240 lines
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240 lines
13 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2001-2008
* DecisionSoft Limited. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008
* Oracle. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id: PrintAST.hpp 652 2008-10-01 00:08:53Z jpcs $
#ifndef __PRINTAST_HPP
#define __PRINTAST_HPP
#include <string>
#include <xqilla/framework/XQillaExport.hpp>
#include <xqilla/ast/ASTNode.hpp>
#include <xqilla/axis/NodeTest.hpp>
#include <xqilla/schema/SequenceType.hpp>
#include <xqilla/operators/GeneralComp.hpp>
#include <xqilla/ast/XQTypeswitch.hpp>
#include <xqilla/fulltext/FTOption.hpp>
#include <xqilla/fulltext/FTRange.hpp>
class XQillaExpression;
class XQFunction;
class ASTNodeImpl;
class XQLiteral;
class XQQNameLiteral;
class XQNumericLiteral;
class XQNav;
class XQSequence;
class XQStep;
class XQVariable;
class XQIf;
class XQInstanceOf;
class XQCastableAs;
class XQCastAs;
class XQTreatAs;
class XQOperator;
class XQContextItem;
class XQQuery;
class XQDOMConstructor;
class XQQuantified;
class XQFunctionCall;
class XQGlobalVariable;
class XQValidate;
class XQOrderingChange;
class XQAtomize;
class XQEffectiveBooleanValue;
class XPath1CompatConvertFunctionArg;
class XQPromoteUntyped;
class XQPromoteNumeric;
class XQPromoteAnyURI;
class XQDocumentOrder;
class XQPredicate;
class XQNameExpression;
class XQContentSequence;
class XQDirectName;
class XQReturn;
class XQNamespaceBinding;
class XQFunctionConversion;
class XQAnalyzeString;
class XQCopyOf;
class XQCopy;
class ASTDebugHook;
class XQCallTemplate;
class XQApplyTemplates;
class XQInlineFunction;
class XQFunctionDeref;
class XQFunctionRef;
class XQUserFunction;
class XQUserFunctionInstance;
class XQSimpleContent;
class XQMap;
class DynamicContext;
class Item;
class FTContains;
class FTSelection;
class FTWords;
class FTWord;
class FTOr;
class FTAnd;
class FTMildnot;
class FTUnaryNot;
class FTOrder;
class FTDistance;
class FTDistanceLiteral;
class FTScope;
class FTContent;
class FTWindow;
class FTWindowLiteral;
class UDelete;
class URename;
class UReplace;
class UReplaceValueOf;
class UInsertAsFirst;
class UInsertAsLast;
class UInsertInto;
class UInsertAfter;
class UInsertBefore;
class UTransform;
class UApplyUpdates;
class TupleNode;
class ContextTuple;
class ForTuple;
class LetTuple;
class WhereTuple;
class OrderByTuple;
class TupleDebugHook;
virtual ~PrintAST() {}
static std::string print(const XQillaExpression *expr, const DynamicContext *context, int indent = 0);
static std::string print(const XQQuery *query, const DynamicContext *context, int indent = 0);
static std::string print(const ASTNode *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent = 0);
static std::string print(const TupleNode *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent = 0);
virtual std::string printASTNode(const ASTNode *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent = 0);
virtual std::string printFunction(const XQFunction *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printLiteral(const XQLiteral *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printQNameLiteral(const XQQNameLiteral *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printNumericLiteral(const XQNumericLiteral *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printNav(const XQNav *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printSequence(const XQSequence *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printStep(const XQStep *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printVariable(const XQVariable *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printIf(const XQIf *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printInstanceOf(const XQInstanceOf *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printCastableAs(const XQCastableAs *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printCastAs(const XQCastAs *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printTreatAs(const XQTreatAs *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printOperator(const XQOperator *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printContextItem(const XQContextItem *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printQuantified(const XQQuantified *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printTypeswitch(const XQTypeswitch *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printValidate(const XQValidate *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printGlobal(const XQGlobalVariable *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFunctionCall(const XQFunctionCall *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printDOMConstructor(const XQDOMConstructor *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printSimpleContent(const XQSimpleContent *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printOrderingChange(const XQOrderingChange *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printAtomize(const XQAtomize *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printEffectiveBooleanValue(const XQEffectiveBooleanValue *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printXPath1CompatConvertFunctionArg(const XPath1CompatConvertFunctionArg *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printPromoteUntyped(const XQPromoteUntyped *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printPromoteNumeric(const XQPromoteNumeric *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printPromoteAnyURI(const XQPromoteAnyURI *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printDocumentOrder(const XQDocumentOrder *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printPredicate(const XQPredicate *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printNameExpression(const XQNameExpression *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printContentSequence(const XQContentSequence *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printDirectName(const XQDirectName *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUserFunction(const XQUserFunctionInstance *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printReturn(const XQReturn *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printNamespaceBinding(const XQNamespaceBinding *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFunctionConversion(const XQFunctionConversion *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printAnalyzeString(const XQAnalyzeString *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printCopyOf(const XQCopyOf *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printCopy(const XQCopy *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printASTDebugHook(const ASTDebugHook *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printCallTemplate(const XQCallTemplate *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printApplyTemplates(const XQApplyTemplates *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printInlineFunction(const XQInlineFunction *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFunctionDeref(const XQFunctionDeref *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFunctionRef(const XQFunctionRef *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printMap(const XQMap *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUnknown(const ASTNode *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printXQUserFunction(const XQUserFunction *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTContains(const FTContains *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTSelection(const FTSelection *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTWords(const FTWords *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTWord(const FTWord *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTOr(const FTOr *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTAnd(const FTAnd *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTMildnot(const FTMildnot *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTUnaryNot(const FTUnaryNot *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTOrder(const FTOrder *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTDistance(const FTDistance *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTDistanceLiteral(const FTDistanceLiteral *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTScope(const FTScope *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTContent(const FTContent *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTWindow(const FTWindow *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTWindowLiteral(const FTWindowLiteral *selection, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printFTRange(const FTRange &range, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUDelete(const UDelete *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printURename(const URename *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUReplace(const UReplace *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUReplaceValueOf(const UReplaceValueOf *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUInsertAsFirst(const UInsertAsFirst *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUInsertAsLast(const UInsertAsLast *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUInsertInto(const UInsertInto *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUInsertAfter(const UInsertAfter *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUInsertBefore(const UInsertBefore *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUTransform(const UTransform *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUApplyUpdates(const UApplyUpdates *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printTupleNode(const TupleNode *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printContextTuple(const ContextTuple *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printForTuple(const ForTuple *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printLetTuple(const LetTuple *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printWhereTuple(const WhereTuple *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printOrderByTuple(const OrderByTuple *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printTupleDebugHook(const TupleDebugHook *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printUnknownTupleNode(const TupleNode *item, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printSequenceType(const SequenceType *type, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
virtual std::string printCase(const XQTypeswitch::Case *cse, const DynamicContext *context, int indent);
static std::string getIndent(int indent);
static std::string getAxisName(XQStep::Axis axis);
static std::string getOccurrenceIndicatorName(SequenceType::OccurrenceIndicator oi);
static std::string getComparisonOperationName(GeneralComp::ComparisonOperation co);
static std::string getFTUnitName(FTOption::FTUnit unit);
static std::string getFTRangeTypeName(FTRange::Type type);