2020-02-17 22:23:16 +01:00

5 lines
621 B

<map id="G" name="G">
<area shape="rect" id="node2" href="$classxercesc_1_1DOMText.html" title="The DOMText interface inherits from DOMCharacterData and represents the textual content..." alt="" coords="41,160,191,189"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node4" href="$classxercesc_1_1DOMCharacterData.html" title="The DOMCharacterData interface extends DOMNode with a set of attributes and methods..." alt="" coords="5,83,227,112"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node6" href="$classxercesc_1_1DOMNode.html" title="The DOMNode interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model..." alt="" coords="39,5,193,35"/>