Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/galaxyhaxz/devilution synced 2025-02-22 12:34:59 +00:00
PrisonOfMirrors b720183846 initial up
2020-11-28 18:24:54 -06:00

885 lines
19 KiB

#include "diablo.h"
#include "../3rdParty/Storm/Source/storm.h"
#include "../DiabloUI/diabloui.h"
char hero_names[MAX_CHARACTERS][PLR_NAME_LEN];
BOOL gbValidSaveFile; // idb
int save_prev_tc; // weak
void pfile_init_save_directory()
char Buffer[260]; // [esp+4h] [ebp-104h]
if ( GetWindowsDirectory(Buffer, 0x104u)
&& (pfile_check_available_space(Buffer), GetModuleFileName(ghInst, Buffer, 0x104u)) )
app_fatal("Unable to initialize save directory");
void pfile_check_available_space(char *pszDir)
char *v1; // edi
char *v2; // eax
char v3; // cl
BOOL v4; // esi
DWORD TotalNumberOfClusters; // [esp+8h] [ebp-10h]
DWORD NumberOfFreeClusters; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-Ch]
DWORD BytesPerSector; // [esp+10h] [ebp-8h]
DWORD SectorsPerCluster; // [esp+14h] [ebp-4h]
v1 = pszDir;
v2 = pszDir;
while ( 1 )
v3 = *v2;
if ( !*v2 )
if ( v3 == '\\' )
*v2 = '\0';
v4 = GetDiskFreeSpace(v1, &SectorsPerCluster, &BytesPerSector, &NumberOfFreeClusters, &TotalNumberOfClusters);
if ( !v4 )
goto LABEL_12;
if ( (signed __int64)(BytesPerSector * (unsigned __int64)SectorsPerCluster * NumberOfFreeClusters) < 0xA00000 )
v4 = 0;
if ( !v4 )
void pfile_write_hero()
int v0; // eax
int v1; // esi
//int v2; // eax
PkPlayerStruct pkplr; // [esp+4h] [ebp-4F4h]
v0 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
v1 = v0;
//_LOBYTE(v2) = pfile_open_archive(1, v0);
if ( pfile_open_archive(1, v0) )
PackPlayer(&pkplr, myplr, gbMaxPlayers == 1);
pfile_flush(gbMaxPlayers == 1, v1);
int pfile_get_save_num_from_name(char *name)
char *v1; // ebx
unsigned int v2; // esi
v1 = name;
v2 = 0;
if ( !_strcmpi(hero_names[v2], v1) )
while ( v2 < MAX_CHARACTERS );
return v2;
void pfile_encode_hero(PkPlayerStruct *pPack)
int v1; // ebx
void *v2; // edi
char password[16]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-14h]
void *v4; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-4h]
strcpy(password, "xrgyrkj1");
*(_DWORD *)&password[9] = 0;
*(_WORD *)&password[13] = 0;
v4 = pPack;
password[15] = 0;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
strcpy(password, "szqnlsk1");
v1 = codec_get_encoded_len(1266);
v2 = DiabloAllocPtr(v1);
memcpy(v2, v4, 0x4F2u);
codec_encode((BYTE *)v2, 1266, v1, password);
mpqapi_write_file("hero", (char *)v2, v1);
_bool pfile_open_archive(_bool a1, int save_num)
int v2; // esi
BOOL v3; // edi
//int v4; // eax
char FileName[260]; // [esp+8h] [ebp-104h]
v2 = save_num;
v3 = a1;
pfile_get_save_path(FileName, 260, save_num);
//_LOBYTE(v4) = mpqapi_open_archive(FileName, 0, v2);
if ( mpqapi_open_archive(FileName, 0, v2) )
return 1;
if ( v3 )
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
return 0;
void pfile_get_save_path(char *pszBuf, int dwBufSize, int save_num)
char *v3; // esi
const char *v4; // ebx
DWORD v5; // edi
char *v6; // eax
char v7[260]; // [esp+8h] [ebp-104h]
v3 = pszBuf;
v4 = "\\multi_%d.sv";
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers <= 1u )
v4 = "\\single_%d.sv";
v5 = GetModuleFileName(ghInst, pszBuf, 0x104u);
v6 = strrchr(v3, '\\');
if ( v6 )
*v6 = 0;
if ( !v5 )
app_fatal("Unable to get save directory");
sprintf(v7, v4, save_num);
strcat(v3, v7);
void pfile_flush(_bool is_single_player, int save_num)
int v2; // esi
_bool v3; // di
char FileName[260]; // [esp+8h] [ebp-104h]
v2 = save_num;
v3 = is_single_player;
pfile_get_save_path(FileName, 260, save_num);
mpqapi_flush_and_close(FileName, v3, v2);
_bool pfile_create_player_description(char *dst, int len)
int v2; // edi
char *v3; // ebx
int v4; // eax
char src[128]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-ACh]
_uiheroinfo hero_info; // [esp+8Ch] [ebp-2Ch]
myplr = 0;
v2 = len;
v3 = dst;
game_2_ui_player(plr, &hero_info, gbValidSaveFile);
UiSetupPlayerInfo(gszHero, &hero_info, 'DRTL');
if ( !v3 || !v2 )
goto LABEL_5;
v4 = UiCreatePlayerDescription(&hero_info, 'DRTL', src);
if ( v4 )
SStrCopy(v3, src, v2);
v4 = 1;
return v4;
int pfile_create_save_file(char *name_1, char *name_2)
char *v2; // edi
char *v3; // ebp
int v4; // esi
int v5; // eax
char *v7; // [esp+20h] [ebp-30h]
_uiheroinfo heroinfo; // [esp+24h] [ebp-2Ch]
v2 = name_2;
v3 = name_1;
if ( pfile_get_save_num_from_name(name_2) != MAX_CHARACTERS )
return 0;
v4 = 0;
v7 = plr[0]._pName;
while ( _strcmpi(v3, v7) )
v7 += 21720;
if ( v7 == plr[4]._pName )
return 0;
v5 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(v3);
if ( v5 == MAX_CHARACTERS )
return 0;
SStrCopy(hero_names[v5], v2, 32);
SStrCopy(plr[v4]._pName, v2, 32);
if ( !_strcmpi(gszHero, v3) )
SStrCopy(gszHero, v2, 16);
game_2_ui_player(plr, &heroinfo, gbValidSaveFile);
UiSetupPlayerInfo(gszHero, &heroinfo, 'DRTL');
return 1;
void pfile_flush_W()
int v0; // eax
v0 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
pfile_flush(1, v0);
void game_2_ui_player(PlayerStruct *p, _uiheroinfo *heroinfo, BOOL bHasSaveFile)
_uiheroinfo *v3; // esi
PlayerStruct *v4; // edi
char v5; // al
v3 = heroinfo;
v4 = p;
memset(heroinfo, 0, 0x2Cu);
strncpy(v3->name, v4->_pName, 0xFu);
v3->name[15] = 0;
v3->level = v4->_pLevel;
v3->heroclass = game_2_ui_class(v4);
v3->strength = v4->_pStrength;
v3->magic = v4->_pMagic;
v3->dexterity = v4->_pDexterity;
v3->vitality = v4->_pVitality;
v3->gold = v4->_pGold;
v3->hassaved = bHasSaveFile;
v5 = v4->pDiabloKillLevel;
v3->spawned = 0;
v3->herorank = v5;
char game_2_ui_class(PlayerStruct *p)
char result; // al
result = p->_pClass;
if ( result )
result = (result != 1) + 1;
return result;
BOOL __stdcall pfile_ui_set_hero_infos(BOOL (__stdcall *ui_add_hero_info)(_uiheroinfo *))
char *v1; // esi
//int v2; // eax
int v3; // eax
DWORD v4; // eax
unsigned int v5; // esi
void *v7; // eax
void *v8; // edi
//int v9; // eax
_bool v10; // al
PkPlayerStruct pkplr; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-7BCh]
struct _OFSTRUCT ReOpenBuff; // [esp+500h] [ebp-2C8h]
char FileName[260]; // [esp+588h] [ebp-240h]
char NewFileName[260]; // [esp+68Ch] [ebp-13Ch]
_uiheroinfo hero_info; // [esp+790h] [ebp-38h]
int unused; // [esp+7BCh] [ebp-Ch]
LPCSTR lpSrcStr; // [esp+7C0h] [ebp-8h]
int save_num; // [esp+7C4h] [ebp-4h]
memset(hero_names, 0, 0x140u);
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
lpSrcStr = 0;
save_num = 0;
if ( (unsigned int)save_num >= MAX_CHARACTERS )
GetSaveDirectory(FileName, 260, (int)lpSrcStr);
v1 = strrchr(FileName, '\\') + 1;
if ( v1 != (char *)1 && OpenFile(FileName, &ReOpenBuff, 0x4000u) != -1 )
if ( !SRegLoadString("Diablo\\Converted", (const char *)v1, 0, NewFileName, 260) )
while ( 1 )
v3 = save_num++;
pfile_get_save_path(NewFileName, 260, v3);
if ( OpenFile(NewFileName, &ReOpenBuff, 0x4000u) == -1 )
if ( (unsigned int)save_num >= MAX_CHARACTERS )
goto LABEL_13;
if ( CopyFile(FileName, NewFileName, 1) )
SRegSaveString("Diablo\\Converted", v1, 0, NewFileName);
v4 = GetFileAttributes(NewFileName);
if ( v4 != -1 )
_LOBYTE(v4) = v4 & 0xF9;
SetFileAttributes(NewFileName, v4);
while ( (unsigned int)lpSrcStr < MAX_CHARACTERS );
unused = 1;
v5 = 0;
v7 = pfile_open_save_archive(&unused, v5);
v8 = v7;
if ( v7 )
if ( pfile_read_hero(v7, &pkplr) )
strcpy(hero_names[v5], pkplr.pName);
UnPackPlayer(&pkplr, 0, 0);
v10 = pfile_archive_contains_game(v8);
game_2_ui_player(plr, &hero_info, v10);
while ( v5 < MAX_CHARACTERS );
return 1;
char *GetSaveDirectory(char *dst, int dst_size, int save_num)
char *v3; // esi
const char *v4; // ebx
DWORD v5; // edi
char *v6; // eax
char path_buf[260]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-104h]
v3 = dst;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers <= 1u )
v4 = "\\single_%d.sv";
v5 = GetModuleFileName(ghInst, dst, 0x104u);
v6 = strrchr(v3, '\\');
if ( v6 )
*v6 = '\0';
v4 = "\\dlinfo_%d.drv";
v5 = GetWindowsDirectory(dst, 0x104u);
if ( !v5 )
app_fatal("Unable to get save directory");
sprintf(path_buf, v4, save_num);
strcat(v3, path_buf);
return _strlwr(v3);
_bool pfile_read_hero(void *archive, PkPlayerStruct *pPack)
BOOL v2; // eax
int dwSize; // eax
int v4; // edi
char *v5; // eax
char *v6; // esi
//int v7; // eax
//int v8; // eax
char password[16]; // [esp+4h] [ebp-24h]
void *v11; // [esp+14h] [ebp-14h]
DWORD nSize; // [esp+18h] [ebp-10h]
int v13; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-Ch]
int dwBytes; // [esp+20h] [ebp-8h]
void *file; // [esp+24h] [ebp-4h]
v11 = pPack;
v2 = SFileOpenFileEx(archive, "hero", 0, &file);
if ( v2 )
strcpy(password, "xrgyrkj1");
v13 = 0;
*(_DWORD *)&password[9] = 0;
*(_WORD *)&password[13] = 0;
password[15] = 0;
nSize = 16;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
strcpy(password, "szqnlsk1");
dwSize = SFileGetFileSize((int *)file, 0);
v4 = dwSize;
if ( !dwSize )
goto LABEL_15;
v5 = (char *)DiabloAllocPtr(dwSize);
v6 = v5;
//_LOBYTE(v7) = SFileReadFile(file, v5, v4, (unsigned long *)&dwBytes, 0);
if ( SFileReadFile(file, v5, v4, (unsigned long *)&dwBytes, 0) )
dwBytes = codec_decode((BYTE *)v6, v4, password);
if ( dwBytes )
goto LABEL_11;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
GetComputerName(password, &nSize);
if ( !SFileSetFilePointer(file, 0, 0, 0) )
//_LOBYTE(v8) = SFileReadFile(file, v6, v4, (unsigned long *)&dwBytes, 0);
if ( SFileReadFile(file, v6, v4, (unsigned long *)&dwBytes, 0) )
dwBytes = codec_decode((BYTE *)v6, v4, password);
if ( dwBytes == 1266 )
memcpy(v11, v6, 0x4F2u);
v13 = 1;
goto LABEL_13;
if ( v6 )
v2 = v13;
return v2;
void *pfile_open_save_archive(int *unused, int save_num)
//int v2; // eax
char SrcStr[260]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-108h]
void *archive; // [esp+104h] [ebp-4h]
pfile_get_save_path(SrcStr, 260, save_num);
//_LOBYTE(v2) = SFileOpenArchive(SrcStr, 0x7000, 0, &archive);
return SFileOpenArchive(SrcStr, 0x7000, 0, &archive) != 0 ? archive : NULL;
void pfile_SFileCloseArchive(void *hsArchive)
BOOL pfile_archive_contains_game(void *hsArchive)
//int v1; // eax
void *file; // [esp+0h] [ebp-4h]
file = hsArchive;
if ( gbMaxPlayers != 1 )
return FALSE;
//_LOBYTE(v1) = SFileOpenFileEx(hsArchive, "game", 0, &file);
if ( !SFileOpenFileEx(hsArchive, "game", 0, &file) )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL __stdcall pfile_ui_set_class_stats(int player_class_nr, _uidefaultstats *class_stats)
int v2; // eax
v2 = (char)pfile_get_player_class(player_class_nr);
class_stats->strength = StrengthTbl[v2];
class_stats->magic = MagicTbl[v2];
class_stats->dexterity = DexterityTbl[v2];
class_stats->vitality = VitalityTbl[v2];
return 1;
int pfile_get_player_class(int player_class_nr)
int result; // eax
if ( player_class_nr )
_LOBYTE(result) = (player_class_nr != 1) + 1;
_LOBYTE(result) = 0;
return result;
BOOL __stdcall pfile_ui_save_create(_uiheroinfo *heroinfo)
unsigned int v1; // edi
//int v3; // eax
char v5; // al
PkPlayerStruct pkplr; // [esp+8h] [ebp-4F4h]
v1 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(heroinfo->name);
if ( v1 == MAX_CHARACTERS )
v1 = 0;
if ( !*hero_names[v1] )
while ( v1 < MAX_CHARACTERS );
if ( v1 == MAX_CHARACTERS )
return 0;
//_LOBYTE(v3) = pfile_open_archive(0, v1);
if ( !pfile_open_archive(0, v1) )
return 0;
strncpy(hero_names[v1], heroinfo->name, 0x20u);
hero_names[v1][31] = 0;
v5 = pfile_get_player_class((unsigned char)heroinfo->heroclass);
CreatePlayer(0, v5);
strncpy(plr[0]._pName, heroinfo->name, 0x20u);
plr[0]._pName[31] = 0;
PackPlayer(&pkplr, 0, 1);
game_2_ui_player(plr, heroinfo, 0);
pfile_flush(1, v1);
return 1;
_bool __stdcall pfile_get_file_name(int lvl, char *dst)
int v2; // ecx
_bool v3; // zf
const char *v4; // eax
v2 = lvl;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
v3 = lvl == 0;
goto LABEL_10;
if ( (unsigned int)lvl < 0x11 )
v4 = "perml%02d";
sprintf(dst, v4, v2);
return 1;
if ( (unsigned int)lvl < 0x22 )
v2 = lvl - 17;
v4 = "perms%02d";
goto LABEL_12;
if ( lvl == 34 )
v4 = "game";
goto LABEL_12;
v3 = lvl == 35;
if ( v3 )
v4 = "hero";
goto LABEL_12;
return 0;
BOOL __stdcall pfile_delete_save(_uiheroinfo *hero_info)
unsigned int v1; // eax
char FileName[260]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-104h]
v1 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(hero_info->name);
if ( v1 < MAX_CHARACTERS )
hero_names[v1][0] = 0;
pfile_get_save_path(FileName, 260, v1);
return 1;
void pfile_read_player_from_save()
int dwChar; // edi
void *v1; // esi
//int v2; // eax
PkPlayerStruct pkplr; // [esp+8h] [ebp-4F4h]
dwChar = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(gszHero);
v1 = pfile_open_save_archive(0, dwChar);
if ( !v1 )
app_fatal("Unable to open archive");
//_LOBYTE(v2) = pfile_read_hero(v1, &pkplr);
if ( !pfile_read_hero(v1, &pkplr) )
app_fatal("Unable to load character");
UnPackPlayer(&pkplr, myplr, 0);
gbValidSaveFile = pfile_archive_contains_game(v1);
void GetTempLevelNames(char *szTemp)
char *v1; // esi
v1 = szTemp;
if ( setlevel )
sprintf(v1, "temps%02d", (unsigned char)setlvlnum);
sprintf(v1, "templ%02d", currlevel);
void GetPermLevelNames(char *szPerm)
char *v1; // esi
int v2; // ebx
//int v3; // eax
//int v4; // eax
int v5; // edi
v1 = szPerm;
v2 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
//_LOBYTE(v3) = pfile_open_archive(0, v2);
if ( !pfile_open_archive(0, v2) )
app_fatal("Unable to read to save file archive");
//_LOBYTE(v4) = mpqapi_has_file(v1);
v5 = mpqapi_has_file(v1);
pfile_flush(1, v2);
if ( !v5 )
if ( setlevel )
sprintf(v1, "perms%02d", (unsigned char)setlvlnum);
sprintf(v1, "perml%02d", currlevel);
void pfile_get_game_name(char *dst)
char *v1; // esi
v1 = dst;
strcpy(v1, "game");
void pfile_remove_temp_files()
int v0; // eax
int v1; // esi
//int v2; // eax
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers <= 1u )
v0 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
v1 = v0;
//_LOBYTE(v2) = pfile_open_archive(0, v0);
if ( !pfile_open_archive(0, v0) )
app_fatal("Unable to write to save file archive");
pfile_flush(1, v1);
_bool __stdcall GetTempSaveNames(int dwIndex, char *szTemp)
int v2; // eax
const char *v3; // ecx
v2 = dwIndex;
if ( (unsigned int)dwIndex < 0x11 )
v3 = "templ%02d";
sprintf(szTemp, v3, v2);
return 1;
if ( (unsigned int)dwIndex < 0x22 )
v2 = dwIndex - 17;
v3 = "temps%02d";
goto LABEL_5;
return 0;
void pfile_rename_temp_to_perm()
int v0; // eax
int v1; // edi
//int v2; // eax
int v3; // esi
//int v4; // eax
//int v5; // eax
//int v6; // eax
char v7[260]; // [esp+8h] [ebp-208h]
char v8[260]; // [esp+10Ch] [ebp-104h]
v0 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
v1 = v0;
//_LOBYTE(v2) = pfile_open_archive(0, v0);
if ( !pfile_open_archive(0, v0) )
app_fatal("Unable to write to save file archive");
v3 = 0;
while ( 1 )
//_LOBYTE(v6) = GetTempSaveNames(v3, v7);
if ( !GetTempSaveNames(v3, v7) )
GetPermSaveNames(v3++, v8);
//_LOBYTE(v4) = mpqapi_has_file(v7);
if ( mpqapi_has_file(v7) )
//_LOBYTE(v5) = mpqapi_has_file(v8);
if ( mpqapi_has_file(v8) )
mpqapi_rename(v7, v8);
GetPermSaveNames(v3, v8);
pfile_flush(1, v1);
_bool __stdcall GetPermSaveNames(int dwIndex, char *szPerm)
int v2; // eax
const char *v3; // ecx
v2 = dwIndex;
if ( (unsigned int)dwIndex < 0x11 )
v3 = "perml%02d";
sprintf(szPerm, v3, v2);
return 1;
if ( (unsigned int)dwIndex < 0x22 )
v2 = dwIndex - 17;
v3 = "perms%02d";
goto LABEL_5;
return 0;
void pfile_write_save_file(char *pszName, void *pbData, int dwLen, int qwLen)
void *v4; // ebx
int v5; // eax
//int v6; // eax
char file_name[260]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-118h]
char password[16]; // [esp+110h] [ebp-14h]
int v9; // [esp+120h] [ebp-4h]
v4 = pbData;
pfile_strcpy(file_name, pszName);
v5 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
strcpy(password, "xrgyrkj1");
v9 = v5;
*(_DWORD *)&password[9] = 0;
*(_WORD *)&password[13] = 0;
password[15] = 0;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
strcpy(password, "szqnlsk1");
codec_encode((BYTE *)v4, dwLen, qwLen, password);
//_LOBYTE(v6) = pfile_open_archive(0, v9);
if ( !pfile_open_archive(0, v9) )
app_fatal("Unable to write to save file archive");
mpqapi_write_file(file_name, (char *)v4, qwLen);
pfile_flush(1, v9);
void pfile_strcpy(char *dst, char *src)
strcpy(dst, src);
char *pfile_read(char *pszName, int *pdwLen)
int *v2; // ebx
int v3; // eax
void *v4; // edi
//int v5; // eax
int v6; // eax
void *v7; // eax
//int v8; // eax
char *v9; // esi
int v10; // eax
//int v11; // eax
char v13[260]; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-124h]
char password[16]; // [esp+110h] [ebp-20h]
void *src_dst; // [esp+120h] [ebp-10h]
int nread; // [esp+124h] [ebp-Ch]
DWORD nSize; // [esp+128h] [ebp-8h]
void *file; // [esp+12Ch] [ebp-4h]
v2 = pdwLen;
pfile_strcpy(v13, pszName);
v3 = pfile_get_save_num_from_name(plr[myplr]._pName);
v4 = pfile_open_save_archive(0, v3);
if ( !v4 )
app_fatal("Unable to open save file archive");
//_LOBYTE(v5) = SFileOpenFileEx(v4, v13, 0, &file);
if ( !SFileOpenFileEx(v4, v13, 0, &file) )
app_fatal("Unable to open save file");
v6 = SFileGetFileSize((int *)file, 0);
*v2 = v6;
if ( !v6 )
app_fatal("Invalid save file");
v7 = DiabloAllocPtr(*v2);
src_dst = v7;
//_LOBYTE(v8) = SFileReadFile(file, (char *)v7, *v2, (unsigned long *)&nread, 0);
if ( !SFileReadFile(file, (char *)v7, *v2, (unsigned long *)&nread, 0) )
app_fatal("Unable to read save file");
strcpy(password, "xrgyrkj1");
nSize = 16;
*(_DWORD *)&password[9] = 0;
*(_WORD *)&password[13] = 0;
password[15] = 0;
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
strcpy(password, "szqnlsk1");
v9 = (char *)src_dst;
v10 = codec_decode((BYTE *)src_dst, *v2, password);
*v2 = v10;
if ( !v10 )
if ( (unsigned char)gbMaxPlayers > 1u )
GetComputerName(password, &nSize);
if ( SFileSetFilePointer(file, 0, 0, 0) )
app_fatal("Unable to read save file");
//_LOBYTE(v11) = SFileReadFile(file, v9, *v2, (unsigned long *)&nread, 0);
if ( !SFileReadFile(file, v9, *v2, (unsigned long *)&nread, 0) )
app_fatal("Unable to read save file");
*v2 = codec_decode((BYTE *)v9, *v2, password);
if ( !*v2 )
app_fatal("Invalid save file");
return v9;
void pfile_update(BOOL force_save)
BOOL v1; // esi
DWORD v2; // eax
v1 = force_save;
if ( gbMaxPlayers != 1 )
v2 = GetTickCount();
if ( v1 || (signed int)(v2 - save_prev_tc) > 60000 )
save_prev_tc = v2;