#pragma once #ifndef __BLIZZARD_STORM_HEADER #define __BLIZZARD_STORM_HEADER #include #include #include #include // Note to self: Linker error => forgot a return value in cpp // Storm API definition #ifndef STORMAPI #define STORMAPI __stdcall #endif #ifndef __STORM_SMAX #define __STORM_SMAX(x,y) (x < y ? y : x) #endif #ifndef __STORM_SSIZEMAX #define __STORM_SSIZEMAX(x,y) (__STORM_SMAX(sizeof(x),sizeof(y))) #endif #ifndef __STORM_SMIN #define __STORM_SMIN(x,y) (x < y ? x : y) #endif #ifndef __STORM_SSIZEMIN #define __STORM_SSIZEMIN(x,y) (__STORM_SMIN(sizeof(x),sizeof(y))) #endif typedef struct _WRECT { WORD left; WORD top; WORD right; WORD bottom; } WRECT, *PWRECT; typedef struct _WPOINT { WORD x; WORD y; } WPOINT, *PWPOINT; typedef struct _WSIZE { WORD cx; WORD cy; } WSIZE, *PWSIZE; // Game states #define GAMESTATE_PRIVATE 0x01 #define GAMESTATE_FULL 0x02 #define GAMESTATE_ACTIVE 0x04 #define GAMESTATE_STARTED 0x08 #define GAMESTATE_REPLAY 0x80 BOOL STORMAPI SNetCreateGame(const char *pszGameName, const char *pszGamePassword, const char *pszGameStatString, DWORD dwGameType, char *GameTemplateData, int GameTemplateSize, int playerCount, char *creatorName, char *a11, int *playerID); BOOL STORMAPI SNetDestroy(); BOOL STORMAPI SNetEnumProviders(int (STORMAPI *callback)(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD), int mincaps); BOOL STORMAPI SNetEnumGames(int (STORMAPI *callback)(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD), int *hintnextcall); /* SNetDropPlayer @ 106 * * Drops a player from the current game. * * playerid: The player ID for the player to be dropped. * flags: * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetDropPlayer( int playerid, DWORD flags); /* SNetGetGameInfo @ 107 * * Retrieves specific game information from Storm, such as name, password, * stats, mode, game template, and players. * * type: The type of data to retrieve. See GAMEINFO_ flags. * dst: The destination buffer for the data. * length: The maximum size of the destination buffer. * byteswritten: The number of bytes written to the destination buffer. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetGameInfo( int type, void *dst, size_t length, size_t *byteswritten = NULL); #define SNGetGameInfo(typ,dst) SNetGetGameInfo(typ, &dst, sizeof(dst)) // Game info fields #define GAMEINFO_NAME 1 #define GAMEINFO_PASSWORD 2 #define GAMEINFO_STATS 3 #define GAMEINFO_MODEFLAG 4 #define GAMEINFO_GAMETEMPLATE 5 #define GAMEINFO_PLAYERS 6 BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetNumPlayers(int *firstplayerid, int *lastplayerid, int *activeplayers); typedef struct _CAPS { DWORD dwSize; // Size of this structure // sizeof(CAPS) DWORD dwUnk_0x04; // Some flags? DWORD maxmessagesize; // Size of the packet buffer, must be beteen 128 and 512 DWORD dwUnk_0x0C; // Unknown DWORD dwDisplayedPlayerCount; // Displayed player count in the mode selection list DWORD dwUnk_0x14; // some kind of timeout or timer related DWORD dwPlayerLatency; // ... latency? DWORD dwPlayerCount; // the number of players that can participate, must be between 1 and 20 DWORD dwCallDelay; // the number of calls before data is sent over the network // between 2 and 8; single player is set to 1 } CAPS, *PCAPS; BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetPlayerCaps(char playerid, PCAPS playerCaps); /* SNetGetPlayerName @ 113 * * Retrieves the name of a player given their player ID. * * playerid: The player's ID. * buffer: The buffer that will receive the name. * buffersize: The maximum size of buffer. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetPlayerName( int playerid, char *buffer, size_t buffersize); /* SNetGetProviderCaps @ 114 * * Retrieves network provider capacity information. * * providerCaps: A pointer to a CAPS structure that will receive the information. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetProviderCaps( PCAPS providerCaps); /* SNetGetTurnsInTransit @ 115 * * Retrieves the number of turns (buffers) that have been queued * before sending them over the network. * * turns: A pointer to an integer that will receive the value. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetTurnsInTransit( int *turns); BOOL STORMAPI SNetInitializeDevice(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int *a5); // Network provider structures typedef struct _client_info { DWORD dwSize; // 60 char *pszName; char *pszVersion; DWORD dwProduct; DWORD dwVerbyte; DWORD dwUnk5; DWORD dwMaxPlayers; DWORD dwUnk7; DWORD dwUnk8; DWORD dwUnk9; DWORD dwUnk10; // 0xFF char *pszCdKey; char *pszCdOwner; DWORD dwIsShareware; DWORD dwLangId; } client_info; typedef struct _user_info { DWORD dwSize; // 16 char *pszPlayerName; char *pszUnknown; DWORD dwUnknown; } user_info; typedef struct _battle_info { DWORD dwSize; // 92 DWORD dwUnkType; HWND hFrameWnd; void *pfnBattleGetResource; void *pfnBattleGetErrorString; void *pfnBattleMakeCreateGameDialog; void *pfnBattleUpdateIcons; DWORD dwUnk_07; void *pfnBattleErrorDialog; void *pfnBattlePlaySound; DWORD dwUnk_10; void *pfnBattleGetCursorLink; DWORD dwUnk_12; void *pfnUnk_13; DWORD dwUnk_14; void *pfnBattleMakeProfileDialog; char *pszProfileStrings; void *pfnBattleDrawProfileInfo; void *pfnUnk_18; DWORD dwUnk_19; void *pfnUnk_20; void *pfnUnk_21; void *pfnBattleSetLeagueName; } battle_info; typedef struct _module_info { DWORD dwSize; // 20 char *pszVersionString; char *pszModuleName; char *pszMainArchive; char *pszPatchArchive; } module_info; typedef struct _game { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwGameState; DWORD dwUnk_08; SOCKADDR saHost; DWORD dwUnk_1C; DWORD dwTimer; DWORD dwUnk_24; char szGameName[128]; char szGameStatString[128]; _game *pNext; void *pExtra; DWORD dwExtraBytes; DWORD dwProduct; DWORD dwVersion; } game; typedef struct _storm_head { WORD wChecksum; WORD wLength; WORD wSent; WORD wReceived; BYTE bCommandClass; BYTE bCommandType; BYTE bPlayerId; BYTE bFlags; } storm_head; // Traffic flags #define STRAFFIC_NORMAL 0 #define STRAFFIC_VERIFY 1 #define STRAFFIC_RESEND 2 #define STRAFFIC_REPLY 4 /* SNetInitializeProvider @ 117 * * Initializes a provider by storing the provider callbacks, and calling * spiInitialize() using the parameters passed to this function. * Note: The use of the parameters is determined by the network * module. * * providerName: The provider's identifier. Example: 'TENB' (BNET). * gameClientInfo: A pointer to a clientInfo structure containing * information about the game client. * userData: A pointer to a userInfo structure containing information * about the player. * bnCallbacks: A pointer to a battleInfo structure containing callbacks * and other information that is specific to Battle.net. * moduleData: A pointer to a moduleInfo structure containing the * executable information and paths to MPQ archives. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetInitializeProvider( DWORD providerName, client_info *gameClientInfo, user_info *userData, battle_info *bnCallbacks, module_info *moduleData); BOOL STORMAPI SNetJoinGame(int id, char *gameName, char *gamePassword, char *playerName, char *userStats, int *playerid); /* SNetLeaveGame @ 119 * * Notifies Storm that the player has left the game. Storm will * notify all connected peers through the network provider. * * type: The leave type. It doesn't appear to be important, no documentation available. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetLeaveGame( int type); BOOL STORMAPI SNetPerformUpgrade(DWORD *upgradestatus); BOOL STORMAPI SNetReceiveMessage(int *senderplayerid, char **data, int *databytes); BOOL STORMAPI SNetReceiveTurns(int a1, int arraysize, char **arraydata, unsigned int *arraydatabytes, DWORD *arrayplayerstatus); // Values for arrayplayerstatus #define SNET_PS_OK 0 #define SNET_PS_WAITING 2 #define SNET_PS_NOTRESPONDING 3 #define SNET_PS_UNKNOWN default // Event structure typedef struct _s_evt { DWORD dwFlags; int dwPlayerId; void *pData; DWORD dwSize; } S_EVT, *PS_EVT; // @TODO: "type" is unknown. HANDLE STORMAPI SNetRegisterEventHandler(int type, void (STORMAPI *sEvent)(PS_EVT)); int STORMAPI SNetSelectGame(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int *playerid); /* SNetSendMessage @ 127 * * Sends a message to a player given their player ID. Network message * is sent using class 01 and is retrieved by the other client using * SNetReceiveMessage(). * * playerID: The player index of the player to receive the data. * Conversely, this field can be one of the following constants: * SNPLAYER_ALL | Sends the message to all players, including oneself. * SNPLAYER_OTHERS | Sends the message to all players, except for oneself. * data: A pointer to the data. * databytes: The amount of bytes that the data pointer contains. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetSendMessage( int playerID, void *data, size_t databytes); // Macro values to target specific players #define SNPLAYER_ALL -1 #define SNPLAYER_OTHERS -2 /* SNetSendTurn @ 128 * * Sends a turn (data packet) to all players in the game. Network data * is sent using class 02 and is retrieved by the other client using * SNetReceiveTurns(). * * data: A pointer to the data. * databytes: The amount of bytes that the data pointer contains. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetSendTurn( char *data, size_t databytes); /* SNetSetGameMode @ 130 * * Set's the game's mode flags, notifying the network * provider that the state of the game has changed. * For example: notifies Battle.net when the game is * full. * * You should first call SNetGetGameInfo to retrieve * the existing mode flags. * * modeFlags: The new flags for the game mode. * GAMESTATE_PRIVATE | The game is passworded. * GAMESTATE_FULL | The game is full. * GAMESTATE_ACTIVE | The game is available. * GAMESTATE_STARTED | The game is in progress. * GAMESTATE_REPLAY | The game is a replay. * makePublic: Used to make the game a public game, removing the GAMESTATE_PRIVATE flag. * * Returns TRUE if the function was called successfully and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SNetSetGameMode( DWORD modeFlags, bool makePublic = false); #define SNMakeGamePublic() SNetSetGameMode( (DWORD mode, SNetGetGameInfo(GAMEINFO_MODEFLAGS, &mode, 4), mode), true) BOOL STORMAPI SNetEnumGamesEx(int a1, int a2, int (__fastcall *callback)(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD), int *hintnextcall); BOOL STORMAPI SNetSendServerChatCommand(const char *command); BOOL STORMAPI SNetDisconnectAll(DWORD flags); BOOL STORMAPI SNetCreateLadderGame(const char *pszGameName, const char *pszGamePassword, const char *pszGameStatString, DWORD dwGameType, DWORD dwGameLadderType, DWORD dwGameModeFlags, char *GameTemplateData, int GameTemplateSize, int playerCount, char *creatorName, char *a11, int *playerID); #define SNET_GAME_RESULT_WIN 1 #define SNET_GAME_RESULT_LOSS 2 #define SNET_GAME_RESULT_DRAW 3 #define SNET_GAME_RESULT_DISCONNECT 4 BOOL STORMAPI SNetReportGameResult(unsigned a1, int size, int *results, const char* headerInfo, const char* detailInfo); int STORMAPI SNetSendLeagueCommand(char *cmd, char *callback); int STORMAPI SNetSendReplayPath(int a1, int a2, char *replayPath); int STORMAPI SNetGetLeagueName(int leagueID); BOOL STORMAPI SNetGetPlayerNames(char **names); int STORMAPI SNetLeagueLogout(char *bnetName); int STORMAPI SNetGetLeaguePlayerName(char *curPlayerLeageName, size_t nameSize); HGDIOBJ STORMAPI SDlgDefDialogProc(HWND hDlg, signed int DlgType, HDC textLabel, HWND hWnd); HANDLE STORMAPI SDlgDialogBoxIndirectParam(HMODULE hModule, LPCSTR lpName, HWND hWndParent, LPVOID lpParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL STORMAPI SDlgEndDialog(HWND hDlg, HANDLE nResult); BOOL STORMAPI SDlgSetControlBitmaps(HWND parentwindow, int *id, int a3, char *buffer2, char *buffer, int flags, int mask); /* // lpCursorName can only be IDC_ARROW BOOL STORMAPI SDlgSetSystemCursor(void *lpSrcBuffer, void *p_a2, LPSIZE lpSize, LPCSTR lpCursorName); */ BOOL STORMAPI SDlgBltToWindowE(HWND hWnd, HRGN a2, char *a3, int a4, void *buffer, RECT *rct, SIZE *size, int a8, int a9, DWORD rop); BOOL STORMAPI SDlgSetBitmapE(HWND hWnd, int a2, char *src, int mask1, int flags, int a6, int a7, int width, int a9, int mask2); int STORMAPI Ordinal224(int a1); BOOL STORMAPI SFileCloseArchive(HANDLE hArchive); BOOL STORMAPI SFileCloseFile(HANDLE hFile); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDdaBeginEx(HANDLE directsound, DWORD flags, DWORD mask, unsigned __int32 lDistanceToMove, signed __int32 volume, signed int a6, int a7); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDdaDestroy(); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDdaEnd(HANDLE directsound); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDdaGetPos(HANDLE directsound, int a2, int a3); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDdaInitialize(HANDLE directsound); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDdaSetVolume(HANDLE directsound, signed int bigvolume, signed int volume); BOOL STORMAPI SFileDestroy(); BOOL STORMAPI SFileGetFileArchive(HANDLE hFile, HANDLE archive); LONG STORMAPI SFileGetFileSize(HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpFileSizeHigh); BOOL STORMAPI SFileOpenArchive(const char *szMpqName, DWORD dwPriority, DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE *phMpq); // values for dwFlags enum MPQFlags { MPQ_NO_LISTFILE = 0x0010, MPQ_NO_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0020, MPQ_FORCE_V1 = 0x0040, MPQ_CHECK_SECTOR_CRC = 0x0080 }; BOOL STORMAPI SFileOpenFile(const char *filename, HANDLE *phFile); BOOL STORMAPI SFileOpenFileEx(HANDLE hMpq, const char *szFileName, DWORD dwSearchScope, HANDLE *phFile); // values for dwSearchScope enum SFileFlags { SFILE_FROM_MPQ = 0x00000000, SFILE_FROM_ABSOLUTE = 0x00000001, SFILE_FROM_RELATIVE = 0x00000002, SFILE_FROM_DISK = 0x00000004 }; BOOL STORMAPI SFileReadFile(HANDLE hFile, void *buffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, DWORD *read, LONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh); void STORMAPI SFileSetLocale(LCID lcLocale); // mode: 0 - Silent (callback is NULL) // 1 - Application Defined // 2 - Handled by storm (callback is NULL) // BOOL STORMAPI callback(const char *pszFilename, DWORD dwErrCode, DWORD dwErrCount) BOOL STORMAPI SFileSetIoErrorMode(DWORD mode, BOOL (STORMAPI *callback)(const char*,DWORD,DWORD) ); BOOL STORMAPI SFileGetArchiveName(HANDLE hArchive, char *name, int length); BOOL STORMAPI SFileGetFileName(HANDLE hFile, char *buffer, int length); BOOL STORMAPI SFileLoadFile(char *filename, void *buffer, int buffersize, int a4, int a5); BOOL STORMAPI SFileUnloadFile(HANDLE hFile); BOOL STORMAPI SFileLoadFileEx(void *hArchive, char *filename, int a3, int a4, int a5, DWORD searchScope, struct _OVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped); // Options are DWORD except for #6 // 1: [TRUE|FALSE] - If true, reports resource leaks (SErrReportResourceLeak/SErrReportNamedResourceLeak) to the attached debugger instead of a message box. // 2: This option is unused. // 3: [TRUE|FALSE] - If true, reports general memory leaks to the attached debugger instead of a message box. // 4: This option is unused. // 5: [TRUE|FALSE] - If true, reports log messages and log dumps to the attached debugger. // 6: { DWORD blocks_allocated; DWORD blocks_freed; } Used to determine the amount of memory/heap blocks that have been allocated and freed by storm. // Can also be used for custom allocations outside of storm. // //BOOL STORMAPI StormGetOption(int type, void *pValue, size_t *pSize); //BOOL STORMAPI StormSetOption(int type, void *pValue, size_t size); BOOL STORMAPI SBltROP3(void *lpDstBuffer, void *lpSrcBuffer, int srcDrawWidth, int srcDrawHeight, int dstWidth, int srcWidth, int a7, DWORD rop); BOOL STORMAPI SBltROP3Clipped(void *lpDstBuffer, RECT *lpDstRect, POINT *lpDstPt, int a4, void *lpSrcBuffer, RECT *lpSrcRect, POINT *lpSrcPt, int a8, int a9, DWORD rop); #define SBMP_DEFAULT 0 #define SBMP_BMP 1 #define SBMP_PCX 2 #define SBMP_TGA 3 /* SBmpDecodeImage @ 321 * * Decodes an image that has already been loaded into a buffer. * * dwImgType: Optional, the image type. See SBMP_ macros. * pSrcBuffer: A pointer to the source buffer. * dwSrcBuffersize: The size of the data in the source buffer. * pPalette: An optional buffer that receives the image palette. * pDstBuffer: A buffer that receives the image data. * dwDstBuffersize: The size of the specified image buffer. If the size of the * destination buffer is 0, then the destination buffer is not used. * pdwWidth: An optional variable that receives the image width. * pdwHeight: An optional variable that receives the image height. * pdwBpp: An optional variable that receives the image bits per pixel. * * Returns TRUE if the image was supported and decoded correctly, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SBmpDecodeImage( DWORD dwImgType, void *pSrcBuffer, DWORD dwSrcBuffersize, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette = NULL, void *pDstBuffer = NULL, DWORD dwDstBuffersize = 0, DWORD *pdwWidth = NULL, DWORD *pdwHeight = NULL, DWORD *pdwBpp = NULL); /* SBmpLoadImage @ 323 * * Load an image from an available archive into a buffer. * * pszFileName: The name of the graphic in an active archive. * pPalette: An optional buffer that receives the image palette. * pBuffer: A buffer that receives the image data. * dwBuffersize: The size of the specified image buffer. * pdwWidth: An optional variable that receives the image width. * pdwHeight: An optional variable that receives the image height. * pdwBpp: An optional variable that receives the image bits per pixel. * * Returns TRUE if the image was supported and loaded correctly, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SBmpLoadImage( const char *pszFileName, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette = NULL, void *pBuffer = NULL, DWORD dwBuffersize = 0, DWORD *pdwWidth = NULL, DWORD *pdwHeight = NULL, DWORD *pdwBpp = NULL); /* SBmpSaveImage @ 324 * * Save an image from a buffer to a file. The image format is determined * from the filename and is either .gif, .pcx, .tga, or .bmp being the default. * * pszFileName: The name of the file to create. * pPalette: A pointer to a palette array containing 256 entries. * pBuffer: A buffer containing the image data. * pdwWidth: The width of the image. * pdwHeight: The height of the image. * pdwBpp: The bits per pixel. * * Returns TRUE if the image was saved correctly, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SBmpSaveImage( const char *pszFileName, PALETTEENTRY *pPalette, void *pBuffer, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwBpp = 8); HANDLE STORMAPI SBmpAllocLoadImage(const char *fileName, PALETTEENTRY *palette, void **buffer, int *width, int *height, int unused6, int unused7, void *(STORMAPI *allocFunction)(DWORD)); BOOL STORMAPI SCodeCompile(char *directives1, char *directives2, char *loopstring, unsigned int maxiterations, unsigned int flags, HANDLE handle); BOOL STORMAPI SCodeDelete(HANDLE handle); int STORMAPI SCodeExecute(HANDLE handle, int a2); BOOL STORMAPI SDrawAutoInitialize(HINSTANCE hInst, LPCSTR lpClassName, LPCSTR lpWindowName, WNDPROC pfnWndProc, int nMode, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBits); /* SDrawCaptureScreen @ 342 * * Saves a screenshot from the primary surface being handled by Storm. * * pszOutput: The name of the output file. The save format is automatically set by the extension. * The extensions supported are .gif, .pcx, .tga, and .bmp. It will write a bitmap by default. * * Returns TRUE if successful and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SDrawCaptureScreen( const char *pszOutput); /* SDrawGetFrameWindow @ 346 * * Retrieves the window handle that was specified in * SDrawManualInitialize or created in SDrawAutoInitialize. * * sdraw_framewindow: Optional variable that receives the returned handle. * * Returns the handle of the window. */ HWND STORMAPI SDrawGetFrameWindow( HWND *sdraw_framewindow = NULL); /* SDrawGetObjects @ 347 * * Retrieves the object information that was initialized using * SDrawManualInitialize or SDrawAutoInitialize. * * ddInterface: The DirectDraw interface. * primarySurface: The primary DirectDraw surface. * surface2: A second unknown surface. * surface3: A third unknown surface. * backSurface: The back DirectDraw surface. * ddPalette: The DirectDraw palette. * hPalette: The palette handle. * * Returns FALSE if the direct draw interface has not been initialized. */ BOOL STORMAPI SDrawGetObjects( LPDIRECTDRAW *ddInterface = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *primarySurface = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *surface2 = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *surface3 = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE *backSurface = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE *ddPalette = NULL, HPALETTE *hPalette = NULL); /* SDrawGetScreenSize @ 348 * * Obtains information for the current screen resolution. * * pdwWidth: Optional variable that receives the screen width. * pdwHeight: Optional variable that receives the screen height. * pdwBpp: Optional variable that receives the bits per pixel. * * Returns FALSE if no variables were specified. */ BOOL STORMAPI SDrawGetScreenSize( DWORD *pdwWidth, DWORD *pdwHeight, DWORD *pdwBpp); // undefined BOOL STORMAPI SDrawLockSurface(int surfacenumber, RECT *lpDestRect, void **lplpSurface, int *lpPitch, int arg_unused); /* SDrawManualInitialize @ 351 * * Sets the DirectDraw variables to be referenced in Storm. * * hWnd: The handle of the DirectDraw window. * ddInterface: The DirectDraw interface. * primarySurface: The first and primary surface. * surface2: A second surface. Behaviour not completely known. * surface3: A third surface. Behaviour not completely known. * backSurface: The fourth and final surface. The back surface. * ddPalette: The DirectDraw palette if the application requires it. * hPalette: The palette handle that belongs to the window. * If this is NULL and ddPalette is specified, then it * will be created automatically. A palette can be created * using the CreatePalette WinAPI function. * * Returns FALSE if no variables were specified. */ BOOL STORMAPI SDrawManualInitialize( HWND hWnd = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAW ddInterface = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE primarySurface = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE surface2 = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE surface3 = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE backSurface = NULL, LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE ddPalette = NULL, HPALETTE hPalette = NULL); /* SDrawPostClose @ 353 * * Posts a WM_QUIT message to the active drawing window specified * in SDrawManualInitialize or created in SDrawAutoInitialize. * * Returns TRUE if successful and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SDrawPostClose(); // undefined //BOOL STORMAPI SDrawRealizePalette(); BOOL STORMAPI SDrawUnlockSurface(int surfacenumber, void *lpSurface, int a3, RECT *lpRect); BOOL STORMAPI SDrawUpdatePalette(unsigned int firstentry, unsigned int numentries, PALETTEENTRY *pPalEntries, int a4); BOOL STORMAPI SEvtDispatch(DWORD dwMessageID, DWORD dwFlags, int type, PS_EVT pEvent); BOOL STORMAPI SGdiDeleteObject(HANDLE handle); BOOL STORMAPI SGdiExtTextOut(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, unsigned int a8, signed int a6, signed int a7, const char *pszString, unsigned int arg20); BOOL STORMAPI SGdiImportFont(HGDIOBJ handle, int windowsfont); BOOL STORMAPI SGdiSelectObject(int handle); BOOL STORMAPI SGdiSetPitch(int pitch); BOOL STORMAPI Ordinal393(char *pszString, int, int); /* SMemAlloc @ 401 * * Allocates a block of memory. This block is different * from the standard malloc by including a header containing * information about the block. * * amount: The amount of memory to allocate, in bytes. * logfilename: The name of the file or object that this call belongs to. * logline: The line in the file or one of the SLOG_ macros. * defaultValue: The default value of a byte in the allocated memory. * * Returns a pointer to the allocated memory. This pointer does NOT include * the additional storm header. */ void* STORMAPI SMemAlloc( size_t amount, char *logfilename, int logline, char defaultValue = 0); #define SMAlloc(amount) SMemAlloc((amount), __FILE__, __LINE__) /* SMemFree @ 403 * * Frees a block of memory that was created using SMemAlloc, * includes the log file and line for debugging purposes. * * location: The memory location to be freed. * logfilename: The name of the file or object that this call belongs to. * logline: The line in the file or one of the SLOG_ macros. * defaultValue: * * Returns TRUE if the call was successful and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SMemFree( void *location, char *logfilename, int logline, char defaultValue = 0); #define SMFree(loc) SMemFree((loc), __FILE__, __LINE__) /* SMemReAlloc @ 405 * * Reallocates a block of memory that was created using SMemAlloc, * includes the log file and line for debugging purposes. * * location: The memory location to be re-allocated. If this parameter * is NULL, then SMemAlloc is called with the remaining parameters. * amount: The amount of memory to re-allocate. * logfilename: The name of the file or object that this call belongs to. * logline: The line in the file or one of the SLOG_ macros. * defaultValue: * * Returns a pointer to the re-allocated memory. This pointer does NOT include * the additional storm header. */ void* STORMAPI SMemReAlloc( void *location, size_t amount, char *logfilename, int logline, char defaultValue = 0); #define SMReAlloc(loc,s) SMemReAlloc((loc),(s), __FILE__, __LINE__) // Can be provided instead of logline/__LINE__ parameter to indicate different errors. #define SLOG_EXPRESSION 0 #define SLOG_FUNCTION -1 #define SLOG_OBJECT -2 #define SLOG_HANDLE -3 #define SLOG_FILE -4 #define SLOG_EXCEPTION -5 BOOL STORMAPI SRegLoadData(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, int size, LPBYTE lpData, BYTE flags, LPDWORD lpcbData); BOOL STORMAPI SRegLoadString(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, BYTE flags, char *buffer, size_t buffersize); BOOL STORMAPI SRegLoadValue(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, BYTE flags, int *value); BOOL STORMAPI SRegSaveData(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, int size, BYTE *lpData, DWORD cbData); BOOL STORMAPI SRegSaveString(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, BYTE flags, char *string); BOOL STORMAPI SRegSaveValue(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, BYTE flags, DWORD result); BOOL STORMAPI SRegDeleteValue(const char *keyname, const char *valuename, BYTE flags); // Flags for SReg functions // Default behaviour checks both HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER // relative to the "Software\\Blizzard Entertainment\\" key in both hives. #define SREG_NONE 0x00000000 #define SREG_EXCLUDE_LOCAL_MACHINE 0x00000001 // excludes checking the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive #define SREG_BATTLE_NET 0x00000002 // sets the relative key to "Software\\Battle.net\\" instead #define SREG_EXCLUDE_CURRENT_USER 0x00000004 // excludes checking the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive #define SREG_ABSOLUTE 0x00000010 // specifies that the key is not a relative key BOOL STORMAPI STransBlt(void *lpSurface, int x, int y, int width, HANDLE hTrans); BOOL STORMAPI STransBltUsingMask(void *lpDest, void *lpSource, int pitch, int width, HANDLE hTrans); BOOL STORMAPI STransDelete(HANDLE hTrans); BOOL STORMAPI STransDuplicate(HANDLE hTransSource, HANDLE hTransDest); BOOL STORMAPI STransIntersectDirtyArray(HANDLE hTrans, char * dirtyarraymask, unsigned flags, HANDLE * phTransResult); BOOL STORMAPI STransInvertMask(HANDLE hTrans, HANDLE * phTransResult); BOOL STORMAPI STransSetDirtyArrayInfo(int width, int height, int depth, int bits); BOOL STORMAPI STransPointInMask(HANDLE hTrans, int x, int y); // Name is a pure guess BOOL STORMAPI STransCombineMasks(HANDLE hTransA, HANDLE hTransB, int left, int top, int flags, HANDLE * phTransResult); BOOL STORMAPI STransCreateE(void *pBuffer, int width, int height, int bpp, int a5, int bufferSize, HANDLE *phTransOut); BOOL STORMAPI SVidDestroy(); BOOL STORMAPI SVidGetSize(HANDLE video, int width, int height, int zero); BOOL STORMAPI SVidInitialize(HANDLE video); BOOL STORMAPI SVidPlayBegin(char *filename, int arg4, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, HANDLE* video); BOOL STORMAPI SVidPlayContinueSingle(HANDLE video, int a2, int a3); BOOL STORMAPI SVidPlayEnd(HANDLE video); /* SErrDisplayError @ 461 * * Displays a formatted error message. The message is detailed and flexible for many applications. * The message will be different if there is a debugger attached. Will typically terminate the application * unless the option to continue is given. * * dwErrMessage: The error code. See SErrGetLastError and GetLastError. * logfilename: The name of the file or object that this call belongs to. * logline: The line in the file or one of the SLOG_ macros. * message: A message or expression with additional information. * allowOption: If TRUE, allows the user the option to continue execution, otherwise the program will terminate. * exitCode: The exit code used for program termination. * * Returns TRUE if the user chose to continue execution, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SErrDisplayError( DWORD dwErrMsg, const char *logfilename, int logline, const char *message = NULL, BOOL allowOption = FALSE, int exitCode = 1); #define SAssert(x) { if ( !(x) ) SErrDisplayError(STORM_ERROR_ASSERTION, __FILE__, __LINE__, #x) } #define SEDisplayError(err) SErrDisplayError(e, __FILE__, __LINE__) /* SErrGetErrorStr @ 462 * * Retrieves a string that describes the specified error code for * the system, Storm, DirectDraw, or DirectSound. * * dwErrCode: The error code to look up. * buffer: The destination buffer to receive the string. * bufferchars: The size of the destination buffer. * * Returns TRUE if the call was successful and FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL STORMAPI SErrGetErrorStr( DWORD dwErrCode, char *buffer, size_t bufferchars); #define SEGetErrorStr(e,b) SErrGetErrorStr(e,b,sizeof(b)) /* SErrGetLastError @ 463 * * Retrieves the last error that was specifically * set for the Storm library. * * Returns the last error set within the Storm library. */ DWORD STORMAPI SErrGetLastError(); // Registers a module as a message source for SErrGetErrorStr, always returns TRUE // groupID is a group in a MessageTable entry for example in STORM_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT 0x85100065, 0x510 is the group. // BOOL STORMAPI SErrRegisterMessageSource(WORD groupID, HMODULE hSourceModule, int a3) /* SErrSetLastError @ 465 * * Sets the last error for the Storm library and the Kernel32 library. * * dwErrCode: The error code that will be set. */ void STORMAPI SErrSetLastError( DWORD dwErrCode = NO_ERROR); // // void STORMAPI SErrReportNamedResourceLeak(const char *pszMsg, const char *pszSubMsg = nullptr) // void STORMAPI SErrReportResourceLeak(const char *pszMsg) void STORMAPI SErrSuppressErrors(BOOL suppressErrors); // Values for dwErrCode #define STORM_ERROR_ASSERTION 0x85100000 #define STORM_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT 0x85100065 #define STORM_ERROR_GAME_ALREADY_STARTED 0x85100066 #define STORM_ERROR_GAME_FULL 0x85100067 #define STORM_ERROR_GAME_NOT_FOUND 0x85100068 #define STORM_ERROR_GAME_TERMINATED 0x85100069 #define STORM_ERROR_INVALID_PLAYER 0x8510006a #define STORM_ERROR_NO_MESSAGES_WAITING 0x8510006b #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_ARCHIVE 0x8510006c #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS 0x8510006d #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x8510006e #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_IN_ARCHIVE 0x8510006f #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_IN_GAME 0x85100070 #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x85100071 #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_PLAYING 0x85100072 #define STORM_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED 0x85100073 #define STORM_ERROR_REQUIRES_CODEC1 0x85100074 #define STORM_ERROR_REQUIRES_CODEC2 0x85100075 #define STORM_ERROR_REQUIRES_CODEC3 0x85100076 #define STORM_ERROR_REQUIRES_UPGRADE 0x85100077 #define STORM_ERROR_STILL_ACTIVE 0x85100078 #define STORM_ERROR_VERSION_MISMATCH 0x85100079 #define STORM_ERROR_MEM_NOT_ALLOCATED 0x8510007a #define STORM_ERROR_MEM_CORRUPTED 0x8510007b #define STORM_ERROR_MEM_INVALID 0x8510007c #define STORM_ERROR_MEM_MANAGER_NOT_INITIALIZED 0x8510007d #define STORM_ERROR_MEM_NOT_FREED 0x8510007e #define STORM_ERROR_RESOURCES_NOT_RELEASED 0x8510007f #define STORM_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS 0x85100080 #define STORM_ERROR_NULL_POINTER 0x85100081 #define STORM_ERROR_CDKEY_MISMATCH 0x85100082 #define STORM_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED 0x85100083 #define STORM_ERROR_FATAL 0x85100084 #define STORM_ERROR_GAMETYPE_UNAVAILABLE 0x85100085 /* SMemCopy @ 491 * * Copies a block of memory from source to destination. * This function immediately calls memcpy. See online documentation * of memcpy for more details. * * dest: The destination buffer. * source: The source buffer. * size: The number of bytes to copy. */ void STORMAPI SMemCopy( void *dest, const void *source, size_t size); #define SMCopy(d,s) ( SMemCopy(d, s, __STORM_SSIZEMIN(s,d)) ) /* SMemFill @ 492 * * Fills a block of memory with the specified character. * This function immediately calls memset. See online documentation * of memset for more details. * * dest: The destination buffer. * source: The size of the destination buffer. * size: The format to use. */ void STORMAPI SMemFill( void *location, size_t length, char fillWith = 0); #define SMFill(l,f) (SMemFill(l, sizeof(l), f)) /* SMemZero @ 494 * * Fills a block of memory with the integer 0x00 (Zero). * * location: The location to write at. * length: The amount of bytes to write. */ void STORMAPI SMemZero( void *location, size_t length); #define SMZero(l) (SMemZero(l, sizeof(l))) int STORMAPI SMemCmp(void *location1, void *location2, DWORD size); #define SMCmp(l,x) ( SMemCmp(l, x, __STORM_SSIZEMIN(x,l)) ) /* SStrCopy @ 501 * * Copies a string from src to dest (including NULL terminator) * until the max_length is reached. * * dest: The destination array. * src: The source array. * max_length: The maximum length of dest. * * Returns the number of characters copied. */ int STORMAPI SStrCopy( char *dest, const char *src, int max_length = 0x7FFFFFFF); #define SSCopy(d,s) (SStrCopy(d, s, sizeof(d))) #define STORM_HASH_ABSOLUTE 1 /* SStrHash @ 502 * * Creates a simple hash for the string. This function * should NOT be used for sensitive information. * * string: The input string. * flags: If STORM_HASH_ABSOLUTE is set then this function uses the absolute string, otherwise it will convert backslashes to forward slashes and some other processing. * seed: The hash seed. If this value is 0 then the * default value 0x7FED7FED will be used. * * Returns the 32-bit hash of the string. */ DWORD STORMAPI SStrHash( const char *string, DWORD flags = 0, DWORD Seed = 0); int STORMAPI SStrNCat(char *dest, const char *src, DWORD max_length); /* SStrLen @ 506 * * Retrieves the length of a string. * * string: The input string of which to obtain a * length for. * * Returns the length of the string. */ int STORMAPI SStrLen( const char *string); /* SStrCmp @ 508 * * Compares two strings case sensitive. * * string1: The first string. * string2: The second string. * size: The maximum amount of characters to compare. * * Returns 0 if strings are equal. See strcmp documentation for more details. */ int STORMAPI SStrCmp( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t size); #define SSCmp(s,x) ( SStrCmp(s,x,__STORM_SSIZEMIN(s,x)) ) /* SStrCmpI @ 509 * * Compares two strings case insensitive. * * string1: The first string. * string2: The second string. * size: The maximum amount of characters to compare. * * Returns 0 if strings are equal. See strcmpi documentation for more details. */ int STORMAPI SStrCmpI( const char *string1, const char *string2, size_t size); #define SSCmpI(s,x) ( SStrCmpI(s,x,__STORM_SSIZEMIN(s,x)) ) /* SStrUpper @ 510 * * Converts all lower-case alpha characters of a string to upper-case. * * string: The string to convert. * * Returns the same pointer given in the input. */ char* STORMAPI SStrUpper( char* string); void STORMAPI SRgn523(HANDLE hRgn, RECT *pRect, int a3, int a4); void STORMAPI SRgnCreateRegion(HANDLE *hRgn, int a2); void STORMAPI SRgnDeleteRegion(HANDLE hRgn); void STORMAPI SRgn529i(int handle, int a2, int a3); /* SErrDisplayErrorFmt @ 562 * * Displays a formatted error message. The message is detailed and flexible for many applications. * The message will be different if there is a debugger attached. Will typically terminate the application * unless the option to continue is given. * * dwErrMessage: The error code. See SErrGetLastError and GetLastError. * logfilename: The name of the file or object that this call belongs to. * logline: The line in the file or one of the SLOG_ macros. * allowOption: If TRUE, allows the user the option to continue execution, otherwise the program will terminate. * exitCode: The exit code used for program termination. * format: Additional message formatting. See printf. * * Returns TRUE if the user chose to continue execution, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL SErrDisplayErrorFmt( DWORD dwErrMsg, const char *logfilename, int logline, BOOL allowOption, int exitCode, const char *format, ...); //#define SEDisplayErrorFmt(err,...) SErrDisplayErrorFmt(err, __FILE__, __LINE__, FALSE, 1, __VA_ARGS__) /* SErrCatchUnhandledExceptions @ 567 * * Registers a top-level exception filter managed entirely by Storm. * The registered filter will display formatted exception information by calling SErrDisplayError. */ void STORMAPI SErrCatchUnhandledExceptions(); /* SStrChr @ 571 * * Searches a string for the given character. See * strchr documentation for more details. * * string: The string to search. * c: The character to search for. * * Returns a pointer to the first occurance of the character. */ char* STORMAPI SStrChr( const char *string, char c); char *STORMAPI SStrChrR(const char *string, char c); /* SStrVPrintf @ 578 * * Prints a formatted string to a destination buffer. * This function calls vsnprintf with some extra error handling. * See online documentation of vsnprintf for more details. * * dest: The destination buffer. * size: The size of the destination buffer. * format: The format to use. * * Returns the number of characters written. */ size_t SStrVPrintf( char *dest, size_t size, const char *format, ...); int STORMAPI SBigDel(void *buffer); int STORMAPI SBigFromBinary(void *buffer, const void *str, size_t size); int STORMAPI SBigNew(void **buffer); int STORMAPI SBigPowMod(void *buffer1, void *buffer2, int a3, int a4); int STORMAPI SBigToBinaryBuffer(void *buffer, int length, int a3, int a4); void __stdcall SDrawMessageBox(char *,char *,int); void __cdecl SDrawDestroy(void); bool __cdecl StormDestroy(void); bool __stdcall SFileSetBasePath(char *); void __cdecl SDrawRealizePalette(void); bool __cdecl SVidPlayContinue(void); bool __stdcall SNetGetOwnerTurnsWaiting(int *); void * __stdcall SNetUnregisterEventHandler(int,void (__stdcall*)(struct _SNETEVENT *)); void * __stdcall SNetRegisterEventHandler(int,void (__stdcall*)(struct _SNETEVENT *)); bool __stdcall SNetSetBasePlayer(int); int __stdcall SNetInitializeProvider(unsigned long,struct _SNETPROGRAMDATA *,struct _SNETPLAYERDATA *,struct _SNETUIDATA *,struct _SNETVERSIONDATA *); int __stdcall SNetGetProviderCaps(struct _SNETCAPS *); int __stdcall SFileSetFilePointer(int,int,int,int); #endif