0, projection); return true; } return false; } bool XQillaTestSuiteRunner::resolveCollection(Sequence &result, const XMLCh* uri, DynamicContext* context, const QueryPathNode *projection) { std::map >::iterator it=m_collections.find(UTF8(uri)); if(it!=m_collections.end()) { for(std::list::iterator s=it->second.begin();s!=it->second.end();s++) { result.joinSequence(context->resolveDocument(X(s->c_str()), 0, projection)); } return true; } return false; } bool XQillaTestSuiteRunner::resolveDefaultCollection(Sequence &result, DynamicContext* context, const QueryPathNode *projection) { if(!m_pCurTestCase->defaultCollection.empty()) return resolveCollection(result, X(m_pCurTestCase->defaultCollection.c_str()), context, projection); return false; } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::detectParserLang(const string &testSuiteNS) { // if the user specified the parser language, don't do auto-detection if(m_userSetParserLang){ detectDefaultConf(); m_lang = (XQilla::Language)(m_lang | XQilla::EXTENSIONS); return; } if(testSuiteNS == "http://www.w3.org/2005/02/query-test-XQTSCatalog") m_lang = XQilla::XQUERY; else if(testSuiteNS == "http://www.w3.org/2005/02/query-test-update") m_lang = XQilla::XQUERY_UPDATE; else if(testSuiteNS == "http://www.w3.org/2005/02/query-test-full-text") m_lang = XQilla::XQUERY_FULLTEXT; else if(testSuiteNS == "http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xslt20-test-catalog") m_lang = XQilla::XSLT2; detectDefaultConf(); m_lang = (XQilla::Language)(m_lang | XQilla::EXTENSIONS); } void XQillaTestSuiteRunner::detectDefaultConf() { // if the user has set the m_conf, do nothing if(m_conf != NULL) return; if(m_lang & XQilla::UPDATE){ m_conf = m_xercesConf; } else { m_conf = m_fastConf; } }